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Today... retsupurae~


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Basically, it's a couple of guys who commentate over both Let's Play videos and "longplay" videos, a.k.a. non-commentated vids that showcase a forgotten or ignored title for the viewing public. Hilarity always ensues. Couple relevant links to start with for the uninitiated:

^Cornshaq baby please

^The newest Retsupurae; really picks up about 5-10 minutes in, so keep watching.

I can't be the only retsupurae fan on these forums, and if I am, that needs to change ASAP.

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Oh man Cornshaq baby. I remember that one.

Laughed the entiiiiire tiiiiime.

Oh good, I'm glad you decided to post here! This should be proof that my other topic was just joshing around, since without LPs, we'd have none of these gems. I respect your choice of career :Jaffar:

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I can't hate Electrical Beast. I find him legitimately entertaining.

And yes Brady, I'm glad we have LPers, because the majority of them /suck/. So then retsuperae comes along, and no matter how bad these LPers are, they can still give us a laugh in one way or another~

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hey seph did you ever see the one where they made fun of an fess lp for being an srpg though the guy was also unbearably boring and iirc also using savestates despite fess but still

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