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Looping music with ZSE.


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Thanks to ALS for trying to help me understand this, but I just don't know how to properly convert a MIDI so it has loops. Seeing as there's no music tutorials here on SF, I was hoping someone who understands how to do this could pretty much give me a tutorial, or to be blunt, teach me how to do it. I have no real music knowledge, otherwise it'd probably be pretty easy to understand. I know this is a pretty steep request, since it'll likely take some time to write a tutorial for this, but I think it's about time we got a music tutorial here on SF, and the ultimate tutorial says nothing about formatting loops for MIDI's. Thank you for your time.

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-b and -e signal beginning and end in the same way if you're too lazy to truncate. Otherwise, it just loops from the end to the specified time.

If there's no intro you don't need to do any math you just use 0.

Also, if you're too lazy to open a calculator and count the seconds yourself, don't expect us to exert it, either.


convert -l 0 map name

Follow the help files exactly.

Edited by Camtech
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Lawl, that's easy then :P I was confused by the looping point, was wondering if that's where you truncate it at the end, i.e. it goes form looping point to beginning, but that didn't make much sense. Thanks :3

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-b and -e signal beginning and end in the same way if you're too lazy to truncate. Otherwise, it just loops from the end to the specified time.

If there's no intro you don't need to do any math you just use 0.

Also, if you're too lazy to open a calculator and count the seconds yourself, don't expect us to exert it, either.


convert -l 0 map name

Follow the help files exactly.

You know what had me confused? [ and ], < and >, --loop, -l,, and of course the equation itself and how to calculate it. Basically, all those extra symbols that were tossed in there for apparently no reason. But, your way seems to have worked, or at least it's not arguing with me anymore. Maybe it just gave up on melaugh.gif. I'll test it now.

EDIT: Success!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Yes. Thank you Cam, Jubby, and ALS for your help. I think I understand what was being said now. You only have to worry about the details of ticks if your track doesn't loop cleanly (like you said, truncating).

Also, since I was trying to act smart, at one point I opened the MIDI in HxD and replaced all B1's with B2's. Of course that didn't work, but at least I was thinking.tongue.gif

Edited by Eliwood of Pherae
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Quick question - if I insert a theme at, say, 11B6600, and it ended at 11C0000, then decide I don't want that theme, so I insert a different theme at 11B6600, but it's shorter and ends at 11BD000. Would that cause any problems since there's leftover music from the previous theme?

Edited by Eliwood of Pherae
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Tried it, didn't change anything sadly. I thought maybe it had to do with if the original theme was already formatted to have a loop, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as one theme that loops in it's original game plays fine, as does one that I truncated myself. Oh well. The tutorial does say that not every theme is going to work.

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There are 24 ticks in a beat.

FTFY. Also, I added a little bit of convenience: you can use '<beat count>:<tick count>' as well, e.g. '48:0' = 48 beats.

This is what I don't understand. No matter how I try it, it won't work.

What everything you're trying has in common, that's different from how the error message has it:

-l <whatever>, -e <whatever> and/or -b <whatever> come before the offset and filename.

The [] are to indicate things that are optional. The <> are to indicate "this is a description of what you should put here, not literally what to type". These are standard conventions for describing a command.

As for the 'humming', it's possible you have an older version that doesn't get the looping quite right, and causes notes from the previous loop to get 'stuck'. Or something. Try it again on a clean ROM?

Edited by zahlman
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The readme has a date of April 21st, 2011. Opening the editor says it's version 0.46. I guess it's possible that feshrine doesn't have the most recent version of the editor, but if it does, then it sounds like the problem might have returned, or enough songs worked that it never got noticed. Notes getting stuck like you said is the best way to describe it, that's pretty much what happens. Doesn't explain the disappearing notes though.

It does seem that if you give the song a couple seconds before or after the theme for the notes to fully 'clear out', that the theme seems to work fine, but this leaves a small window of no music playing, and doesn't explain why other themes still work without any rest. It's a good fix for now though.

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Yeah, that's the current version. It's been a while.

You could try sending me the MIDI so I can play around with it and figure out what's going on, but past experience tells me I realistically won't get back to you on it. :P

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Nah, it's cool. What i'm doing now seems to be working pretty well. I feel like a jerk bringing up something that you thought was fixed, but I guess if I didn't, you wouldn't know there's a problem.

What's the deal with how many tracks a song can have? I believe I read that the limit is something like 10, but i've tested a few with 13-15 tracks, and at the very least, there didn't seem to be any immediate problems, other than some crackling noise, which in most cases, isn't really that bad. Also, realistically, which would take more space - the number of tracks in a song, or the length of the song in general?

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What's the deal with how many tracks a song can have? I believe I read that the limit is something like 10, but i've tested a few with 13-15 tracks, and at the very least, there didn't seem to be any immediate problems, other than some crackling noise, which in most cases, isn't really that bad.

It isn't like a hardcoded thing afaik, things just start not working right eventually because of hardware limitations.

Also, realistically, which would take more space - the number of tracks in a song, or the length of the song in general?

What contributes more to the area of a rectangle - the width, or the length?

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It isn't like a hardcoded thing afaik, things just start not working right eventually because of hardware limitations.

What contributes more to the area of a rectangle - the width, or the length?

Could it also be the amount of notes in a track? Or like, if there are multiple tracks playing chords, then there'd be a whole bunch of notes at the same time, would it start dropping tracks?

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Because Zahl is being (rather uncharacteristically) a bit vague with his response, I'll clarify -

Each track is roughly the same size in bytes, presuming that they all are the same length time-wise (and IIRC the inserter aligns them for you so you can assume that they are). Ergo, the total size can be calculated by multiplying the length of a track by the number of tracks. Like one would to find the area of a rectangle.

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Because Zahl is being (rather uncharacteristically) a bit vague with his response, I'll clarify -

Each track is roughly the same size in bytes, presuming that they all are the same length time-wise (and IIRC the inserter aligns them for you so you can assume that they are). Ergo, the total size can be calculated by multiplying the length of a track by the number of tracks. Like one would to find the area of a rectangle.

Ahhh, kay. I thought he just meant that they were equally significant :P So amount of tracks and track length are really the only significant deciding factors, got it :3

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