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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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New Episode: Ryumaru

Princess Kilvas: Is that.....Damon?

Zeek: Yup. Freaky looking ain’t he?

Masu: <_< You’re not one to talk.....

Zeek: I didn’t have to save your ass you know. <_<

Damon: *Roars.* Come on. We fighting or what?

Zeek: Geeze. Have you ever heard of patience?

Princess Kilvas: Zeek, will you be alright on your own?

Zeek: Don’t worry Princess. Remember, I’m the one I’m fighting here. I remember pretty much all of this. I should be okay. Just stay here. And I’ll protect you.

Masu: I’m sick of being protected! I can help!

Zeek: Fine. I know you don’t need me to protect you. But I want to win this fight on my own.

Masu: NO! I want to fight him!

Zeek: I have no qualms about killing you, Masu. I’ve got 50 years on you. Don’t push it.

Princess Kilvas: Masu....

Masu: .....Fine.

Damon: *He howls.*

Zeek: Shit. *He walks toward Damon.* Fine. You ready?

Damon: I was made ready!

Zeek: *He spins his pitchfork and holds it to the ground.* Then lets go.

Damon: *He roars and charges Zeek, swinging his blade down.*

Zeek: *Blocks the blade with his pitchfork.* Geeze. I was pretty strong wasn’t I?

Damon: *He grabs the blade with his free hand and pushes down harder. Grinning like a madman.*

Zeek: Rgh. *He manages to push the blade off of him and back off as it comes crashing down.*

Damon: What? You some kind of coward?!

Zeek: Takes one to know one. Still, you’re a lot stronger then I thought. Though, I should have suspected that.

Damon: *He grows more spines and his fangs and talons extend as he roars again.*

Zeek: .....You become more demonic by the second it seems. The mind is a powerful thing. Dangerous when it goes wild.

Princess Kilvas: What’s happening to him?

Zeek: Just as I said. Celestire is manipulating his mind to the point where his whole composure starts to change. I guess you can’t feel his aura, but it’s becoming more unstable and wild. Like a demons.

Masu: ....I can tell. I feel his aura...

Zeek: Well there you go. And even if you can’t feel his aura, his body is changing.

Damon: You gonna keep talking or what?

Zeek: Yeah I guess I have talked a little too much. Hang in there Damon. Just a little bit more and I’ll give you your fight. As things are now, I don’t think I can win.

Masu and Princess Kilvas: !!!

Zeek: Calm down. I know a way out of this. For one, I still have the power of time. But I don’t want to use that. I’ve got something else to show him.

Damon: Think I care? I’m done with you!!! *He charges.*

Zeek: Geeze....Am I this impatient? *He dodges as Damon swings down. Then he places his pitchfork over the blade.* While I have you occupied here, let me tell you a little somethin. I’ve never been one to use weapons. Neither have you. We do our best fighting with sheer fists. So doesn’t it seem strange that I carry this pitchfork wherever I go? *He jumps back away from Damon.*

Damon: Why the fuck should I care?

Zeek: Cause this is important for you. It’s said that when you hang around someone long enough, you eventually pick up a few things from them. Consider the people you and I have traveled with, you should be able to comrehend why I carry this pitchfork around.

Masu & Princess: ???

Zeek: Fill with bliss. Ryumaru. *The pitchfork suddenly changes shape into a trident. Except the three prongs are held on by chains and fly loose when he swings Ryumaru.* Kind of a simple name. But trust me. My Zanpakto is more then what meets the eye.

Damon: *He seems taken aback by this for a minute. As if remembering something. Then he returns to his demonic visage.*

Zeek: *He twirls Ryumaru.* Now I’m ready. *He charges Damon and slashes at him with Ryumaru. The three blades manage to cut Damon at an extremely high speed.*

Damon: !!!

Zeek: Ryumaru amplifies my abilities tenfold. Plus I know every move you make before you make it. You can’t win.

Damon: You know nothing about me! *He ignores his wounds and swings his blade wildly at Zeek.*

Zeek: *Blocks the attacks.* I know plenty about you. More then you even know. *The three prongs of Ryumaru wrap around Damon’s neck with it’s chains. Zeek pulls down and bashes Damon’s face against his knee.*

Princess Kilvas: Zeek!

Zeek: What? I did it to me back when I was him!

Masu: I think my brain just exploded.....

Damon: *He flings Zeek off of him and roars. As he does, he bends over and clutches his head as his back ripples and morphs.*

Princess Kilvas: What’s happening now?!

Masu: His aura is going crazy!

Zeek: SHIT! *He tosses aside Ryumaru and tackles Damon to the ground. Damon seems un-responsive to this latest attack. Zeek then slugs Damon in the face in a rapid fire succession. Almost too fast for Masu and Princess to see. Then, with one final punch, Zeek does a somersault and lands next to Ryumaru. He picks it up.*

Princess Kilvas: What happened there?

Zeek: He almost transformed into a full demon. At that point there’d be no chance we’d get him back to normal.

Princess Kilvas: Will he be alright!??!

Zeek: ....You seem to be forgetting that I’m him. So long as I’m fine, he should be. Even if time wasn’t set in stone.

Damon: *Pants and slowly rises to his feet.*

Masu: His aura has calmed down.

Zeek: Probably cause I beat him senseless.

Damon:*He shakily stands and glares at Zeek.* You.....little FUCKER!!!!*He grabs his tattered shirt, tears it open, and exposes his stomach. It opens up and two tentacles reach out and wrap around Zeek.*

Zeek, Princess & Masu: !!!!!

Damon: *Laughs manically.* You’re mine now!!!!

Zeek: Uh-oh.....*His feet transform into talons so he can grab the floor beneath him.*

Princess Kilvas: What do you mean ‘Uh-oh’?

Zeek: Well. *As Damon’s tentacles pull him nearer to absorption.* I don’t exactly remember this happening. So that might mean trouble.....

Princess Kilvas & Masu: !!!!

Zeek: Calm down. I may not be able to move, but I’ll figure something out. *Damon drags him even closer.*

Princess Kilvas: Zeek!

Zeek: Oh please. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Rgh.


Princess Kilvas: .....I’ve got to do something.

Masu: Princess?

Princess Kilvas: *Transforms.*

Masu: Princess! No!

Zeek: Eh!? What the hell are you doing!?!

Princess Kilvas: *Swoops down on Damon.*

Damon: Eh? What the hell do you think you’re doing?

Princess Kilvas: Glory to the Kilvas Ravens! *She starts pecking and clawing at Damon.*

Damon: *He extends his arm, which turns into tentacles with spines they start shooting for Princess.*

Zeek: Princess!!

Princess Kilvas: !!!

Damon: GAH!!! *He winces in pain as his arm is engulfed in flames. The tentacles around Zeek., recede and Zeek grabs Princess who transforms.*

Masu: *Barely standing.* Princess, are you okay?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. I’m fine. Zeek?

Zeek: Yeah....NOW I REMEMBER!!!! Oh yeah! I got trapped, then Princess went to save me, then Masu saved her. Hahahaha! Oh me and my poor memory.

Princess Kilvas and Masu: O____________O

Zeek: *Twirls Ryumaru.* We’re not finished yet though.

Damon: *His black and red eyes stare at the three of them.* RAAAAARH!!!!!!

To Be Continued

Next Episode: What does the mind matter?

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New Episode: What does the mind matter?

Lyle: *Jumps back to avoid Bianchi’s slash.* Geeze. Where the hell did she get that dagger from?

Bianchi: *Charges at Lyle again. She manages to slash at his ribs.*

Lyle: Rgh!

Rauz: *He turns to Celestire.* You’re sick.

Celestire: Name calling isn’t very nice Rauz Chisean.

Rauz: Lyle!

Lyle: *He avoids another of Bianchi’s attacks.* What?

Rauz: Let me take her. You fight Celestire. It’ll be easier on you.

Lyle: No. I’ll fight her.

Rauz: ......Why?

Celestire: Ho?

Lyle: Because.......I know, that if it came down to it.....you’d kill her. I could never let that happen Rauz. Even if she hated me so much to want me killed.

Bianchi: *She slashes at Lyle again. Her dagger makes contact and Lyle steps back a bit.*

Lyle: Rgh..

Rauz: .......

Celestire: Pah. How pathetic. He’s willing to go so far for that woman that he’d end his own life by her hands. Humans truly are strange creatures. I suppose I fit into that myself. *She turns to Rauz.* I guess that leaves you with me.

Rauz: I suppose......Still, it all works out in the end. Lyle gets to make sure Bianchi stays alive, and I get to trash you. *The area around him glows.* It’s a great thing. All the deception, all the suffering, all the destruction you caused.....I get to bring down your punishment. *His body transforms into his draconic form.* I can’t wait to split you open. *He grabs his scythe and the Necronomicon floats next to him. The spirit serpent coils around Rauz as he takes his stance.*

Celestire: You are quite the charmer Rauz Chisean. *Her own body starts to glow.*

*Earlier Room.*

Zeek: ........Damon....stop it now. It’s over.

Damon: *He howls.* IT’S NOT OVER TILL YOU ALL DIE!!!!

Zeek: .....*He walks over to Damon.*

Princess Kilvas: Zeek.

Zeek: It’s fine.

Damon: *He swings his blade down on Zeek.*

Zeek: *He grabs the blade with his hand.* This is not who you are. *He fills the blade with demonic energy and the blade shatters.*

Damon: *He stares wide eyed. Then he howls again in a blind rage and charges Zeek.*

Zeek: *He grabs Damon.* Don’t move.

Damon: *He struggles to get out of Zeek’s grip, but to no avail.* LET ME GO YOU FUCKER!!!!

Zeek: NOT A CHANCE!!! *His aura explodes and Damon is stricken motionless.*

Damon: Rgh!

Zeek: Now listen! Look at what you’ve become. You’re not supposed to be like this. A slave to yourself. You’re stronger than this Damon.

Damon: .........

Zeek: Your body is demon. Your aura is demon. Even your mind is demon right now. But there is one thing that makes you human. *He places his hand on Damon’s chest.*

Damon: .....

*Throne room.*

Lyle: *Avoids more slashes from Bianchi.* Bianchi! You gotta snap out of it! Please!

Celestire: *As she avoids an attack from Rauz.* Hah! It’s useless. She’s completely under my influence. Her mind is mine!

Rauz: Shut-up bitch! *He swings his scythe at her again.*

Lyle: *He takes another slash from Bianchi.* No. I know she’s in there. I know. Right now she’s fighting this.

Bianchi: Don’t be so sure....

Lyle: !!!!

Rauz: !!!

Celestire: *She grins evilly.*

Bianchi: Lyle-poo. She may have been the one to pull the trigger, but the gun was loaded already. Do you know how much it hurt to know you left me? How much I worried when you disappeared? And then when I finally see you again, the reason you give me for leaving was because of some other girl you loved! Do you know how much that hurt?!

Lyle: ......I’m sorry....

Bianchi: It’s too late for that! I can’t forgive you! *She stabs him in the stomach. Lyle makes no attempt to avoid.*

Rauz: Lyle!

Lyle: Now......I know you’re lying....*He wraps his arms around her.* The Bianchi I know.....the one that I am in love with....would never say she couldn’t forgive someone....Bianchi. You’re the kindest person I know. That’s why I love you so much. I’m so sorry to make you suffer so much. I know I can never make it up to you. But I know....that I could never harm you. Even if you were trying to kill me. I can’t apologize enough for leaving you. I made a mistake....and I know that in your mind, you can never forgive me.....but I’m asking your heart. Please, forgive me.

Bianchi: .......*Lyle’s blood runs down the dagger and drips onto the ground.* Lyle....

*Previous room.*

Princess Kilvas: Zeek....

Masu: What’s he doing?

Zeek: Damon. You feel like you don’t belong. You feel sadness, you feel loneliness, you feel love. As much as you may be demon, when it comes right down to it, you have a human heart. That’s the proof that you’re more then a mindless killing machine.

Damon: .....ah....AH......AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *His aura erupts in a massive explosion. Zeek jumps back away. Damon bends over and clutches his head as his entire body goes wild.*

Princess Kilvas: NO! DAMON!!!!

Zeek: It’s fine! It’s over....

Masu: What?

Zeek: This fight is his now.

Damon: GAAAHHH!!!!!!!

Princesss Kilvas: .....

*Throne room.*

Bianchi: *Tears run from her eyes.* Lyle.....I’m sorry....*She drops the dagger to the ground.*

Lyle: Bianchi, it’s fine. I’m fine.

Bianchi: Oh Lyle! *She throws herself on him and he hugs her.*

Celestire: Impossible....

Rauz: *He turns back to Celestire.* I guess, that just goes to show, that even if you have complete mastery of the mind, a person’s heart cannot be controlled. Write that down in your experiment notations. *He swings his Scythe and pierces Celestire’s chest.*

Celestire: !!!

Rauz: *He sends her body flying across the room as he swings his scythe.* It’s over.

*Other Room.*

Damon: GAHH!!!!! *The aura finally calms down, and Damon’s body reverts to normal. He pants.* .......

Princess Kilvas: Damon! *She rushes over to him.* Are you alright?!

Zeek: .....

Damon: .....You....you’re me?

Zeek: Yup. All my life.

Damon: ....I’m fine Princess....

Princess Kilvas: Are you sure? *Her eyes well up with tears.*

Damon: Please, I’m not worth crying over.

Princess Kilvas: *Slaps him.* Shut-up with that! We were all really worried about you!

Damon: What? Why?

Masu: Because....well....<_<

Zeek: ‘You’re our friend?’

Masu: <_<

Damon: Heh. Thanks I guess.

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Wrapping things up.

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Final Episode: Wrapping things up.

Damon: *Stands up.* Ugh....

Princess Kilvas: Are you sure you should be standing?

Damon: I’ll be fine. I’m just standing that’s all.

Masu: So....Damon....

Damon: What? Still mad at me for stealing Princess away from you?

Masu: .....A little.....

Zeek: Come on now, I think we’ve all had enough fights for now.

Masu: Fine.

Damon: I guess.

Princess Kilvas: *Trying to lighten up the mood.* Still you went pretty crazy for a minute there Damon. *She starts fake laughing.*

Damon: ....Yeah...

Zeek: Psht. You think that’s crazy you should see my daughter.

Princess Kilvas: Yeah....

Damon: .....


*It all hits them at the same time.*

Princess Kilvas, Masu, & Damon: DAUGHTER?!?!?!?!

Zeek: What? I’m over 50. I should have a kid by now.

Damon: O_O B-b-b-b-but.....t-t-that would mean.....

Zeek: Yeah. I’m married too. She’s a legit kid.

Damon, Princess Kilvas and Masu: O_O

Zeek: Is it really that crazy?

Masu: Wait!!! Who’s the mother?!?!

Zeek: Calm down, it’s not Princess.

Damon: That’s not satisfying for me though! Who the fuck is my wife?!?!

Zeek: It’s not like you won’t find out eventually......

Princess Kilvas: *Her mouth is agape.*

Zeek: But yeah, the combination of being half demonic conglomeration and PMS once a month is a scary thing. We were certain the world was about to end more then once.

Masu: O_O

Princess Kilvas: O_O

Damon: Quit avoiding it!!! Who’s my wife?! Who’s my kid!??! Am I rich?

Zeek: <_< Putting the rich thing aside, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

Damon: Do I know her now?

Zeek: Yup. In fact, any second now, she’s gonna stop by here.

Masu: Really?

Zeek: Yup.

*A woman who looks aged, but beautiful, with faded red hair walks in.*

Woman: Ready to go?

Zeek: Not yet. *He walks up to her and kisses her.*

Masu: Hard to believe a gross looking guy like that can have a wife who looks that good at 50.

Zeek: Eh? Oh yeah. I’m in my rags. Excuse me honey. *He teleports out for a second.*

Damon: *Still not able to take this all in.*

Woman: Wow. I forgot how good you looked in your younger days Damon.

Damon: .....thank you?

Woman: *She giggles.*

Zeek: *Teleports back this time in a tuxedo, his hair is slicked back, and Zeek looks cleaner then he ever has.* Now I’m ready.

Woman: *She laughs and kisses Zeek’s cheek.*

Damon: *Mouth agape.* B-but....

Princess Kilvas: Wow Zeek.....you clean up good.

Zeek: Thanks!

Masu: Wait, how did that woman get here? Can she travel through time also?

Zeek: No. But I brought her here when I came back in time originally. She just warped here.


Woman: We should really get going Damony.

Zeek: Yeah I guess you’re right. Well, good seeing you all again.

Princess Kilvas: Wait! We’re all close friends in the future right?

Zeek: Yeah. I can’t tell you more then that though. It’ll take out the thrill of life. See you all later.

Woman: Bye! *The two of them warp out.*

Masu: ......Didn’t he say he’d heal my wounds? ._____.

Princess Kilvas: It’s okay Masu. It’s all over now. Damon?

Damon: *His face is pale.* ......No.......no freaking way......

Masu: Damon? You okay?

Damon: She called him Damony.......that means......

*Damon is cut off by the wall behind them crashing and Lyle being flung through it. He hits the wall opposite.*

Princess Kilvas: Lyle?!

Lyle: Rgh.....

Masu: What happened?

???: Fool. You cannot kill me.

Damon: Eh? That bitch is still alive?

Celestire: *She jumps into the room, bleeding from the wound in her chest. She starts storming towards Lyle.* Now you die.

Bianchi: *Out of the hole in the wall, she carries Rauz’s limp body.* Lyle!!!

Lyle: Shit.....

Celestire: *She grabs him by the neck.* Where did you think I got that medicine to bring people back to life? Myself! I am an immortal!

Damon: Geeze lady, do you ever shut the fuck up?

Celestire: Pardon? How dare you talk down to me!!

Damon: Heh. I let you into my mind, but what you didn’t realize was that I got into your mind as well. So I know your weakness!

Celestire: Pah! I have no weakness!

Damon: I know, but it was worth a bluff. And to distract you.

Celestire: Hm? *A blade pierces her forhead.*

Lyle: Thanks Damon. Good to have you back.

Damon: Good to be back. Though I’m a little scarred.....

Lyle: Eh? Why?

Damon: <_< Nothing.

*The realm of those who are not at peace.*

Celestire: What? No! I was Immortal!!!! I was-

???: Stop your yapping wench.

Celestire: What?! Who dares-!?

Lich: *Sitting on a rock.* I dare. Shut your annoying trap.

Celestire: You will regret insulting me.

Lich: Before you attack me, you should know that I’m not the one you should be worried about. I already got my kill. Me and my friend are trying to keep things even between us. *He holds the head of Cornelius.* I already got him. Now it’s Mathan’s turn.

Celestire: !!! *She winces as Mathan’s teeth dig into her neck.*

Lich: This place isn’t so bad. So long as you aren’t on the receiving end.

*Celestire screams in agony.*

*Three weeks later.*

Bianchi: Hurry up Lyle! We’re gonna be late! *She runs downstairs in a gown.*

Lyle: *Already at the entrance in a Tuxedo.* I’ve been waiting for you.

Bianchi: Oh. Okay! Let’s go! *The two of them walk outside to see Masu and Princess Kilvas dressed up in similar style.*

Princess Kilvas: You all ready to head to the ball?

Lyle: Of course we are.

Masu: Don’t go running off on us again Lyle.

Lyle: I wouldn’t dream of it. *He pulls Bianchi closer to him and the four of them head to the ball.*

*Rauz and Viki watch from atop the roof.*

Viki: I really let a good one get away huh bro?

Rauz: Eh. Not really. Lyle’s cool and all, but I always thought you were too good for him.

Viki: Hah. You liar.

Rauz: I’m sure there’s somewhere out there for you sis. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Viki: Hm. Maybe there’s someone out there for all of us. Somewhere where we all belong.

Rauz: <_< Don’t get all poetic on me sis.

Viki: You jerk! Ach— *She teleports.*

Rauz: Some things never change. *He opens a portal and disappears.*


Damon: .......*Yachiru is pulling on his hair while she’s laughing.* .......

Yumichika: Ikkaku.....have you noticed?

Ikkaku: Eh? Notice what?

Yumichika: Damon has been a lot more tolerant of Lieutenant Kusajishi’s antics since he came back.

Ikkaku: I guess. I wonder why.

Kenpachi: ......

Damon: .........(I can’t imagine ever getting used to this......)

The End.

I hope you enjoyed. Keep look out for my next project. Whatever it may be.

I'll make specific character endings eventually to clear some un-said things up.

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*sees potential ending*


*goes to punch a baby*

Are you going to punch a baby now?

True, but I bet your taking a break due to Serenes Emblem.

Probably. But I already have an idea for another story. But I'll hold off on it for now.

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Are you going to punch a baby now?

Probably. But I already have an idea for another story. But I'll hold off on it for now.

That's the problem with us writers. One idea followed by another, like clockwork our minds are

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