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Rate the Unit, Day 8: Garcia

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I can't give him a 7, but I can't give him a mid 6 either. You see, Garcia is amazing earlygame in non-Seth solos, but 20% speed is just asking to be benched once other units come in. Granted, he's still not terrible, but when you have Gerik, Josh, the cavs, Cormag, etc. He becomes out shined and his speed bites him in the ***. Regardless, I have used him in my recent playthroughs (one out of free will and another where I was forced) and he keeps up until chapter 17 or such.

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Ah, Garcia. He who is really huge and is about as fast as a snail with a leg cramp. Unlike his son, he can't walk on mountains/water, and he has to fight with Gerik over the first Hero Crest. I don't like doing Eph's route in drafts, so the second Hero Crest comes late. . .

6.5/10 (yes, I see them as equally useful)

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Ah, Garcia. He who is really huge and is about as fast as a snail with a leg cramp. Unlike his son, he can't walk on mountains/water, and he has to fight with Gerik over the first Hero Crest. I don't like doing Eph's route in drafts, so the second Hero Crest comes late. . .

6.5/10 (yes, I see them as equally useful)

^ this, but reasons are different. I've never liked his def and spd, or him in general, but eh, he's not awful like some others I absolutely hate.

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