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Yes it is, it's portraying God as being an "asshole", that's offensive!

Well, some people actually do believe he is one, your opinion isn't the only one, nor is it the "right" one. There is no such thing as a correct opinion.

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And that opinion is offensive to followers of any religion, more or less. Some might not be bothered but the majority would at the very least not like it very much. It isn't just about me so stop trying to say that it is.

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Actually, it IS offensive, because they're portraying God as an "asshole" and letting him get killed. I'll give you three guesses to why that would offend a religious person, and the first two don't count.

god is an asshole though. Atleast the one from Judaism/Islam/Christianity is. "Lol im going to make these fuckers,i know they will disobey me if given the chance so i'm going to add this tree and they'll eat it, then i can damn them. Also, i'll make a bunch of ridiculous rules and make them go to church. AND THEY MUST ONLY WORSHIP ME AND SLAUGHTER THINGS IN MY NAME. ALSO I'LL KILL THE BABIES OF NON BELIEVERS (For christianity) Then i'll send my son and kill him trolololol". The gods from greece, were jerks but atleast they knew they were.

I'm sorry you might think its wrong to say your god is an asshole but i don't fucking care. Stop being such a kissass just so you don't go to hell. Disclaimer: This sentence isn't necessarily directed at crash.

Edited by SlayerX
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Ehh idk. Idk too much about all the other religions, but I do know the way Islam portrays God isn't asshole-like at all. We have many terrible representations of Islam in the form of terrorists and all that, but extremists are just people who twist religion to fit their own views. Idk much about Christianity, but from what I do know there are some strange stories about the Prophets in the Bible.

Nonetheless, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it's fine by me if someone feels like God is an asshole or not. I think it would be best if we all educated ourselves in religion to truly understand it. I know I for one still have much to learn.

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Tyrannical god or not-so-tyrannical god. Either way I'm cool with either. :awesome:

Although that's just the way the Shin Megami Tensei series portrays the Judeo-Christian god which kind spot on considering all of the deities and mythological creatures and such featured in the series are represented quite well. :3

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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I might get around to making a Laura badge.

There already is a Florina badge.

Fuck Amelia.

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Ehh idk. Idk too much about all the other religions, but I do know the way Islam portrays God isn't asshole-like at all. We have many terrible representations of Islam in the form of terrorists and all that, but extremists are just people who twist religion to fit their own views. Idk much about Christianity, but from what I do know there are some strange stories about the Prophets in the Bible.

Nonetheless, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it's fine by me if someone feels like God is an asshole or not. I think it would be best if we all educated ourselves in religion to truly understand it. I know I for one still have much to learn.

IDK, I'd still argue that a god that forces people to do such ridiculous things (like pray 5 times a day no matter what you are doing, and he even wanted them do even more according to their story... 500 times iirc. but moses kept saying to lower it, and then it was just 5) is still very asshole like. Don't get me wrong, I don't care if people believe in a god, i just don't want them forcing salvation down my throat, nor do i care to learn more about it. I also wish they stopped trying to force their way of life into governments. Honestly though, the only religion i respect at this point is buddhism (out of the ones i know a fair amount of).

I'm so going to be reported by crash lololol

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