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happy new year to everyone who didn't get to 11% pity rate on the legendary banner in heroes, spent 13 dollars, got nothing and now is desperate because they have no more orbs and the banner is gone tomorrow.

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I think I'll try and beat the DLC before Rom

but my skills in Bloodborne are so much worse than Souls.

that, and the chalices which are almost mandatory for arcane are so tedious

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I was replaying Bloodborne about 6 months ago and I completed everythingon the main story (except the final bosses), but ended up rage quitting the DLC because of that one well with the 2 monster sharks hehe

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I've never finished the DLC. I beat Ludwig on my last arcane character but I didn't really know how to arcane. On further inspection, it can be ridiculous.

I think when I played Bloodborne I underestimate how much of a crutch a shield is in Dark Souls and the fact it's more methodical and slower.

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you ever meet someone that's unbearable when talking about nothing important like video games or other hobbies but when talking about actually important things like politics is reasonable?


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that depends on if you look at it as more frustrating about someone getting it wrong about something inconsequential when they don't otherwise

it's just weird, it reminds me of my experiences with user Irysa here, I linked some of his twitter posts for fun a while back disparaging Persona fans, implying they were basically kids (as a joke, of course, but it felt as though there was a genuine grudge there)... or complaining that Persona 5 memes are bad, which lets be real, you aren't the arbiter of memes, all memes are purposely bad. and who basically called false advertisement and acted pissy because SMT x FE leaned more towards the Persona aspect over any SMT factor after the initial teaser, then when I told him he was acting overly negative and kind of like a cunt, proceeded to say that I wanted a safe space where no negative opinions could exist.

but when talking about things that actually matter, he seems reasonable and although I'm pro-independence for Scotland, and he's not, he always seemed that way and brought a number of points that I would just need to concede would be a case of differing perspectives. even when I personally probably acted out of line when that turned out to be a failed referendum, he never attacked me even whilst still disagreeing with me and I appreciated that because perhaps if I had the way I thought would be best, he would be in the same position. every other time he's talked politics he's always seemed to be a mediator when getting his points across, points that are well articulated and thought through, and most of the time I agree with him outside of this.

yet when he talks about games, something far more inconsequential, perhaps it's just the wrong impression I've gotten in these times, but he seems very dismissive of people just for liking something and being very negative when a game does things he doesn't like (the same way I believe he dismisses awakening and fates 'fanpandering', as he puts it, the standard stuff), which is quite different from disliking something or even arguing with a random person about its quality, which we're all prone to do. and we know that should only be reserved for people that like Final Fantasy 8.

i just find it incredibly weird

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reading this thread and legitimately puzzled at the amount of xenoblade 2 answers

honestly right now i'm super disappointed with it while Persona 5 was awesome.

I guess many people expected a lot from Persona and not much from Xenoblade 2, while it was the opposite for me

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29 minutes ago, shezzy said:

It seems that he doesnt really take games all that seriously therefore he doesnt really put too much thought into the things he posts about them. honestly im the same way, I dont really feel bad about shitting on games i havent played because all video games are just a form of entertainment so why get into conversations about them for anything other than the purpose of entertainment.

not to say that I dont enjoy talking in depth about the games I enjoy but if I see some random VN trash im not gonna hesitate all too much to call it shit whereas when it comes to politics it should obviously be treated more seriously.

you didn't exactly appreciate it when I made a joke about SMT the first time - everyone feels that even if it's somewhat ridiculous

I dunno, I can't say I've never done it but I've seen this whole bashing Awankening and Fartes a lot which is why it's tiresome to me even if I don't like them


why are you on NEOgaf


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