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Went ahead and did super earlygame chapters because why not. As far as I can tell these are some pretty standard turncounts!! Didn't bother getting stats for first two chapters because uguu.

Prologue - 2 turns, whatever

Chapter 1 - 5 turnsuguu

Chapter 2 - 6 turns

Eirika  07  031  09   10   14   06   05   03
Gaycia  Guess (It isn't difficult to guess)

so total 13 so far

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standard rules make it pretty shitty drafting the last few units

L'Arachel for staffbot and Rennac as if C19 1-turn wasn't easy enough already

Edited by Naglfar
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gonna do team analysis now because drafting may as well be over, it's just great how the person who gets first pick also gets the last of the remotely serviceable units

Naglfar: Franz, Tethys, Moulder, Syrene, Joshua, L'Arachel, Rennac

Franz for all my combat forever, Eirika and Joshua on cleanup I guess. Moulder for healing early and inferior Saleh late (never used him in LTC before, this'll be fun). I can't believe you people let me get Tethys, and then L'Arachel/Rennac/Syrene join to fill utility holes in lategame. Ephraim, Orson and Myrrh are in there somewhere. I'm feeling good about this.

The Creeper: Vanessa, Saleh, Gerik, Forde, Ross, Innes, Knoll or something

I wouldn't say Eirika/Ross/Vanessa is a bad earlygame team by any means, though it's flawed in that all of them desperately want levels, so he'll have to be particular with experience distribution to get full mileage from them. Forde (fourth round what the fuck) joins afterwards, and he'll be pretty bro in a few levels. Then there'll be Innes and Gerik, who will give the team some much-needed fortification, before Saleh joins to do much of the same and provide some sweet Warping if he gets to A staves in time without turncounts suffering (easier said than done). Probably wins lategame, but I'm all over earlygame.

Bonerusa: Garcia, Kyle, Tana, Colm, Lute, Natasha, a scrub

A whole bunch of solid units who join relatively early. All the necessities, plus Colm for some early goodies that Tana would appreciate. This is the kind of thing you do when you draft third. It'll probably go well, especially midgame, but I can't say I know.

Bolting: Cormag, Duessel, Artur, Gilliam, Dozla, Neimi, who cares

Drafting fourth is an impenetrable science to me, and apparently, a lot of other people. Franz-Vanessa-Garcia seems to be a popular pattern among sane players (thus, it happens rarely), but the fourth player to draft always has different ideas. Honestly, I don't think there's any way in which Bolting's team excels, but I really have no idea.

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toot toot

Prologue: 2 turns


Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika|02/00|16| 5| 8|10| 6| 3| 1

Chapter 1: 5 turns


Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika|04/00|18| 6| 8|11| 8| 5| 2 
Franz |02/00|20| 8| 6| 7| 2| 6| 1

Chapter 2: 6 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika |06/00|20| 6| 9|13|10| 7| 3 
Franz  |03/00|20| 8| 6| 8| 2| 6| 1
Moulder|03/00|20| 4| 6| 9| 1| 2| 5

Chapter 3: 6 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika |07/00|21| 6|10|14|10| 7| 3 
Franz  |04/00|21| 8| 6|19| 2| 7| 1
Moulder|03/00|20| 4| 6| 9| 1| 2| 5

Turncounts optimised. Less awesome level ups though.

Edited by Naglfar
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Mega Update.

Prologue - 2 turns


Chapter 1 - 5 turns

Standard 5 turn clear mostly. Gilliam killed most of the stragglers.

Chapter 2 - 5 turns

I like Gilliam.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns

Neimi chipped, and got the chest key, for the Angelic Robe later. Walls are irritating, but Eirika was able to keep moving ahead.

Chapter 4 - 7 turns

Artur went east, Eirika south, Gilliam stayed near the starting position to pick off straglers. Neimi chipped stuff.

Chapter 5 - 6 turns

I could've almost got the Guiding Ring here, I grabbed most of the villages minus the Torch one.

Chapter 5x - 8 turns

Ephlame and Orsonskip.

Chapter 6 - 6 turns

Eirika ran ahead while the main group took attention away from her. Neimi was ORKOed by generic Mercs.

Chapter 7 - 7 turns

Eirika crossed the river, while Gilliam Artur and Neimi took on most of the map.

Chapter 8 - 8 turns

Yes. Fought through the armor room with Armorslayers, and a blessed Artur. Eirika 3HKOed the boss o.O.

So yeah. I'm taking Ephraim route.

Unit	Class	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Eirika	Lord	20.00	27	15	20	20	18	10	5	Sword - A
Ephraim Lord	9.80	27	12	10	12	9	8	3	Lance - C
Gilliam	GK	1.00	36	17	11	8	5	16	5	Sword - E, Axe - D, Lance - B
Neimi	Archer	5.55	20	6	7	8	6	3	3	Bow - D
Artur	Monk	11.11	23	12	13	16	5	3	12	Light - C

Gilliam was level 12 before promotion.

Edited by Bolting
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Holy shit your Artur is fucking incredible (as far as Artur's go). That speed is utterly absurd, and his Mag is pretty good too.

But seriously, his speed is so high that your caps might actually sort of matter. The highest hit enemies in Ephraim's Ch9 have <65% hit on him, and most of them only have ~45%. It's a pity his defense is as shit as ever so you can't really take as much advantage of it 8[.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Chapter 4: 7 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika |08/00|21| 7|11|15|10| 8| 4 
Franz  |09/00|25| 9| 8|13| 6| 8| 3
Moulder|03/00|20| 4| 6| 9| 1| 2| 5

Chapter 5: 6 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Eirika |10/00|23| 7|12|17|11| 9| 4 
Franz  |11/00|28|11| 9|14| 7|10| 4
Moulder|03/00|20| 4| 6| 9| 1| 2| 5
Joshua |05/00|24| 8|13|14| 7| 5| 2

gained two turns on C3, lost one on C4 (stupid Eirika's strength)

Edited by Naglfar
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Chapter 3 - 7 turn sieze

Ross gave Garcia the Hatchet for increased hit rate. Skipped the treasure chests with Colm. Got a good level on Colm. A lucky critical with Eirika against the boss didn't decrease turncount, but it allowed me to kill a hand axe bandit that was following me around and being not really annoying at all. Gaycia actually didn't do much except help break walls faster.

      Level  HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LUK  DEF  RES
Eirika 09/42  23   10   12   15   07   05   03
Colm   03/57  19   05   05   11   09   03   01

Chapter 4 - 7 turn rout

I tried six turning but it is unfeasible without someone dying. Usually Garcia. I also don't really remember what I did on the winning run. Uhh. Oh well, even if I did get a six turn clear I probably wouldn't have gotten level ups as overall good as I did, even if Gaycia didn't get any speed (which kinda sucks but oh well Colm has seven strength at level five).

      Level  HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LUK  DEF  RES
Eirika 10/92  24   11   13   16   08   05   04
Gaycia 07/92  31   10   08   07   05   05   01
Colm   05/82  21   07   06   13   11   03   02

Chapter 5 - 6 turn boss kill

Charged up the left side (edit: by left side I mean the left side slightly less left than the leftleft side, of course). Eirika killed Joshua. Eirika killed the boss. Unfortunately, she's gained too much strength to not one round with the Rapier, but not enough for me to be able to do enough damage for anyone else to kill, but I at least got both Gaycia and Lute a hit on him. Gaycia still hasn't gotten speed. I didn't recruit Joshua but maybe I should have for Killing Edge. Oh well!!

       Level  HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LUK  DEF  RES
Eirika  13/03  24   11   15   17   09   07   05
Gaycia  08/60  32   11   08   07   06   05   01
Colm    07/52  22   08   06   14   11   04   03

33 total

Edited by Bonerusa
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That was fast.

Chapter 9 - 16 turns

This map is annoying. I brought along Franz for Amelia but killed her anyway. Oh well~

Chapter 10 - 8 turns

And here I got my best unit, Cormag, and also Duessel, who is pretty good.

Chapter 11 - 7 turns

Cormag took the Robe and a Dracoshield. He flew into the center of the ship and began to kill everything. Neimi killed something on her own. I also got Dozla, my last unit.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns

Promoted Cormag who flew over the the boss and killed him with the Axereaver. Neimi was also promoted, and barely OHKOed something. This was about the last thing she did all run. Cormag killed the Shaman with the Guiding Ring so I promoted Artur afterwards. Ewan wasn't recruited.

Chapter 13 - 9 turns

Cormag mauled Selena, whilst everyone else split up. Stupid Pirate reinforcements made me waste a turn. I got barrier for Artur too.

Chapter 14 - 6 turns

A lot less painful due to Artur having a restore staff. Neimi was benched for this map. Everyone charged the throne room, Ephraim carried by Cormag. Cormag is so boss he 2HKOed Vigarde with a Heavy Spear.

Chapter 15 - 11 turns

Deserts are stupid. So are the mage reinforcements that cost me turns. I only needed Warp and Swiftsole, I didn't bother with anything else. Neimi died and I didn't care.

Chapter 16 - 8 turns

Gave Ephraim the Swiftsoles. Cormag carried Ephraim towards Orson and ORKOed him. Good times. I started training Myrrh here for the Demon King.

Chapter 17 - 3 turns

Cormag skip. Lyon is pretty bad... It wasn't hard to kill him. Everyone else just trained.

Chapter 18 - 9 turns

Divide and conquer again. Gilliam nearly died of poison, which was fail.

Chapter 19 - 2 turns

I don't have a Theif or Tethys so I couldn't do much.

Chapter 20 - 3 turns

Myrrh got blessed with a lot of Strength here. Cormag rescued Ephraim, and was warped by Artur. Cormag critted the Draco and Ephraim seized.

Final Chapter - 2 turns

Part 1 - Artur warps Myrrh to double crits Lyon.

Part 2 - Myrrh crits and OHKOed the Demon King. He's so bad, Cormag was barely 2HKOed by him.


Unit	Class		Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Eirika	Great Lord	4.04	34	17	24	23	19	13	11	Sword - S
Ephraim	Great Lord	5.53	43	22	24	20	16	16	13	Lance - S
Neimi	DEAD
Gilliam	Great Knight	6.60	40	19	14	10	6	19	5	Sword - E, Axe - C, Lance - S
Duessel Great Knight	12.39	44	20	14	13	8	19	9
Cormag	Wyvern Knight 17.79	59	25	21	24	11	19	7	Lance - S
Dozla	Berserker	8.54	50	19	14	12	6	13	6	Axe - A
Myrrh	Manakete	12.47	30	16	10	13	6	20	9	

Total Turns - 149

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