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Abysmal Souls Chapter 6


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He climbed back onto the wagon, Obelia could sense that he was off, he was sure of it. Not wanting to distress Sophia and Alyssa, he regained his composure and kept his voice quiet.

"Well, I met someone I never thought I would."

There was a short period of time where words eluded him. However, now was not the time to crumble, he needed to say something now he'd started.

"The woman that fell from her horse... claimed to be Rafael's murderer. It seemed that I surprised her, initially, since we look very much alike. She was cruel, she showed no remorse, and even laughed at my brother's death... I didn't know what to do..."

He considered himself very fortunate to have a friend such as Obelia. Throughout the time they waited on Lady Lucinda, she was always supportive, despite having her own things to deal with. He truly wished she would one day find true happiness. He could get through this, for himself, his family and Obelia. Wiping his eyes, he continued.

"But now, I understand. I cannot undo the past, nor could I give chase to her. I have a task ahead of me, which is my main priority. Once it is done, with aid from father, she can be brought to justice."

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The guy had a point. It was stupid to try and go too far, they'd be perfect bandit-fodder. Therese was sure that she didn't make for a very intimidating "do not mess with me" traveller, and Danyon's arm would definitely invite attacks. But Devon... Devon was almost too close. It was too obvious. The man who had attacked them earlier... he couldn't have gone far. He wouldn't have, not if his employers were who she thought they were.

Then again... in Devon, there were guards. No sane man would attack them within the city walls. They just had to get there.

"Come on, then. Let's go. If we hurry, we'll make it before they do."


((I am going to bullshit my way through the way the city is designed, so just tell me if I'm doing something wrong))

Tiran leaned back, bored. Word of his deeds, combined with his personality, had allowed him to easily befriend with the city guards, who had let him into the barracks for a drink. It was obvious that this little side venture was just that - insignificant. The guards weren't that lax as to allow a mercenary with a reputation for turning on employers for no immediately obvious reason into the city unless they were sure that they could take him should he decide to cause trouble. And, judging from the look of the city, they could. The city was fortified for an invasion by sea, the place took its security seriously. There were several perfect slots for archers, and the guards themselves were rather numerous and strong. Tiran was sure that he could've taken the city by storm given some men and a month to stake out the city, but at the moment he had neither.

The only interesting thing he'd heard was that another Crimson Witch was coming to town to deal with the other one on the island. Could be interesting. The last interesting thing he'd had was that time when the same girl attacked his Stand group, and that was only because that kid was there. Being honest, the boy bored him. What he really wanted was a match with that knight, or a duel against the other brute in their group.

Ah, what the hell. A few more jobs, and I can leave this shithole cult-gang and go kill the so-called greatest Miyako swordfighter or something.

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Robes rustled quietly as the man that smelled of death and dust walked out of treeline, his red eyes watching the men fighting, the cry of "I said do it AGAIN. DAMMIT AGAIN!" and then flicking over the rest of the group. He watched a bit longer, his smile growing wider. After listening to the thunder grumble some more, he moved closer, a friendly smile on his face. He called out to the group as he came within range for several of his mid-ranged spells. "Hello there! Are you people perhaps going to Prvana!?" Kore's conflicting smells of decay and dust almost canceled out at this distance, the smell of blood the only distinct one.

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"Come on, then. Let's go. If we hurry, we'll make it before they do."

"Well, first of all, you kind of need to help me onto the horse," motioning his arm towards the animal. "And, secondly, you're going to need to steer this thing, unless you want my bones sticking out of my skin." He chuckled as he slowly walked towards the horse; this was going to be fun.


The younger mage scrambled to his feet, blindly running away from his father. The father cackled as he watched his son flee. Two or three people had seen the fight, and one of them was leaving the scene; It was too easy. Three spears forged of ice, three people with massive holes in their heads.


She was in her own world as Ken talked; it was only when she heard the word "killer" that she snapped back into reality.

She didn't even know how to react, stuttering, "Oh... I-I'm so sorry..." She didn't know if it was lucky or not, but Alyssa began to cry softly, tugging on Sophia's skirt. Sophia moved away into a corner, back facing Ken and Obelia.

"Yeah, she's hungry... Sorry, guys."

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The Psycho Sword Lady's Daughter and Baby Daddy

With their debts squared away, the rest of the night was free for the group to do whatever they wanted, really. It was too early to go to bed for the night, although they were leaving early. At the least, a few drinks wouldn't hurt. Lucretia and Adano sat down at one of the tables and waved the rest of the group over.

"What'll it be?" The server asked.

"I'll just have some ale," Adano replied, "the darkest one you've got."

"Absinthe for me," Lucretia added, "with a mint leaf would be nice." She smiled as the server gave her an odd look and then proceeded to get their drinks. "It's been a while since I've had some good absinthe." She and Adano chuckled, enjoying each other's company.

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It looked like they were all set. The bar was starting to get busy, the evening was beginning. Lucretia and Adano disappeared into the crowd, only to at a table. Whilst he hadn't enough money to buy his horse earlier in their quest, he had enough to spare for a few drinks. He'd have to keep an eye on Ormis and Rina, they were still pretty young. He made his way over.

"Absinthe for me... with a mint leaf would be nice... It's been a while since I've had some good absinthe."

Absinthe? Aurelio froze for a second. He remembered trying it when he was 20 or so, it hadn't been pretty. From the sounds of it, she was no stranger to it.

"Whoah, how does she handle that stuff? I'm sure she'll be fine, she's survived worse."

"Yo, barkeep. Add a gin to that list. Could'ya bring something friendly out for the kids, my treat. If they don't like'em, I'll finish them off."

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Team Axe Knight (and kiddies)

"Could'ya bring something friendly out for the kids, my treat?"

Ormis was indignant. "Yo, barkeep, get me a gin! Ignore him, I'll pay!" He was confident he could hold his own with Aurelio, at least; the kid had spent enough time playing cards in the old bar that he was reasonably certain that it'd be fine. "Of course I'm eighteen, whaddaya think?"

Teis, on the other hand, refused the alcohol, instead getting some water. A bit of a party pooper, maybe, but it always paid to play safe. Especially in a bar, when a fight could break out.


"Let's go, then."

Therese helped the man onto his horse, then took the seat in front of him. "Ready?" A pause. "Well, even if you're not, here we go~!" She kicked the spurs and took off; there wouldn't be too many open inn rooms if they dawdled.

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A new challenger approaches

An odd looking fellow came into view for Arcen, but the thing that got him first was the smell... Iron? That's just weird... Of course he was surprised that the smell was so strong from such a distance, but he didn't ponder it further when the figure asked a simple question. Rage still boiling over, he turned a rather mean glare to the man and answered, "No we just came from Pravna. And as you can see we're a little busy here."

Carrion was still out cold, her breathing faint but steady. Aiduen, on the other hand, was getting treated by Ellandra, who appeared to be a much more proficient medic than Aiduen would ever be. "Thanks..." was all she could mutter.

Grant viewed the newcomer with a healthy amount of skepticism. "Good god, what is it, interruption central? Hey kid, he with you?"

Clyde shook his head, just as confused as the knight was.


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Team Family of Swordsmen and the People They Travel With

The barkeep brought over the drinks, and Lucretia and Adano respectively paid for theirs. He also gave Lucretia a small glass of water and a nervous look.

"Not like I need it," she chuckled as she began to sip on the absinthe, reveling in its strong taste. "Wow, Pravna's got it down. Haven't had absinthe with wormwood in a long time." She smiled, giving Aurelio a somewhat seductive look.

Adano caught the look and merely shifted his eyes, in the hopes of learning more about his new companions.

"So, Teis, I've noticed the large axe you carry sometimes; what is it? I've never seen a weapon that large before."

The Star-Crossed Lovers

The wagon dropped them off in Pravna; the horses were fast and efficient. Julius and Gabriel decided to stop at the inn before heading to Gabriel's brother the next day. As they entered the inn, Julius noticed some of the people he'd remembered from the guild fight... including the boy he'd tried to hit on.

"Damn," Julius said as he and Gabriel took a table in the corner, "I didn't realize they came here."

"Who?" Gabriel asked.

"Ah, those people over there. Some of them were in a fight I was involved in, back in Lazarynth." He replied. "Good fighters... the knight was in the final round, and the kid and the woman were both in the semifinal."

"Impressive," Gabriel said, "are they friends?"

"Not really. In fact, I don't even remember their names. I think the woman's name begins with 'L'. She was expected to win--she's supposedly the best in Miyako." Julius tried to keep his tone down, in the hopes that the boy wouldn't hear him.


He nearly collapsed at the gate, but he was satisfied when he saw where he was. Pravna. He smiled as he made his way to the fairly large and opulent manor near the edge of town. He knocked on the large front door, and was greeted by a man in his early thirties.

"Ah, you're Lord Sarson's oldest son, right?" Cameron asked.

"Yes--my name is Fiere. Who are you?" He replied somewhat coldly.

"My name is Cameron; I was a servant in your father's home. I am saddened to report news of his passing." Cameron explained further. "I was told by his son Gabriel to come and serve you now."

"What about my father's fortune?" Fiere asked.

"I know nothing of his plan," Cameron lied, "I'm sure you will know shortly."

"Yes, well, come in, Cameron. I will show you to your quarters." Fiere led Cameron inside the opulent house, Cameron smirking all the way inside.

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The barkeep had brought their drinks over, he paid for his own, as well for Ormis and Rina. He hoped Ormis knew what he was in for, gin was pretty potent for a guy his age. If he didn't, at least it would be amusing. Ormis was an idiot, there was no denying it. However, his determination and relentless energy seemed to pull him through. If he could fight like that at his age, who knew what he'd be like in his prime.

Lucretia's gaze caught his attention. He'd known her for a little while now, she had opened up a great deal. It had only been a month or so ago where she had been living in terror of her mother, and had shut herself from the world. But now, she was laughing with her father. Still, even then, something seemed different about her now. He liked her, he knew that for sure, but...

"So, Teis, I've noticed the large axe you carry sometimes; what is it? I've never seen a weapon that large before."

Snapping back to the real world, Teis' axe had always puzzled him. He sipped from his drink, only partly noticing the two men in the background.

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"So, Teis, I've noticed the large axe you carry sometimes; what is it? I've never seen a weapon that large before."


Teis was only partially paying attention. The two new men concerned him slightly; Teis could have sworn that he'd seen one of them before. The knight scrutinized them for a moment more, then brought himself back to the conversation at hand.

"I apologize, I was, ah, distracted." Teis thought back. Now that he tried, he couldn't remember the name of his axe offhand. He knew it had one, his father had said so several times. And yet... for all the time that he'd used it, he'd never called it by its proper name. "This was my father's gift to me for my eighteenth year; I made the same observation as you. When he was... when he passed away, I took it up in his honor."

Other People

It rankled Ormis to see Aurelio paying for his drink. There wasn't much he could do about it, though, except fume. The kid downed the glass in a few quick gulps, then asked for another (paying the waiter before Aurelio could intervene). Once he'd finished that, it was time for a demonstration.

Or not.

"Ungh... I don't... doesn't... don't... don't feel so good..." Ormis collapsed, drawing a round of laughter from the general area. Rina just slumped down in her seat, embarrassed.

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Ormis had finished his drink pretty quickly... too quickly in fact. He had ordered another, but never got a chance to drink it. His expression weakened, and his voice became far more feeble.

"Ungh... I don't... doesn't... don't... don't feel so good..."

The boy proceeded to collapse, much to the amusement of the bar. That had probably cut his time in the bar short. He would have probably ignored something like this in his youth, but he felt at least somewhat responsible. The laughter had died down, leaving Ormis in this state was probably a bad idea.

"Bah, I hate to leave so early, but I ain't leaving Ormis in a mess like this. How much've we got? If we can find an inn near by with some space, I'll drop him off, reserve a few rooms and then we can head on over when we're finished."

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  • 1 month later...

Gideon, Melanie

Within minutes of his interesting conversation with Mel, Gideon was pulled from sleep yet again, this time by a shouting match outside. The voices appeared to belong to Adrian, Carrion, and a few others - he didn't really care who it was. What he cared about was that they shut up eventually. Groaning, he looked at Amera, his discontent written all over his face. "How long do you think they'll take to paint their toenails?" he quipped sullenly. He wasn't even sure if she was listening. As long as I don't have to go out there to shut them up...

Mel would have laughed at Gideon's stab at them if she wasn't so engrossed in the brewing storm on the ground. She definitely recognized Grant and Carrion. And her boy toy. Look at him trying to act manly. It's adorable! But she wasn't quite sure who the other two were. Either way, all of them sounded mad. Really mad. She kept silent and did her best to be subtle about her observation. Don't want to interrupt them. Not while it's getting this good. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the monkey looking very uncomfortable. Maybe if he wasn't sleeping all the time, he could appreciate this.

It never occurred to Mel that she may have simply had a disturbing enjoyment of this sort of thing.

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Of course...

Teis couldn't help but shake his head at Ormis's antics. Yet again, the boy had overdone it and ended up far worse off. It seemed that, if there was any kind of intoxicating drink at all in the vicinity, Ormis would find a way to drink himself drunk in it.

You'd think someone of his boasting could hold his liquor better...

Teis made his way over to Ormis in a few quick steps, hoisting the kid over his shoulder.

"There's nothing to see here. Please step back, I must apologize for my companion's antics. I will cover his ta-"

He never finished. One man, clearly not sober in the slightest, shoved his way over shouting profanities and other incomprehensible words. Teis was about to ignore him and walk away when more laughter broke out. The drunk, bolstered by the rest of the crowd, took a few steps forward and swung at the back of Teis's head.

It hurt. The knight spun on one heel, seething. "By the gods, back! I have done nothing to warrant-"

The man interrupted.

"I thinketh I am in need of a non-alcoholic beverage! Lest I not get drunketh out of mine skull! Perhapseth thou should take thy leave of the premise, lest thy charge become damaged by drink!"

It looked as if he was going to say more, but Teis never heard it. For, the man had decided (wrongly) to swing at Teis again while doing so. The knight silently ducked the blow and kicked the man in the stomach, hard enough that his feet left the ground for a moment, falling into the crowd. The laughter and jeers all fell silent.

A brawl was probably going to break out afterwards, but Teis had no need to stay and be a part of it. He turned and left quietly, before the men could figure out what had actually just happened.

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What? Lunaria? Oh no... He hadn't notice her sneak out at all. Still phased by what had occurred, he took a few deep breaths and peeked around the corner of the door. Lunaria was right there, thankfully, making the idea of snatching her back inside simple. Just... just pull her back in, relax and pray that there was no one else. Without thinking on it anymore, he popped himself out of the darkness for but a moment, wrapping an arm around her waist and quickly pulling her back inside the room. Continuing on his instincts, he placed a hand over her mouth and made sure to whisper, "Lunaria, it's me, Reynor. Please, please stay quiet for a moment." He couldn't do much else. If someone had seen either of them, he would have to take care of them as well. Or maybe Lunaria could handle them. He still couldn't swallow the thought of another kill like that.


"He's trying to protect his sister just like you want to protect Carrion, and the problem has already been taken care of. Please, try to sort this out after you two calm down, we're a group...".

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" The last thing Adrian wanted was for this idiot to butt in. He didn't know shit about any of them, and he was trying to play the mediator? What chance did he think he had at succeeding? Adrian's fists were shaking still, as he started to tear up. It had begun to rain, so at least no one would have to see him cry. This whole act of bravado was hard enough to keep up in the face of Arcen. He knew he didn't stand a chance, no matter how upset he got.

"I dare you to try that again."

"What?" A tiny yelp of a word, but he couldn't really believe Arcen at this point.

"I said do it AGAIN. AGAIN DAMMIT!"

Is he serious? Is he just trying to egg me on?! He clenched his fist tight enough to feel his nails stabbing into his palm. He was mad. He was confused. And he wanted to hit Arcen. But can I really do that again? Or will he just drop me? It was obvious that he couldn't continue this brave facade, as much as he wanted to, and that just served to enrage him even more. So what do I do? You're too scared to hit him, you know it. He really had begun to cry over this, this whole situation and how much of an idiot he'd made himself into. He took one last look at Arcen, one last glare, and his body shrugged. He really couldn't.

"Dammit!" Emotions were a fickle thing inside of a teenager, and he wanted to get rid of this anger, no matter how afraid he was. "Just... Dammiiiiiiit!"

He closed his eyes and ran right past Arcen, jamming his fist into the trunk of a tree that was a few feet behind him. "Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit!" He had to hit something, as the rain started to really come down. It was right on time, as his fists caught on fire and started spreading to the tree. It didn't catch far because of the rain, but the scar of it was still there. And he couldn't punch it for long. As he found out, it hurt a lot more to punch a tree than it did a person. So he slumped onto the ground and sat there in the rain, wanting nothing more than to disappear for a bit.


"Er... right." Andy stepped back a bit, unsure of how to deal with this situation. Or any situation, really. He had only gotten used to speaking to a few people, so with this new, and apparently aggravated, man stepping into the picture, he remained flabbergasted. "Should... we call someone f-from the village, or... something?" Maybe they have authorities here. They could put him in jail for a few nights... "Or... you two could... c-come to terms with each other? That anger between you two, th-that was when you were kids. Come on, we're... all mature enough, right? ... Right?" He laughed nervously, looking to Langley, and then back to Noel.


"Geez, this 'ere's a right mess, inn'it?" He sighed as the few people who were still fighting fought, not wanting to get himself involved. Carrie had, though, rushing herself off to Carrion. Better get her back in th'wagon... better'en out 'ere in the rain... He sort of shoo'd Carrie out of the way, picking up Carrion and laying her in the cart. Rather light... shouldn't be surprised. He assumed Carrie would follow, as he checked Carrion's pulse. "Yeh, she's still good... Still breahin', it seems. Gonna be out for a while, though." He wasn't really talking to anyone, as he sat himself back on the wagon's end, keeping out of the starting rain.


"How long do you think they'll take to paint their toenails?"

"That's not really funny..." She was a bit quiet, unsure if she should try anything to aid this mess, or sit and wait for it to finish. But there were a few more things on her mind, like Mel, and how she had been completely ignored by her. "Mel." She pulled Mel back from the show again, trying her best to perk up her voice. "Why did you ask Gideon that? You know, that... that thing about smithing and the other... thing." She realized how awkward she sounded but ignored that, keeping her tone as serious as possible. The fight seemed to be stopping itself anyway, so there wasn't much for her to worry about on that front. Seriously, why the fuck would she ask him that? Why would that even be on her mind? It was beginning to bother her a bit too much.


It had been a few minutes, but no one had come out of the hut. What's taking him so long? I would've heard something if he had been attacked, so... Her back turned to the whole building, resting against a tree and playing with her nails, she only turned when she heard someone's voice, "Reynor? Where are you? Please be safe!" "Reynor? Wha..." but when she had turned to the door, no one was there. "I swear I heard..." and I just saw a blur, but... no, I can't have. This whole island is just driving me nuts, isn't it? "I have to check it out anyway." She drew her sword and slowly walked over, stopping a few feet from the door in an attempt to peek inside.

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The Caravan People

Amera didn't seem to enjoy what he had said - not that he cared. He was too tired to care. Without a word, he leaned back again and tried to get some sleep. The fighting was starting to calm down a bit anyway. All that he heard was the anri's questions to Mel.

Those questions weren't exactly something Mel expected to hear. "Why did you ask Gideon that? You know, that... that thing about smithing and the other... thing." She sounded serious, and actually a little upset. "I dunno," she said absently, still looking at where the fight had happened. Now it was just boy-toy looking emo. "It was just a thought. Well, okay, more like twelve or thirteen thoughts in a row, but still." Why does she sound so serious? Mel glanced over at Amera, her expression one of puzzlement. "Why? Is it...should I not have said anything?" Oh shit. Oh shit, she wasn't raped, was she? "Omigod I'm sorry. I didn't know. It was just a random thing I was thinking of is all. And he was the only one I thought I could talk to 'cause you looked like you were asleep and - " After a certain point, the rambling began.

Enter Giselle, under new management

Why am I with these people again? It was starting to dawn on Giselle that a lot of these people bothered her. A shouting match outside had just happened, and now there was some nonsense with the cat anri girl. Apparently the person she was talking to had mentioned rape? She wasn't too sure, but the anri's tone was irritating. "Put your damn claws away," she snapped, shaking her head. "She's just a kid with a crazy imagination. She wasn't trying to get under your fur, so drop it!" As she spoke and looked at the short girl, a thought struck her. Have I seen her somewhere before?

Mel looked incredulously at the source of the new voice. Who the hell - wait. Is someone sticking up for me? Wait, does she even need to? It sounds like she's just being racist... "No, it's okay," Mel insisted, half-smiling. "It was kind of a weird thought, wasn't it?"

"Ugh!" Giselle grumbled. Yep. Definitely seen her before. "Listen here, kiddo, you didn't anything wrong, and that's that. Last I remembered, you had a spine. What in the name of the goddess happened to you while I was gone? I leave for a bit and you fall into pieces!"

The blacksmith-to-be blinked. "Sorry, what? Do I..." Her eyes widened a bit. No way. "Wait. Wait wait wait."

This new exchange - or rather, the most recent assault on Gideon's sleepy ears - was enough to cause Gideon to rise grumpily to his feet. "It's bad enough that they won't shut up out there," he grumbled, his eyes darting from Mel to Giselle and back. "But do you REALLY need to start something in here, too?" He shot a look at Amera, hoping she would get the message that he didn't want to start any more fights right now. If this skank hadn't pulled the racism card this would be a lot easier...

Meanwhile, at Gerhelva...

The cry for help rose over the walls just as Lowell made his way past the gate. He had ground to cover - the body had been found. He passed the guards without a word and increased his pace ever so subtly, looking to break from their line of sight the instant he hit the trees. Afterward, he would head south - Belenos would be less than a day's travel on foot. As he turned east, towards the ever-extending wall of trees near Castle Gerhelva, he pulled his cloak around him, hoping the guards wouldn't follow.

Enter Seilynda, also under new management

At the same time, heading west towards the castle, a certain exhausted, weaponless knight was slumped against her mount, who carried her diligently towards a sight for sore eyes - actual civilization. "Patches, you're so good to meeeee~" she said tiredly, her cheek pressed to the back of the horse's head. When she heard footsteps moving towards her, Seilynda bolted upright, doing her best to look awake, and with some effort hopped off Patches' back - and promptly knocked into a hooded man walking quickly towards them. The force, paired with Seilynda's exhaustion, knocked her down, while the man simply stumbled backward a bit.

Lowell was more than a little startled by a knight deciding to dismount right in front of him, but she seemed to be affected worse by it. So much the better, he thought - it meant he didn't have to waste time. He silently kept moving, not even stopping to look at the girl.

Shocked by the impact, Seilynda scrambled to her feet. "E-Excuse me," she stammered out as she looked up, expecting to see the man she had knocked into. He wasn't there. "U-umm...?" She glanced over her shoulder to see him practically running away. "H-hey, excuse me! Please...uh, p-please wait a moment!" she called after him. With a gentle tug on Patches' bridle to turn him around, she began to follow the man, intent on apologizing to him. "C-could you...could you slow down, please?" she cried again, a little frustrated by the fact that he wasn't even turning around.

She's following me, isn't she? Lowell rolled his eyes. It was becoming increasingly likely that he would have to kill two people in the same region.

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Lucretia and Adano

They watched the scene unfold with not much to say regarding the manner. Adano stood, ready to fight if necessary, but the men had backed off.

"Well, I guess we keep good company," Adano chuckled, as he headed towards the stairs, "I'm going to bed, Lucretia--don't stay up too long, everyone. We have to leave early in the morning."

"Night..." Lucretia called after her father as she sat alone with Aurelio at the table. Just us... she thought nervously.

Julius and Gabriel

They had also seen the scene in front of them, except Julius recognized the parties involved, at least one side. "It's definitely them..." He sighed.

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The mystery of the mind

An intense pain was all she could think about until it eventually stopped, an amount of time she would never be able to accurately determine. Carrion couldn't help but feel altogether familiar with it though, since it wasn't her first time experiencing it. "The same as before. Yet I can't even get used to a simple feeling like pain." Opening her eyes revealed nothing new to her in her current state. A vast and endless abyss of blackness, no light, no shelter, just nothingness as far as she could see. "What is this? Just let me go dammit, just let me go. I don't want to go back. I don't want to deal with it anymore... Whyyyy... Why can't I just get it over with? Is it really because of him? He's just a kid, true... but he's a saph, they're all the same, they know life isn't fair. But why do I hesitate? Now, when I just want a resting spot, a place I can... just fall into and never be bothered again... it's right there, I can feel it... Oh gods, no more hate, no more running no more... everything. I guess that's why. Deep down I'm just a scared animal, afraid to leave the nest and take hold of its own life. Or maybe I'm stuck in my nest?" Closing her eyes, Carrion sat motionless in her void, the pain returning unexpectedly, though she almost welcomed it this time, preferring the pain as opposed to having to think about anything.

Not as angst ridden but still fairly hilarious angst

Did... did he really just punch a tree until it caught fire? I'll have to be careful with him... Arcen would have gone on with that train of thought, but he was interrupted by a certain knight in dull green armor, shouting, "Hey, we've kinda got a schedule to keep, so if yall would kindly hurry up and hop on, please do. We're going even if you're not." Aiduen was already in the wagon, so Arcen's choice was already made. Seeing Carrion on the wagon filled him with a sense of dread that he may never be able to rival, but he would hold out for as long as his sister would. "Hey Adrian, get in..." was all he was going to say. Holding a grudge wasn't good, that much he remembered from what his sister would go on about... but this time, he didn't know how long he could let it go.

As insurance, Grant took Clyde with him up front. The kid almost treated it like a blessing, wanting nothing to do with the people in the back. He seems to be a much less angry person than the others... maybe that in itself is a trap? Ooof I don't wanna think about that.

Edited by RainbowKitty
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Aurelio had been itching for a fight, but Teis seemed to have handled it pretty well. The goons were perplexed, unsure to where the knight had gone. Teis had taken Ormis somewhere where he wouldn't cause trouble and Adano had decided to call it a night.

"I'm going to bed, Lucretia--don't stay up too long, everyone. We have to leave early in the morning."

It wasn't too late, so they could probably get away with another couple of hours... alone. Now that was an interesting concept.

"So, Lucretia, how's that absinthe treatin' you?"



Night had well and truly fallen, the air was cold and a sound couldn't be heard for miles, Oshea wanted some sleep. He crawled into his tent, still reminiscing about the past. He had money and his dashing appearance, why did nobody ever take notice of them?

"Back off, Oshea... I'm not interested..."

"Son, why can't you behave like the other boys..."

"You touch my daughter again and you'll be sorry!"

Even his parents? They had shunned him as well. They were only too happy to send him away. His time with his mentor wasn't exactly pleasant, but one thing stuck with him...

"Young Oshea. You may be but a boy now, but once you mature, you must become a champion of the people. I have faith in you... even if nobody else does."

"Hehe... yeah right."



Someone had grabbed her, she was ready to scream but she heard a comforting voice.

"Lunaria, it's me, Reynor. Please, please stay quiet for a moment."

If it was Reynor, it would be OK. He was a little shaken, did something scare him?

"Reynor, did someone try to scare you? I want to help... I don't want anything bad to happen to Reynor."

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"Uh--" Mel went into one of her rambles, and Amera flailed her hands a bit, trying to get her to stop or something. "Mel, Mel, i-it's fine, just... calm down some. I don't really want to... get into anything, so let's just forget it happened. You were just being yourself, I shoulda figured that." She faked a bit of a smile and tried to calm herself down, glancing over at the dissipated fight. Glad that's over... maybe we can get going? And I can get back to sleeping. "Put your damn claws away" Her fake smile dulled. "She's just a kid with a crazy imagination. She wasn't trying to get under your fur, so drop it!"

"Excuse me?!" She turned and glared at this woman, who, despite all the shit that was already happening, seemed like she wanted to start some more. Whoever this was, she droned on for another moment, and Amera was about to say something, but Gideon stepped in. "It's bad enough that they won't shut up out there, but do you REALLY need to start something in here, too?" She opened her mouth to say something in protest, anything, but Gideon shot her a look. "Ah..." She ruffled her brows at him and stopped herself. Turning away from the both of them and crossing her arms in whatever defiance she could muster, she began to grumble. Bitch made the trip just that much worse...


So you're gonna sit here and pout, are you? Cry in the rain, huddled on the ground. You know this won't accomplish anything, right? You got rid of all that anger, or at least most of it. Pick yourself up and get on the cart... He brought himself to stand, looking down at his hand. It was pretty badly bloodied. "That's what I get... for punching a tree, right? Should've punched Arcen... would've hurt my hand less." Something seemed to be happening at the cart. Everyone was fighting now? Whatever it was, Gideon stopped it. He's... someone I want to be like. Strong, and powerful. Seems like he'd be pretty brave, too. "Hey Adrian, get in..." He perked up a bit, hearing a much calmer sounding Arcen. Grant wanted everyone to move too. I doubt this is the last time we'll fight... but, I guess there's not much I can do about that. He kept his head down as he sat on the back of the cart, only two things left on his mind. How long it would take his hand to heal, and if Carrion would be alright. A quick glance over his shoulder at least let him know she was still there.


"No, no... it's... it's fine. Just stay quiet, please." He listened, hoping to hear nothing. But what he did hear was footsteps, creeping along the grass towards the doorway. They stopped, though. Stopped just outside the door. The room's dark enough to not be able to see anything, right? A crack of thunder sounded overhead. And that means that there's a storm coming through... which means cloud cover. There's no way they can see in here, not when the night's this dark. A thought dawned on him, though, and it made him begin to sweat. He could hear the thunder crackling a bit overheard, but if a lightning bolt came down, that man's body would be completely illuminated for whoever was outside to see.

"Lunaria, sit here, don't move." He whispered to her and slid her off of his lap, slowly creeping over to the body. He couldn't see much, but he could still see better than most. Being a hunter and a scout had its benefits. He got a hand on the man's leg, and began to drag him out of sight of the doorway, when his fears were brought to an unfortunate light. A bolt of lightning came down somewhere on the island, a loud crack of thunder following it. Reynor lit up for just a moment. He pulled as hard as he could and fell back, pulling himself and the body out of the doorway. He just had to hope that whoever was there missed him when the lightning came down.


"A storm? That's just lovely." Thunder barked overhead, and Bea shivered. She never did like storms, whether there was just rain or if there were other elements involved. "You'd think mages would have figured out how to control all of this weather by now." Inching closer to the door, apprehension caught her. She had to check, though. He had to have gone somewhere, and I didn't see him leave... About to enter the house, lightning struck, and she yelped, covering her head. "I can't do this... not in this state!" She had to find shelter somewhere, and she wasn't about to go into that hut. If he went in, and he hasn't come out, I sure as hell ain't goin' in there. She spun her head around, looking for somewhere she could use to hide from the storm, spotting a rather wide topped tree not twenty feet away. She dashed for it, and made it under just as the rain began to fall. "At least... at least I can watch the house from here, and keep out of the weather."

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Obelia’s eyes widen and within a moment, narrow, resisting the urge to rest her hand on the blades pommel. She looks at her friend and, even with her cheeks a flushed red, resolving not to look directly at Sophia ‘feeding’ at the moment, she goes to one knee in front of Ken, moving one hand quite calmly and tugging away a gauntlet. She places pale, smooth skin over his hand, her hand gently squeezing his and gently smiles at him, murmuring.

‘You are not alone, Ken. I swear to you, on my honour that you don’t have to be alone in your journey. Being with you, I understand that sometimes, things take precedence over pride or the self. Honour and friendship, especially with good friends matter a great deal more. When she must be brought to justice…’ Her eyes narrow, but her smile grows stronger, looking into Ken’s eyes straight on, ‘Then she will be brought to the correct justice, with me there by your side, to ensure your heart remains untroubled. I swear it.’


'You've got a good heart in you Andy, but shall we say, things are more complicated then that.' Langley smiles a half smile at her friend and then glances casually to Noel, before, noting that her focus is both on the boy and seemingly uncaring of any explanation, continues to tell of why this bothers Noel so much. 'This kid, oddly, only met Noel once. His family kept mostly to themselves, but one time when Noel was little, she went to say hi and this kid just kinda spat in her face, called her inferior. Shall we say, Noel wasn't as… drawn together as she is now.' Langley can't help a tiny grin at the derisive snort that comes from Noel, glancing to the side a moment later. 'Noel, it was a long time ago… I'm not saying I think what he did is good, but… can't we just kick him outside or something?'


'Yeah, that'd be fine. Except for something that bothers me, kinda a bit.' Noel's eyes narrow and her tone adopt an almost sarcastic, angrier tone as her eyes flicker to both Langley and Andy. 'I would quite like to know why he pretended to be my missing, presumed dead aunt. You know, that just bothers me, a teensy bit.' Her words drip with a sarcastic edge and her head wheels around at him. Even growling and grumbling as he is, that look makes him slightly cower, the sheer anger in her features barely restrained. 'So? I'd quite like an answer, boy. And unlike when I was little, you'll find I won't run and cry from any of your usual cut and dry insults.' Her arms fold beneath her chest and she eyes him a few moments, watching his internal struggle between being angry and being scared.


Carrie sighs a moment or two after Horatio ambles over, Carrion quite unconscious for the moment. Luckily, there aren't any signs of serious injury for the moment, but it seems she'll be out of it for the time being. She offers an overt grumble at Horatio's shooing movement, raising an eyebrow in amused annoyance at the noise. She sighs a moment more and then follows him back to the wagon, murmuring aloud.

'So, I take it you agree she'll be fine? Or should I query you on how funny you think you sound when you go 'shoo?' Carrie makes an amused grin, despite the circumstances, though maybe that's exactly why she makes it, clambering back into the wagon.


Ellandra nods in answer to Aiduen's thanks, a small smile though quite easily noting the distaste in Aiduen's tones. Clearly, things are not exactly feeling that cheery for her or the group at the moment, but Ellandra is not quite sure how much of it is down to each other, or rather foolish in thought, down to her. She doesn't really think, quietly musing it to herself, that being here has had a positive effect on anything. But silently still, she resolves to just stay quiet, as always-

..Wait, why must she stay quiet? She blinks and her hands pause halfway to Aiduen, a silent thought on why she must be so silent. She has been silent her entire life, but the reasons why are… vague, she thinks. She wants others to feel like she tries to help them, but how are any meant to feel reassured by a silent wall? She goes if possible, even quieter, still as can be. Her cheeks flush and a moment later, an odd, high sort of sound escapes her throat. So she slowly, very formatively, begins forming words, her cheeks flushing every further second with high embarrassment at her lack of composition. Having a reputation as the 'Silent Angel' means nothing if others do not seek your aid, for they feel no words of reassurance come from your throat. She has seen dozens of healers do so and yet has never tried her. So she just shakes with embarrassment after some words finally leave her throat.

'…Uuu… urr… uu … you… rrr, are… well-welcome?' The noise is odd and the pitch is off, the words are enunciated differently. Her throat, even if her mind is used to hearing words, is unused to saying them. Silently embarrassed at her efforts and hoping she has not made Aiduen feel embarrassed, she just turns after resolving she's well and quietly heads back for the wagon, rain trail down her hair and wings quite quickly.


Zwool sighs a moment or two, resolving that maybe no ones in or as such, maybe just asleep. With a tiny curse, he turns away from the door, before blinking, feeling those smooth scales in his hands again. Glancing down, his eyes trail over the scaled book in his fingers. With a tiny resolve, he wonders what he should do, to read it or not? He muses that really there is no good reason not to read it, yet something feels off to him. He hesitates, back and wings resting against the door for now. His fingers trail the edges of the book cover and claws brush the edge, to flick it open, to reveal its secrets to him, to find out why it tugs at his mind so.

And then the world spins forward and his head crashes against something hard.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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She was running through the back alleys of a town, the roads seeming somewhat familiar to her. She climbed up to the roof of a building, getting herself a good view of the house across the road. She raised her crossbow, aiming at one of the rooms, where a bed would be. Open window, room still lighted... this would be easy.

She knew what her target looked like - Slightly taller than her, small build, green hair, impossible to miss. She knew where he was staying the night, and she knew he was about to sleep soon. As soon as the lights in the room were extinguished, she fired. His body would be found in the morning.

As she turned, the same man - certainly the man she was supposed to kill - appeared behind her. Before she had time to react, he shot her once with his own crossbow, before throwing her off the roof.

She woke up, screaming.


"Ready? ... Well, even if you're not, here we go~!"

"Ow, ow!" The pain was tolerable, but he yelped every time the horse jerked unexpectedly or landed on some rougher footing. Given the pain in his arm, and the time of day, he roughly calculated that he'd be screwed by morning.

In any case, this would be a perfect time for interaction with his riding partner.

"So, Therese," he managed between bumps, "where's that girl who was with you in Pravna? And what the hell were you doing with a goddamn assassin, anyway?"


He cut loose a horse from the inn, not caring who it belonged to. It was late, and he'd be unable to get into another city in time, but that didn't matter to him. He got on and rode as fast as he could out of the city. He needed to get away, and to get stronger...


He retreated to his "home", for probably the final time. He packed whatever few belongings he had, savouring the moment.

Tomorrow will be a fun day...


Hearing Ken's story, as well as Obelia's words of encouragement to him brought tears to her eyes. Could some people be so cruel? Could some people feel happy about taking another life? Killing as a necessity was understandable, but this...

Alyssa was finishing up, but Sophia didn't want to join in the conversation just yet. She'd have no idea what to say, or how to even react.

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Wait, she actually stopped when I asked? Gideon was a bit surprised. He didn't expect Amera to get in his face, but at the same time he didn't expect her to back off so easily, especially in the face of racism. Either way, the look she gave him did not go unnoticed - he fully expected to be chastised later, when no one else would be around. Assuming that time ever came around. A few intermittent naps on the cart had completely distorted Gideon's sense of time, and he had no idea when they would stop again, or if that stop would be their last one. If it means I can sleep some more, fine with me.

As he lowered himself back into his makeshift seat on the cart, out of the corner of his eye Gideon saw Carrion's boyfriend climb onto the cart, his head hanging low. He really reacts to this sort of thing, doesn't he? It was strange, but somehow it interested Gideon that anyone, much less a swordsman, could have such dramatic emotional shifts; either way, having a mopey kid in his field of vision the entire trip wasn't appealing to him. "Oi," he said, turning to look at Adrian properly - and catching a glimpse of his hand. So he lost his cool down there, too. "You ain't gonna pout the whole trip over a shouting match, are you?" It wasn't the most sensitive thing he could have said, but then again, Gideon was never the type to nurse emotional wounds.

His gaze moved back to Amera, and he tilted his head towards Adrian, his expression steadily changing from sympathetic to exasperated. Don't make me play therapist for this kid by myself. I know you're mad at me, but still...


Mel would have been more interested in the near-fight on the cart if she hadn't been fixated on Adrian's hand. From the moment he punched that tree, the boy-toy looked like he was in a decent amount of pain, and even though Mel wasn't a doctor she knew that human hands should look flatter than his did at the moment. As Adrian hopped up onto the back of the cart, Mel continued to stare at his hand, examining the damage as carefully as she could from where she stood; she didn't want to make a scene, though it was becoming increasingly likely that she would. Gideon said something - she didn't really pay any attention to him - and then, overcome by her curiosity, she spoke. "Let me see your hand," she said flatly, almost mechanically. The teenage girl in her wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt, but the blacksmith in her wanted to learn a thing or two about how durable finger bones were - and the latter persona was steadily gaining control.

Without waiting for him to reply, Mel crouched down and grabbed Adrian's forearm, yanking it towards her to inspect his hand.


That man again. He's not fucking the cat, is he? The thought was a bit disturbing to Giselle. She didn't find the anri unattractive - even if her rack was inferior, at the very least she was cute - but she never would have guessed that the big fellow was into that sort of thing. Maybe she can do something with her tail... She dismissed the thought; somehow, a mental picture of a cat girl in the sack didn't appeal to her that much. Maybe a little bit... It helped that Melanie was being her random self. That was something Giselle remembered quite vividly about the blacksmith-to-be - she was very good at changing the subject.

Without turning her head, Giselle watched bemusedly as Melanie tugged Adrian's arm toward her. She couldn't see it too well, but knowing Mel, a very satisfying crack would be coming soon.

Seilynda & Lowell

"I said...please...wait!" After a few more attempts at accosting the man, Seilynda finally found her voice; the resultant call was far more commanding than was the norm for her. It was certainly enough to slow Lowell a bit, and the wayward noble glanced over his shoulder at his pursuer. By now, she had chased him well into the woods outside Gerhelva, and much to his frustration she showed no signs of stopping; still, they were probably far enough into the forest that he could dispose of her.

Lowell finally stopped and turned to face her with something of a flourish. He kept his hood down - if this woman's armor was any indication of who she was, he ran the risk of being recognized if she saw his face. His bad left hand fell at his side like the dead weight it was; to save face and avoid questions, he allowed his right arm to fall at the same time. "What do you want with me?" he asked warily as he silently readied a slight charge in his right fingertips. The deed would have to be swift and prompt at the instant she let her guard down...

Leaning forward in her exhaustion and gasping for breath, Seilynda fruitlessly attempted to answer the hooded man, to explain how sorry she was to have hit him. All that came out was some panting and mumbling. It took her a moment, but she was able to straighten herself up again, though her footing was a bit unsteady - her lack of proper meals and rest was starting to catch up with her. "I just wanted...t-to apologize for running into you b-back there," she finally stammered out once she had caught her breath, "a-and to make sure...make sure you were alright." As her breath returned, her confidence waned again. He seemed just as angry as she expected him to be.

Her posture was refined and spoke of grace and discipline, yet she had the tongue of a shy little girl. No, this knight was no threat to Lowell. "I wonder at that," he said, his tone a bit more agitated. If she's as apologetic as she seems, I may not have to make her disappear. "Do you have any idea how much harm you could have done me? Suppose you had been riding at a faster pace and I were trampled. What then, hm?" Confident that his face was shrouded, Lowell risked a slight smile; this course of action was leagues more benign than his original plan, but he had to admit it was entertaining.

Oh, no...he's really mad at me! Her posture became slightly more hunched, and she stared at the man's feet for a moment. "I'm...uh...y-you're right," she said, the volume of her voice dropping rapidly. "It was my...my fault. Please forgive me? I-I can try to make it up to you." I have to do something.

Lowell's grin widened a bit. "Can you now?" he asked, looking the girl over. She looked very young, but the air of filth and fatigue about her made her look a bit more mature than her figure suggested. "Pray, how would you make it up to me, little girl?"

Seilynda was a bit annoyed by the little girl quip, but she stood firm, even puffing out her chest a bit. "I-I'm no little girl, uh, sir," she said confidently (at least by her standard). "I can fight. So I'll...I'll accompany you to wherever you're going." Tired though she was, she could tell that something about this man was off. His left arm was clearly limp - it wasn't too hard for her to tell. She figured she would at least be of some use to him in a fight, even if she had to use her sword. I really need to get my spear fixed...

Lowell's face fell a bit. Wonderful. Baggage instead of reparations. I should have expected this sort of offering from a destitute traveling soldier. "Suit yourself," he said, his tone rather dismissive. "I'm heading south; if that means anything to you, I would suggest you get back on your horse before your legs give out." With that, he turned and continued to walk, simultaneously anticipating and dreading the sound of hooves trailing him.

Sure enough, Seilynda struggled her way onto Patches' back at his suggestion and followed after her new acquaintance, doing her best not to slump against her mount's back again despite her exhaustion. "Um...if you don't mind my asking..." she began after she had closed the gap a bit. She fumbled for words a bit, not sure how to break the ice with such a quiet traveling companion. "Why, um, w-why were you in such a hurry to begin with?"

"That city is not safe," Lowell replied quickly, smiling to himself. "You could get yourself killed there if you weren't careful." Internally, Lowell thoroughly enjoyed his gallows humor, which was twice as fun for him since the girl seemed oblivious. The silence that followed was a godsend for Lowell, who had planning to do; Seilynda, however, found it frustrating, and eventually busied herself listening to her horse's footfalls out of sheer necessity.

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'Then she will be brought to the correct justice, with me there by your side, to ensure your heart remains untroubled. I swear it.'

Obelia had taken his hand. Her presence made the situation bearable, almost as if she had gone back and saved Rafael herself.

Throughout his childhood, Ken recalled having very few friends. It wasn't that people were unpleasant to him, he found that he had little time to meet people... other than his brother. She was perhaps his first true friend in years, she could have left at any time, yet she chose not to. They could do this, the assassin would be brought to justice. Killing her was out of the question, this wasn't a matter of revenge... it was for him.

His morale restored and his attention on Obelia, he smiled for the first time that evening. Tears were still falling from his eyes, but they were slowing.

"Thank you, Obelia. You being here really means a lot to me. We'll catch her, she'll learn what exactly she did, and maybe we can find out why."



"Lunaria, sit here, don't move."

She nodded her head frantically, if he said he'd be fine, she would trust him. Reynor was someone she could trust. It was OK, he would be fine...

There was a noise... lots of noises. Like something hitting the roof. It was rain, she could never escape it. She couldn't take it, she could already feel herself shaking and starting to cry.

"Reynor... the rain... I'm scared!"

A strange creaking sound accompanied the rainfall. The hut was old, without the pirates around to repair it, it wouldn't be able to handle a storm. The last few months hadn't been too bad, she had managed to find places to hide, but there was no escaping from this one.

Suddenly, part of the ceiling gave way. Lunaria felt something hit her on the head, but that was the least of her worries. A gush of cold water followed the planks. There was no stopping it, and she knew it. Her terror was quickly becoming rage, her childish demeanour was slipping and the urge to destroy had begun to consume her again.

So cold... why do they do it to me! I didn't do anything wrong... why me!!!

She had enough of herself left for a final sentence;

"Reynor... the roof broke... please... run!!! Arghh!!!!"

Edited by Dokutayuu
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The carawagart

Only hearing a plethora of complaints from those behind him, Grant sighed. "Really. And to think some of them thought I was mean spirited..."

"They did?"

"Oh don't get me wrong, I'm stubborn to a massive fault and I did pursue one person roughly... halfway across Sapphire I think, and then apparently all the way across Shuthra. But to be fair, I wasn't out for blood... the whole trip anyway. Met some people and did some things I wish I hadn't. You know how that goes, and then I sat down and thought of just what I was doing and, well, here we are. I'm now driving out to find a random impostor on a remote island. Take some notes, kid, life is just full of surprises. Speaking of which, why haven't you... you know, tried to run away yet? I'm not even sure anyone here would notice you running off into the night, stormy and rainy as it is."

Clyde cocked his head, wondering just what he was trying to imply. "Why would you... tell me that?"

Grant smiled, "No reason. Anyway, if you're dead set on sitting there, just be careful not to squirm too much, we're going." Grabbing hold of the reins, the knight urged the horses onward once again, a slow start at first but their pace quickening easily enough.

In the back, Aiduen was caught off guard by the anri speaking, something she hadn't witnessed before from her. She smiled before looking over to her brother who seemed to be looking out behind all of them now, staring up into the sky at the intermittent flashes of light. "Arcen..." she muttered under her breath.

The Mystery of the Mind: Take Two

The body in the wagon twitched and jerked ever so slightly, almost as if to try and say 'I'm still alive!' A groan escaped her Carrion's lips, but consciousness would not find her.

In her mind, Carrion was writhing about, causing herself even more pain with each crash of her limbs, another pain to focus on instead of the greater pain she couldn't shake off. Futile, of course, as it overwhelmed her again and again. Amidst it all, she could swear she heard laughter. A faint laughter that didn't seem to come from any discernible direction. Through the pain, Carrion managed a few breathless calls out to the voice, "Y... you think this is funny... do ya? Huh...? Well COME HERE and laugh in my face! Quit... Quit hiding like a goddamn coward... you sick FREAK!" she began to shriek, the pain coursing through her seemingly in full force now. "Whyyy?!" All she could see was an armored figure closing in on her, the face completely obscured. By shadow, by her own mind, by a helmet, she wasn't wondering what so much as why right now. The being continued to laugh, the sound hurting her ears with its volume and intensity, and it grabbed her only to violently slam her back into the ground, laughing even harder as it spoke, "You my be unable to die according to my contract, but your soul is mine, child. Such is the price for immortality! Oh, you didn't know about it when you used it? Please, make this job even sweeter! DAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"

Fear seeped into Carrion, wanting nothing but the sweet release of death that she knew would never come...

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