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[FE8] fe8 draft number fart


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Chapter 9 - 17/83

Tana died on turn 16, and not a fuck was given. She was doing well, then got trolled hard by the RNG (missed a 77%, got hit by a 60%).

Anyway. . .

Ross went south, showing the guys on the ocean who was the real pirate. Eirika and Forde ran the long way around. Vanessa flew over the bay to get the Dragonshield. Ross eventually got the Rapier. I missed Amelia by a turn, but pfeh. The only one that wants that Speedwing is Forde. I'll probably recruit-kill Amelia later. The reason why I went for the villages was for the Robe, so Vanessa can make herself more useful. Binks died to five Killing Edge hits. . .that's right, no crits. Ever.

Sheesh, Forde, you suck. Can you do me a huge favor and gain, like, a lot of offense now?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      18.95  25  12   17   20   18    9    7
Vanessa   Peggy     11.34  21   8   16   18   10    8    9
Moulder   Priest     7.64  23   6    9   11    3    4    6
Ross      Pirate    11.03  29  16    8   11   17    8    4
Forde     Cavalier  10.70  28   7    9    9    7    9    2
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad

Chapter 10 - 6/89

The usual rescue-drop strategy, which might've been a little less sucky if Eirika remembered how to proc criticals. Everyone else stayed near the starting point and got as much experience as they could. Tethys nearly died (stupid NPC AI).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   Peggy     12.40  21   8   16   18   11    8    9
Moulder   Priest     8.00  24   6   10   11    3    4    6
Ross      Pirate    11.50  29  16    8   11   17    8    4
Forde     Cavalier  11.92  28   7   10   10    8    9    2
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad
Tethys    Dancer     Thanks for not dying

EDIT: Wow, that was derpy. Let's try that again.

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I think I 8 turned C4, but I'm not sure what i did there.

i guess I should post my log. or be lazy and just keep playing and finally pay attention to my turncount total in he end.

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Chapter 11 - 14/103

I know the turn count's abysmal, but I got some decent levels out of Forde. . .which means he's usable now. Also, my offense is Ross, who isn't exactly durable. It's time for a promotion party~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   Peggy     15.39  22   9   18   20   12    8   10
Moulder   Priest    10.41  25   7   11   12    4    4    6
Ross      Pirate    15.29  32  16   10   11   17    9    4
Forde     Cavalier  15.15  31   9   11   13   10   11    3
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad
Tethys    Dancer     2.40  19   1    2   13   11    5    4

Chapter 12 - 10/113

Promoted Vanessa, Moulder, Ross, and Forde. Thus, my turns are a lot less horrid. Vanessa takes a Dragonshield and Angelic Robe, because she was murdered the second time I did this by a slew of 32% attacks. Other stupid failed highlights included Ross missing two 89% whacks in a row (restarted because Saleh dodged with his face).

Ross whacks those flying annoyances into oblivion, Forde takes minimal damage from the dogs, Moulder is deposited in the forest near the villages to help make things faster, and Saleh runs around, being helpful. Eirika covers my rear and visits villages, and Vanessa flies around, killing Mogalls (she doubles even with Moulder on her back). Boss was eventually killed by Moulder.

Vanessa's offense stinks (4HKO on the Gargoyles with something that doesn't weigh her down too badly). She'll probably get the Energy Ring I just picked up.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   W. Knight  2.13  33* 11   20   22   13   11*  11
Moulder   Bishop     3.05  30   9   13   12    4    7    8
Ross      Berserker  1.97  36  17   11   12   17   11    6
Forde     Paladin    2.37  34  11   12   14   10   13    4
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad
Tethys    Dancer     3.21  20   2    2   14   12    6    5

Chapter 13 - 2/115

The first time I did this, I needed something like 30 Rapier uses. I decided that was lame, and redid it. This time, Ross went nuts with the Killer Axe, Forde drew everyone, and Vanessa had to dodge one of two Rangers (Ross was on the northern fort, Vanessa was in the middle, and Forde was on the southern fort). Moulder helped with clearing out armors, then Tethys danced Eirika so she could clear a path for Ross and Vanessa to end the map. Ross hit damn hard with the Halberd I picked up last map!

Highlighted restart: Tethys in a forest was hit by both archers and a ballista.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   W. Knight  2.59  33* 11   20   22   13   11*  11
Moulder   Bishop     3.28  30   9   13   12    4    7    8
Ross      Berserker  3.23  38  19   13   12   17   12    6
Forde     Paladin    2.96  34  11   12   14   10   13    4
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad
Tethys    Dancer     3.45  20   2    2   14   12    6    5

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Chapter 14 - 9/124

First run would've been 10 turns, but Ross missed (and would've subsequently been killed), so I restarted.

Vanessa finds Iron Bow guys funny. She dodged the Silver Bow guy (something like 40% on her), then teamed up with Forde to finish him. I recruited Rennac and took the hit to my funds, but being able to buy some Killers and a Physic this chapter more than made up for it. On the last turn, had Ross fish a Killer Lance out of my inventory to give to Vanessa, who critted with it (after one round of boss combat with an Iron Lance, so she wouldn't be hit). I've now got awesome weapons, awesome staves, and almost my entire team. I'm happy~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   W. Knight  4.69  33* 13   21   24   14   12*  13
Moulder   Bishop     3.79  30   9   13   12    4    7    8
Ross      Berserker  4.11  39  19   13   12   17   12    7
Forde     Paladin    3.58  35  12   13   15   11   13    4
Ephraim   Lord       Don't remember, but it was pretty bad
Tethys    Dancer     4.38  20   2    2   15   13    6    6
Rennac    Rogue      1.01  LOL

Chapter 15 - 12/136

The reason why this turn count is so low is because I have Forde, Vanessa, and a free Duessel. Duracell stomps everything south, with Ephraim helping to clean up. Knoll gets the Seal, then hustles north to help with the stuff there. Eirika and Rennac go towards Tigereye, and Rennac's freaky RES helps with the mages. Vanessa goes northwest by her lonesome, and fights off everything by herself. Ross and Forde go south, with Ross eventually getting a crit via Killer Axe to end the map. It was a risky strategy, because if Valter hit twice at 50%, Ross would've died. . .but Ross had 52% crit, so I figured it evened out. Tethys was targeted 5 times on this map.

Picked up Warp and Swiftsoles. Didn't have time for the Body Ring.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  13   17   20   19    9    8
Vanessa   W. Knight  5.99  33* 14   22   24   15   12*  14
Moulder   Bishop     5.28  31  10   15   13    4    8    8
Ross      Berserker  6.66  41  20   14   13   17   13    8
Forde     Paladin    4.71  36  12   14   16   11   13    4
Ephraim   Lord      15.08  29  12   15   15   14   11    5
Tethys    Dancer     5.33  21   2    2   16   13    6    7
Rennac    Rogue      2.96  29  11   16   17    6    9   12
Knoll     Shaman    11.75  22  13   10    8    0    2   11

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After that desert map, here's my proposals if you want to make this ruleset the new standard:

Chapter 5x: First 10 turns free.

Chapter 7: Eirika cannot be rescued this chapter.

Chapter 9 Eir: If you have Vanessa/Franz, Tana is not free unless you drafted her. I suck at this game, but if I'd thought it through a little more, I would've had Tana and Vanessa ferry everyone south, then work my way from there.

Chapter 12: Maybe ban Saleh for whoever has Vanessa/Tana? Having Vanessa hold off reinforcements by herself was pretty clutch, and Saleh just sped things up.

Chapter 15 Eir: Duessel is banned for everyone except the person who drafted him. Vanessa held off the northeastern reinforcements by herself, and Duessel being free allowed Ross to basically walk up and rearrange Valter's face.

I might redo this for giggles on Eph's route.

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Chapter 16 - 9/135

Switfsoles to Vanessa. Promoted Knoll.

Took an extra turn because Ross and Vanessa had problems hitting Orson.

Charged as normal, with Rennac, Knoll, and a Phantom positioned such that Tethys was moving about the same speed as Forde. Eventually got it so that Rennac baited the southern Swordmaster, Ross was under the influence of Barrier and Warp, Vanessa had a Barrier, and Forde was used as Tethys rescue duty. The Physic I picked up in Chapter 14 saw lots of use, as Vanessa made it out of the initial EP with 7 HP (courtesy of the Robe and Shield I fed her earlier). I had to delay a turn to clean up all the bad guys, as my other units couldn't handle Heroes with those kinds of weapons. Forde and Rennac were clutch with the Killing Edge. Eventually, Ross and Vanessa took turns whacking at Orson, with Vanessa getting Pierce on turn 9.

Whoops, forgot Myrrh's stats. She was level 5 IIRC.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      1.00  30  15   19   21   19   12   13
Vanessa   W. Knight  8.38  34* 14   24   25   15   13*  16
Moulder   Bishop     6.62  32  10   15   13    4    8    8
Ross      Berserker  8.06  43  20   14   14   17   14    8
Forde     Paladin    5.32  37  12   15   17   12   13    5
Ephraim   Lord+      1.00  35  16   21   18   15   14   10
Tethys    Dancer     6.23  21   2    2   17   14    6    7
Rennac    Rogue      4.81  31  12   17   17    6   10   13
Knoll     Summoner   1.61  25  13   11   11    0    3   14

Chapter 17 - 2/137

Moulder noms the Energy Ring, because I need him to warp someone six spaces.

Dance, warp, get rid of Swordmaster with Vanessa, have Myrrh grab the Brave Axe, then have Ross 3HKO with Garm, and dodge a Nosferatu. I got Fenrir~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      1.00  30  15   19   21   19   12   13
Vanessa   W. Knight  8.59  34* 14   24   25   15   13*  16
Moulder   Bishop     7.15  33  13*  16   14    4    8    8
Ross      Berserker  9.24  43  21   14   15   18   15    8
Forde     Paladin    5.32  37  12   15   17   12   13    5
Ephraim   Lord+      1.16  35  16   21   18   15   14   10
Tethys    Dancer     6.43  21   2    2   17   14    6    7
Rennac    Rogue      4.81  31  12   17   17    6   10   13
Knoll     Summoner   1.81  25  13   11   11    0    3   14
Myrrh     Manakete   8.95  24  10    7    9    5   14   10

Chapter 18 - 8/145

Had to burn a Rescue use to keep Rennac alive.

Everyone does the usual charge, with one of Knoll's Phantoms getting an egg kill. Knoll himself managed to crack a few, and I wish I was able to get more experience for the twins.

Pretty sure this is possible in 7, but I got some nice offensive parameters. What the hell is up with my insane Skill on mostly everyone?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      3.53  31  16   20   21   20   12   13
Vanessa   W. Knight 11.06  37* 15   26   25   16   14*  16
Moulder   Bishop     9.15  34  15*  17   14    4    8    8
Ross      Berserker 10.24  43  22   14   15   19   15    9
Forde     Paladin    8.10  40  13   18   18   13   13    6
Ephraim   Lord+      3.35  35  17   23   19   16   14   10
Tethys    Dancer     7.24  22   2    2   18   15    6    8
Rennac    Rogue      5.51  32  12   18   18    7   10   14
Knoll     Summoner   3.09  26  14   12   11    0    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete  12.59  29  13   10   11    5   20   11

Chapter 19 - 2/147

Usual dance-warp shenanigans to get Eph to the boss. Rennac's purpose was to illuminate him. Riev died on turn 2 EP because he suicided into Eph.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      3.53  31  16   20   21   20   12   13
Vanessa   W. Knight 11.30  37* 15   26   25   16   14*  16
Moulder   Bishop     9.64  34  15*  17   14    4    8    8
Ross      Berserker 10.34  43  22   14   15   19   15    9
Forde     Paladin    8.10  40  13   18   18   13   13    6
Ephraim   Lord+      4.65  36  17   24   20   16   14   10
Tethys    Dancer     7.44  22   2    2   18   15    6    8
Rennac    Rogue      5.61  32  12   18   18    7   10   14
Knoll     Summoner   3.19  26  14   12   11    0    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete  13.24  30  14   11   12    5   20   11

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Chapter 20 - 5/152

I really hate doing this on my laptop, but meh.

Warp is used liberally, as is Hammerne. Ephraim took out almost everything of note, then Myrrh flew over and cleared the throne for me.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      4.47  32  16   21   22   21   13   13
Vanessa   W. Knight 11.78  37* 15   26   25   16   14*  16
Moulder   Bishop    11.21  36  15*  18   15    4    9    8
Ross      Berserker 10.69  43  22   14   15   19   15    9
Forde     Paladin    8.83  40  13   18   18   13   13    6
Ephraim   Lord+      7.09  38  19   26   21   16   15   12
Tethys    Dancer     7.94  22   2    2   18   15    6    8
Rennac    Rogue      5.61  32  12   18   18    7   10   14
Knoll     Summoner   3.54  26  14   12   11    0    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  40  20   17   18   10   20   14

Endgame - 2 + 2/156

Horace saves the day yet again.

Rescue Myrrh with Vanessa, warp Vanessa and pray, then watched in shock as Myrrh critted Lyon twice.

Since I didn't feel like pushing my luck, I took the second part a turn slower. Vanessa got the kill.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord+      4.80  32  16   21   22   21   13   13
Vanessa   W. Knight 12.17  37* 16   27   25   16   14*  16
Moulder   Bishop    12.25  37  15*  19   15    5   10    8
Ross      Berserker 10.82  43  22   14   15   19   15    9
Forde     Paladin    8.83  40  13   18   18   13   13    6
Ephraim   Lord+      7.46  38  19   26   21   16   15   12
Tethys    Dancer     8.14  23   3    3   19   16    6    9
Rennac    Rogue      5.61  32  12   18   18    7   10   14
Knoll     Summoner   3.74  26  14   12   11    0    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  40  20   17   18   10   20   14

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With this kind of draft, I should've done WAY better, especially on chapters 8, 9, and 11. One of these days, the RNG will stop being weird with my units. I'm requesting someone competent take my team and attempt this draft, with the given rules. I think it's possible to shave 8 turns on the chapters I named alone.


Eirika - Did fairly well, killed stuff, but was somehow HP screwed.

Vanessa - Good at doubling slow units with someone riding behind her, but her damage was suspect for most of the game.

Moulder - His Magic cooperated nicely. Got some hilarious DEF blessing.

Ross - His Speed was enough for him to be my main offense. Looking back, this would've gone faster if Vanessa promoted to Falcoknight.

Forde - No, that is not how you behave in drafts.

Tethys - Awesome as usual.

Rennac - His crazy RES was helpful in the desert. He killed a few things here and there.

Ephraim - Started out meh, but became decent. Forgot how to dodge at crucial times.

Knoll - Phantom spam was worth it, as was the extra healbot.

Myrrh - When do you not turn out awesome?

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Under clipsey's request, I'm using her team, because apparently I'm competant.

Prologue - 1 turn

Gave Eirika a kill because I could. Seth killed the other dude and the boss.

Chapter 1 - 3/4 turns

standard clear with Seth. Eirka nearly has a level!

Chapter 2 - 4/8 turns

Seth took care of the south, while Eirika killed the bandits on the mountain. Vanessa scooped up Garcia's archer kill and a bandit.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           02.91  17  04   09   10   06   03   01
Vanessa   W. Knight      01.69  17  05   07   11   04   06   05 
Moulder   Priest         03.00  29  04   06   09   01   02   05
Ross      Useless turd   01.00  15  05   02   03   08   03   00

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Chapter 3 - 4/12 turns

Various units busted down walls, while Seth carried Eirika to Bazba, and killed him for her. Now I don't have Seth anymore and am saddened greatly.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           03.32  18  04   10   11   06   03   01
Vanessa   W. Knight      02.77  18  05   07   12   04   06   05 
Moulder   Priest         03.34  29  04   06   09   01   02   05
Ross      Useless turd   02.71  16  06   03   03   09   04   00

Chapter 4 - 6/18 turns

oh come on RNG save me

Vanessa flew south, and engaged a couple enemies at a time, then vulneraried, and rinsed and repeated. Artur took out the west, and Ross on a mountain/forest took out the north. Moulder healed when he was able.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           04.36  19  04   10   11   07   03   02
Vanessa   Pegasus        07.62  20  06   08   15   08   07   06 
Moulder   Priest         03.91  29  04   06   09   01   02   05
Ross      Useless turd   08.07  20  09   05   03   10   05   00

Chapter 5 - 6/24 turns

this chapter sucks, because an undrafted unit did most of the work.

Natasha suicidally recruited Joshua (IT WAS ALL FOR THE GREATER GOOD) and Vanessa grabbed the armourslayer. Eirika and Moulder tried not to die, and Joshua ORKO'd the boss.

No stats, forgot to grab them before 5x.

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Chapter 5x - 7/31 turns

Forde cleared the archer and shaman out of Orson's way from over the wall, then was able to get the killer lance due to a lucky crit on the mage. Kept a chest key for the Elysian whip.

forgot stats again, but Ephraim had two decent levels, and Forde's was like HP lck and res or something terrible.

Chapter 6 - 5/36 turns

Moulder spammed torch while running to the bottom corner, Vanessa flew to the boss, and Eirika and Ross got on mountains and prayed. Vanessa hit the boss a couple times on the EP, and the a couple more on the PP to finish. She got the dragonshield prior to this chapter.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           06.63  20  05   12   12   08   04   02
Vanessa   Pegasus        11.07  22  07   10   16   11   11   06 
Moulder   Priest         04.83  21  05   06   09   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate         01.00  23  11   05   06   10   07   00

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Chapter 7 - 6/42 turns

You know, Vanessa, some strength would be nice :/

Eirika couldn't double the boss and 3HKO'd so she went up north and I rigged a speed proc on her, then ferried her over. Ross was dropped earlier to kill the archers and loldiers, whom he didn't double with a hand axe.

Took an extra turn on the boss since Eirika didn't get strength and couldn't 2HKO.

Now to figure out how to kill Tirado with my fail squad.... Eirika does the most on my team with 8 damage, and is OHKO'd... I guess Ephraim it is..

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           06.63  21  05   13   14   09   04   03
Vanessa   Pegasus        12.10  23  07   11   17   12   12   06 
Moulder   Priest         04.83  21  05   06   09   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate         03.34  25  11   06   06   10   07   01

Chapter 8 - 12/54 turns

I was reading over clipsey's strategy, and the flying Ephraim and Eirika over the lake to the west is very clever! That's exactly what I did, with Ross going north to get exp, and Moulder tailed him, since he didn't have enough movement to keep up, and would end up getting destroyed by the cav reinforcements. Ephraim ORKO'd Tirado on turn 11 (Eirika was out of range). Forde got the whip after yoinking a door key out of the convoy.

Now, chapter 9 should be interesting, as Eirika doubles most stuff for like 8 damage, Ross is doubled by most stuff but hits hard, and Vanessa's defence is slowly gaining on her HP, and is almost twice her strength :/

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           09.68  22  05   14   14   09   04   03
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Pegasus        14.43  25  08   12   18   13   14   06 
Moulder   Priest         05.71  22  05   07   09   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate         07.27  28  12   07   07   11   08   02
Forde     Cavalier       10.07  27  08   10   08   08   08   03 

Chapter 9 - 13/67 turns


Got the dragonshield village and Amelia's speedwing though.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           10.64  23  06   15   14   10   05   03
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Pegasus     14/04.01  30  12   14   23   14   15   08 
Moulder   Priest         06.71  23  05   08   10   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate         10.55  30  14   08   08   12   09   03
Forde     Paladin     10/02.33  30  10   12   09   08   10   04 

Chapter 10 - 3/70 turns

The enemy archers will prioritize attacking with bows over ballistae, and Vanessa could shrug those off well enough after downing the dragonshield from last chapter. She killed Pablo with a Killer Lance crit + another hit. Everyone else just got exp.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           10.65  23  06   15   14   10   05   03
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/04.90  30  12   14   23   14   17   08 
Moulder   Priest         06.94  23  05   08   10   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate         11.25  31  14   08   08   13   09   04
Forde     Paladin     10/02.58  30  10   12   09   08   10   04 

Chapter 11 - 7/77 turns

Moulder spammed the hell out of torch, and even used the unlock staff to get at those three enemies in the chest room. Vanessa, Forde, Moulder, and Tethys went south, and Vanessa ended up killing the boss. Ross went solo east, (he promoted before the chapter) with a pure water and elixir to back him up. Vanessa helped him out on turn 7.

Ross managed to nab the secret book, which he will most likely use.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           12.52  24  07   15   16   12   06   04
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/06.71  32  12   15   24   15   18   08 
Moulder   Priest         08.79  23  05   08   10   01   03   05
Ross      Pirate      11/02.40  36  15   10   12   13   11   06
Forde     Paladin     10/03.97  31  10   12   10   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         01.71  Who cares

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I guess ferrying stuff south on Chapter 9 wasn't viable?

My stuff couldn't kill anything, I had to rely on 12 strength Vanessa to do everything, and there were those dumb archers that don't move near the boss that Forde couldn't get to, and he 3HKO'd without doubling

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Chapter 12 - 8/85 turns

Thank god for Saleh here.

He took care of the northwest, while Vanessa took out the rest of the north.

Ross took care of the southwest reinforcemets, and with some careful positioning and the killer lance, Forde handled the southeast, with some backup from Tethys and Eirika, and Moulder, I guess.

oh yeha, idk if I meantioned it, Ross got a speedwing and a secret book.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           13.48  24  08   15   16   13   07   04
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/09.01  35  12   18   27   16   18   10 
Moulder   Priest         09.79  26  05   10   10   01   04   06
Ross      Berserker   11/03.32  37  16   12   13   14   12   07
Forde     Paladin     10/04.50  32  10   13   10   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         01.71  Who cares

Chapter 13 - 2/87 turns

Vanessa would have killed him on the EP anyway, but she decided to proc pierce on the boss.

Moulder promoted after using Barrier a couple times.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           13.48  24  08   15   16   13   07   04
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/10.10  36  12   19   27   16   18   10 
Moulder   Priest      10/01.08  30  08   11   11   01   07   08
Ross      Berserker   11/03.62  37  16   12   13   14   12   07
Forde     Paladin     10/04.75  32  10   13   10   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         02.73  Who cares

Chapter 14 - 10/97 turns


She broke the silver lance on Carlyle, (she 4HKO'd). She was 2HKO'd at 27 hit, so nothing scary happened there. Rennac grabbed a physic and some killers. Forde failed to double archers and monks.

Ross got the energy ring from the chest.

You know you're doing it wrong when Rennac has the 3rd best offence on the team.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           14.59  25  09   16   17   13   07   05
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  12   14   14   11   08   05 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/11.58  37  13   19   28   16   19   10 
Moulder   Priest      10/02.38  31  08   11   11   01   07   08
Ross      Berserker   11/04.63  37  17   13   13   14   12   07
Forde     Paladin     10/05.30  33  10   13   11   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         03.56  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/01.39  28  10   16   17   05   09   11

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 15 - 11/106 turns

Lack of offence is starting to hurt now...

Killing Edge Duessel was used the kill Caellach, and Ross OHKO'd Valter with a Battle axe crit. Vanessa helped out Eph down south. Moulder killed Pegasi with Elixir help. Forde and Rennac tried not to die.

Compare Ephraim's and Moulder's HP/Def for fun.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord           15.22  25  10   16   18   13   07   06
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  15   18   19   15   09   07 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/12.83  37  13   19   28   16   19   11 
Moulder   Priest      10/06.27  33  09   14   12   02   08   08
Ross      Berserker   11/07.12  40  20   15   14   17   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/05.61  33  10   13   11   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         04.58  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/02.66  28  10   16   18   06   09   11

Chapter 16 - 5/111 turns

Boots to Tethys.

Nessie was warped ahead to stir up trouble in the throne room anyhow, and Ross followed afterwards. Nessie ended up blicking Orson with the horseslayer, but Garm!Ross was on standby, so it didn't matter. Unfourtunatly, Ross was out of range of the purge dude, as Moulder could have used it.

Moulder warped Eirika up to seize on turn 5.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord        15/01.00  29  12   18   19   13   10   11
Ephraim   Lord           10.61  29  15   18   19   15   09   07 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/14.00  39  14   21   29   18   21   11 
Moulder   Priest      10/07.51  33  09   14   12   02   09   08
Ross      Berserker   11/07.82  40  20   15   14   17   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/05.81  33  10   13   11   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         05.08  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/02.78  28  10   16   18   06   09   11
Knoll     Summoner    10/03.02  25  14   10   12   01   03   15
Myrrh     Manakete       03.67  17  17   15   07   03   20   29

Chapter 17 - 2/113 turns

Recuse Ephraim with Nessie, dance nessie, warp nessie, drop Ephraim, kill shit EP, attack Lyon with Siegmund, dodge one of 2 50ish hitrates, and profit. Myrrh got me the brave axe.

Also Hammerne'd Warp.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord        15/01.00  29  12   18   19   13   10   11
Ephraim   Lord        17/03.37  40  18   21   21   16   11   12 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/14.07  39  14   21   29   18   21   11 
Moulder   Priest      10/08.13  33  09   15   13   02   09   08
Ross      Berserker   11/08.12  41  20   15   14   18   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/05.81  33  10   13   11   08   10   04 
Tethys    Dancer         05.28  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/02.78  28  10   16   18   06   09   11
Knoll     Summoner    10/03.32  25  14   10   12   01   03   15
Myrrh     Manakete       04.67  17  17   15   07   03   20   29

Edited by General Horace
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It's more fun to compare Forde and Moulder

you know what you're right

Chapter 18 - 7/120 turns

Don't need offence here! You just need phantoms! They were adept at eating shadowshots, and killing eggs. Rennac, Knoll, and Eirika went to the south, Forde, Nessie, and Myrrh to the Northwest, and Eph, Moulder, Tethys and Ross went to the top right.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord        15/02.83  30  12   18   19   14   11   11
Ephraim   Lord        17/03.37  40  18   21   21   16   11   12 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/16.15  40  16   22   29   19   21   12 
Moulder   Priest      10/10.13  35  09   16   15   02   09   09
Ross      Berserker   11/09.07  42  20   16   14   19   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/07.53  35  11   13   11   09   11   04 
Tethys    Dancer         06.09  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/03.09  28  10   16   19   06   09   11
Knoll     Summoner    10/04.67  26  15   11   13   01   03   15
Myrrh     Manakete       09.28  25  23   20   09   06   30   35

I'm too lazy tired to finish this tonight, i'll finish it tomorrow... eventually.

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Chapter 19 - 1/121 turns

I had just enough movement and warp range to pull this off. Moulder got two energy rings.

Forde moved full movement forward, and Moulder moved the space below him and rescued Vanessa (so she would to the left of him, due to Forde's positioning) and Tethys danced Moulder. Rennac moved south and used a torch, and Moulder warped Vanessa exactly 8 spaces away from Riev. She positioned herself in front of him with a killer lance, and killed him EP. Moulder had to see a bit of EP action, but a phantom and the Rausten knights did most of the work.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord        15/02.83  30  12   18   19   14   11   11
Ephraim   Lord        17/03.37  40  18   21   21   16   11   12 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/16.65  40  16   22   29   19   21   12 
Moulder   Priest      10/10.91  35  13   16   15   02   09   09
Ross      Berserker   11/09.07  42  20   16   14   19   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/07.53  35  11   13   11   09   11   04 
Tethys    Dancer         06.19  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/03.09  28  10   16   19   06   09   11
Knoll     Summoner    10/04.78  26  15   11   13   01   03   15
Myrrh     Manakete       09.28  25  23   20   09   06   30   35

Chapter 20 - 3/124 turns

Eirika applied pure water on turn 1, and was rescued by Nessie. Moulder warped Myrrh ahead, and she took out a bunch of enemies on turn 1 EP. Tethys danced Moulder, and rescue was repaired. On turn 2, Vanessa carrying Eirika was warped, and Eirika was dropped in a forest. She was tinked by two enemies that attacked her, and Riev only did like 10 damage, and the only other enemy that attacked her was a javelin gargoyle. Myrrh blicked Morva, and Eirika seized, after Moulder repaired Warp, breaking Hammerne.

Name      Class          Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord        15/02.97  30  12   18   19   14   11   11
Ephraim   Lord        17/06.08  43  20   22   24   17   13   12 
Vanessa   Wyvern Knt  14/16.68  40  16   22   29   19   21   12 
Moulder   Priest      10/12.38  37  13   18   15   02   10   09
Ross      Berserker   11/09.26  42  20   16   14   19   12   08
Forde     Paladin     10/07.90  35  11   13   11   09   11   04 
Tethys    Dancer         06.49  Who cares
Rennac    Rogue       ??/03.18  28  10   16   19   06   09   11
Knoll     Summoner    10/05.28  27  15   12   13   01   03   15
Myrrh     Manakete       17.27  36  30   27   14   09   35   38

seems liek I forgot to update Ephraim after chapter 18. oops.

Chapter Final Part 1 - 2/126 turns

See Clipsey's strategy

Chapter Final Part 2 - 1/127 turns

Vanessa did 20 damage with Vidofnir, Myrrh did 44 damage, Ross did 24, and Ephraim did 23x2 to finish the Goat Demon once and for all.

Moulder was nescessary in rescuing Myrrh, Tethys danced Moulder, then he warped Ross.

Eirika - was strength screwed early on, although Seth ramapage early on didn't help her. I still don't think a better trained Eirika would have saved turns.

Ephraim - He was pretty great when he was around. Killed Lyon, Tirado, and the Demon King.

Vanessa - She traded offence for defence. She gained a lot of strength later on, but it was too little too late. 10 upon promotion is pitiful. Still she's still worthy of a second overall pick, behind Franz.

Forde - base Seth is still better than him and it's endgame...

His combat sucked hard, but an 8 move unit is nice to have.

Moulder - screwed in Magic by 4 points, but I don't think it ended up mattering. Good warper for sure.

Tethys - Shaved turns like everywhere except rout maps. I still think she should be free, but w/e

Ross - Ended up remarkably average. Didn't really do a whole lot, other that during midgame though.

Knoll - Phantoms ate shadowshots like a pro, except for that one time they dodged it.

Rennac - I'm not kidding you, he saved a turn in chapter 19. More than anybody else could do at that point in the draft.

Myrrh - Was amazing in chapter 20 and Final.

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Oh, thanks you Horace~! What do you think about having recruited/forced units free, with that kind of team? I think there should be some limitations, based on who you previously drafted, but that's just me.

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Oh, thanks you Horace~! What do you think about having recruited/forced units free, with that kind of team? I think there should be some limitations, based on who you previously drafted, but that's just me.

I'm going out for a bit, but I'll leave a brief note here...

I think Tethys should be free for all, due to how she can make a staffer rescue then warp somebody lategame, and really, just giving Eirika an extra push towards the throne is a turn per seize chapter if you play it right, and this gives the other participants an unfair advantage. Maybe give the two people who DON'T have Franz and probably Nessie too free Tethys, and make her banned for the first two drafters (providing they aren't dunces and don't pick one one or the other). I don't know how it would play out, but maybe it should be given a try, seeing as Franz and Nessie shave turns that the others just aren't able to make up in some chapters. This might help with balance, I don't know.

This would leave two undrafted units, but who really uses Ewan/Marisa anyway?

As for free units, Seth is still pretty powerful early on, Joshua is nice to have in chapter 5 if your Eirika sucks, and Ephraim and Co are nice to have in chapter 5x and 8.

I don't think Saleh should be a freebie in chapter 12, as drafting him IMO is based on his awesome performances in some maps, this being one of them, and devalues him a little bit as a pick. He's really OP if you have a flier as well.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, revival of my playthrough to start clearing my draft backlog (of all of 2 drafts, this one included)

C4: 9 Turns

Still the previous strat, getting the 8 turn was stupidly luck based. I also can't really remember what the exact strat was, but it involved sending Artur and Neimi down that west side, while Eirika barged through the river. Recruit Lute, and get annoyed at the one Revenant that doesn't attack you, preventing the 8 turn.

Name   Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 12.76 25  12  17  17   8   6   1 
Neimi   2.38 18   5   5   7   5   4   2
Lute    1.10 17   6   6   7   8   3   5

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