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Road to the Superbowl Topic


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As my username should indicate, I'm banking on the Patriots to clean things up here (especially after the Ratbirds beat my beloved Texans :facepalm: ). First up, NE-Baltimore.

Nice three-and-out to start the game, Flacco!

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As my username should indicate, I'm banking on the Patriots to clean things up here (especially after the Ratbirds beat my beloved Texans :facepalm: ). First up, NE-Baltimore.

u mad

oh hey interception :newyears:

I was at a umbc basketball game and every single person was wearing Purple. I was also at a Giants nearby and lots of purple as well as Ray Rice, Joe Flacco, and Ray Lewis cut outs at the front. I was pumped as shit. UMBC's hopefully going to be chaotic next week :newyears:

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Man, Flacco is awful, but that Ravens defense is just quality. Surprisingly stout effort by the NE secondary so far, however.

EDIT: Also, I long ago trademarked the facetious use of :newyears: . Just make sure to give God Brady credit for future use. :newyears:

Edited by God Brady
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Nope, facetious use of that dated back to FESS but this isnt what the threads about.

Flacco is great but you know, when an entire team's success hinges on how lucky he feels... something needs to be fixed.

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Don't disagree. Flacco shows moments of either brilliance (both encounters with the Steelers this season), competence (great game manager against Houston last week), or quality bipolarism (today).

Also, touchdown!! :lol:

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