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Text Problems


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The game glitches every time I change texts. For instance, the game crashes whenever I change chapter titles. I don't make them too long.

It happens for character names and dialogue as well. I load FEditor ADV, find the hex value with the text I want to change, and edit them there. I don't see what's going wrong.

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Well, which game are you hacking?

Which conditions are you in? Clean rom, hacked rom?

Could you attempt to explain with the most detail as possible which situation you are facing? Maybe creating a guide for us to recreate the issue you're facing step-by-step?

I am sorry if I have to ask more, but the more data we have the better we can offer assistance; As it is now, unfortunately we wouldn't be able to provide you much of it. :(

Edited by Ryrumeli
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Well, it was mostly a clean ROM (the one I use to sharpen my Hacking abilities), minus the minor edits I made. I did not forget to add "[X]" at the end. All I am doing is replacing the default text without changing any setups, like [ToggleSmile], etc. with other words, like "A Girl from the Plains" to "Setting Sail". When I made that minor edit, the game would crash when I started a new game.

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I am having the exact same problem. I wanted to change the titles of the chapters for a hack I'm working on, so I decided to test it. I changed to Prologue to something silly (Herp a derp derp) and it worked just fine. So I got to work and changed the first 5 chapters. When I opened the game and I pressed start at the title screen, the screen itself turned black. I have no idea what I did wrong. If someone could please help, that would be very appreciative.

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The problem is in the text itself. One of the texts you tried is likely too long or uses an unsupported character or something. Try changing the one you know doesn't work--if the first 2 work but you change the 3rd and that doesn't work then you know it's the 3rd one causing the problem, so you change it to something else, make sure it works, then change it back, see if it glitches (confirming that its the text causing the problem), then decide on some alternate text to use to fix the problem.

Basic logic/trial and error skills will take you far ^_^

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