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Inserting Battle Backgrounds


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I get what you're trying to say, but the point was that the question asker has a track record of not looking shit up and the fact that his original question is not only alluded to but is specifically addressed by perhaps the most prolific tutorial out there makes me willing to expend exactly the same amount of effort helping him as he just showed me - none.

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1) The TSA used for the main title screen (the purplish background) might work. It depends on whether it's compressed or not, though (compressed TSA and uncompressed TSA work differently besides just being compressed or not--the game handles them differently by flipping each row upside-down... after flipping the entire image upside down, IIRC).

2) The TSA I used for my hack has one little... problem which is why I'm not too proud of it--the very top-left pixel must be black for it to work. If it's not, another color will end up transparent, you see. There are ways around this but well that's the common problem with my TSA.

3) If you still want to use my TSA, just use the Battle BG Editor I made (it's a Nightmare module), open up Tactics Universe, and find the TSA pointer for any edited battle background (I repointed most of the non-snow ones and non-dragon gate ones, IIRC). Then go to that offset in a hex editor and copy the data. I used the same TSA for every entry for convenience's sake since I don't have to worry about space limits, and also, at the time FEditor Adv's CG Editor (which can make an image with a palette and custom TSA to allow it to be more than 16 colors) didn't exist so all my images were just 16 colors instead of more than.

There's some more information in my UT but I don't even remember where it is so I suggest you look at it and read the Table of Contents for any relevant chapters--I'm confident I put a lot of information on GBAGE there--there's an entire chapter dedicated to CG Insertion, another on Battle Backgrounds, and another on GBAGE Graphics in general, all of which will greatly help you edit graphics. I'd suggest starting with some of the easier stuff first, but I'm too lazy to find out which one that is (I'd guess the "general graphics" would be the easiest) so again, that's up to you--gotta do your research if you want profit. :\

Alright, I appreciate it and I'll credit you. (Obviously)


...Prove it?

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I don't care if he's actually putting effort in researching this stuff when he asks me for help, I care whether he shows it. For all I care he could be draining his every bodily fluid by sheer willpower (eww) just to try and find these answers but if it takes me ten seconds in the Ultimate Tutorial to answer his question then I'm not convinced.

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I wasn't sure cause Cam put a few things :P I'm with Cam though, TBH. It's not hard to find it and if you just play with it a bit instead of asking a question instantly you can probably figure it out. If you just google battle background TSA this comes up: http://www.feshrine.net/hacking/downloads/fe7bbg.html And if you read the UT section on GBAGE and fiddle, it should be pretty easy. Meh, just my two cents. mellow.gif

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I don't care if he's actually putting effort in researching this stuff when he asks me for help, I care whether he shows it. For all I care he could be draining his every bodily fluid by sheer willpower (eww) just to try and find these answers but if it takes me ten seconds in the Ultimate Tutorial to answer his question then I'm not convinced.

I wasn't sure cause Cam put a few things :P I'm with Cam though, TBH. It's not hard to find it and if you just play with it a bit instead of asking a question instantly you can probably figure it out. If you just google battle background TSA this comes up: http://www.feshrine.net/hacking/downloads/fe7bbg.html And if you read the UT section on GBAGE and fiddle, it should be pretty easy. Meh, just my two cents. mellow.gif


I again, quote this:

Despite this, hackers have a reputation for meeting simple questions with what looks like hostility or arrogance. It sometimes looks like we're reflexively rude to newbies and the ignorant. But this isn't really true.

What we are, unapologetically, is hostile to people who seem to be unwilling to think or to do their own homework before asking questions. People like that are time sinks — they take without giving back, and they waste time we could have spent on another question more interesting and another person more worthy of an answer. We call people like this “losers” (and for historical reasons we sometimes spell it “lusers”).


We're (largely) volunteers. We take time out of busy lives to answer questions, and at times we're overwhelmed with them. So we filter ruthlessly. In particular, we throw away questions from people who appear to be losers in order to spend our question-answering time more efficiently, on winners.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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And I'll say, numerous of us back in the early days of acmlm refute this. It isn't that hackers can be assholes. It's that assholes are assholes. Most of us are/were more interested in seeing what everyone was capable of, everyone was willing to collaborate. There were no smart ass retorts, answers, or assumptions. A vital willingness to help, and in turn, to succeed, was the driving ethos.

And then you have assholes who are assholes :)

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it's not so much that the 'hackers are assholes' is an excuse but more that 'certain types of people who don't really give a fuck about others tend to hack'. Not 'all hackers are assholes' so much as 'hackers tend to be assholes regardless'

besides if you want sunshine and attitude-free help this is the wrong place for it

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I can't believe i'm saying this, but I side with cam on this one. Rather than debating something that's not mentioned in the slightest in any tutorial, this actually has it's own chapter in the UT, which I also have a link to in my sig, and comes right up when you search "blazers ultimate tutorial". There's really no excuse on this one.

I'm only throwing in my 2 cents because I must have passed that damn chapter a dozen times doing the music thing.

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