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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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New Part I read that last night. It's like old now in comparison to the fact that I update like an SMG. Fast and quick and other stories

Okay. Though this isn't really a competition dude. It's not about speed. It's about quality. If I can write a good story quickly, great. But if I can't I don't make a crappy chapter just to post something fast.

And you want to talk about quick posting stories? You shoulda seen the History of Lyle Dayek. I was posting three episodes a day dude.

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Okay. Though this isn't really a competition dude. It's not about speed. It's about quality. If I can write a good story quickly, great. But if I can't I don't make a crappy chapter just to post something fast.

And you want to talk about quick posting stories? You shoulda seen the History of Lyle Dayek. I was posting three episodes a day dude.

Sorry I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is that with mulitple stories being updated mulitple times a day (more that what was there when your last story was active). And sprites who post as well. I'm just stating that stories get burried and unnoticed quicker than they used to.

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Sorry I didn't mean it that way. What I meant is that with mulitple stories being updated mulitple times a day (more that what was there when your last story was active). And sprites who post as well. I'm just stating that stories get burried and unnoticed quicker than they used to.

Ah. Yeah. Sorry about the mis-communication.

And yeah. It's a shame. It's great that people are being well trying to be anyway creative. But it's a shame that the forum is getting riddled with a bunch of one time post stories or one time post artworks.

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Ah. Yeah. Sorry about the mis-communication.

And yeah. It's a shame. It's great that people are being well trying to be anyway creative. But it's a shame that the forum is getting riddled with a bunch of one time post stories or one time post artworks.

Yeah I used to do that but Wind of the End is going to be the first story I complete

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The only story I really let die was the war one. I didn't really like it. Plus I started writing this story somewhere during it and I fell in love with it once I figured out Zeek.

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I think I found the general theme in what causes my stories to die. It's this kinda theme, swords and spears. Not guns. Wind of the End is different and entertaining to me as I always loved reading the Halo books they published

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I liked Zeek when he was first introduced, just like I liked Damon when he was first introduced! AWESOME.

And lol, Damon loves to change his name in the future.


And btw Lyle, you realize that if this was an anime, the yaoi fangirls would be all over Damon x Damon by now. :/

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I liked Zeek when he was first introduced, just like I liked Damon when he was first introduced! AWESOME.

And lol, Damon loves to change his name in the future.


And btw Lyle, you realize that if this was an anime, the yaoi fangirls would be all over Damon x Damon by now. :/

That line made me spit out the entire contents of my mouth in laughter which consisted of popcorn and milk. *Wipes laptop screen.*

And I think name change thing was just to be annoying. It was a nice little quirk that helped to define Zeek's character.

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I liked Zeek when he was first introduced, just like I liked Damon when he was first introduced! AWESOME.

And lol, Damon loves to change his name in the future.


And btw Lyle, you realize that if this was an anime, the yaoi fangirls would be all over Damon x Damon by now. :/


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Ah. Yeah. Sorry about the mis-communication.

And yeah. It's a shame. It's great that people are being well trying to be anyway creative. But it's a shame that the forum is getting riddled with a bunch of one time post stories or one time post artworks.

Sorry.........I kinda said that mine and song's history was on hold till this story and TOS were done. And sorry that TOS is a bunch of lame random ideas that show up in my head and I write them down and force you all to read it.

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Sorry.........I kinda said that mine and song's history was on hold till this story and TOS were done. And sorry that TOS is a bunch of lame random ideas that show up in my head and I write them down and force you all to read it.

At least your story is consistedly updated. Rather then started, runs for two to three chapters then ends.

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HAH! SO YOU DO THINK ITS BAD! *plan success!*

I think it has good aspects and bad aspects. But you said it was for yourself really, so you don't even care what people think of it. So I don't comment on how I would improve it.

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New Episode: Confrontation

Arcturus: There’s a whole group of you and you’re gonna face me one at a time? Why even bother with a group?

Nightmare: Good point. But we don’t need to address that since I’m going to be the only one you fight.

Arcturus: Oh? And why is that?

Nightmare: Because I’m going to defeat you.

Arcturus: Huh. I can tell you’re stronger then when you were on my ship, but what makes you think you can defeat me, when even Lyle Dayek and Rauz Chisean had trouble defeating me?

Nightmare: I don’t care if they did. I’m not them. I’m a different person and I’ll kill you with my own blade.

Arcturus: ....*He draws his sword.* Then let’s not prattle along anymore then. Draw your blade.

Nightmare: If you plan to make a move. Do it. Whether my blade is drawn or not, I am prepared to fight.

Arcturus: Fine. Your funeral. *He charges for Nightmare then slashes at his side.*

Nightmare: *He stands as though he wasn’t harmed or if he moved at all.*

Arcturus: *Raises and eyebrow.* I see.....

Nightmare: *His hand is on his blade.* Do you? *He quickly draws his sword and attacks Arcturus.*

Arcturus: *Jumps back to avoid the blow.* Impressive. I’ve never seen that sort of style.

Nightmare: *Sheathes his blade.* Funny. Neither have I.

Serene: Boy Nightmare is looking a helluva lot cooler then you did Raven.

Raven: ._______.

Arc: Well he isn’t wrong.

Cymbeline: Go Nightmare!

Desdemona: Yeah!

Kiryn: Sorry Raven....

Fox: ....

*Nightmare and Arcturus continue their fight.*

*Knife watches the rapid succession of blows that happen between Fireman and Lea.*

Knife: .....Hey. Song.

Songbird: Yeah?

Knife: Can you get me down from here?

Songbird: Well....I’d like to help.....but Fireman told me not to move.....

Knife: I doubt you’d get injured if you walked two feet over to me and got me down.

Songbird: Well....I guess that’s true. *She starts walking over and a dagger is thrown inches in front of her face, startling her.* !!!

Fireman: Don’t move! Ooof. *Lea manages to land a blow on Fireman’s face.

Lea: Don’t get distracted!

Songbird: Fireman!

Knife: ._____.

Fireman: Ugh. *He regains his footing just in time to avoid a spike that would have impaled him.*

Lea: *She twirls her dagger in her fingers.* You fight well. But you’re too distracted.

Fireman: *He spots above her head a saw silently inching it’s way toward her.* .....

Lea: Now it’s time to die. *She raises her knife.*

Fireman: Look out! *He tackles her to the ground just as the saw shoots down.*

Lea: !!! What?!?

Fireman: *He gets up off her.* ....

Lea: Did you just.....save me?

Fireman: .....

Lea: Why?

Fireman: .....It’s not in my contract....to have you die.

Lea: .....

Songbird: Fireman.....

Fireman: Some ninja you are though. You said you knew this room inside out. What happened there?

Lea: Hmph. Still.....I still have to kill you. *She thrusts, but Fireman grabs her arm.*

Fireman: Why?

Lea: !! .......Because....I have a duty....Lady Celestire....will kill us....

Fireman: Is that so?

Lea: ....She has.....powers....beyond our imagination. At first we served willingly. But if we betrayed her.....she will destroy our minds.

Fireman: Is she really that powerfull?

Lea: Yes.....I’ve seen it before.....

Fireman: I see. Well. In that case. *He raises Baselard.*

Lea: ......

Songbird: Fireman!

Fireman: *Hits Lea with the hilt of Baselard.* You can’t control the mind of someone who can’t think.

Lea: *Falls to the ground unconcious.*

Fireman: She’ll be fine. Well, except for a huge headache.

Songbird: Fireman.....

Knife: ....Can you guys get me down now?

*Arcturus and Nightmare break their conflict. Both are injured, neither seem to have the advantage over the other.*

Arcturus: Dammit....

Nightmare: And that’s why I’m going to win. You use your emotions too much. This is a battle. Whether your winning or losing, you can’t let your emotions get the best of you.

Arcturus: .....I suppose you’re right. It’s how Despuidad died.

Branded Blade: Not quite. Despuidad is still alive.

Arcturus: What?!

Nightmare: Stay out of this.

Branded Blade: It’s true! He’s alive.

Arcturus: ....How?

Branded Blade: Rauz Chisean used the Necronomicon to revive him. Despuidad is with us now.

Arcturus: You’re lying....

Nightmare: We’re not. How else would we know where this place was?

Arcturus: ......If Despuidad joined you.....Why?

Nightmare: Because he learned that the Demonclaw Syndicate isn’t just a bunch of madmen.

Arcturus: .....I’ve had doubts about whether what I was doing here was right. Ever since Cornelius killed my crew. I can’t let you pass. But I won’t try to kill you.

Nightmare: .....Guys?

Fox: Sounds fine. We have the others inside already.

Arcturus: Others?

Arc: Notice Lyle and Rauz aren’t here? He and a bunch of others used a different entrance. We were just a distraction.

Arcturus: Heh. Interesting plan. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it.

*Throne room. Celestire looks upon Viki in the machine.*

Celestire: Tell me......How do you feel?

Viki: *Barely manages to breath out.* Please.....let me go.....

Celestire: I see. You are quite the interesting subject. Most of my experiments have begged for death by now. You have a strong will. Though we’ll have to put this on hold.

*Lyle, Rauz and Bianchi burst through the doors.*

Lyle: Viki!

Rauz: !!!

Bianchi: .....

Celestire: Ah. Two members of the Demonclaw syndicate. How wonderful. Especially the one who wields the Necronomicon. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to experiment on you.

Lyle: ‘Experiment’?

Rauz: *Glares at Celestire.* What did you do to her?

Celestire: Nothing compared to what I have planned for you.

Rauz: I suppose I’ll just have to do worse to you then. *The area around Rauz glows.*

Lyle: Don’t think this is your fight alone Rauz.

Celestire: Don’t worry Lyle. You’ll have an even better fight then me and Rauz will.

Lyle: Huh?

Bianchi: *Attacks Lyle.*

Lyle: !!! *She tackles him to the ground.* Bianchi! NO!

Rauz: You bitch.

Celestire: What? Now the playing field is even. *She laughs.*

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Ryumaru

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