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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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"Well that saves time," Chaen Lang said. "You all got the water?"

"Yes there was water back there and...it appears our way is clear?" Omair asked.

"Looks to be so. I've already sent some of my men ahead. They shouldn't be too far ahead, in case those things attacks," Chaen Lang said walking on. Hopefully those things decided to let us go...

Walking to the centre of the ruins, he saw a few of his soldiers already back with the barrels of water they had earlier. His men were all puzzled at this turn of events, but nobody had the presence of mind to question it. Even the northern exit seemed to be unblocked. As light could be seen coming through.

"Alright, let's go look for the rest. How's the lord?" Chaen Lang as Cora.

The troubadour answered, "He's stil weak from whatever attacked him, but he'll live. He might not wake up for some time though."

<"Just brilliant,"> muttered the battle mage. "Alright, we got water, now let's get out of here."

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Responding to Sumomo "Thankfully no, we didn't didn't run into any more of those monsters."

Noticing his other companions had started to move down the hallway back to the rest of the group Oscar started to follow. As he was walking by Sumomo Oscar clasped her shoulder and said quietly "Don't worry about staying behind to protect the others, there's no shame in defending those that can't defend themselves." Giving her a quick grin Oscar started walking after the others.

Going up to Chaen Lang Oscar started to speak "Sir we noticed something that I think could be a problem. Alena heard what she thought might be Men and Horses coming from above us while we were searching for water. I didn't know if it might be the rest of the caravan or not, but considering what we've been through today it might be best to be cautious."

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"Hmm...that is troubling news. We must proceed outside with caution then. My men outside would have came in as soon as the entrance had opened. I have reason to suspect those outside are not on our side," Chaen Lang said drawing his sword.

Raising his voice, "Everyone be on guard. There might be trouble outside. Oscar can you take the lead? It is too quiet out there and you are the most well armoured among us."

Chane Lang's soldiers readied the shield and spear as they put down Lord Tzang and the water barrels. Looking towards the high ceilings Chaen Lang wondered about about having people up there, for there were large cracks that people could fit through and climb down the slope of the ruins if they met with hostilities and got pinned at the entrance.

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"Yes Sir, leave it to me." responded Oscar as he moved towards the front with his sword and shield at the ready. 'Glad to see someone else can see when trouble is coming towards us,'

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As Oscar's hand came down on her shoulder Sumomo's hair stood up on end. Her reflexes screamed that she had been captured, grappled, and was possibly in danger. It took a conscious effort to not do anything in retaliation. After he finished though, she simply hung her head.

"But I didn't defend anyone." she said, her voice low and guilt-laden. "[i cowered.]"

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As the group approached the entrance, the sight of various broken pieces of wood and pottery could be seen around...as well as the intoxicating scent of fine rice wine. The various caravans led inside had been smashed to bits when the entrance collapsed earlier. Broken weaponry lay strewn everywhere.

<"What a loss..."> muttered Chaen Lang. So much of his men's equipment had been destroyed.

From the entrance, the group could see very familiar figures riding around the distance. The raiders from the day before had come back. Further away, to the west were those few from the group who had chosen to escape outwards instead of inwards tied up together as prisoners.

"This is bad...come back in quickly so they do not see us," Chane Lang ordered the group to retreat back into the ruins to avoid being spotted. "We'll need to find away to ensure the safety of those outside before we can engage the enemy. A frontal assault would allow them to threaten to kill the prisoners. Any bright ideas?"

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Going over their options in his head Oscar decided on one of them. Speaking up so everyone could hear him "I think I have something, it's a little risky though." pointing at the cracks in the ceiling above them "I could probably push our more slim and quick fighters up through one of those holes. Then they can sneak around the back of the enemy and untie the captives, once that's done the rest of us can smash straight through those bastards."

Edited by Eail
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Zoey slinked up to the rest of the group, panting softly, trying to ignore her pangs as she kept up with the group. "Mmmph... just tell me where to go and what to do... I... don't have much combat experience..." She said, getting out her shield and spear.

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"You have a shield, right? Your best spot would be some place where you can hold that shield up to protect people who don't wear armor, like me." said Sumomo, stepping aside to let Zoey pass. "I am a merchant. My place is... ummm... I don't really know."

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'Merchant my ass, I've obviously been the only one to see that blade she keeps hidden in her sleeve, plus the way she tensed when I touched her shoulder earlier.... She's no Merchant, that's for sure. I'm going to confront her after all this is over'

Changing back to his normal friendly attitude Oscar spoke "She's right Miss Zoey, you should stay here and wait for the charge with the rest of us." thinking for a few more moments he spoke again "I think the best candidate for the rescue is Alena, I think you might be the sneakiest one here, so you're an obvious choice. Other than that I don't know enough about what the rest of you can do for me to give recommendations for who should do what."

Going over to Sumomo he started to talk to her quietly again "If you are concerned about fighting Miss Sumomo and don't want to go for the captured, stay close to me so I can keep you safe. All right?"

'That'll also let me keep a close eye on what you can do, so called Merchant-Girl'

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Sumomo gave a small nod as Oscar spoke to her. "Understood Mr... I am sorry, but I do not remember your name. But I will stay close to you." she said. It wasn't that big a deal in her eyes. The odds of them fighting again seemed to be low for now and if they did... well... she wasn't worried so much about capture.

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(OOC: I was referring to those on our side that were captured Snowy)

"Name's Oscar, don't worry about calling me Mr. or anything like that. The reason I call the girls here Miss is just because that's the way my Mother raised me, if it bothers you just let me know all right?"

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"Hmm...so we'll be splitting the group then. I'd like you..." Chaen Lang pointed at Sumomo, "...and you two..." referring to Alena and Alyssia, "...are to climb up those cracks there..." now pointing at some of the larger cracks in the ceiling.

"The three of you are the most agile we have...or least likely to find yourselves stuck trying to fit through the cracks anyway. You all are to get out there first. When you're ready, those of us with shields will charge towards the enemy ranks, then you three go for the prisoners to free them while we draw the enemy's attention," Chaen Lang paused a bit then looked at the pieces of squashed small shields around the floor, "Pick up some of those shields, they should be small enough to not hinder you. I suspect you'll need them in case enemy archers look your way."

Waiting for a while to let what he said sink in the Tsaen enquired, "So Sumomo, Alena and Alyssia understood my command or do I need to repeat myself?"

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Chaen Lang smirked and said, "The shield's squashed flat. Won't protect as well, but it definitely should not be troublesome to fit through those cracks with it's improved shape."

Raising his sword as he addressed the rest, "If there are no objections, the rest of us shall move forward and wait till the three girls are in position before we charge...with those armed with shields in front."

Omair quickly made sure he was at the back of the column of men while Qaahir took out the slim axe in hand. It now felt natural in his experienced hands. What ever happened, they both felt ready...especially with someone as well armoured leading the charge like Oscar.

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Sumomo quickly bent down and picked up one of the small shields. It was flatter than the others, lighter, but she expected to need the thinness to fit through the crack and use it viably. "Pick up a shield, fit through the crack, flank the target, attack when signaled. Understood." she said, repeating the commands in a simplified form. "How long will we need to wait?" she asked, hoping to get a rough estimate.

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Alyssia grabbed the largest of the battered shields, examining it carefully. "Understood, sir," she replied quietly.

Sumomo's quick response startled her. Is that girl really just a merchant with a bit too much courage, or can she actually handle herself in a fight?

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Zoey nodded, hefting her own weighty (if a little on the smaller end) shield, and taking a fighting stance towards the front of the column... especially since it seemed that she was next in gear besides Oscar, but, she felt confident... she actually got through a fight concious! Maybe there was more good fights to come now.

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As those who went to climb got into position, Chaen Lang gripped his sword tightly. The enemy looked distracted, and they were not too close to the hostages. With any luck, they would make it close to the enemy before they can start killing the hostages.

"Ok, Oscar, lead the charge. No screams or noises. We want them as unaware of us as long as possible even if it would only last a second if at all," ordered Chaen Lang. Hard to go unnoticeable in a desert when there are no dunes to cover us.

On Oscar's mark, the armoured ones charged forward with shields ready in case of arrows. All the while, Chaen Lang felt he had forgotten to ask the group about the strange new figure with them who had just disappeared...

For group arrow fodder

The group awaits Oscar's bold first step


"Hey, you three, the Tsaen seemed to have given me no orders, so I'm sticking with you all. I'm not in the mood to be arrow fodder without any proper protection," Nissa said as she climbed up with Alena, Alyssia and Sumomo without any shields. "So the plan is to move as soon as those boys make their mad dash?"

From the high vantage point, the group near the cracks could see some of the raiders split up from the main group, no doubt resuming their rounds of circling the ruins to ensure no one escaped the other way...if there were even exits elsewhere. But there were also a few raiders returning from their rounds which complicated things.

For Group climbers

If the group moved at the planned moment, they would be upon the returning raiders, able to sneak in a free attack and engage them to stop them from reinforcing the main group. But if they delayed a bit, they would be behind the returning raiders, thus not attracting their attention and can use it as cover to sneak closer to the hostages.

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"I'd prefer to wait. Once we free the hostages, we'll be able to attack them from behind," Alena whispered.

Last time we fought, those guys were tough. I want every advantage possible when we engage them again.

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Sumomo shook her head in response to the question before Alena finished it as she pulled herself up and over the climbing rocks with ease. Lowering her voice she added "it would be best if the men draw the attention, we free the hostages, and then slip out. i don't expect that to happen though. we help only if we are absolutely needed."

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Sword and Shield at the ready, Oscar burst forth from the ruins charging at the main force of the bandits. Seeing one of the bandits closest to him was just about to turn around to see what all the noise was, Oscar thrust his sword straight through the man's chest, instantly killing him. 'The first of many today, I won't let any of these bastards get away alive!'

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My goodness, did she forget the last battle? Alena gritted her teeth. These were enemies!

"Fine. Let's see how the battle goes after we free the hostages. If the front guys die, we're next."

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Hussein was about to doze of due to boredom when a glint of light caught his eye. Getting up, he and a few of his more vigilant men noticed the enemy had charged out of hiding alive and well. There was little they could do to save their fallen brethren, the man was rather slow anyway and a poor watchman.

Thinking quickly on how to handle the enemy, short of head on assaults on well armed foes, the leader of the raiders smiled as he spotted the two groups of scouts coming back from the east and west. Signalling to the western group, Hussein pointed to the hostages. The raiders drew their weapons as they rode nearer, knowing full well what their grisly task was.

Hussein shouted gesturing to the tied up group to the west and charging horsemen, "Ho there outsiders! Do you not care about your captured comrades?"


As the group smashed into the enemy, Chaen Lang noticed reinforcements closing in from the eastern and western side. Then he heard Hussein's words and narrowed his eyes. He had not counted on enemies coming in from other directions. But his group had the upper hand of being better equipped. he quickly sent his soldiers to deal with the raiders coming from the east. They should make short work of them and return to us soon.

"Our caravans have been smashed! We've got no wares left! Why come for us?" Chaen Lang asked the raid leader.

"You have something I want...the reason why your lot is going to Central Emocni. Drop your weapons and hand it over, then I'll turn back!" replied Hussein drawing his precious scimitar.


Name: Chaen Lang

Status Ailment:

Class: Battle Mage

Traits: Foot, Mage

Level: 8

Stats: Vit:7|Str:6|Mag:6|Ski:8|Spd:7|Luk:6|Def:6|Res:6|

Health: 39/39

Abilities: Improved Sword rank x 1, Force of Will, Battlemage(Imbued Strike)


1)Horseslayer Sword(Zhanmadao) (Atk:16/30(effective)|Hit:32/37(effective)|AS:7|Eva:13|Crit:7/8(effective)|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

2)Lance Lightning Tome (Atk:15/12(range)|Hit:30|AS:6|Eva:12|Crit:9|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

3)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Tsaen Soldier

Status Ailment:

Class: Soldier

Traits: Foot, Mob

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:6|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:4|Spd:2|Luk:3|Def:6|Res:0|

Health: 22/22



1)Steel Spear (Atk:12|Hit:21|AS:-2|Eva:1|Crit:5|CEva:3|Def:6|Res:0|)

Name: Qaahir

Status Ailment:

Class: Fighter

Traits: Foot

Level: 3

Weapon Rank: Axe C

Stats: Vit:6|Str:6|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:5|Luk:4|Def:5|Res:0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Truestrike


1)Steel Axe (Atk:17|Hit:23|AS:0|Eva:4|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

2)Heavy Axe (Atk:20|Hit:20|AS:-2|Eva:2|Crit:6|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

3)Slim Axe (Atk:12|Hit:30|AS:4|Eva:8|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

4)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Nissa

Status Ailment:

Class: Assassin

Traits: Foot

Level: 6

Weapon Rank:

Stats: Vit:3|Str:1|Mag:5|Ski:5|Spd:16|Luk:11|Def:0|Res:0|

Health: 27/27

Abilities: Abilities: Arcaneshift, Force of Will, Evasive Maneuver, Fortune


1)Fate Weapon(Atk:20|Hit:30|As:13|Eva:24|Crit:8|CEva:11|Def:0|Res:0)

2)Emocnian Sandbreaker


Name: Emocnian Raiders Cav(RC)

Status Ailment:

Class: Cavalier

Traits: Horse, mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Axe D, Spear E

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:4|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:3|Res:2|

Health: 16/16



1)Iron Spear (Atk:8|Hit:23|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:2)

2)Throwing Axe (Atk:12(10 Ranged)|Hit:19|As:1|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:2)

3)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Name: Emocnian Raiders Nom(RN)

Status Ailment:

Class: Nomad

Traits: Horse, mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Bow C

Stats: Vit:4|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:8|Luk:4|Def:1|Res:2|

Health: 18/18



1)Iron Bow (Atk:7|Hit:21|As:7|Eva:11|Crit:3|CEva:4|Def:1|Res:2)

2)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Name: Emocnian Raider Merc(RM)

Status Ailment:


Traits: Foot, Mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Axe E

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:2|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:3|Res:0|

Health: 20/20



1)Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:21|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:3|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:0)

2)Slim Axe (Atk:10|Hit:22|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:0)

3)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Name: Hussein

Status Ailment: Has Oscar's Dad's Mythril Sword

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot, boss

Level: 3

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:9|Mag:0|Ski:4|Spd:10|Luk:8|Def:0|Res:0|

Health: 30/30

Abilities: Surging Power


1)Killer Sword (Atk:14|Hit:24|As:9|Eva:18|Crit:12|CEva:8|Def:0|Res:0)

2)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Stats of PCs involved

Name: Omair

Status Ailment: None

Class: Mage

Traits: Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Anima C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:5|Ski:6|Spd:4|Luk:2|Def:4|Res:5|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: none


1)Blade Fire Tome (Atk:11(8 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

2)Basic Fire Tome (Atk:9(6 ranged)|Hit:27|As:4|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

3)Vulnerary 3/3

4)Pure Water 2/3

5)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Alena

Status Ailment: Def +1 vs Ranged Physical attacks

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:6|Luk:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Health: Current 20/20

Abilities: Survival Instinct


1) Slim Sword (Atk:7|Hit:32|As:6|Eva:10|Crit:6|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2, melee)

2) Vulnerary 3/3

3) Torch 1/3

4) Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:7|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2,melee & range)

5) Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Cora

Status Ailment:

Class: Troubadour

Traits: Horse, Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Staff C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:2|Def:5|Res:3|(2 unspent)

Health: 20/20



1) Mend Staff (Atk:0|Hit:0|As:5|Eva:7|Crit:0|CEva:2|Def:5|Res:3, Heals entire team for 8Hp)

2) Stimulant 3/3

3) Antidote 3/3

4) Torch 3/3

5) Pure Water 2/3

Name: Zoey

Status Ailment:

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Spear C, Sword E

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:4|Ski:4|Spd:3|Luk:0|Def:7|Res:4|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Weapon Rank Up(Spear)


1) Fire Magic Spear(Atk:12(12Magic, Ranged)|Hit:23|As:-1|Eva:-1|Crit:2|CEva:0|Def:7|Res:4, melee&ranged)

2) Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:25|As:1|Eva:1|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:7|Res:4, melee)

Name: Alyssia

Status Ailment: Def +1 vs Ranged Physical attacks

Class: Mercenary

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Axe E

Stats: Vit: 5|Str: 5|Mag: 0|Ski: 4|Spd: 8|Luk: 4|Def: 2|Res: 2|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Wrath


1)Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:23|AS:5|Eva:9|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|)

2)Vulnerary 2/3

3)Heavy Sword (Atk:15(12 extra attack)|Hit:20(17 extra attack)|AS:2|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|), may also make an extra uncounterable attack against another enemy who attacked them the last phase in melee. This extra attack can only be done once per round and receive -3 to hit and uses half the character's Str for damage calculation.

4)Lesser Emocnian sandbreaker

Name: Oscar

Status Ailment: None

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Spear D

Stats: Vit:6|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:2|Luk:0|Def:12|Res:0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Guardian, Weapon Rank up(Sword)


1)Steel Sword (Atk:12|Hit:21|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:12|Res:0)

2)Steel Spear (Atk:13|Hit:19|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:12|Res:0)

3)Vulnerary 2/3

4)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Sumomo

Status Ailment: Def +1 vs Ranged Physical attacks

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:3|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:10|Luk:6|Def:2|Res:0|(2 Unspent)

Health: 16/16

Abilities: Evasive Maneuver, Item master


1) Killer Sword (Atk:9|Hit:22|As:8|Eva:14|Crit:10|CEva:6|Def:2|Res:0)

2) Tsaen Flashpellet 2/3

3) Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Rine

Status Ailment:

Class: Wyvern Rider

Traits: Wyvern, Flying

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Axe C

Stats: Vit: 6|Str: 6|Mag: 0|Ski: 5|Spd: 5|Luk: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0|(2 unspent)

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Charge


1) Iron Axe (Atk:14|Hit:23|As:2|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:0, melee)

2) Throwing Axe (Atk:15(12 ranged)|Hit:21|As:1|Eva:4|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:0, melee & range)

3) Vulnerary 3/3

List of Hp and Teams

Team: Arrow fodders

Oscar 22/22

Zoey 20/20

Chaen Lang 39/39

Qaahir 22/22

Omair 20/20

Tsaen Soldier A 20/20

Tsaen Soldier B 20/20

Tsaen Soldier C 20/20

Tsaen Soldier D 20/20

Tsaen Soldier E 20/20

RC A 16/16

RC B 16/16

RC C 16/16

RN A 18/18

RN B 18/18

RN C 18/18

RN D 18/18

RM A 20/20

RM B 20/20

Hussein 30/30

Team: Sneaky

Sumomo 16/16

Alyssia 20/20

Alena 20/20

Nissa 27/27

Team: Hostages

Roune 4/7

Dave 7/14

Salicia 7/14

Jarrod 10/20

Ken 8/16

Taek 7/14

Tsaen Soldier G 10/20

Tsaen Soldier H 10/20

Tsaen Soldier I 10/20

Tsaen Soldier J 10/20

Tsaen Soldier K 10/20

RC D 16/16

RM C 20/20

RN E 18/18

Team: Airborne

Rine 22/22

Team: tending to Lord Tzang:

Cora 20/20

Notes: Team sneaky has chosen to forego sneak attacking, hence will not be able to act this round and spend it closing in on Team hostages. Good news, they're not going to get pelt by arrows. Team Arrow Fodder shall have the glory of engaging the main 'army' or spend a round running for Team hostages, allowing free attacks directed against them at -2Def and cannot counter attack. Enemies in Team hostages will start attacking the 0Def hostages by round 2.

Dessert Effects: Fire spells do full damage at range due to abundant heat to draw upon while thunder spells fizzle and have all their range changed to Melee. Characters take 3 damage per attack/counter attack action taken(Doubling counts as 1 attack action) which is reduced by 2 if they have Mage trait, 1 more if they are Emocnian, and 1/2/3 for Lesser/Standard/Greater Emocnian Sandbreaker equiped, effects are cumulative.


Edited by Rothene
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