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Intro/Sign-Up for Uncaring Night

Defeatist Elitist

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Your Sign-up has too much ability. Right now, you have 34 points "worth", so you either have to take out two points from DEX, CON, WIS, or CHA, or remove 1 point from INT and add 1 point to anything but DEX.

Oh hey, I missed this. If you're thinking about what to remove, the way the system works favors even ability scores over odd ability scores, so removing one point from your Charisma and Wisdom each will have no little to no actual effect on your character's capabilities.

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Well then, edited... Except the part for Skills and Feats, which is still confusing to me because I don't exactly know what to do with them (which to pick, which I can pick etc).

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Concentration allows you to keep casting if interrupted. It'd be a useful skill for you. It's also literally Tamara's only ranked skill because she's a dumb blonde.

(Also, does anyone have Diplomacy, or at least Intimidate? If not, I can shift 2 dexterity to intelligence and take 6 ranks of that, as well.)

Edited by Furetchen
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Maybe Sternblade get Intimidate? That massive Charisma, muscles and greatsword seem awfully diplomatic in a more direct way.

Edit: Derped...he already has :XD:

Edited by Rothene
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Here's what I got so far, also about half done. I also probably fudged with the skill numbers, wouldn't be surprised if there's more wrong with it. I'm also not sure how to best put the finishing touches on me feats, especially my preferred enemy. What do you guys think? Edited by Rehab
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Concentration allows you to keep casting if interrupted. It'd be a useful skill for you. It's also literally Tamara's only ranked skill because she's a dumb blonde.

(Also, does anyone have Diplomacy, or at least Intimidate? If not, I can shift 2 dexterity to intelligence and take 6 ranks of that, as well.)

I have plenty of Diplomacy and Bluff.

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Whoa, I was told age 40 is technical maturity for an elf, or at least legal adulthood. I was aiming for him being relatively young, but I didn't realize it should've been that much. I've never heard of an elf species that takes that long to just stop being children.

That aside, there's some potential to be salvaged there either way, though I 'll probably want to change that age somehow.

Edited by Rehab
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Here's what I got so far, also about half done. I also probably fudged with the skill numbers, wouldn't be surprised if there's more wrong with it. I'm also not sure how to best put the finishing touches on me feats, especially my preferred enemy. What do you guys think?

Yeah, seems pretty good, though you have 2 too many skill points if you were a Ranger at level 1, or way too few if you were a Rogue at level 1, and you have one too few feats (ie. you get 2 feats for being level 3). Also, your base saves column is filled out wierdly, the Base Saves are just Ranger level 2 saves + Rogue level 1 saves, which should be Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 0. There are also a couple things that I think you just haven't got around to filling in yet, like HP or BAB, but overall it looks pretty good.

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Alright, added all the new characters to the OP, and I'll be starting this stuff up, though some characters are still partly unfinished (I'll try to hold off on throwing waves of minions at you until this is dealt with). I'm not sure the game will work at all well with more than 8 characters, so if you sign up after this I'll put you on a queu and you can come in when somebody dies or something.

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Crap...after reading through Paladin's class skills again, I've noted that other than heal, the other skills he has ranks in are not his class skills. I kinda clicked the 'auto update button to determine class skills and it gave me some odd strike through which I took for granted out of laziness.

Gonna think of some other skills to put ranks in...or just keep the ones placed there with lowered total ranks later just cause the current set fits his character :P:

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I've added a brief section on Magic Items to the OP. I'd like people to try to finalize their character's within about a day if that's at all possible, and don't worry if you don't spend all your gold or anything, there will always be stuff you can find and stores you can buy shit from (unless you really fuck up 8]).

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Alright, Rine is looking pretty good, though I have two comments. First is that when you take Spell Focus you have to choose a school of magic for it to apply to (just put it in brackets after Spell Focus), and the second is that you should probably list Spells Known in your character's Notes, and Spells prepared in the Spells and Powers section, which can be found by clicking the "Display Spells & Powers" box underneath your skills.

Similarily, I'll wait a little bit longer for Stella to get some equipment, and she'll be done, other than changing Greater Spell Focus to regular Spell Focus (and applying it to a school, but I'm guessing that that's just Evocation), and correcting the spell DCs and spells/day sections.

Other than that, things seem mostly ready to go.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Alright, Rine is looking pretty good, though I have two comments. First is that when you take Spell Focus you have to choose a school of magic for it to apply to (just put it in brackets after Spell Focus), and the second is that you should probably list Spells Known in your character's Notes, and Spells prepared in the Spells and Powers section, which can be found by clicking the "Display Spells & Powers" box underneath your skills.

Similarily, I'll wait a little bit longer for Stella to get some equipment, and she'll be done, other than changing Greater Spell Focus to regular Spell Focus (and applying it to a school, but I'm guessing that that's just Evocation), and correcting the spell DCs and spells/day sections.

Other than that, things seem mostly ready to go.

I wrote all the Feats and Spells on my char's special notes. Well then, I edited it. Opinions? I don't really want to die on the first chapter because my char's setup is screwed up. XD

That sure was a complicated trip over the DnD system... I never thought it'd be that complex.

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I see the spells in Feats and Special Abilities, I'd just suggest you put them in the Spells & Powers section so we can more easily keep track of the spells you've got prepared.

Also, did you set up your skills, because I don't seee any ranks in them? If you want to do it really quickly you can just put 6 ranks in Concentration and Spellcraft, and four random Knowledge skills.

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I see the spells in Feats and Special Abilities, I'd just suggest you put them in the Spells & Powers section so we can more easily keep track of the spells you've got prepared.

Also, did you set up your skills, because I don't seee any ranks in them? If you want to do it really quickly you can just put 6 ranks in Concentration and Spellcraft, and four random Knowledge skills.

How do I set up my skills again?

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Your class will list a number of skill points gained per level (which is always modified by your Intelligence modifier), and it will note that this total is quadrupled at first level. Each class has a list of class skills, and your maximum rank in a class skill is [your level+3], while your maximum rank in any other skills (known as cross-class skills) is half of that value. Cross-class skills are also purchased at the rate of 1 skill point per half rank, while Class skills are purchased 1 to 1.
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I just wonder why my Spellcraft thing is striked.

It's striked because Spellcraft is a trained skill, meaning that if you have no ranks in it, you can't use it at all. The majority of skills don't need specific training to be used, but most knowledge-based skills require it (that is to say, that it's possible to know literally nothing about a particular subject and not even be able to make a guess). After you put ranks into such a skill, the strikethrough will disappear (representing that you can now use the skill).

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