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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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Sumomo watched as he brought his sword about in a simple slice from the side. It was a basic attack, easy to block or dodge for sure, and she started to raise her sword up to block. Then, Oscar did something she did not expect. He feinted. Before she had the chance to react he had brought his sword about to the opposite side of her and was swinging at her unprotected flank. Instinct and training took over as she quickly ducked down and slid under the blade, rolling in the sand as she moved past him, her own sword slashing out at his side as her feet touched the ground again before she quickly sprung upright, leaping into the air and using the last of the momentum to hook her foot into his side and tried to fling him to the ground.

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Actually surprised by how fast the small girl moved Oscar managed to block her sword blow but was completely knocked off balance by her kick. "Hahaha! Now that's what I'm talking about! Come on Sumomo, show me what ya got!" He said as he charged towards her with his blade still gripped tightly in his hand and coming down in a crushing strike.


Fifteen Minutes Later

With both of the people that were dueling minutes sitting against a rather large tree for a desert oasis hardly anything was said for a good while as both were still trying to catch their breath from the fight. "You know, you might be the best fighter I've ever come up against Sumomo. Mind if we ever do that again some time? It's not often I get to just cut loose like that." Said Oscar once he finally had his breath under control.

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"You... Were not supposed to see that you know." replied Sumomo as she leaned against the tree. "I try to hide my skill. It makes me a target, suspicious. Better for people to see me as a innocent merchant than a lethal swordswoman. I will maintain that appearance next time as well until I feel convinced that it is safe or needed to show my real skill. Plus, having a wounded hand didn't help me out either."

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Picking a shady spot under the sparse amount of trees that exist around the oasis, Qaahir watched the training with some amusement at first. But the hot air and occasional cool breeze from the spring was calming to the Emocnian. He felt a nice sense of tranquility. Leaning comfortably against the tree, the Emocnian closed his eyes, and the clanking of swords began to sound rhythmic, lulling the man to sleep...

...and woke up fifteen minutes later as soon as the sound of swords clashing stopped. Shaking his head to banish away his grogginess, Qaahir stood up and approached the duo and without paying attention to whatever they said asking cheekily, "So...who won?"


In the tavern, the two Tsaen soldiers began their arm wrestling. Zhuang tried to go for a swift victory by applying as much force as possible to overpower his opponent at the start, but Chook was prepared. He tensed his muscles to halt his opponent's advance then began pushing forward to regain ground, looking their arms back at the central position. Both man clenched their teeth as the veins along their arms bulged, neither man wanting to give way, neither had plans to surrender to the might of the other.

All around them, the soldiers began to cheer, most of them calling out Zhuang's name. The other tavern patrons stopped whatever business they were up to and watched the arm wrestle. Even the tavern keeper stood by and watched, mentally calculating how much would the table and a few chairs possibly cost to replace in advance.

Both men started sweating profusely as Zhuang slowly began pushing his opponents arm over. Chook closed his eyes in concentration to will his tired arm to apply more pressure. It was a futile gesture and both man knew that Chook was exhausted.

"HO!!!" Zhuang shouted loudly that almost deafened those nearby as he slammed Chook's arm to the table. Standing up, Zhuang shouted victoriously as he raised both his arms and showed off his muscles while Chook only massaged his wrists. The Yracian from the nearby table started laughing and stood up to his full height, towering over everyone in the tavern saying, "You look like a brawler. Will you care to join me and my companions in the brawling circle tonight?"

The lanky soldier who served as a translator of sorts to the other soldiers repeated the Yracian's words in his native language to Zhuang. The bulky soldier took a moment to consider the invitation, then he looked at the Yracian and placing his fists together and nodded while grinning. The translator said, "He agrees." Then adding softly, "And would probably bring some friends along..."

"Excellent!" The Yracian replied and raised a cup of wine to salute Zhuang before drinking it and sitting down to continue talking to his companions with more enthusiasm. The tavern keeper merely sighed with relief as nothing had broke.

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Looks like that particular Tsaen doesn't do well with endurance. Wonder if the rest of his buddies are like that? Alena mused. She had better things to spend her money on, like food. She turned to the translator.

"That made for fine entertainment," she said, as she finished up the last of the lamb stew.

Edited by eclipse
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Sumomo quickly looked over to Oscar. Though both had been stricken in their combat, to acknowledge anyone but him as the winner would have been... counter-productive.

"I believe Oscar won. He is the experienced fighter after all. I did my best to learn from him."

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'I suppose I can start asking question's when we're alone, I'll play along for now.'

Nodding along with what Sumomo said he added "Aye, I suppose you could say I won but it was really just a training type match. Miss Sumomo is an incredibly quick learner though." Giving a laugh he continued "I bet I could make a proper warrior out of her."

Getting up and patting some of the sand off his pants Oscar lowered his hand to Sumomo to help her up as well. "So what now?"

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"Hahaha...you bet you'll make a her a good warrior. But not if my Alena reaches that potential first. She's showing a good deal of skill to survive in our line of work. And perhaps the right mind set, altohugh I think she tries too hard sometimes," Qaahir laughed while performing a friendly jab at Oscar's shoulder. He then added as he beagn walking away, "Speaking of her, I suppose I should go check on how she is doing."

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By the time Sumomo responded to Qaahir's words, he had already sped off in search for Alena while humming a little tune to himself. Reaching the tavern, the Emocnian spotted the one he sought called out jovially, no doubt still pleased about sleeping off his lunch, "Alena! Perfect timing, I just came to see if you were alright."

Stretching his arms wide to shake off a bit more of his sleepiness, Qaahir asked, "Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? If not I plan on selling off this useless..." Qaahir hefted the large axe he took from Aman, "...piece of metal to the blacksmith. If only it was worth its weight in gold."


His desire to swim satiated, Roune swam back onto land to wear his clothes.

"Alright, I'm done swimming. I guess my father should not be in any bad mood now," chirped the mage in-training to his current 'guardian'. "I will be going back to the caravans now. Thanks for watching over me," he said to Alyssia.

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"That fighting ring sounds like a waste of time," Alena mumbled dryly. "Why brawl out here when there's real opponents outside of these walls? I'm going to see if there's anything else of interest here. Good luck getting coin for that piece of metal."

I wonder if that wyvern's still around?

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Zoey, having just amrched through the desert in heavy platemaille, found a nice cozy place to lay down, and go to sleep. I wonder... mmm... how much they can help in the next town...

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ZOOOOOOEEEEEEY...What are you dooooooiiiiingggg?!!! screeched a voice in the Letamite knight's head. Sabastion decided that after seeing sand, and more sand, it wanted to look around the village some more. As it knew nothing about the need for rest that humans have, it was puzzled over why Zoey had chosen then to take a nap. The extent of its knowledge on the need for sleep was that humans only did so in the dark. To observe Zoey taking a nap in the afternoon baffled the curious magical spear.

There's so much to see here...why are you sleeping now?! It's still sooooo brrrright!


"Yeah, if nothing else I hope the blacksmith considers this worthy of making some sort of armour. It feels heavy enough to ward off blows," muttered Qaahir as he started heading towards the blacksmith.


His studies for the day complete, Omair walked to the back of the caravan and pulled out a scimitar the group had pilfered off the dead bodies of the raiders they had encountered.

Wandering off to the oasis where it was cooler, he picked a spot under a bunch of trees and began trying a few practice swings...trying his best to emulate those of Alena and Alyssia's that he had seen. They were at least far less fancy or complicated compared to the ones used by Ken, and Chaen Lang's techniques were meant for heavier swords.

His first attempt reminded him how heavy even the lightest of the cold steel blade in his hands weigh. His second swing made arm ache. By the third swing, he let go of the sword and let it fall to the ground grunting. He quickly looked around his immediate surroundings, feeling embarrassed at his poor display of swordsmanship.

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The girl jumped up, startled, she looked around, confused and un alarm, but once it clicked that it was just Sebastion, she settled down. Oh... um... well, cause.... I'm tired, my body is hot and exhausted... and I want to rest...

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Yes Sebastion, I am human, but the reason humans sleep is because we're tired... naturally that normally occurs at night time, yes... but because I've been doing a lot of very tiring activities... my body wants to start it sooner.... I'm sorry this isn't terribly exciting for you... I swear that the entire world isn't like this... just this region...

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"I really wouldn't say that it's a competition, more like friendly banter." Said Oscar responding to the girl's question. Noticing that the fighter had run off just after he had spoken Oscar gave a sigh and spoke to the Tsaen girl "Mind if I ask a few questions now? Who are you really, what's your purpose being so far from Tsae?"

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Jakob was back in town after a week spelunking in desert ruins. He carried a moderate haul of seemingly useless but valuable trinkets, soon to be deposited to the local artifact-buyers. Unfortunately, his primary mission was unfulfilled, as he didn't find ancient texts detailing the elusive subjects involved with Dark Magic.

Jakob takes a single step into the city and sighs, "Great to be home, I guess."

He was off to the market, who knows what mildly amusing adventures may await him.

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"I did not lie in that regard, as I have done with my skill. I am here to search for medicine to bring back to my home." answered Sumomo in reply. "My sister is... very sick and needs medicine that cannot be found in Tsae. She is plagued with... something... I do not know what. I do know that, if I fail, I will lose her."

"There is much more to it, I am sure, but... Please, do not tell anyone else of my skill. It is a matter of importance that I seem to be little more than a merchant to others."

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A stranger with a sack caught Alena's eye. She browsed another vendor's wares, while doing her best to judge what was in the sack.

One doesn't carry around a sack for no reason. The fact that he's being careless with it tells me that the stuff in there is junk, or he's extremely confident about whatever safeguards he has against thieves. Wonder if the thieves around here will be dumb enough to investigate the contents for me? I'm not gonna lose my first job over my curiosity.

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"Family member is sick huh?" Giving a sigh he gazed up at the deep blue sky before continuing. "I know all about that kind of thing, that's how I lost my Mother. I'll help you with whatever you need to find a cure for your sister, I don't want anybody else to lose someone precious to them if I can help it."

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Looks like Ol'Emo is getting popular. There's definitely more faces than I remember here. Now, where's the old man?

Ah, there his was. The old man was a favorite of his, he would buy anything as long as it looked like it had history. Eventually he became shameful at having occasionally swindled the kind man, so he always made sure to sell anything potentially good to him first.

He walked over and dropped his sack in front of the man's stall. Curiously, he noticed the girl's eyes glancing over at his haul. He absently wondered if she was bold enough to try and steal from him with so many witnesses.

"Akai, I got some stuff for you. I think you're gonna like it." Jakob proceeded to unload his bag.

He pulled out a blue gem, which seemed glowing slightly. The rest were assortments of fossilized animals and equipment, and a variation of weapons that seemed like they could be broken by a stiff breeze.

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Alena's eyebrow went up as the man took out the items in his sack. The gem aside, most of it looked like it would be more trouble than it was worth to steal. Even if she did manage to steal the gem, she'd have problems explaining how she got it.

Just as well, then. Looks like the majority of the stuff falls under the "junk" category.

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The old man chuckled, "Ah, C'mon Jakob, you know I'm not in the market for trinkets like that." Really, it was more like he knew Jakob would get a better price somewhere else.

"Ah, but it isn't any ordinary gem! The walking encyclopedia we took with us says it's a bona-fide Spirit Gem! Too bad I don't know the command word, or you could hock this off to a rich tourist, and maybe get a stall that doesn't look like a bunch of sticks and a blanket!"

They both laughed. Jakob was exaggerating things, Aki rarely fell on hard times.

"Aye, but why not do it yourself? I'm sure they'd listen to a charismatic stallion like yourself more than an old geezer like me." Aki laughed. "At any rate, here's the money for yer other stuff. Now get outta here, you're stinking up my stall!"

Jakob smiled and said thanks to the man, taking the money and walking out. He was walking around the marketplace, passing many dark alleyways as he did.

Edited by Spector
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