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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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Qaahir yawned widely as he stared at the endless desert before them, only to choke upon the gust of sand that got swept up by the wind into his face. Omair chuckled and pat the fighter, "Now now, I know you're thirsty but you really shouldn't be going around drinking sand."

Qaahir gave the mage a baleful look as he brushed off the smaller man's arm. The heat of the day was stiffling and already he could see the Tsaens struggling to keep walking. It had only been a night and half a day since they left the Aman and already two of the soldiers were now lying in the caravan that held their equipments, passed out from the heat. Spellcasters were less affected by the desert due to their ability to the protective layer they could summon from their Spirit Self to ward off, or at least lessed the harsh effects of the elements. It was the only reason why Omair was able to grin under these circumstances.

Looking enviously at the large clan caravan that housed the lord and his son, Qaahir shook his head. Oh how the priviledged enjoy indulge themselves, better go check on Alena, thought the Emocnian. He knew Aeseans were tolerant to heat, for the northern parts of Aes were indeed hot throughout the year, but it was a humid kind of hotness, not this dry ones where skins crack when exposed. And he heard that the far southern parts of Aes tend to be very cold with their snow capped mountains.

"Hoy Alena, You okay?" Qaahir called to the Aesean female.


Inside his personal caravan, Lord Tzang slumped on his chair with various notes and maps layed sprawling on the table while his son sat nearby practising his spellcraft. The young mage was not experienced enough to cast wind magic to regulate the temperature inside the caravan, but at least he has enough finesse to maintain a constant gentle breeze to let the air circulate inside the cramped quarters of the caravan.

Despite Roune's best efforts and the shutting of all the windows, the heat still found its way into the vehicle. Lord Tzang took a fan and began fanning himself. To think the heat in the southern parts of home was bad enough, Emocnians sure have it hard here, Lord Tzang tried to sit up straight to resume his readings, then gave up, to think that it could have been worse, stuffier and hotter here if my son wasn't here, thought the noble gloomily.

It was going to be a long journey, and the Tsaen did not want to dwell on how was he going to endure it.


Chaen Lang walked proudly and upright among his men, serving as an example for his men to stand up tall and endure the effects of the desert like their leader. Which was a lie, for as a mage of sorts, Chaen Lang knew how to utilise his Spirit Self to ward off the heat. Thus the battlemage was suffering far less than his fellow soldiers, a fact he decided not to tell them.

While he led the group based on the map he had and spells that pointed to the North, Chaen Lang thought about the poor Rekamite boy they seemed to have dragged with them in their escape. By the time the boy woke up, they were far from the outpost city and thus could not return him there. Lord Tzang had said bluntly that he would not care for the boy, and it was Zoey's responsibility for bringing him along. At least the merchant Taek had been generous enough to let the boy hitch a ride in his wagon.

But what disturbed the Tsaen was how the boy did not protest much about leaving his temple. Instead the boy just sat quietly in the wagon and began meditating or praying alone. In his experience, people who tend to say nothing were most unpredictable. The night before he had been worried about Rine's disappearance, but decided that he would be safe with his wyvern. There nothing he could do for the boy.


Wiping his sweat off his face for what seemed the thousandth time, Taek blew into his clothing, desperate for some form of coolness. A northerner like him tend to suffer the most under such circumstances. He knew most of the soldiers and Chaen Lang himself were fellow northerners and felt complete sympathy for them as they marched under sun without shade. Secure under the shade of his caravan roof with Sumomo and the Rekamite boy, Dave which was the name given when he asked, Taek still found the heat unbearable.

There were some brews of his that were claimed to be able to cool the body, but drinking from them meant less money to be made. A merchant must know perseverance, thought the merchant.

Deciding a good conversation might help distract him from the heat, Taek turned to face Sumomo, <"Sumomo, I never recalled asking you this but which part of Tsaen are you from? Your name, I take it you're from the eastern parts? Near the coasts perhaps?">

Edited by Rothene
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First horses, now this. I'm beginning to like this place less and less. She was no stranger to heat, but the sand was another story. It got into everything, and she was quite tired of spitting it out.

"I'll live," she mumbled, grateful that she'd decided to steal some Emocni clothing the minute she left the boat. In my original garb, I'd feel this stupid burn all over my body, and not just my face.

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Zoey rode along well enough, now making enough of a recovery to move on her own... her body finally coming to forgive her for the multiple back to back lethal wounds... in her spare time she checked up on the boy she rescued. "Hey dave..." She said, stomping over to him. "You ok?"

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"Heh, luckily your choice of attire is not too unsuitable for these parts," said Qaahir, "Although, it might have been better had we bought some of those travelling cloaks. They at least do well in keeping out the sand and some exposure from the sun."

Pausing for a while before adding grimly, "And this heat isn't the worst my homeland has to offer. It gets much worse past noon. If you feel drowsy, don't hesitate to alert me. I've seen many outsiders faint and never wake up before."


Dave broke his concentration to reply to Zoey, "Oh, hey Zoey," sitting up straight, "yeah, I guess I'm fine. My magic keeps the heat away from me. What about you? If you're walking, I suggest you take off your armour. It doesn't protect you from the desert, and only serves to make the walking harder."

Edited by Rothene
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"Oh great," Alena mumbled. "Can you pass the water? I'm out again."

I remember being out on dad's boat, and short on water. That's an experience I refuse to repeat. If I drop like that in front of my employer, I'm never getting another job!

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In the west, a man on horseback was riding. He had a white scarf in his face, as if he had ridden out of a sandstorm. His horse, a weary looking brown horse, was helping him through the desert. Coming to the group, he saw the Tsaens, and scowled. He looked at the ragtag group, and saw a thief.

"Ahem. I wish to speak with the leader of your group."

OOC: Sorry for short abruptness... And my posts will be slow.

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"<Yes, I am from the eastern parts of Tsae, though not the coasts themselves. Not all of the east is coastline after all. However, I am not sure I can be called a easterner in any strict sense. My family moved closer to the capitol when I was but a child, my sister was not even born until we had moved and I can only vaguely recall the memories of the oceans. I take it from your body build you are from the northern parts? At least in ancestory? Where is our traveling companion from?>" she asked, nodding her head in the direction of Dave.

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Taking his waterskin out of his pack, Qaahir handed it to Alena, "Don't drink too much, we'll need all the water we have to survive till the next oasis. That would be about five days from now if we don't get delayed...hmmm an intruder."


Hmm, lone rider ahead, eh? Hopefully this one isn't some scout for raiders, thought Chaen Lang as his hand reflexively reached for his tome. When the rider approached him and the group, Chaen Lang listened to his question and replied, "Ah, the leader of this lot? That would be the lord in the big caravan behind us. I'm in-charge of security here so you might as well tell me what it is you seek. If it's water then I'm afraid we have very little to offer. Although Aman's not too far away from here that a single waterskin can't cover."


<"Yes, born and raised in the north. Well our friend here...I'm not too sure about him haven't asked him yet,"> answered Taek.

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Zoey giggled, smiling at his concern, though she did curtiously remove her helmet. "I figure wearing it is easier than carrying it, though you bring up a point... but, I don't think you understand what I meant with, 'are you okay' I mean... we kinda whisked away with little notice or explanation..."

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"Oh, right...that," Dave sat up straight and then stared at the sand beneath his feet, "well, I can't walk back on my own now since I'm not good at finding my way out here. Besides, the heirophants tells us that Laynia said long ago to make the best out of every situation, for there is always some special purpose to be done when strange things happen that break the simple cycle of ones everyday life. Right now, I choose to believe that Laynia's great Spirit decided that as a healer, I am probably needed out here to take care of everyone's wounds. The desert is not a friendly place after all."


"Isn't quite? Shouldn't this be beyond?" chuckled Qaahir. Taking back his waterskin, Qaahir took a small gulp and handed it back to Alena as he leaned against the Tsaen lord's caravan. The newcomer had managed to bring the entire movement of the group to a halt. The Emocnian wanted to watch the show comfortably.


Sensing the caravan had stopped, Lord Tzang decided to bring some life into his bones and got out of it asking aloud, "What's going on? Why have we stopped?"

Turning Chaen Lang replied, "Excellent timing my lord. This traveler wishes to speak to you."

Squinting his eyes to get accustomed to the glaring brightness outside after many hours spent in relative darkness of the caravan interior, Lord Tzang called out irritably to Jarrod, "So what do you want?"

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"Tell that to me when you've been on a boat in the middle of the day," Alena retorted halfheartedly. She briefly wondered what her parents and younger brother were doing.

Wait for me. I'll be back one day, and when I do come back, it will be with enough money so we don't have to rely on the fickle sea for our dinner!

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Cursed fool! Why did that traveler have to make them stop, thought a scarfed figure watching the small cluster of Tsaen caravans in the desert from the cover of various tall dunes, the convoy needs to move forward some more...the men aren't in position yet. Considering his options, the man barked to one of the nearby riders, "Toss my punch bag. Make them focus their attention on him and tell the boys to strike from the west. We wait no longer."

Shortly later, a lone rider rode up to the edge of a dune and dropped a brown haired figure down the other slope that faced the caravans. His work done, the rider rode back to his position. It was time to earn his pay.


Qaahir was about to figure out a reply to Alena's words. Some analogy about the the desert and the sea being one and the same when Omair called out pointing to the dunes, "Look over there!"

All those who bothered would turn their heads to see a tumbling figure just within bow shot range. The more observant ones might catch a small cloud of sand drifting down gently from the top of the dune and assume that it was produced by the tumbling figure.


Hearing Omair, Chaen Lang grumbled his hands never leaving his tome, "What now? Eh? A person?" Squinting his eyes to try to see what fell their direction, Chaen Lang decided to have it investigated. Turning to Zoey, the most well armoured non-Tsaen in the group, "Zoey, go check on that person. My instincts tell me you're lucky."

Chaen Lang's words caught Dave's attention and he jumped off the caravan, "If she goes, I go too."

Raising an eyebrow Chaen Lang stroked his chin and said, "Fine...do what you will." Then it occurred to him that Dave was one of the only few healers they had in their group...a valuable asset in these dangerous lands. And after all, Dave was just a boy, having someone so young get killed did not sit well with the man. Motioning to two soldiers near him, Chaen Lang pointed at Dave, "Han! Sui! Protect the boy!"

Edited by Rothene
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Oscar was in no condition to stop himself as he rolled down the dune, every single second was pure agony as he was fairly certain nearly all of his ribs were broken or at-least fractured. Once he had stopped moving at the bottom, he was face up staring into the sun, trying with all of his might to keep himself awake and trying to block out his pain.

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One foot in front of the other... this can't go on forever, just keep going and...

Alyssia looked up from her unsteady plodding to see some kind of disturbance. She tried to focus her mind, dreading the thought of a battle in such harsh conditions.

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Zoey stood at attention when her name was called. At first there was a look of confusion, but that was quickly disapated when she saw whom he motioned too. She nodded, and put her helmet back on... she gave Dave a smile, before readying her shield and spear, and began trudging out to the man. In, out, in out, regulate your breathing... in, out...

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Salicia seeing the strange fellow tumbling down and the short puff of sand, Salicia got off Nightmare and pulled out her longbow from the saddle. Keeping her eyes in the opposite direction of where the tumbling man came from briefly, she then did a short sweep. Seeing no other arriving threat, the Rekamite plastered herself between Lord Tzang's caravan and her horse, creating two makeshift barriers to keep her protected in case her instincts were right.

"Alyssia," she called out to her fellow Rekamite, "stay close to cover now!"


Qaahir placed himself between Alena and Omair. The former he wanted to protect for personal reasons in case of an attack, the latter...well the mage was his employer.

Chaen Lang felt himself sweating under the heat, and tension at the moment. Is this some trick by raiders to seize our attention or make us panic over nothing? Or could it be that there really is a wandering fool who lost all his gear? Perhaps a survivor of a raid? Myriad thoughts buzzed in the Tsaen battlemage's mind as he tried to figure out what was really going on. Chaen Lang barked a command and the rest of his soldiers fanned out around the caravans.

They had the advantage of being in a tight circle with the caravans to act as barricades, thus it was wiser to have his men spread out a bit in case attack came from all directions. If the attack came from one, it was easy to have everyone gather at one place quickly anyway.


Closing in on Oscar, Dave could see that the man was hurt all over. Huge welts and bruises covered the man's body where flesh was visible, which was alot considering the rags he was in. Wasting no time, Dave immediately began channeling his spiritual power through his staff. As the mana in the staff resonated, the abundant Spirit of Innocence in the Emocnian air began gathering around him like moths drawn to the flame. Using his Spirit Self, Dave willed those free Spirits to flow into the Rekamite and mend his wounds, perhaps even restore his consciousness.

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Oscar still in his barely conscious state almost didn't notice the people that had appeared over him. Seeing what looked like a staff in the hands of the boy crouched over him, Oscar felt a rather strange soothing feeling wash over him that he knew meant he was being healed. As Oscar felt his wounds being healed and his consciousness restored he tried to rise up into a sitting position as he noticed the other people the boy had brought. The girl looked rather concerned over something, while the two other men seemed to be looking around the area.

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Zoey kneeled down by the man, dropping her spear beside him with a very kind, curtious smile. She gently rested her hand on his chest as he sat up, implying to just rest. She stripped off her shield, and layed it beside him, motioning to the others to help her load him on and carry him out.

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Oscar was about to try to get up when he had felt the girl's hand motioning for him to just stay still, and in his condition he really wasn't one to argue. He did have enough strength back to speak and decided to ask his saviors a question "Who are you people?"

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The two soldiers grunted as they hefted the Rekamite. He was a large man, but at least he did not have much of any armour to weight him down. They heard Oscar's question, but neither of them knew Emocnian well enough to reply.

Dave said, "I'm not too sure what would the correct answer to your question be, but all I can say is we seem to be a travelling group of merchants with armed bodyguards."

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"I was working as a guard for a caravan, we were ambushed and fought against them, even though the other guards and I managed to kill a few we were over run" Oscar said " Everyone aside from me was killed in the attack and I was taken prisoner, I've been tortured for almost two weeks now." Looking at the girl that had spoken he asked her " May I ask your names?"

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From her position besides Taek, Sumomo watched through squinted eyes. Something was up, that was for certain, but she wasn't quite sure what. "<Master Taek, may I ask permission to leave the cart and figure out why we have stopped?>"

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