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[FE9] Draft 69


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<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL creeper<LI class="post chat-message ">13th There's a spider behind you<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper Yes?<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL what i think about that team<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL is<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL that<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL that draft<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL had<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL a<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL lot<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL of<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper inexperienced drafters?<LI class="post chat-message ">13th WTF is with them<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL in<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL com<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL pe<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL tent<LI class="post chat-message ">13th Jill and Boyd to you?<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL drafters<LI class="post chat-message ">13th I don't have any way to play FE9 and FE10<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL and ur team is way too good<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper Tanith too<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL like, u dont even need advice<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper Jill+Boyd can solo?<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper wut<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper Also, how do you use Rolf?<LI class="post chat-message ">13th ...<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL Titania<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL and Boyd<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper Titania<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL for earlygame<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper overkilled early game<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL is perfection<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL then jill comes and breaks the game<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper And lategame, Tanith comes<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper and kills it<LI class="post chat-message chat-myown">The Creeper yeah<LI class="post chat-message ">PKL and tanith just puts salt on the wound

I think I'm set.


2 "reliable sources" have informed me that I have a decent chance of LTC

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So I started.

Prologue - 5 turns herp-a-derp

Chapter 1 - 3 turns

Had Titania ferry Ike towards the boss. Oscar killed off everyone else and got a good level. Titania gets boss kill and Ike seizes.

Chapter 2 - 4 turns

Oscar took the Swordsman on the left while Ike fought the Axeman. Ike got lucky and dodged the bandit's attack. Oscar and Ike begin to kill off every other enemy until Titania comes and gets the boss kill. In other news; Only Shinon can shoot an arrow in between the eyes gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Chapter 3 - 5 turns I believe.

Titania rushes up to kill everyone while Ike kills enemies that Titania can't have time to defeat. Titania gets the boss kill again and Ike handles the choke point. WE GET PAY!!!!!!

Chapter 4 - 4 or 5 turns can't remember.

Ike kills one enemy while Titania kills the rest. Standard stuff etc etc. Shinon tries to loot the dead and we find a princess.

Stats come later.

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Chapter 5 - 6 turns

I defended 'til the end 'cause Oscar and Rhys kept on dying if I rushed through. Ike and Oscar got decent levels killing the west side while Titania soloed the south.

Chapter 6 - 10 turns

Fuck, my turncount got raped with this one. Titania soloed most of it with Ike on her back while Oscar slowly took down enemies. Oscar and Titania escaped to get a bit of BEXP.

Chapter 7 - 8 turns

Reinforcements make this chapter take years to finish. Ike took the east side while Titania and Oscar fought the west. When Greil and friends came Titania soloed the enemies in the north. Oscar and Titania got some awesome levels. I could have saved a turn but that stupid thieif didn't attack on the EP so I settle with an 8 turn finish. RIP Greil.

Chapter 8 - 8 turns

At base I forged a max might Iron Sword called Riptide and gave Ike a C support with Oscar. Titania blazed through the south and killed the boss while Oscar took the east and Ike took the west. When Tit came back she took the east and stomped everyone who Oscar didn't kill. Ike recruits Ilyana and with the help of Oscar takes out the west. Eventually Oscar plugs the south part and I finally finish. SUB-HUMANS ARE EVERYWERE!!!

Chapter 9 - 7 turns

Crap, My turncout sucked here too. It was just a basic bumrush. Oscar killed almost everything while Titania ferried Ike. But Titania had to kill everything so I dropped Ike near Oscar who took care if enemies Titania didn't fight. Lethe and Mordy helped out along the way until I got to the seize point. Titania couldn't one round without a crit so I settle for a 7 turn capture. Meanwhile we get to see Caineghis XD.

Chapter 10 - 5 turns

Lets see... I got a C with Rhys and Titania at base and gave Titania new equipment. To start off the chapter Ike gets spotted and Titania solos the south reinforcements. Lethe and Oscar attack the east reinforcements while Ike and Volke stay out of everything. Titania then ferries Ike all the way to the escape point and I pull off a 5 turn finish. I thought that Sephiran was a girl when I first played.

Chapter 11 - 7 turns

Ok Titania and Oscar rushed through to kill the boss. With some clever positioning Lethe manages to recruit Zihark on turn 2. Ike and Volke protect Rhys while Titania fights the boss and runs to the arrive spot. the boss doesn't die though but he heals next turn. Titania facepalm misses a 90% hit and it takes an extra turn to kill the boss because of the dudes standing in front of him. However, the boss doesn't kill the troops after healing an I pull off a 7 turn capture. Meanwhile Chuck Norris' great-great-great-great-less than stellar grandfather puts random NPCs to jail.

Ike 	13.69  28  10   13   14   03   10   10   04
Oscar	19.42  37  13   15   16   03   14   09   04
Titania	29.07  40  16   17   17   06   14   15   10
Rhys	11.32  25  00   11   07   14   01   11   19
Lethe	5.50   37  13   11   14   04   10   16   07	
Volke   12.28  26  13   14   14   00   07   08   03	
Zihark	12.10  26  11   14   17   01   08   07   00	

*Pokes Harpoon* Hey its Sunday a weekend start already. PS forward this to Refa, Gcubedude and Mysterio

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*Pokes Harpoon* Hey its Sunday a weekend start already. PS forward this to Refa, Gcubedude and Mysterio

Maybe it's because I don't have a GameCube avalaible to me at the time.

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A combination of college, laziness, and my first Radiant Dawn Hard Mode playthrough is what's keeping me from starting. And I don't want to start if I'm just going to stop and do something else, which is what will happen if I start now.

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I dare you to open every chest, and get the VK/Stefan, without your flier getting hit and still getting max bexp.

fe9 is so unbalanced, it's fun!

Free Titania, makes earlygame easier.

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some progress

[spoiler=uh-huh]Chapter 12 - 9 turns

RAVENS WHY YOU NO COME TO ME FASTER??? Oh yeah, Oscar promotes.

Chapter 13 - 10 turns

First off, lol, I love the fact that exactly what Daniel says happens in the next chapter :P. Oscar and Titania axes there way through while Ike gets shoved to talk to Astrid who then talks to Gatrie and both run away. Then everyone spreads out and kills stuff.

Chapter 14 - 3 turns

First up, I got an A with Oscar and Ike and a C with Ike and Lethe. I ran up with Oscar and Titania to kill the boss. I did some chokepointing and managed to kill Galides-whatever the fuck he is with a forged (Steel, I beleive) Lance. Naesala's a dick.

Chapter 15 - 8 turns

I got an A with Rhys and Titania to start things off. At the starting point I could barely move anybody (stupid desert). Volke got a bunch of kills and Lethe took on most of evreything. It took a couple of turns to take down Muarim but I settle with what I have.

Chapter 16 - 8 turns

Titania rescues Ike and runs forward with Oscar and Lethe. Zihark and Volke are on clean-up duty and gurading Tormod (who will recruit Devdan). Two chokepoints later, Oscar kills the boss dude, Tormod recruits Devdan and Ike seizes.

Chapter 17-1 - 5 turns

I just split up the group. Reinforcements made this chapter longer though...

Chapter 17-2 - 6 turns

It took a while 'cause mounted units get mov decrease somwhere :(

Will edit for stats.

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[spoiler=Boom!]Chapter 17-3 - 10 turns

Just sent Pallys to block south side and the rest to take on whoever comes at us.

Chapter 17-4 - 5 turns

Zihark promotes from exp. It took a laguz stone and some luck to kill Oliver. I just hate the meteor sage he nearly killed Ike...

Chapter 18 - 9 turns

Sent Paladins and Ike to move forward. Lethe stayed to kill reinforcements along with Zihark. Janaff held his own pretty well to though.

Chapter 19 - 6 turns

I got Janaff to talk Naesala who talked to Reyson etc. Sent Oscar to kill Homasa with the forged Lance. Would've been a turn less but Oscar was only in Short Spear range :<. Oh yeah funny, So since Volke told Ike that his mother pulled a sword from her breast does that mean that Greil stabbed her in the boobs? Oh yeah Assasin!Volke.

Chapter 20 - 5 turns

It would be risky to send Janaff there alone so I send the Paladin dup to the top. everyone else stays behind and attacks the reinforcements. Titania kills Shihiram with a froged Steel Axe and I claim victory after Oscar arrives.

Chapter 21 - 12 turns

At base I gave Oscar and Titania Silvery weapons and got a C with Oscar and Janaff. Acursed Sleep Staves made this chapter harder. After a little rush both my Paladins fell asleep. I had to waste a turn getting Rhys over to restore them. A left Zihark to deal with the silly axemen reinforcements. Thank God I drafted Tauroneo or else Ike would've died by now. Oscar while Ike supports him takes down Ena and Ike seizes.

Chapter 22 - 3 turns

Just moved everyone forward. Oscar damages the zerker dude and Lethe takes the kill.

Chapter 23 - 10 turns

I hate pitfalls. Oscar and Ike keep falling in them which costed about 3 turns. Pertrine won't die so I get a lucky hit with Tauroneo and then Ike seizes.

Chapter 24 - 5 turns

uhh had the pallys do there usual thing while Lethe and Zihark attack stuff. Tauroneo was given the Knight Ward and Provoke to raise his defenses and mak my strats better. Titania then arrives.

Chapter 25 - 8 turns

Got a B with Oscar and Janaff at base and forged a Javelin which I called Gaebolg. Mounted units can't get up here quick enough so that was a huge pain ;(. Ike and zihark make it all the way up with their vulneraries and I finish things off at turn 8.

Chapter 26 - 10 turns

Ho, Sent Pallys up with Ike. Lethe took down enemies up north while Zihark and Volke attack reinforcements. Here is what irks me, whenever the cavs canto they move straight towards Bertram and I spend a turn killing the unit in fron of him while praying that Bertram doesn't kill. That really hampered my progress though...

Chapter 27-1 - 6 turns

Rhys promotes (finally) and Ike gets the boots. Haha, having Volke really helps. I just sent my army forward and Oscar and Lethe did their thing.

Chapter 27-2 - 1 turn


Nasir will be missed...

Chapter 28 - 7 turns

Ike and Oscar take on dragons and everyone else does their thing. in the final stretch Ike was about 4 squares away from the seize point. 4 shoves later Ike seizes.

Endgame - 10 turns

Lets see here, I BEXP a lot of dudes to at least level 15 then gave everyone new equipment and an Elixer apiece. At the start I sent everyone forward. Ike and Oscar took the entire North and West side with the ever occasional Physic. Everyone else took on the East. I chose Tibarn as my royal for Savior and his ability to fly. One Aether and a Tibarn crit later, I finish the game.

228 turns. Not bad I guess, for my standards

[spoiler=Unit analysis]Rhys

Basic staffbot, he was absolutely needed earlygame for his healing. However, after aquiring a couple vulneraries he was just used for Restore.


Ok, I guess? I can't expect much from a last rounder.


He brought Ike up to Ashnard and killed a dragon by himself. Cheers!


Not much to say, he's a classic General and I gave him the Knight Ward and Provoke so that I could lessen the chances of others dying by having enemies attack him and take less if not no damage.


He was ok. Did some things to take care of enemies Oscar/Lethe/Ike/Titania couldn't finish off.


Eh, he opened doors, gave me some equipment and was also charged with clean-up duty.

5th Place Zihark

Reinforcement battler. He killed all the reinforcements that came at the back so that Pallys and Ike could move forward without feeling needed. Zihark also had a habit of pulling off Adept Criticals which made his work even better.

4th Place Lethe

Absolutely clutch on the desert and chapter 17-2. She could walk over things that Pallys had a hard time getting over and killed plenty of promoted enemies. *Sigh* If only RD!LEthe could be like this...

3rd Place Ike

Ike didn't see much action until I gave him the boots. I gave him a forged steel called Durandal and he wrecked havoc. His awesomeness also came with Ragnell and helped kill off those pesky dragons. He started off slow but turned into a monster in the end.

2nd Place Oscar

Ah, My first rounder. Oscar was just special. He would have a habit of getting damn awesome levels and the ability to have pony made him the front liner. When I gave him the Knight Ward enemies couldn't even touch him.

1st Place Titania

Earlygame, when Ike and Oscar were still noobs Titania did most of everything. If it weren't for her and her rescuing ability, I would've shot myself... She got pretty decent levels but lagged a lot in the end. But, if it weren't for her earlygame I'd be sitting in the ducks.

God, I keep forgetting to add the stats. Its getting late over here though so I swear to God that I'll post tommorow.

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Is it ok if I do this on HM fixed?


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Ike, Titania, and one of Tibarn, Naesala or Giffca are free for all to use.

3. Nasir will remain undrafted.

4. The game will be played on Fixed Normal Mode.

Sorry Harpoon, When I'm done with my truckload of drafts I'll begin hosting hard mode ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So since both of my classes were canceled today, I decided to start this thing.

Prologue: 5/5


Chapter 1: 3/8

Ike got the Fighter Band and Titania got the Paladin Band. Titania grabbed the Steel Sword then shot west and got the Seraph Robe on Turn 2. Ike took on the Fighters while moving north. Titania killed the boss, and Ike traded for the Steel Sword, then seized.

Chapter 2: 4/12

Ike moved east and attacked the Fighter while Boyd rescued Rhys and stayed out of enemy range. Ike moved into the Hedge so he could dodge better, then finished the Myrmidon with the Vulnerary on Turn 3 while Titania killed a Bandit and moved forward. Turn 4, Ike killed a Fighter who was trying to reach the Healhedge, and Titania killed the last 4 enemies.

Chapter 3: 3/15

Titania weakened the Fighter to the west, then moved forward and let Ike get the kill. Gatrie stepped forward and used the Speedwing. Shinon moved west to avoid fighting. Gatrie got two kills during the EP, Titania weakened the Hand Axe guy, and Ike fought a Bandit and Myrmidon. Turn 2, Gatrie finished the Myrmidon, Ike killed the Bandit, and Titania killed the Archer and moved forward. Turn 3, Titania killed the 2nd Hand Axe Fighter and moved forward with her Steel Axe while Ike finished the first Hand Axe guy and Gatrie got the Elixir. The boss attacked and died to Titania during Turn 3 EP. I didn't talk to Marcia, but since I didn't recruit her and the Pegasus Band is just another Priest Band, I don't really care.

Chapter 4: 2/17

Gatrie and Ike killed a Myrmidon while blocking off the enemies from getting to the undrafted ones, who moved north. Titania killed a Soldier, then moved forward. During the EP, most of the Soldiers died attacking Titania, but one attacked Ike and took a crit to the face, giving him a kill I didn't expect. Turn 2, some Archers were blocking Titania, so Gatrie killed a Fighter so Ike could kill an Archer so Titania could attack the boss with her Hand Axe. During the EP, some enemies attacked Ike, but didn't kill him, and the boss attacked Titania and was finished by her counterattack.

Chapter 5: 6/23

So, um, is there a way to end this one early or not?

Ike finally got a chance to use the Seraph Robe since he couldn't attack anyone on turn 1. Titania soloed most of the south with some help from Gatrie while Ike held off the west enemies. Halfway through, Gatrie moved west to assist Ike while Titania rushed south for the boss kill.

Chapter 6: 4/27

Titania grabbed Ike and rushed south, using her Hand Axe to kill the Soldiers and Archer near the starting point. Turn 2, she killed the Poleaxe guy and moved into range of the Knight, killing him on the EP. Turn 3, she moved forward, gave Ike the Poleaxe since she had 4 weapons, and dropped him. Turn 4, she used her Steel Axe to kill the boss, allowing Ike to Escape.

Chapter 7: 6/33

I got so lucky at the end. Titania and Ike moved forward, with Titania snagging the Armorslayer on Turn 2, then killing a bunch of enemies on the following EP. Gatrie had to rescue Shinon, but he was still able to do a lot of damage with his Javelin, which was awesome. Titania ran around into the other chest room and got the Ward staff, then moved up to the boss area. On Turn 6, Ike killed the Priest and Titania killed the boss. How I got lucky was this: on the Turn 6 EP, the Knight in front of the boss attacked Ike, who got a lucky crit with the Regal Sword. Not only that, but the Thief ran away, even though the Miracle chest was still there. So yeah, I missed Miracle. Oh well. Gatrie left at about Lv13 or 14.

Finally got the convoy/base option, which is nice. I forged a Max Mt/+10Acc Steel Sword for Ike that I called the Blue Sword (even though the blue doesn't match his hair, but whatever), and I got some money from selling all my bows and tomes. I bought a new Hand Axe for Titania.

Chapter 8: 8/41

This chapter wasn't easy, considering I only had Ike and Titania. At least Ike got some great levels. Ike held the west, clearing the enemies with extreme ease thanks to his Blue Sword. He also recruited Ilyana, which means more money for me when I sell her tomes. Titania killed all of the southern horses on Turn 1 EP with her Hand Axe, then blocked the east. As more enemies started coming up the south, Ike was able to clear all the enemies in the east and take over blocking that way. On Turn 7, I took a risk and moved Titania farther from the center. This put her in range of the boss, who had begun to move along the eastern way. Turn 8, she was able to move out, Hammer him, and get back to block the passage. This snagged me the Soldier Band and some good Exp. She also got the Longbow and Ike killed the Priest with the Red Gem.

At the base, I got about 2000 gold for the Longbow and Ilyana's tomes. I forged a Red Axe for Titania, which is a Max Mt/+15Acc Steel Axe. I came back to base to do this after realizing that Titania couldn't ORKO the boss unless I made one. After this, she'll probably give it to Kieran, as I also reduced the Wt to 11 so it doesn't slow Kieran down

Chapter 9: 4/45

Titania grabbed Ike and ran forward, only killing enemies that were in the way. She dropped Ike near the castle on Turn 3, then stepped in front of a Mage, who attacked her without moving. Turn 4, Titania killed the boss and Ike seized.

At base, I forged another Blue Sword since I couldn't forge a Hand Axe.

Chapter 10: 4/49

This took a few tries, but I managed to do it in four turns while recruiting Kieran and killing Danomill. Titania grabbed Ike and moved forward, and Mordecai shoved her forward, which was important. Turn 2, she rushed forward in range of the 3 Soldiers guarding the exit and killed them during the EP. Mordecai used a Laguz Stone to transform so he could get clear out some enemies and get a Door Key. Turn 3, I had him attack the fire Mage since everyone else would suicide into him on the EP. Meanwhile, Titania dropped Ike w/ his Blue Sword in Danomill's room, who got some Exp weakening the Myrmidon's and Danomill. Turn 4, Titania used a Hand Axe to finish Danomill and got an everything-but-Magic level, then Ike escaped. I didn't care for any of the chests, since the best thing was the Short Axe, and it would have cost me a turn or two to attempt to get it.

Oh yeah, and I left Mist at the base, since she would've only gotten in the way.

At base, I forged a max Mt/max Hit Hand Axe for Kieran that I called the Pink Axe. Because Kieran is manly enough for it. But mostly because the Red Axe was already taken, and I'm uncreative.

Chapter 11: 5/54

Titania rushed northwest while Kieran moved west, snagging the Dracoshield and killing the 3 enemies on the EP with the Red Axe. Ike moved in range of the 3 Soldiers and 1 of the Myrmidons, killing them all on the EP with his Blue Sword. He drew out the other two Myrmidons on the next turn so that Mordecai could recruit Zihark on Turn 3. Titania and Kieran kept moving toward the Arrive point, with Kieran getting the boss and 3 levels total, which boosted his Str to 13, allowing him to use Hand Axes without a Spd penalty. Ike was able to get to the Killer Lance house while Mist healed a bit. Yeah, I can't see her doing much of anything.

And that's it for today.

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Before Chp 12, I gave the Dracoshield and Ashera Icon to Kieran, and made a Red Axe+, a Max Mt/Max Hit Steel Axe.

Chp 12: 8/62

I gave Kieran most of the kills since Ike was Lv18, Mordecai wasn't transformed, and lolTitania. Mordecai got the boss kill, and Titania killed the last enemy during the EP. A misplacement got Sothe attacked by a bird, which was good, since it got him 1 Exp (he somehow missed), but mostly cuz it gave Mist a chance to heal someone.

At base, I got Ike/Titania B support as well as Titania/Mist C support and forgeda Blue Javelin (Max Mt/Max Hit).

Chp 13: 9/71

Titania rushed west to kill the initial ravens while Kieran took the east and Gatrie (after being re-recruited) took the Blue Javelin from Titania and blocked the center. Sothe ran around collecting the treasures while Mist healed some of the Others for Exp. Kieran promoted mid-chapter and I taught him how to use lances. Mordecai killed some more ravens and got another level-up, and Gatrie got the Knight Ward to increase his Spd growth. Oh, and Sothe actually was able to damage an Archer, so I got him so Exp there, although I didn't give him the kill.

At base, I got Mist/Mordecai C support and found that Mist drys clothes indoors...Also, I got 2000+ gold for selling the bows and Elfire tome. I gave the Energy Drop to Ike while Gatrie got the Speedwing. I forged a Blue Lance for Gatrie as well (Max Mt/Max Hit Steel)

Chp 14: 3/74

Titania rushed the boss while Kieran rushed to the west, getting some kills as well as Makalov's Red Gem. Sothe got the Spirit Dust while Gatrie took on some of the enemies near the start point to gain some Exp. Before killing the boss, Kieran snagged the Vantage scroll since he couldn't reach the Secret Book.

At base, I sold the Red Gem and Seeker's Blue Gem (I apparently forgot to sell that thing), which, combined with the Apostle's payment, really helped my funds. Ike got to Lv20 by BEXP as well.

I actually beat Chp 15, but I forgot to do a few things beforehand, so I'm gonna do it again later.

Edited by Gcubedude
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Oh god so many excuses. Not like I don't believe you guys though so at least try to finish when you guys have access to a Wii/Gamecube.

Spring break, dude. That's like a month or two from now.

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I restarted Chp 15 cuz I forgot to forge something, plus I missed the Boots. So I forged another Blue Javelin for when the first one breaks, and I also remembered that undrafted units may dig up treasure in this chapter.

Chp 15: 5/79

MVP of this chapter: Mordecai. He didn't actually fight, but he did Smite Titania all the way to the boss, which saved so many turns. Gatrie got some exp fighting the enemies near the start point, Mist healed some, and Sothe and Volke grabbed most of the treasure. Jill was able to fly around and stay out of enemy range to get to Stefan's spot right before Titania killed the boss, so she got the Vague Katti.

I finally got the Demi Band, which is nice. I sold Tormod's tomes and gave the boots to Mordecai.

Chp 16: 4/83

Kieran carried Ike, Titania carried Sothe, and Mordecai used Smite every turn. Titania dropped Sothe near the northwest door, and Kieran dropped Ike in the boss room on Turn 3, who killed most of the enemies with an Armorslayer. Turn 4, Mordecai busted the door down for Sothe to snag the Ashera Icon. Titania cleared a Sniper out of the way, Kieran killed the boss, and Ike seized.

At base, I got Mordecai/Mist support B, forged a Pink Axe, and sold the Shine tome from the desert chapter. I love not having a magic user on my team; the D-rank tomes are worth about 1000 gold each.

Chp 17-1: 2/85

Kieran owned this chapter. I had Mordecai Smite him twice so that at the end of Turn 2, he was in range of all of those enemies in the back. I gave him his Pink Axe, and he took both magic shots, the Myrmidon attack, AND a critical from the Killer Lance guy AND SURVIVED WITH ONE HP! Mordecai took down some Fighters during the EP, Gatrie killed a Myrmidon, Sothe finished a weakened Myrmidon and gained a level up with HP, which Mist healed, and Ike did nothing as usual.

Chp 17-2: 4/89

Argh, I so could've 3-turned this, but two enemies always got in Mordecai's way, so he couldn't reach the Arrive point in 3 turns, and the swamp prevented Titania from reaching the enemies to clear them outta the way. Anyway, those two shot to the east while everyone else went west to gain some Exp.

Chp 17-3: 10/99

Gatrie class-changed on the first EP, gaining enough Spd to reliably double most enemies. Also, I learned that a class-change apparently restores your HP, as I saw him take a hit, then have full HP come my turn. Titania and Kieran cleared the south while Gatrie and Mordecai took the west. One of my Pink Axes broke, but at least I brought a spare regular Hand Axe. But maaan, why couldn't they make this chapter end early if you kill everyone? I would've gotten a 4-turn clear...

Chp 17-4: 4/103

Mist finally hit C-Rank Staff, so she can use Physic now. Gatrie stayed near the start point and took on the Bow Knights that came from there while everyone else rushed to kill Oscar. Kieran got the Adept scroll and Titania killed Oscar. Ike finally promoted, and I can now begin using him again.

At base, I gave Ike his Aether skill, sold the Nosferatu and an Elfire tome, and forged a Pink Axe.

Chp 18: 8/111

Mordecai shot forward his full 11 Move every turn, ignoring enemies so that he could reach the raven reinforcements as quickly as possible. Kieran took care of the enemies he passed up that didn't suicide into him during the EP, while Ike, Titania, Gatrie, and Ulki took on the Wyvern Riders near the start point, as well as the reinforcements from there. Sothe was able to grab the Recover and Silence staves, and I killed Shinon for his Brave Bow. Mist spammed the Ward staff like crazy to gain as much Exp as she could.

That's it for today.

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