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So what's everyone elses strategy for doing CH. 14 Ephraim route?

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**checks FE8 Seth-less playthrough**

I can't give you a 100% accurate guide on what exactly I did, but my advice is to have 2-3 units that can use Restore staves and assign one Restore user to each group. Between 'Stache, (promoted)Artur Reed, and Natasha(the three units most likely to be able to use C rank staves), you should be using at least two of those three. Also, I noticed that the druids tend to target Rennac above most of your other units, so it wouldn't be unlikely that a player would use Rennac as Berserk bait(and the druids only have a ~60% chance of actually hitting him anyway). Also, remember that you can use Pure Water/Barrier to decrease the druids' staff accuracy. I mean, if Rennac is facing ~60 displayed, then someone like Duessel or Seth with Pure Water should be able to resist it quite nicely.

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Moulder and my melee guys down a Pure Water, Rennac stays in range of one of Berserk guys. By the time the other one realizes what's going on, he's staring at a Javelin in his chest.

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