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[FE6] - Yep, another one.

Wen Yang

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Chapter 4

RUTGER, MANLIEST OF MEN is a fucking whore to recruit. Marcus owned Erik with the Silver Lance, so that's that.

Also so much food for Roy =D

       Lvl  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Roy     4.74 21  7   6   8   9   5   1  
Marcus  3.59 34  9   14  11  11  9   8
Ward    6.99 31  10  5   6   7   5   0
Rutger  4.23 22  7   12  13  2   5   0

Turns: 8

Total: 26

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Chapter 1: 4/4 Turns.

Marcus is GOD. Enough said. Bors got the gold from the village.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		1.50	18	5	5	7	7	5	0
Marcus	Paladin		??/1.43	32	9	14	11	10	9	8
Bors	Armor Knight	1.0	20	7	4	3	4	11	0

Chapter 2: 7/11 turns.

Marcus BANZAI! Thany does some Armorslayer Ferrying as per usual.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		2.4	19	5	6	8	8	6	0
Marcus	Paladin		??/2.29	32	9	14	12	10	9	8
Bors	Armor Knight	1.74	20	7	4	3	4	11	0

Chapter 3: 7/18 turns.

Marcus ferries Roy and trucks his way through the level. Bors prevents penalties. He also WTF procced 2 Spd points.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		2.55	19	5	6	8	8	6	0
Marcus	Paladin		??/3.1	32	10	14	12	10	10	8
Bors	Armor Knight	3.37	20	9	4	5	5	11	0

Chapter 4: 5/23 turns.

Marcus charges Eric and kills him ASAP. If only Roy had an extra level or a well-placed Crit I might have 4-turned this, but oh well...

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		4.81	20	6	7	9	8	8	2
Marcus	Paladin		??/3.50	32	10	14	12	10	10	8
Bors	Armor Knight	4.63	21	10	5	6	5	11	0

Chapter 5: 3/27 turns.

Bors opens the gate on turn 2, and Marcus dropped roy before parking himself in front of the boss. Boss dies to him on PP3 and Roy seizes after dodging a ton of hand axes like a boss (11% hit rate LOL).

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		5.20	20	6	7	10	8	9	2
Marcus	Paladin		??/3.86	32	10	14	12	10	10	8
Bors	Armor Knight	4.73	21	10	5	6	5	11	0

Chapter 6: 4/31 turns.

Marcus banzaied the boss with Roy in Tow. Bors self-improves.

Name	Class		Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Roy	Lord		5.25	20	6	7	10	8	9	2
Marcus	Paladin		??/4.43	32	11	14	12	10	10	8
Bors	Armor Knight	6.65	23	10	6	7	6	13	0

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just 14 turned ch 7


THis guy just nuked earlygame, the rng agrees with me


he's all set for the isles.

and for rescueing later on!!!

a big help too!


obviously, the RNG has been nice so far....


Mounts are useful, but she's kinda hard to baby along



is all I have to say



and her 130% avoid growth should help!!

ch1-6 turns

ch2-7 turns





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If ome goes too fast with Thany.....

Good point.

Those Nomads kinda made me cautious.


I don't want to reset, so Thany will try to make up for it.

And Roy was crap in ch5.

LeHe got all the good level ups in ch6 and 7......

I'm not that good, and on ch6, it was quite "frusterating", because I wanted the cash and exp for Sue.

Who is hard to give exp to when I skip crowded areas.

If I were to bypass every village in the game, I could get 10+turns shaved off...

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If ome goes too fast with Thany..... Her combat sinks.

4 base str

I had to baby her, for a prepromo Thany

Good point.

Those Nomads kinda made me cautious.


I don't want to reset, so Thany will try to make up for it.

And Roy was crap in ch5.

LeHe got all the good level ups in ch6 and 7......

I'm not that good, and on ch6, it was quite "frusterating", because I wanted the cash and exp for Sue.

Who is hard to give exp to when I skip crowded areas.

If I were to bypass every village in the game, I could get 10+turns shaved off...

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If ome goes too fast with Thany..... Her combat sinks.

4 base str

I had to baby her, for a prepromo Thany for the isles

Good point.

Those Nomads kinda made me cautious.


I don't want to reset, so Thany will try to make up for it.

And Roy was crap in ch5.

LeHe got all the good level ups in ch6 and 7......

I'm not that good, and on ch6, it was quite "frusterating", because I wanted the cash and exp for Sue.

Who is hard to give exp to when I skip crowded areas.

If I were to bypass every village in the game, I could get 10+turns shaved off...

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CH 1 Redo:

I had to restart once because I placed Marcus so that the fighters near the castle blocked his advance towards the boss.

Roy lvl 1 Exp 82

Marcus lvl 1 Exp 47

Turns: 5

Ch 2 Redo:

Yay. This time I can visit the village without penalty thanks to Merlinus! (of course, Ellen could probably afford to have done it as well since Marcus rescues Roy and heads East without her). Dieck kills lots of stuff and grows def. Marcus criticals the boss, saving me some silver lance uses.

Turns: 7

Total: 12

Roy: Lvl 2 Hp 19 str 6 skill 6 spd 7 luck 7 def 5 res 0

Marcus: lvl 1 exp 88

Ellen: Level 2 exp 22

Dieck: level 7 exp 19 str 11 skill 12 spd 10 luck 6 def 7 res 2

Ch 3:

Dieck fields the units coming from the north, probably foolishly - my guys probably could have fled with ease. Marcus charges in and rescues Roy about 1/3 of the way into the castle, and kills the boss with the armorslayer. Unfortunately, Roy can't make it to the throne from where he was dropped. I'm pretty sure he would've died if Marcus had charged ahead to kill the fighter to the right of the throne room, and if Marcus had managed to get roy any closer to the throne but not moved right to kill the fighter I would've had to spend a turn clearing it out of the way before killing the boss, so...maybe if I had been more aggressive at the start of the chapter, 1 turn less.

Turns: 8

Total: 20

Roy: lvl 4 exp 7 HP 21 str 7 skill 6 spd 7 luck 9 def 6 res 1

Marcus: lvl 2 exp 58 HP 33 str 9 skill 14 spd 11 luck 10 def 10 res 9

Ellen: lvl 2 exp 56 mgc 1 skill 6 spd 8 luck 8 def 0 res 6

Dieck: lvl 7 exp 93 str 11 skill 12 spd 10 luck 6 def 7 res 2

Ch 4:

Roy doesn't get rescued by Marcus because when he does, Marcus just gets surrounded and bogged down by enemy cavaliers. Roy skirts the edge of most of the enemies range but kills a few cavaliers with the rapier, then starts closing in once Marcus clears the area out enough for Roy's guaranteed survival (which is coincidentally when Erik is dead). Dieck visits the north village and Ellen visits the southern one, Merlinus gets the one near the start point.

Roy: Lvl 5 EXP 63 Str 8 Skill 7 Spd 8 Luck 9 Def 6 Res 1

Marcus: Lvl 3 HP 33 EXP 59 Str 9 skill 14 Spd 12 Luck 10 Def 10 Res 10

Ellen: Same as before but 67 exp

Dieck: Lvl 8 EXP 11 Str 11 Skill 12 Spd 10 Luck 6 Def 8 Res 2

Turns: 8

Total: 28

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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Chapter 1: 5/5 turns

Marcus hoofed it with Roy in tow to the castle. Wolt and Lance made their way to the villiage and killed anyone in their way.

Name   Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy    01/50                             SD
Marcus 01/37                             SD LA AE
Lance  02/23  21 6   6   8   3   6   0   SE LD
Wolt   01/72                                      BD

Chapter 2: 7/12 turns

Everyone ran to the fort south of the starting position and took out everyone there. Dieck's group ran out of range of the castle guards. Marcus rescued Roy and ran to the castle. Wolt and Lance killed the straglers. Lance also scored a perfect level up. Go Lance. Oh, and Merlinus got the villiage.

Name     Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy      01/96                             SD
Marcus   01/91                             SD LA AE
Lance    04/21  23 7   7   10  4   8   1   SE LD
Wolt     03/28  19 5   4   7   3   4   0            BD
Merlinus Hah, yeah right

Chapter 3: 9/21 turns

Everyone moved to the front of the castle to protect the non-combatants. After most of the enemies were killed, Marcus rescued Roy and moved for the throne. Wolt and Lance stayed behind to kill the straglers. Wolt then moved to the village to recruit Lugh and Lance killed enemies Marcus left behind. Roy prevented enemies from blocking the boss and Marcus Silver Lance'd him. Lugh killed an archer. I also learned that the throne has a movement penalty, costing me a turn.

Name     Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy      02/54  18 6   5   8   8   6   0   SD
Marcus   02/67  33 9   14  11  10  9   8   SD LA AE
Lance    05/85  23 7   7   11  4   8   1   SE LD
Wolt     04/26  19 5   5   7   4   5   1            BD
Lugh     01/33                             AD

Edited by Zohda
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Chapter 5:

Dieck unlocks the gate and Marcus charges in, killing the boss on enemy phase with the iron lance (now 9/20!). It takes me a couple more turns of manuevering to get Roy into the throne for seizing, because he doesn't have the durability to go along with Marcus at the start of the chapter (though I do decide to angelic robe him and he gets up to 29 HP).

Roy: lvl 6 EXP 21 HP 30 Str 8 Skill 8 Speed 8 Luck 10 Def 6 Res 2

Marcus: Level 4 EXP 16 Str 9 Skill 14 Spd 12 Luck 11 Def 10 Res 10

Ellen: Level 3 EXP 11 HP 16 Mag 12 Skill 6 Spd 8 Luck 9 Def 0 Res 7

Dieck: level 8 Exp 73 HP 29 Str 11 Skill 12 Spd 10 Luck 6 Def 8 Res 2

Turns: 5

Total: 33

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Chapter 4: 7/28 turns

Marcus rushed towards Erik without Roy, Lugh ran to the north village, not getting any kills. Wolt ran to the south village attempting to fight bandits with his bow. Lance was cleaning up after everyone. After Marcus introduced Erik to his good friend, the Silver Lance, Marcus rescued the south village before Wolt anyway. It cost me a turn to get the Angelic Robe, a sacrifce worth making I think. Merlinus got the Door Key as well.

Name   Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy    03/89  19 6   6   9   9   6   0   SD
Marcus 03/33  34 9   15  11  11  9   8   SD LA AE
Lance  07/09  24 7   8   12  5   9   2   SE LD
Wolt   04/74  19 5   5   7   4   5   1            BD
Lugh   01/66                             AD

Chapter 5: 5/33 turns

Marcus, Lance, Wolt and Roy headed towards the gate, and Lugh parked himself in the north of the starting forest and fought bandits for the rest of the map. Wolt opened up the gate, and Marcus rushed towards the boss. Lance and Roy fought their way through the mob of enemies and Roy seized. Roy also got a perfect level up. Damn, that's two now.

Name   Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy    04/62  20 7   7   10  10  7   1   SD
Marcus 03/97  34 9   15  11  11  9   8   SC LA AE
Lance  07/95  24 7   8   12  5   9   2   SE LD
Wolt   05/19  20 5   6   8   5   5   1            BD
Lugh   02/50  17 5   5   6   5   3   5   AD

Chapter 6: 5/38 turns

Everyone charged the middle, Marcus and Roy broke through, and Wolt, Lance and Lugh stayed behind to clean up the scraps.

Name   Lv/Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon
Roy    05/21  21 7   7   10  11  8   1   SD
Marcus 04/48  35 9   15  11  11  10  9   SC LA AE
Lance  09/48  26 8   9   13  5   10  3   SE LC
Wolt   05/73  20 5   6   8   5   5   1            BD
Lugh   03/88  17 6   5   7   5   3   5   AD

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