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You know you've had too much caffeine before bed when...

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"It's an acquired taste"

Is like the truestestest thing in that video =b

And that guy did ask about adding more sugar or something =3

All I know is the very first time I had coffee I was scared of the bitterness and added many flavors to it with milk and it just tasted soooo good XD

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it just because I don't want to be going to the bathroom like a diabetic.

Teehee, make up your mind =b

(and its really bitter)

Annnnd that's what milk is for. We don't add it to make it look pretty.

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stop attacking me! :P

I don't try to make you like it because I understand many don't. I'm just saying you're reasons are invalid and you keep trying to come up with new ones =b

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because taste. i put so much milk in that it makes it redundant to even drink coffee. like a 1 to 9 ratio of coffee to milk. and I want to be less reliant on caffeine to get though my day.

(funny thing to all this is that i make the coffee for the household)

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because taste. i put so much milk in that it makes it redundant to even drink coffee. like a 1 to 9 ratio of coffee to milk. and I want to be less reliant on caffeine to get though my day.

(funny thing to all this is that i make the coffee for the household)

Yeah what I was thinking must've been your reason is because even though you would try to make the right combinations it just doesn't taste quite like they'd want.

And milk lessens bitterness (but also if you didn't know, only adding adding milk to coffee isn't good enough. You have to use more or else milk still isn't good) but maybe for some they could be really really sensitive to the bitterness.

Some just don't like the taste period. (haha two periods =3) No matter how much vanilla, cinnamon, hazelnut, caramel, or chocolate flavoring they add to it.

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C'mon bud, you know I suck at being serious

How did the conversatioon even get to the taste of coffee anyway?

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*had to restrain self*

*tickles* I don't like coffee myself. :p

Edited by BLS
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no its because I said caffeine and someone said coffee. then i said I don't like coffee.

Well yeah that's the rest of the reason XD

I could quote the part where I say coffee but that'd just stretch this page as well =3

*presses preview post*

Oh hey BLS already stretched the page so now I could easily go show where I said coffee XD

OOH OOH OOH how about change of subject again??

I don't like soda!!!

Edited by Freohr Abr Datia
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I don't like soda!!!


Edited by Jack - Keeper of Pain
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