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Inserting Battle Backgrounds


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How would one inserts a battle background like the above image? I'm assuming the insertion part would just be putting the palette in a hex editor and using GBAGE to assign the palette to this image after putting it into that, but how would I put the background in a battle?

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I'd assume that you'd need to insert it into the place where an old background was, or into a new place and repoint. And I also think that these things have tilemaps, so you'd need to create/insert/repoint that also.

I dunno, really.

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Same as any other graphic. Go in GBAGE. Find image. Find palette. "Load a bitmap" Repoint it to free space. That is all. Since it uses all black tiles under it it may have TSA but I don't think so, IIRC Blazer said the TSA used for that is just the whole image basically.

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srsly, Sholes? If you replace one of the images in GBAGE with it, then whenever that image would load, this one would. Then you just set that specific background to load on whatever tiles you want. At least, that's what seems to make the most sense and I don't even hack.

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Yup, Seph's right :P Pointers point to stuff. If you repoint the old graphic, it's gonna point to the new one, really nothing to it :S You can even manually do it with a hex editor if you want to :P

Edit: You point it to free space? That will only overwrite the old pointers... Umm, read the UT section on GBAGE?

Edited by Jubby
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But is it possible to do that without overwriting anything?

Let's see...


(in theory if you write it into free space you still have to overwrite the pointer)

and I agree with Jubby, the fact that you're asking this makes me wonder if you've ever touched a manual of any sort

Edited by Camtech
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What Jubby said was a little incorrect back there. The TSA I made for my DS Battle Background hack made it so that the graphic tiles turn out to be "what you see is what you get"--in actuality, the existing battle backgrounds aren't like this, but are a jumbled mess.

I also don't think anyone knows how the game decides which battle background is associated with which tileset and which palette... no one really cared enough from what I know. My point is that if you want to insert new backgrounds into a game you're ultimately going to be replacing them unless you want to figure out how to do stuff on your own, in which case... all I can say is "good luck", because the rest is "on your own". XD

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Wait... I don't know anything about TSA so what do I have to learn?

This is what OAM looks like on the GBA. On the GBA, there may no longer exist a difference between OAM and TSA--none of my resources talk about TSA involving the GBA. On the older systems they both worked slightly differently. This might be helpful too, though in all honesty, it might be saying the same exact thing as the OAM part is. I don't mess with the GBA often, so this advice is pretty amateur.

It shouldn't be too hard though. You don't necessarily have to replace the graphics, but you should just reuse the pointer. If you want to add all-new backgrounds, then you need to find the index dealing with tile properties and figure out how to assign your new background to them. No one here is interested in custom tilesets, so they probably don't have any information readily available on these index entries in question.

EDIT: Cam, if you didn't notice how incredibly linear those results are, you should now.

Edited by Celice
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Celice, I was trying to make a point of "actually go use resources before blindly asking for help" while point him towards a method of finding the resources. That wasn't intended to actually give him anything worthwhile.

besides I know how TSA works why would I need to look it up

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How would one inserts a battle background like the above image? I'm assuming the insertion part would just be putting the palette in a hex editor and using GBAGE to assign the palette to this image after putting it into that, but how would I put the background in a battle?

Well, assuming that the background was inserted in the ROM and "not replaced", that would mean that you would have to make a new entry in the "battle backgrounds array".

You know, like, in the Chapter Data Editor, if it's "0x01" Snow battle backgrounds, 0x00 for fields, or something like that. You would have to find out the pointers and data associated with that, and well, make your own "array" of which map tiles are associated with which battle backgrounds and their priorities.

Same thing with the arrays for the backgrounds that have their Image, palette, and TSA offsets.

And to say how much work that is, here's my notes for REPLACING CGs (same theory as backgrounds), not adding to said array:

Sakura's Feather (Replaces the First Eliwood Mode CG with Florina 0x0B Offset 4664A0 Original Size: 0x5008):

Graphics Pointer CED93C: 10AE000 (Size: 0x2964)

Palette Pointer CED944: 10B0970 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED940: 10B0A70 (Size: 0x4B2)

To Another World DS Edition (Replaces the Second Eliwood Mode CG Ninian and Nils power exchange 0x0C Offset 46BA5C Original Size: 0x4DE8):

Graphics Pointer CED94C: 4664A0 (Size: 0x3AF7)

Palette Pointer CED954: 10B0F40 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED950: 10B1040 (Size: 0x4B2)

Goodbye, Memories (Replaces the Third Eliwood Mode CG Hector Carrying Nils):

Graphics Pointer CED95C: 46BA5C (Size: 0x28BC)

Palette Pointer CED964: 10BFDF0 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED960: 10BFEF0 (Size: 0x4B2)

Fateful Rainy Day (Replaces the Fourth Eliwood Mode CG Ninan and Nergal Dragon's Gate)

Graphics Pointer CED96C: 470DF8 (Size: 0x3D30)

Palette Pointer CED974: 1149D70 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED970: 1149E70 (Size: 0x4B2)

Childhood Friend 2 (Replaces the Fifth Eliwood Mode CG Elbert Dying)

Graphics Pointer CED97C: 475FB0 (Size: 0x37DC)

Palette Pointer CED984: 114A330 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED980: 114A430 (Size: 0x4B2)

What she means to me (Replaces the Sixth Eliwood Mode CG Nils and Ninian Power)

Graphics Pointer CED98C: 47B600 (Size: 0x378C)

Palette Pointer CED994: 114A8F0 (Size: 0x100)

TSA Pointer CED990: 114A9F0 (Size: 0x4B2)

It sounds almost not worth it at all, especially since you would have to do that all for one background.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What Jubby said was a little incorrect back there. The TSA I made for my DS Battle Background hack made it so that the graphic tiles turn out to be "what you see is what you get"--in actuality, the existing battle backgrounds aren't like this, but are a jumbled mess.

Could you show me how to do this? That would be very useful.

Celice, I was trying to make a point of "actually go use resources before blindly asking for help" while point him towards a method of finding the resources. That wasn't intended to actually give him anything worthwhile.

besides I know how TSA works why would I need to look it up

But maybe I already did and didn't find anything useful so I resorted to asking for help...blink.gif

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Could you show me how to do this? That would be very useful.

But maybe I already did and didn't find anything useful so I resorted to asking for help...blink.gif

Just C/P it from Tactics Universe.

Lawl no, that does actually seem to be something very useful. One thing you could do, Sholes, is copy paste another TSA and just edit it so it works like Blazer's.

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1) The TSA used for the main title screen (the purplish background) might work. It depends on whether it's compressed or not, though (compressed TSA and uncompressed TSA work differently besides just being compressed or not--the game handles them differently by flipping each row upside-down... after flipping the entire image upside down, IIRC).

2) The TSA I used for my hack has one little... problem which is why I'm not too proud of it--the very top-left pixel must be black for it to work. If it's not, another color will end up transparent, you see. There are ways around this but well that's the common problem with my TSA.

3) If you still want to use my TSA, just use the Battle BG Editor I made (it's a Nightmare module), open up Tactics Universe, and find the TSA pointer for any edited battle background (I repointed most of the non-snow ones and non-dragon gate ones, IIRC). Then go to that offset in a hex editor and copy the data. I used the same TSA for every entry for convenience's sake since I don't have to worry about space limits, and also, at the time FEditor Adv's CG Editor (which can make an image with a palette and custom TSA to allow it to be more than 16 colors) didn't exist so all my images were just 16 colors instead of more than.

There's some more information in my UT but I don't even remember where it is so I suggest you look at it and read the Table of Contents for any relevant chapters--I'm confident I put a lot of information on GBAGE there--there's an entire chapter dedicated to CG Insertion, another on Battle Backgrounds, and another on GBAGE Graphics in general, all of which will greatly help you edit graphics. I'd suggest starting with some of the easier stuff first, but I'm too lazy to find out which one that is (I'd guess the "general graphics" would be the easiest) so again, that's up to you--gotta do your research if you want profit. :\

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Celice, I was trying to make a point of "actually go use resources before blindly asking for help" while point him towards a method of finding the resources. That wasn't intended to actually give him anything worthwhile.

besides I know how TSA works why would I need to look it up

The problem is is that if it's not called TSA by a majority of the people who mess with it, looking up GBA TSA isn't going to get you the help (which, if you looked at the results, is exactly the problem--there's only two results that are directly related to the Fire Emblem niche. There are numerous explanations on how tilemaps work on the GBA. Your particular suggestion of looking up "Creating GBA TSA" wouldn't suffice for a good answer, because of how much information isn't found with it.

If it was the most commonly-known term for it, you should have had TONS of other resource besides two Fire Emblem sites.

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Looking at the third result (or whichever one was the zelda one) gave me exactly the same knowledge that I use when assembling tilemaps for FE. Not to mention that the second result has all the information you really need ;/

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Ah, but you need to remember that Google censors and modifies your searches based on what you've already searched for and visited through Google (or anything owned by Google, like YouTube). Someone who's never looked up TSA before in the context of romhacking might only find searches about speed runs, like on my search, or other businesses and groups which use TSA as an acronym and such.

Like so. This is why using the more "accurate" term would be better when offering advice, especially if you're only going to tell them to look up a term, rather than direct them to an actual resource :) After all, you are trying to help someone, aren't you? Making sure you have the clearest method of direction will help.

Edited by Celice
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Hah, Celice has a point, though it's a bit nitpicky. Regardless, one should still show a little bit more initiative, but even if he doesn't, well, we'll only take so much initiative to help him anyway, regardless of how much he wants, since in this case we are only helping to be nice, right? It's not like I'm going to get paid or anything for helping, is what I mean, so there's no reason to go all-out to help him.

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