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FE6 Draft # tres


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Ferrying utility anndd.

Whatever an earlypromoted healers good for.

I guess Garret is going next.

60 crit and high base str isn't something to be fooled around with.........

And braves/speedwings helps a bit

Either that, or Karel/Yodel for endgame healers/wyrmslayer user.

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I wonder why Barte is underrated in fe6 drafts

I mean, Echidnas only 1 unit.

And Barte supports Lot,Gonzo,Ward,Fir,Geese, and such.

And Thunder>Ice for supports.

Bartre can't double. He uses axes which are inaccurate in this game. Even thought he and Echinda have similar growths, Echinda has superior bases. Last of all, If you want an axe user you've got many options in the promoted cavaliers and Gonzales/Geese. Not to forget even generals can use axes.

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Ah, I started my playthrough.

Chapter 1: 5/5 turns

Marcus-Roy Rush. Well, Bors did get a level up here...

Chaper 2: 9/14 turns

Uh, nothing much to say, but Marcus got caught by the swarm of enemies. Had to restart since Roy died in the middle, eh.

Chapter 3: 9/23 turns

Chad andBors stay back to deal with all the soldiers while Marcus Javelins his way to the boss. Roy kills the fighter and the boss with crits and seizes/

Chapter 4: 10/33 turns

I wouldve taken less turns, but I need to wait for Rutger and Clarine. >.<

Chapter 5: 6/39 turns

Rutger kicks ass with Killing edge. Marcus takes out a lot of enemies, Bors chips in, Clarine keeps healing, Roy gets a few kills, and Chad easily takes out 3/4 of the enemies near the two forts in the north.

Chapter 6: 9/48 turns

Roy follows Rutger and Clarine along with Chad as he goes to talk to Sue. Marcus takes on the hordes of enemis in the front with an iron axe, improving his weapon rank. Bors realy just gets to kills the mercenary at the starting point. Rutger, as usual, gets to take out Wagner, and pretty easily. Got all the gold too.

Edited by Marth
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You wanna know what sucks my computer has gotten a fuckin' virus and for some reason I can't access any of my applications (like Google Chrome and such) which also means i can't use my vba until it gets fixed.

Oh well, back on topic: I pick Karel 'cause I can't have another General and I need to field Lilina to get Garret, also Durandal is always good.

@everyone: Lets all try to finish k?

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Chapter 1: 4/4 turns

Borrowed my TAS strategy, and adapted it so I could feed some exp to Alan and Roy. Didn't get the village.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        1.50  18   5   5   7   7   5   0  D Sword
Marcus     1.38  32   9  14  11  10   9   8  A Lance D Sword E Axe 
Alan       2.86  22   8   5   6   3   6   0  D Lance E Sword

Chapter 2: 7/11 turns

Marcus got clogged up around the forts, as per usual. Nevertheless, Lot gave him some axes, Alan and Ellen hung back to clear the start area then caught up to pick up the enemies that Marcus abandoned on the way to the throne. Gave the Armorslayer to Marcus on turn 6, while he parks himself in front of Rude and finishes him off on turn 7. Almost forgot to send Merlinus to the shop, but I got some more weaponry in time.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        2.46  19   5   6   8   8   6   0  D Sword
Marcus     2.16  32  10  14  12  11   9   8  A Lance D Sword E Axe
Alan       4.48  24   9   6   8   3   6   0  D Lance E Sword
Ellen      2.36  16   1   6   8   8   0   6  D Staff                       

Edited by Toothache
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Bartre can't double. He uses axes which are inaccurate in this game. Even thought he and Echinda have similar growths, Echinda has superior bases. Last of all, If you want an axe user you've got many options in the promoted cavaliers and Gonzales/Geese. Not to forget even generals can use axes.

Anouleth 06 November 2011 - 09:49 AM zahlman, on 31 October 2011 - 07:24 PM, said: My guess is that they'd rather have the high-skill Echidna in a game where hitrates are just so plain suck-tastic all around,But only one player has Echidna. The other players have no reason not to pick Bartre before Klein, yet they didn't.Quote or maybe it has something to do with how he compares to Gonzo if you can actually tolerate getting him to 20/1 with those suck-tastic hitrates (I never tried using him but damn that's a nice promotion he gets).In the short term, Bartre is better than Gonzales, in the medium term, Bartre is better than Gonzales (Bows in Ilia and Sacae), in the long term, Gonzales might be better but against weak-as-shit lategame enemies who cares?

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Chapter 3: 8/19 turns

Not a huge amount to say still here. Marcus heads thronewards, while Alan hangs back again to deal with the enemies near the start. Ended up using Chad and Ellen as a lure for the two that started near Lugh though. Too much faffing about to get Chad anywhere near the chests, so I left it. Merlinus picked up the Mend staff.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        2.92  19   5   6   8   8   6   0  D Sword
Marcus     2.89  32  10  14  12  11   9   8  A Lance D Sword E Axe 
Alan       5.88  25  10   7   9   3   6   0  D Lance E Sword
Ellen      2.70  16   1   6   8   8   0   6  D Staff

Chapter 4: 4/23 turns

Crazy drop with Roy, again borrowed from the TAS. Kept Ellen out of the way of anything on four legs, so no healing for her. Didn't think to go shopping here, guess I could have had Thany make a safe dash, but I'm sure I can manage for now.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        3.46  20   5   7   9   8   6   0  D Sword
Marcus     3.41  33  10  14  12  11   9   8  A Lance D Sword D Axe 
Alan       6.48  26  10   7   9   3   6   0  D Lance E Sword
Ellen      2.70  16   1   6   8   8   0   6  D Staff

Edited by Toothache
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And now to start.

Chapter 1 - 4 turns

Marcus rescued Roy and charged Damas, while Lance fought for exp and Wolt tried not to die from every random enemy, so eventually Lance had to protect him. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif I cidn't get the village.

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	Lord	1.30	18	5	5	7	7	5	0	D - Sword
Marcus	Paladin	1.32	32	9	14	11	10	9	8	Sword - D, Axe - E, Lance - A
Lance	Cav.	2.47	20	6	6	9	2	7	0	Sword - E, Lance - D
Wolt	Archer	1.74	18	4	4	5	2	4	0	Bow - D

Chapter 2 - 7 turns

Everyone charged towards the forts, and managed to break through by the time Ward showed up. Ward used the Hand Axe to kill most the enemies at the second chokepoint, and while Marcus carried Roy towards the boss.

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	Lord	1.74    18	5	5	7	7	5	0	D - Sword
Marcus	Paladin	1.63    32	9	14	11	10	9	8   	Sword - D, Axe - E, Lance - A
Lance	Cav.    4.04    22	8	8   	11      2   	7   	2   	Sword - E, Lance - D
Wolt	Archer	2.08    19	5	5	6	3	4	0	Bow - D
Ward	Fighter	4.61	30	9	5	5	6	3	0	Axe - D

Edited by Bolting
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1- 9 turns









Summary of army.

Ch 1


I'm average, and am slightly useful once speed procs.


After 30 years, I'm still fairly good.

With my 8 move and decent weapon ranks+silver lance.

Too bad my growths suck.

Ch 2 turn 2


I have an Iron Blade, and get 4-53RKOed by everything

(Trades vulns to him)

Ok, now ferry that Armourslayer.

Dieck then proceeds to rapeface everything.


Only hindered by the ferrying of the ASlayer.

Ch 3

Skipped Lugh, and then realized that I forgot to give dieck a Vuln.

Soo, after killing everything, the reinforcements pop up, and head for him.

He dodge, and then proceeds to blade 'em.

Roy chips a cav with rapier.

The rest are kinda easy.

And then



8 Move plus 2 silvers is good here, I can do quite a bit.

Roy-ahh fuck, how do I get to zealot to get Treck, and Noah.


Dieck-i exist.

And I can take this with my blades+Killing edge.

Treck- I ferried Roy after almost dying to everything.

Ch 8


I'm made of wet toilet paper.

And I have a 75% magic growth.

Cath- one more conv. Sucker.

Roy, ohhh fuck, I have to be ferried?


8 move- silver lance kids, do the math.


I procced Speed, and now have enough to double everything on the isles, with my good def, and average str.


**is busy terminating Knights, and Leygance**


"Fuck, they have Dieck"

Ch 8 ended with Dieck leaving the boss at 2 hp, allowing for Lillina to kill him.


Treck takes southwest.

And then almost dies to mage.

Then proceeds to heal and then rapes.

Promotes Dieck at 18, there fore getting an Assraper, that looks BA, is BA, and can use steel axes for 26 att.


I'm almost fast enough to double the axemen.


I'm just leading the young-'uns to get exp.


I has massive chip and no speed.

So, Henning was Gay, the Dieck double crit him with a ke.


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1- 9 turns









Summary of army.

Ch 1


I'm average, and am slightly useful once speed procs.


After 30 years, I'm still fairly good.

With my 8 move and decent weapon ranks+silver lance.

Too bad my growths suck.

Ch 2 turn 2


I have an Iron Blade, and get 4-53RKOed by everything

(Trades vulns to him)

Ok, now ferry that Armourslayer.

Dieck then proceeds to rapeface everything.


Only hindered by the ferrying of the ASlayer.

Ch 3

Skipped Lugh, and then realized that I forgot to give dieck a Vuln.

Soo, after killing everything, the reinforcements pop up, and head for him.

He dodge, and then proceeds to blade 'em.

Roy chips a cav with rapier.

The rest are kinda easy.

And then



8 Move plus 2 silvers is good here, I can do quite a bit.

Roy-ahh fuck, how do I get to zealot to get Treck, and Noah.


Dieck-i exist.

And I can take this with my blades+Killing edge.

Treck- I ferried Roy after almost dying to everything.

Ch 8


I'm made of wet toilet paper.

And I have a 75% magic growth.

Cath- one more conv. Sucker.

Roy, ohhh fuck, I have to be ferried?


8 move- silver lance kids, do the math.


I procced Speed, and now have enough to double everything on the isles, with my good def, and average str.


**is busy terminating Knights, and Leygance**


"Fuck, they have Dieck"

Ch 8 ended with Dieck leaving the boss at 2 hp, allowing for Lillina to kill him.


Treck takes southwest.

And then almost dies to mage.

Then proceeds to heal and then rapes.

Promotes Dieck at 18, there fore getting an Assraper, that looks BA, is BA, and can use steel axes for 26 att.


I'm almost fast enough to double the axemen.


I'm just leading the young-'uns to get exp.


I has massive chip and no speed.

So, Henning was Gay, the Dieck double crit him with a ke.




Do you really wish to fight us with that sad little group of yours?


We have Dieck, with axes and a KE.



(Percival appears)


Oh SH-

(Flies away).

Currently at CH 11.

Lillina sucks, hard.

I don't care about what the fanboys say.

She sucks, really-i mean

9 speed at level 17??

I couldve given that babying to Fir.


At ch 11

Edited by The Creeper
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Progress is slow, due to exams coming up.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns

I had a lot of failed attempts at this for 8 turns, but then I managed to get 7.

Ward, Wolt and Lance killed the Soldiers in the starting area while Marcus grabbed Roy and headed straight to the throne. Ward went to meet the Soldiers heading down north towards the non drafted units and Merlinus grabbed the Mend Staff. Marcus attacked the boss on turn 6, and killed him on enemy phase. Ward grabbed Lugh and Roy seized on turn 7.

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