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1 hour ago, shezzy said:

Have fun with 3rd. I think it will be your favorite. Much more gameplay focused, no sidequests, leads into the other arcs well. 

Cool. I'll miss having Estelle as protagonost tho

1 hour ago, ChefGuevara said:

Now make sure to quit it for good

no more relapses, nobody

there are people who need you 

Yeah, i don't think it will be happening any time soon. Lately the game was just feeling boring and like a chore. In truth, i'd probably have quit it earlier had they not released Lewyn.

38 minutes ago, Яei Яei said:

yooooooooooooooooooooo bolsonaro wants to have alberto fraga as one of his ministers this is so funny

i hope them minions enjoy golden showers because i am pissing all over them


open wide

say ahh

Yeah, Fraga and Bolsonaro are very close. Fraga's campaign for governor here in Brasilia was just him sucking bolsonaro's dick.

Everyone here knows he's a dirty, corrupt piece of shit.

and his backyard facing lago paranoa was on public space (tbf, as were all of them). When Rollemberg reclaimed those areas he went berserk, claiming his dogs had no where else to stay now. A lot of his campaign was on allowing invasions (and here in Brasilia all social classes invade public areas, from the poorest, to the middle class to the richest) and ending the agency responsible for stoping public invasions.

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Just now, Nobody said:

Yeah, Fraga and Bolsonaro are very close. Fraga's campaign for governor here in Brasilia was just him sucking bolsonaro's dick.

Everyone here knows he's a dirty, corrupt piece of shit.

and his backyard facing lago paranoa was on public space (tbf, as were all of them). When Rollemberg reclaimed those areas he went berserk, claiming his dogs had no where else to stay now. A lot of his campaign was on allowing invasions (and here in Brasilia all social classes invade public areas, from the poorest, to the middle class to the richest) and ending the agency responsible for stoping public invasions.

Damn that's some rowdy shit. So it's not only the corruption scandal, but him being a major piece of shit. Isn't he in a semi-open regime anyway what the fuck


Just now, Nobody said:

But really, i don't think even the most brainwashed minions think Bolsonaro is not corrupt/allied with corrupts. They just pretend they do.

you'd be surprised (although many really don't give a fuck)

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4 minutes ago, Яei Яei said:

Isn't he in a semi-open regime anyway what the fuck


I think he was only convicted on first instance, but yeah, he was convicted of corruption.

in his words, he was only convicted because the judge who convicted him was "a crazy gay activist" who had "something against him.

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fuuuck i remember that, i forgot that it was him

damn it only gets better



vou ser debochada pra caralho nas stories do instagram quero esfregar na cara dos otários kkkkkk mas os arrependidos a gente acolhe

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I had someone point to the following artickets as evidence Bolsonaro wouldn'the do any of the authoritarian things he said


I wonder how naive it is only believe someone that lies when it's convenient. unlike trump, bolsonaro is actually intelligent 

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Just now, Edgelord said:

I had someone point to the following artickets as evidence Bolsomaroon wouldn'the do any of the authoriparian things he said


I wonder how naive it is only believe someone that lies when it's convenient. unlike trump, bolsonaro is actually intelligent 

i ain't sure about that, chief. 

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17 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

unlike trump, bolsonaro is actually intelligent 

I wouldn't call him intelligent, really. He just knows how to appeal to his base, like Trump, and probably truly believes what he says (unlike, often, trump).

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He couldn't get ANYTHING approved on congress on his 27 years in it, Tryhard, absolutely nothing.

and if you see his bills, it's all useless/dumb shit

But I do believe he will be able to cause a lot of harm for the country, destroy he amazon rainforest even more, really make like worse for minorities and make gun laws laxer, among other shit. I don't believe he will end democracy, though. I think we will have free elections in 2022.

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2 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

maybe intelligent isn' the right word: shrewd, calculated or cunning

I wouldn't say he's either of those things either. It's hard for someone who doesn't speak portuguese to understand it, but his style really is a more violent, more bigoted Trump.

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I mean, if he were any of those things, you'd think he'd have been able to pass a single bill in his 27 years in congress. Let that sink in, a congressman who stayed in congress for 27 years and couldn't get a single of his bills approved. He didn't know how to dialogue, he didn't know how to get support, he's a complete ignorant.

what he says is what you'd expect a uneducated, middle aged man to say at a crappy barbecue fueled by cheap beer. He speaks like that.

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Hm... I can't do this now, since I'm a dependent teenager (as in, I can't move out yet), and we have five cats already, but what if I named a kitten "Ryoma"? Ryoma was always meant to be a cat, he's so fluffy...! And he probably behaves like one too, when you least expect it. Eh, just a stupid little fantasy of mine. Because I always thought Ryoma was a lion, especially when I see him head-on because he looks like one of the Lions from LEGO Legends of Chima.

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6 hours ago, Nobody said:

I mean, if he were any of those things, you'd think he'd have been able to pass a single bill in his 27 years in congress. Let that sink in, a congressman who stayed in congress for 27 years and couldn't get a single of his bills approved. He didn't know how to dialogue, he didn't know how to get support, he's a complete ignorant.

what he says is what you'd expect a uneducated, middle aged man to say at a crappy barbecue fueled by cheap beer. He speaks like that.

sanders spent most of his time thus far as senator not passing bills as well, so I don't think you could necessarily say that's because of a lack of trying of a senate that really isn't on his side. bolsonaro is an extremist so he's even more out there. i don't think it's that indicative of anything.

but yeah, I was mostly referring to his rhetoric for his campaign rather than his political career. I mean, Trump is meme orange man but Bolsonaro is an actual extremist that is able to cloak himself enough in order to get 55% of voters despite supporting horrible things while trump couldn't even win the popular vote. you can't be both ineffective and dangerous at the same time - but bolsonaro seems to have at least more knowledge on how to manipulate voters than trump ever could. he may not be saying anything profound but he can exploit those to his ways to support more extreme positions - kind of like how alt-right groups will lead people in with talks of being staunchly for free speech.

every dictator has some charisma based through cunning. (as much as I do agree that democracy will probably remain intact, though the fact that it's a question tells you how much you need to know. I would keep a close eye on who the military is supporting.)

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Bolsonaro himself doesn't have the absurdly good rethoric Lula has, nor the technical knowledge Dilma had, even though she wasn't really able to improvise that well. Still, while being an IMMENSE dumbass, he amassed enough followers through sheer tosquice.

If anything, the ones that are cunning, and actually intelligent, are the ones behind him. Actually I'd say only Mourão, as much of a psycho he is, can be called intelligent. He can formulate cohesive and coherent sentences, and his speech is usually much calmer and collected.

Guedes is a timebomb and Onyx Lorenzoni is a pokemon. Our Minister of Technology is an astronaut lol

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they weren't right in that Lula is innocent or was convicted wrongly (Moro wasn't the only one to convict him, his conviction was confirmed by another, unrelated, court), but damn Moro was an idiot, and yeah is definitely biased.

STF minister I could understand, but Ministro da Justiça is being a massive moron. An idiot that deserves every sort of criticism.

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he did everything he could to make lula go to jail and dilma get impeached

2 years later he's a minister


hell yeah lula is going to be called a political prisoner and the impeachment will be called a coup.

thanks moro(n)

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TRF-4, which has nothing to do with Moro and is composed of many judges, not only confirmed but increased his sentence.
Not only that, but most of TRF-4 was nominated by Lula or Dilma.

Dilma was the one who did everything that she could to be impeached, by commiting not one but two impeachable acts, which were expressely forbit on the constitution and the "lei de responsabilidade fiscal". TCU recommended her impeachment.

I don't think Moro even had anything to do with Dilma's impeachment, did he?

But yeah, now PT has the narrative they wanted. But the population won't buy those things, just like they haven't bought them the past two years.

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leaking audios (which isn't legal) or basing his judgment upon "convictions" shouldn't be considered? he was partial from day 1 - i won't get into the merits if the decisions made there were right (although PT can call it BS even more now) or wrong (although they surely helped us to get to where we are now)

not sure if people wouldn't buy those things. even some supporters are like "wait that's fishy what the fuck", and if magno malta, who just lost his foro privilegiado, gets a ministry of his own instead of being jailed asap, then things will look even worse


besides, Moro based himself on Operação Mãos Limpas. Let's just watch him trying to be a presidential candidate and fuck our country even more.

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I completely agree that Moro's indication was 100% completely fishy, a stupid move and that makes him a complete biased hypocrite, but two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, I don't think the audio was used on the conviction, and the "convictions" comment was made by Deltan Dellagnol, not Moro.

I don't think most people who, like me, think what Moro is doing is very morally wrong will turn automatically to PT's narrative. Specially when you consider they lost the election by a big margin even though there are plenty of people who voted for them that just did it because the other option was Bolsonaro and very much disagree with their narrative (again, such as me and legitimately most people I know).

Moro's credibility being destroyed won't necessarily mean anything other than his credibility being destroyed.

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On the other hand, I think it's fairly possible that people might think that PT suffered some unfair judgements while at the same time being anti-PT (read: Reinaldo Azevedo - low bar, but considering how critic he was of PT, it's telling). It may not necessarily strenghten the party, but it might give a new light upon what transpired.

Like, I don't believe people will want them back like saviors, but it can kill this "PT is the root of all evil" narrative that many have, and this anti-PT stance in part is what got us to where we are today.

It might (although unlikely) give a more clear political perspective to people - it is possible to support PT while being critical of it, you can be very critical of PT without supporting a fascist, you don't need to be a left-winger to say that abortion and same-sex marriage are OK, etc.


But I digress; I've already seen more people praise Bolsonaro for having Moro as his Minister of Justice, saying that "now those corruPTs will be shaking in fear", than actually say "wow what the fuck"

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