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Gatrie: Guns Blazing

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It depends on what you mean by 'draw'. I doodle plenty during class, but I wan't draw something good. (Hence why Princess Kilvas is doing the manga for QFTHH)

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*raises hand*

I draw.....ALOT.

And she draws madd good. She made a perfect image for Lyle in TQFTHH. And for plenty of the others that are in the story as well.

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When I was thirteen, I had delusions of becoming a comic book artist so I drew quite a bit. Eventually I realized I couldn't draw a decent picture to save my life, so I stopped. I haven't tried to draw anything for a few years now. : /

Edited by Musashi
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Let's see, the last thing I had to draw was a diagram of a worm in Bio CP this year, I got a like a 40 on that pic.

Is that good enough example of my bad picture drawing, cause I had all the stuff that needed to be labled

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I first got into manga when I was 10. From then I COULD NOT stop drawing until I thought it just wasn't a strong suite. But recently I got back in and discovered I just wasn't starting right. I draw A LOT BETTER now. I'm definitely no Princess Kilvas but I can illustrate my chosen events if I want.

Also, what is this TQFTHH business?

Edited by Kyrra
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I first got into manga when I was 10. From then I COULD NOT stop drawing until I thought it just wasn't a strong suite. But recently I got back in and discovered I just wasn't starting right. I draw A LOT BETTER now. I'm definitely no Princess Kilvas but I can illustrate my chosen events if I want.

Also, what is this TQFTHH business?


The Quest for the Holy Hikari

It's a story Lyle made. I decided to make it a manga.

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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I draw here and there; I have a habit of sketching random people at a distance in large lecture halls during class... all of my folders and papers are full of grafiti; If I take my time its generally good... but I'm not a artistic genius, just proficient...

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i draw a lot. its my outlet from an otherwise stressful life :lol:

and i'm weird with my art. i usually draw something, and i'm satisfied for about a couple of days. then, i find something about it that i don't like, and stuff it in my "drawing box", and is forgotten for a while, until i go through the drawings to get ideas, compare the "then" with "now" and stuff. then i repeat the process.

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