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Oddball parings

Guy Starwind

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Ayra/Azel: creates the worse Skasher I have ever used, but maybe you will have better luck than I.

Lex/Adeen: Lester was surprisingly great when I tried this. Rana was also pretty good once promoted.

Jamka/Lachesis: kids come out very mehh. Especially Delmud.

and that's all I can think of for now.

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Claude x Aideen produces a Rana/Lester with no skills whatsoever.

I was thinking CluadexAideen but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to having two characters with no skills in part 2. However, I do hear rankings in staffs are good.

I'm not sure if I'll use Ardan. Yes he does meet the demands for what I'm asking but he's just so dull.

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How about Fin x Tiltyu? It's an... odd... and very difficult pairing, but it produces Miracle + Wrath kids. That's... something, I guess.

I found this one fun, but very boring to pull off. You have to sit around for lots of turns waiting for them to become lovers. It's not difficult at all, I'd say, since you can easily get them together on time. I think I had at least 5 turns left (before 50 when lovers points stop growing) when they became lovers. I think I got it on turn 42 or 43? No idea, I don't remember. Lots of leeway, though.

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I'm not sure if I'll use Ardan. Yes he does meet the demands for what I'm asking but he's just so dull.

Make him your star unit, like I did one time. Give him nice equipment and try and front him as your main force as much as possible. I got some fun out of it last time I tried it.

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Oh I forgot the best one: Levin x Briggid.

Look out bitches, Patty's got Holse- oh, darn.

It also creates a horrifying (in a good way) Faval.

Though LevinAyra is quite hilarious too.

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DewxLachesis - It works! Not only do you get a hilarious conversation, but with some Pursuit Ring stealing, Delmud can become the man. Nanna likes spamming cheap staves too.

NoishxSylvia - Watch out for Corple! His defense will rival his magic. It's hilarious when his skills activate.

JamkaxFury - Sety's magic's not going up... ever!

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JamkaxFury - Sety's magic's not going up... ever!

Are you kidding me, 5% magic growth is sex in a cup

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Ok I think I'll go:

AriaxJamka the fist of the north star reference made me want to try it.



FinxTiltyu however, it might take a few tries

That's all I have for now

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FinxTiltyu however, it might take a few tries

It's super fast and takes not even 20 turns of adjacents IIRC

Just get to the Orgahill part of Chapter 3 in about 25 turns (keep Fin by Madino!) and you should be fine.

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FinxTiltyu however, it might take a few tries

That pairing starts with 180 base points, and it grows by 10 for every turn that they're both on the same map. And an extra 5 points for every turn that they're adjacent to each other. It really shouldn't be too difficult to get them to 500 in the short time they're together.

Also, Lex with Aideen sounds nice, and it explains where Lester got his blue hair :lol:

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Yeah, I was able to do it. However, I'm not a fan of it due to racing through the map. I had to skip the life ring too.

I never thought about the blue hair thing. You're very right.

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