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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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It did not take long for the skies to darken for winter days were short while its nights were long. Already, people were huddling into their homes to take shelter from the biting chill that was Emocnian nights, made worse with the frigid Nialpian winds blowing from the east.

Only a few brave souls, or rather mad ones, gathered around a roughly drawn circle next to the oasis, each bearing a torch in hand and a pouch of their own gold. The night had come, and the rough mercenaries gathered to show off their strength, pitting flesh against flesh while wills collide in a mass of muscle to discern who was the strongest or more skillful. Though the latter trait was far harder to truly utilise in a contest of pure strength. The dozen or so torches did little to warm the air around the people gathered, but it was the excitement and passion for violence that warded off the cold more than any magical flame could for these tough people.

Some of the locals even gathered, for they were the ones who started the idea in the first place.


Qaahir stroked his sprouting beard as he watched the men have ago at each other, and even some rather vicious looking women bringing down man twice their girth with all the sheer ferocity of a cornered animal. He slowly counted sheeps in his mind as he wondered if Oscar was going to join in the event.

Brawl thingy

Brawling event thingy for the night. Working on stats and special 'brawling' rules. Current framework involves fists to be 1Mt, 13Hit, 0Wt, 0Crit. 1 Def equals 1 extra Hp in a brawl and will not function in reducing damage. Characters with higher Skill + Speed gets to decide who attacks first. Characters are defeated when they have only half their max Hp left.

In summary:

Brawl Hp = Character Hp + Def

Fists are: 1Mt, 13Hit, 0Crit, 0Wt.

Order of who attacks first is determined by whoever has the higher Skill+Speed stat. if the total is equal, the one with the higher Luck gets to pick.

No items allowed.

Abilities are still in effect.

Brawlers take at least 1 damage when hit, and the attacker receives 1 damage each time they hit successfully.

Edited by Rothene
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His talk with Sumomo over long ago Oscar had been sleeping near the oasis for a few hours. Nightfall had struck though, bringing with it loud noise, getting up and brushing off the sand that had gathered on him Oscar noticed Qaahir nearby watching some kind of event. Walking up to him he asked "Hey Qaahir, know what all this is about? Looks like some kind of brawling circle."

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"Very perceptive of you," Qaahir said smirking, "Yes, the locals here got into a fight with some mercenaries once over some issue that I can't remember for it was a long time ago. Both parties decided to resolve it with a friendly brawl, or at least one with no bloodshed. I can't remember which side won, but after that the same mercenaries make it a point to visit every so often to spar with the strongest of the village."

Taking a swing of chilly water to moisten his throat, Qaahir continued, "Word spread of this event and thus other mercenaries or travelers who enjoy a good bit of violence would make it a point to pass through this small village for some taste of fists. Now it's pretty much a nightly event where people make bets and try not to make too much noise. You interested in joining these violent people?"

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Popping his knuckles Oscar responded with a grin "Oh you had best believe it, I'll never pass up the chance to earn some extra gold. How about you though? You interested in talking with your hands rather than words?

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"Heh, well, I suppose I've got gold to spare," Qaahir answered Oscar, flexing his muscles. Right, those few coins from selling that useless dead weight axe can finally be put to use.

Standing up, Qahair asked, "Are you sure you're fine fighting without your armour on?"

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"It's gonna be a bit weird without the armor on but I think I can manage, besides it's just gonna be punches, not like I'm fighting someone with a spear barehanded." Oscar joked "So where are we supposed to go to signup for this event?

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Alena caught the tail end of the conversation between Qaahir and that guy they'd picked up in the desert.

Idiots. Time to see how much I can learn from them. She found a shady spot near the ring, and did her best to be inconspicuous.

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"Well, they don't have any formal sign ups. You just put some coin in that basket there and the last man standing gets to take them all. Of course it's good luck to share one's spoils among friends," Qaahir said pointing at a basket next to a stocky Emocnian man with greying hair. "Seems like the rates are five gold coins per contestant. And the locals will pair us up against individual foes. The brawl is using a process of elimination to decide who the victor is. So don't get knocked out by your first opponent!"

Qaahir took out five shining new coins from his coin pouch and proceeded to enter the brawling circle and tossed the coins into the basket. "So who's my enemy?"

The stocky Emocnian looked up at Qaahir and replied, "Not yet, waiting for the basket to get full. More challengers more fun. And more bets."

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The man next to the basket smiled as more gold was added to it. He shook it slightly to listen to the satisfying sound of many coins colliding with each other make. He did not know if it was time to start the brawl, or if he should wait a bit more. Watching the other challengers warming up, he decided it was still alright to wait.

Surverying the crowd, he barely noticed a figure who was quietly sitting in a corner and was not a challenger, the man had an excellent memory when it come to recalling who had contributed to the victory stash. Quiet fellow she must be, they either get bored of the brawl easily, or are very observant, thought the Emocnian villager. He took note to call upon her observation in the off chance foul play occurred in the ring.


Chaen Lang made his way to the edge of the ring and counted the number of his men who would be participating in the brawl. Two, that would be the right number missing, he thought as he contemplated calling them to come back for he did not want them all beaten up and in poor condition to protect the caravan the next day. But, he was curious to see how they fared in individual combat. They always fought as a team, never alone.

Picking a nice quiet corner, the battlemage found himself sharing the area with Alena. "Oh, sorry to disturb you miss. Would you rather have been alone?"


Qaahir shivered as the cold wind blew past the village. He could tell the fight would not be easy for the cold already began numbing any exposed flesh. He had lived in the desert all his life, and hated the jarring extremities of day and night.

"Oscar, what conditions do you prefer fighting under? Hot or cold?" Qaahir asked making quick jabs in the air to get his blood flowing.

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After giving it some thought Oscar gave his answer to Qaahir "If I'd have to choose I think I'm going with the cold, atleast then my armor doesn't feel like an oven all the time. When it's cold I can just keep moving to stay warm, no such luxury for the heat though." He said as he warmed up

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"Oh, no problem," Alena said airily. "I'm not sure how the new guy fights, but he seems anxious to show off what he does. What do you think of the contestants?"

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"Ah yes, the armour...I remember when I first donned a chain mail during day time. That's why you see few Emocnian fighting men clad in armour, although it's not much better," Qaahir chuckled as he did some warm ups.


"Honestly, I have very little faith in my men. From my experience, disciplined soldiers fare poorly in an all out fight without someone to yell at them to do the right thing or comrades to cover each other. I have a hunch that no one," Chaen Lang paused as he glanced at the large pale Yracian man in a corner draining a mug of contents that are more likely alcoholic in nature, before continuing, "can beat that huge man in a straight up fight in a contest of brawn. Unless his fights as intelligently as an ox."

The rest of the odd mixtures of Emocnian, Rekamite and Letamite fighting men did not seem noteworthy. As usual, the Yracians were always the most physically imposing ones, only rivaled by some bronze mass of Letamite every once in a while.

"But since you mentioned it, I'm also curious to see how the new guy fights without his armour on. I believe most of his training was based around taking blows. Now that it's no longer on him, i wonder how well he takes hits," Chaen Lang mused while stroking his chin.

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Alyssia watched the two men curiously, pondering whether to try the brawling or not. It sounded like she might be at a disadvantage, being unable to rely as much on technique, but agility would still be useful... Oscar would probably just stand around and let people hit him, after being used to that much armor. Maybe that would be normal enough to compensate for her size. Besides, it would be a new challenge, and fighting for fun and some gold instead of lives would definitely be a welcome change. Grinning, Alyssia tossed some coins of her own into the basket, then sat down near the other brawlers to observe what she could in advance.

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Shaking the basket a bit more now that an additional person had tossed in her day's wages, the villager decided the night was not getting any warmer and that they should just get on with the brawl.

Standing up, the Emocnian announced to the crowd gathered, "Alright now, just a reminder for everyone so listen up! There are rules in place to ensure we all get to beat each other to our hearts content without killing anyone. Firstly, no aiming for the neck or the groin or any sensitive spots," a few groans came from the crowd and a snicker or two, "I'm serious here...well, we usually enforce all male combatants to fight topless while females wear short sleeves ever since there was this Aesean bastard who took a knife into this brawl. But due to the weather, we decided to trust in everyone's honour to not spill any blood. Shank someone, and you risk his or her comrades falling upon you like hungry beasts."

Taking a swing from a mug next to him, the villager continued, "You will all be drawing straws to determine who your challengers are and we decide on the order of who fights when. If you get knocked out, you're out of the fight for the night...sort of. Those who remain standing after their fight would then be forced to face the other remaining challengers until only one remains, so watch your stamina. And for those of you who loose the first round and still have not satisfied your lust for fighting, we have a special event tonight so listen closely. A travelling sage has decided to aid us in our event. When a winner is determined, the sage will heal all of you back to your prime condition, then everyone will be allowed to join in an all out brawl, and the last person standing will receive a special prize from the sage himself."

Standing back and gesturing to a mug with various straws in it, "Challengers, come and draw your worthy foes!"

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Deciding he might as well go first Oscar stepped forward and grabbed one of the straws while wondering how exactly these things determined who fought who before going back to where he was standing.

'Oh well, I guess they'll just tell us who we're up against.'

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