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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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With the number of people gone, Alena decided it was best to stay where she was. No telling if the thing in the sand was meant to be a distraction, so another party could attack the caravan.

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<"Well if you wanna check out what's going on, by all means go ahead.">, Taek leaned back into his caravan, with the various wooden crates holding his rice wine to serve as walls of sorts and then added with a grin, <"Less people in here means less body heat.">


As the Tsaen soldiers almost reached the group with Oscar in tow, a few arrows came flying through the air, a good number striking the unprotected back of the soldier named Han while one grazed Dave's left shoulder and the rest clanked off Zoey and the other soldier's armour harmlessly. The struck man fell down immediately, dropping Oscar in the process.

Dave knew he was bleeding slightly, but that did not bother him much. He had seen a good deal of blood both in the temple and around Agrah. But what was important to him at the moment was keeping the wounded man alive. "Cover me!" he called out as more arrows came whizzing his way. The still conscious soldier Sui held fort his shield and and placed himself ahead of everyone to block whatever arrows came from the north.


OOC: Music to be played while reading this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt4kDo28MKw

As most people's attention was focused on the dark figures riding up the dune with arrows firing, some might have noticed if they glanced around the other sides two more groups of mounted figures charging in from the east and the west with spears and scimitars in hand. Some held bows which they started firing when they got close enough.

The total number Chaen Lang could estimate attacking the group was around twenty, and more seemed to be coming based on the amount of sand being kicked up from beyond the dunes. He shouted a few commands in his native tongue that the soldiers were familiar with and they quickly pushed their caravan on the western side to a slant while Lord Tzang's caravan on the eastern side was also shifted in such away that the two caravans formed a triangle in relation to Taek's caravan near the south, leaving only three entrances to the group within.

With the defensive perimeter set up, the Tsaen soldiers split up to clog up each entrance while Chaen Lang himself with two soldiers and Ken made their way forward to help retrieve those outside the perimeter. A group of riders already began to tighten a circle around the those caught out in the open. Those attacking from the west were largely archers who kept firing at the group while their melee combatants held back, for now. The ones assaulting the eastern side lacked any archers while the charged the group with all manner of tools well suited for inflicting grievous injury in close quarter combat.

Will set up the stats and all sometime later. For now decide on which entrance your characters want to reinforce. There is a strong wind blowing from west to east which affects bows. West are bow user heavy, east lack dedicated range combatants and north is focused on taking down those trapped outside first over attacking the group.

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Zoey let out a small startled cry as the arrows wizzed past, or tinked off her armor, whirling around she drew both her sword and spear, sword in her right hand, spear in her right, though, judging from her grip, it seemed like she more intended to use it as a makeshift parry stick than an actual weapon. I knew there was sarcasm in his voice when he said I was lucky...

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Alena frowned. She didn't feel up to dodging wind-assisted arrows. But if the nomads could do that. . .

"Hey, you with one eye. If the nomads can use the wind, so can you. I'll cover you as best as I can." She then turned to Cora. "I'll need you to come with us. If I go down, she goes down," she said, jerking her thumb to the archer. "And if the lady with the bow goes down, this side will be open."

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Oscar couldn't help but swear as he impacted the ground, sand or not with it this compacted it might have as well been dirt, and rolled over to see the Tsean that had been struck was dead. Panicking Oscar struggled to rise to his feet and looked around him, only to see the Bandit group that had been his Captors had returned. "Oh no, They used me as a trap to attack your caravan!" Knowing that a battle was about to start Oscar looked at the dead Tsean and grabbed his Steel Lance and Shield while handing Zoey's shield back to her.

Edited by Eail
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Zoey took back her shield, sheathing her sword, grabbing the shield, tossing it lightly in the air, thrusting her arm through the straps as she tossed her spear to her other hand all in one smooth motion. "Oh lord, I actually pulled that off..."

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"I know we just met but we're going to have to trust each other right now." Oscar said. Looking towards the healer of the group he told him "I want you to stay behind me so I can protect you better"

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"Ha! I like the way you think girl. I trust you'll keep them off my precious skin," notching an arrow, Salicia followed Alena's suggestion, or at least she refused to believe that she just obeyed the command of someone younger than her even if it was a sensible one. Cora got off George to not make herself a large target and followed Alena's lead. Two soldiers were already standing at the eastern side bracing themselves to withstand the charging horses with spears at ready.

Qaahir looked at Alena as she appeared to have taken command of some of the mercenaries with them. He did not know what to say so decided to keep himself quiet as he observed which side was less well reinforced. Noting that no one but a handful of Tsaen Soldiers had decided to go for the western flank if only because of orders, not surprising for archery dominated that corner, Qaahir called to his employer, "Omair, come with me. Someone has to protect the western side and also gain ground. Your magic should be of great use there."

Omair nodded, Chaen Lang should be able to secure the north side, and if they bring in those left outside, then our defense would be complete.


Dave quietly placed himself behind Oscar without protest as soon as he realised the downed Tsaen was beyond his abilities to save. The surviving Tsaen pressed in to the group to form a tighter circle. Prepared, their shields would likely help them last long against arrows alone. But there was also other foes who would come in close and personal to break their defenses.

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With the healer now positioned at the rear of their little line he would much easier to defend from the barrage of arrows that were raining down upon them. 'We may be able to protect ourselves against these arrows, but there is no way we can move from this position at the moment. Unless the Bandits charge us, we don't have an option but to sit here and take it' Oscar went over in his mind while still trying to stay focused on the on the incoming arrows.

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Name: Ken

Status Ailment:

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:7|Spd:7|Luk:7|Def:3|Res:2|

Health: 16/16

Abilities: Truestrike


1)Killer Sword(Killing Edge): (Atk:8|Hit:30|AS:5|Eva:13|Crit:13|CEva:7|Def:3|Res:2|)

Name: Chaen Lang

Status Ailment:

Class: Battle Mage

Traits: Foot, Mage

Level: 8

Stats: Vit:7|Str:6|Mag:6|Ski:8|Spd:7|Luk:6|Def:6|Res:6|

Health: 39/39

Abilities: Improved Sword rank x 1, Force of Will, Battlemage(Imbued Strike)


1)Horseslayer Sword(Zhanmadao) (Atk:16/30(effective)|Hit:32/37(effective)|AS:7|Eva:13|Crit:7/8(effective)|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

2)Lance Lightning Tome (Atk:15/12(range)|Hit:30|AS:6|Eva:12|Crit:9|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

Name: Tsaen Soldier

Status Ailment:

Class: Soldier

Traits: Foot, Mob

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:6|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:4|Spd:2|Luk:3|Def:6|Res:0|

Health: 22/22



1)Steel Spear (Atk:12|Hit:21|AS:-2|Eva:1|Crit:5|CEva:3|Def:6|Res:0|)

Name: Dave

Status Ailment:

Class: Cleric

Traits: Mage

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Staff C(Heals 50% more)

Stats: Vit:2|Str:0|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:4|Def:2|Res:7|

Health: 14/14

Abilities: Evasive maneuver


1)Healing Staff (Atk:~|Hit:6|As:5|Eva:9|Crit:3|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:7, Heals 16Hp)

2)Pure Water 3/3

3)Pure Water 3/3

4)Pure Water 3/3

5)Item name (Number of uses if applicable)

Name: Qaahir

Status Ailment:

Class: Fighter

Traits: Foot

Level: 3

Weapon Rank: Axe C

Stats: Vit:7|Str:6|Mag:0|Ski:7|Spd:5|Luk:4|Def:5|Res:0|

Health: 24/24

Abilities: Truestrike


1)Steel Axe (Atk:17|Hit:25|AS:0|Eva:4|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

2)Heavy Axe (Atk:20|Hit:22|AS:-2|Eva:2|Crit:6|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

Name: Omair

Status Ailment: None

Class: Mage

Traits: Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Anima C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:5|Ski:6|Spd:4|Luk:2|Def:4|Res:5|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: none


1)Blade Fire Tome (Atk:11(8 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

2)Basic Fire Tome (Atk:9(6 ranged)|Hit:27|As:4|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

3)Vulnerary 3/3


Name: Emocnian Raiders Cav(RC)

Status Ailment:

Class: Cavalier

Traits: Horse, mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Axe D, Spear E

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:|Ski:4|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:3|Res:2|

Health: 16/16



1)Iron Spear (Atk:8|Hit:23|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:2)

2)Throwing Axe (Atk:12(10 Ranged)|Hit:19|As:1|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:2)

3)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Name: Emocnian Raiders Nom(RN)

Status Ailment:

Class: Nomad

Traits: Horse, mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Bow C

Stats: Vit:4|Str:3|Mag:|Ski:3|Spd:8|Luk:4|Def:1|Res:2|

Health: 18/18



1)Iron Bow (Atk:7|Hit:21|As:7|Eva:11|Crit:3|CEva:4|Def:1|Res:2)

2)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Name: Emocnian Raider Merc(RM)

Status Ailment:


Traits: Foot, Mob

Level: 1

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Axe E

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:2|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:3|Res:0|

Health: 20/20



1)Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:21|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:3|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:0)

2)Slim Axe (Atk:10|Hit:22|As:4|Eva:8|Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:3|Res:0)

3)Emocnian Lesser Sandbreaker

Stats of PCs involved

Name: Zoey

Status Ailment:

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Spear C, Sword E

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:4|Ski:4|Spd:3|Luk:0|Def:7|Res:4|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Weapon Rank Up(Spear)


1) Item Steel Spear (Atk:12|Hit:21|As:-1|Eva:-1|Crit:4|CEva:0|Def:7|Res:4, melee)

2) Item Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:25|As:1|Eva:1|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:7|Res:4, melee)

Name: Alena

Status Ailment:

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:6|Luk:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Health: Current 20/20

Abilities: Survival Instinct


1) Slim Sword (Atk:7|Hit:32|As:6|Eva:10|Crit:6|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2, melee)

2) Vulnerary 3/3

3) Torch 2/3

4) Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:7|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2,melee & range)

Name: Cora

Status Ailment:

Class: Troubadour

Traits: Horse, Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Staff C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:2|Def:5|Res:3|(2 unspent)

Health: 20/20



1) Mend Staff (Atk:0|Hit:0|As:5|Eva:7|Crit:0|CEva:2|Def:5|Res:3, Heals entire team for 8Hp)

2) Stimulant 3/3

3) Antidote 3/3

4) Torch 3/3

5) Pure Water 3/3

Name: Salicia

Status Ailment: None

Class: Archer

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Bow C

Stats: Vit:2|Str:6|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:7|Luk:0|Def:1|Res:0|(2 unspent)

Health: 14/14

Abilities: Power Attack, Charge, Bloodlust


1) Longbow (Atk:12|Hit:26|As:5|Eva:5|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:1|Res:0)

2) Vulnerary 3/3

3) Iron bow (Atk:10|Hit:28|As:7|Eva:7|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:1|Res:0)

Name: Oscar

Status Ailment: Loss of main armour(-4 Def), main weapons(snagged a Steel Spear)

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Spear D

Stats: Vit:6|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:2|Luk:0|Def:12|Res:0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Guardian, Weapon Rank up(Sword)


1)Steel Spear (Atk:13|Hit:19|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:8|Res:0)

Name: Jarrod

Status Ailment:

Class: Nomad

Traits: Horse

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Bow C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:5|Res:1|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: True strike


1)Longbow (Atk:10|Hit:25|AS:3|Eva:7|Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:1|)

2)Iron bow (Atk:8|Hit:27|AS:5|Eva:9|Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:1|)

3)Vulnerary 3/3

Name: Alyssia

Status Ailment:

Class: Mercenary

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Axe E

Stats: Vit: 5|Str: 5|Mag: 0|Ski: 4|Spd: 8|Luk: 4|Def: 2|Res: 2|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Wrath


1)Slim Sword (Atk:7|Hit:30|AS:8|Eva:12|Crit:6|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|)

2)Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:23|AS:5|Eva:9|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|)

3)Vulnerary 3/3

4)Heavy Sword (Atk:15(12 extra attack)|Hit:20(17 extra attack)|AS:2|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|), may also make an extra uncounterable attack against another

enemy who attacked them the last phase in melee. This extra attack can only be done once per round and receive -3 to hit and uses half the character's Str for damage


Name: Sumomo

Status Ailment: None

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:8|Luk:6|Def:2|Res:0|(2 Unspent)

Health: 16/16

Abilities: Evasive Maneuver, Item master


1) Slim Sword (Atk:5|Hit:28|As:8|Eva:14|Crit:6|CEva:6|Def:2|Res:0)

2) Tsaen Flashpellet 3/3

List of Hp and Teams

Teams: North

Oscar 22/22

Zoey 20/20

Dave 14/14

Soldier A 22/22

RN A 17/18

RN B 17/18

RC A 16/16

RM A 20/20

RM B 20/20

Teams: East

Alena 20/20

Salicia 14/14

Cora 20/20

Soldier B 22/22

Soldier C 22/22

RM C 20/20

RM D 20/20

RM E 20/20

RC B 16/16

RC C 16/16

RC D 16/16

Teams: West

Qaahir 24/24

Omair 20/20

Soldier D 22/22

Soldier E 22/22

Soldier F 22/22

RN C 17/18

RN D 17/18

RN E 17/18

RN F 17/18

RN G 17/18

RM F 20/20

RM G 20/20

Teams: Undecided

Jarrod, Alyssia, Sumomo

Note: These are 3 separate 'teams', meaning they can't use items between teams and can only target those in the same team. Except Siege attacks, which can affect any team. Also, Horse mounted classes can switch teams as an action, Flying mounts can do so as a free action. Others are locked till they vanquish their enemies. The first raider killed in the North has all of Oscar's main equipment...except something rather precious.

Strong western winds: Enemies range attackers in Team West have +2Mt, +3Hit, while characters attacking at range in Team West have -2Mt, -3Hit. The reverse is true for Team East.

Dessert Effects: Fire spells do full damage at range due to abundant heat to draw upon while thunder spells fizzle and have all their range changed to Melee. Characters take 3 damage per attack/counter attack action taken(Doubling counts as 1 attack action) which is reduced by 2 if they have Mage trait, 1 more if they are Emocnian, and 1/2/3 for Lesser/Standard/Greater Emocnian Sandbreaker equiped, effects are cumulative.

Player Phase begins!

Edited by Rothene
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Zoey decided that sitting there waiting for the enemy to attack you wasn't going to do the group any favors, so she trudged through the sand to the nearest sword user, and lunged at him... he had plenty of time to dodge her slow, armored movments, and swung back in rapid succession the first blow being grazed off her shield as the second bounce off her chestplate.

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Oscar Hit = (19 - 8 +3WTA) > 5 = Hit!

Oscar Crit = (3-4) < 12 = No Crit

Oscar Deals (13 - 3 + 2WTA) = 12 Damage

RMA Hit = (21- (-2) -3 WTD) > 7 = Hit!

RMA Crit = (3-0) < 19 = No Crit

RMA Deals (8 - 8 -2WTD) = *tink*

RMA Hit = (21- (-2) -3 WTD) > 11 = Hit!

RMA Crit = (3-0) < 10 = NoCrit

RMA Deals (8 - 8 -2 WTD) = *tink*

Hp Remaining

Oscar 22/22

RMA 8/20

Oscar saw Zoey run out to the closet enemy to them and attempt to attack, seeing her fail in this Oscar decided she would need backup during this fight and decided to follow suit. Oscar arrived at the enemy while he was still distracted by Zoey and just as the Mercenary noticed him Oscar stabbed him along his lower side leaving a very deep gash. The Mercenary recovered long enough to attempt two slashes at Oscar but he managed to block them with his shield

Edited by Eail
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Alyssia made her way to the west, not wanting Salicia to see her fail if she made a mistake. Sword at the ready, she nodded briefly to Qaahir to signal her intent to join the fray.

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Sumomo leapt down from her position on the cart with ease as the sound of the charging mounted warriors reached her ears. Cursing under her breath, her hand went down to her sword, gripping it under her robes. She was in a awful position to say the least. The desert heat was intense and disruptive and the sunlight was great meaning she would have trouble fighting here as she was poorly dressed for desert fighting. To make it worse, her style of combat was meant for ambushes, not fighting against mounted units while on foot. Still, she had to do something.

Sumomo rushed off towards the eastern edge, praying that, somehow, the prevaling winds would help her out as she kept her sword hidden from view. She would have to join in the fray, just wished it wasn't under such bad circumstances.

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Taking aim quickly, Salicia pulled the longbow with as much strength as she could master. It was pulled to the point that her arms were shaking slightly in protest moments before she let loose a shot with full power at the nearest mercenary brandishing his sword foolishly...

Salicia (Range, Charge) vs RM C: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3380944/ 3, 13

Salicia Hit = (26 - 8 +3Wind) > 3 = Hit!

Salicia Crit = (3-4) < 13 = No Crit

Salicia Deals (12 - 3 + 2Wind)x2Charge = 22 Damage KO!

Bloodlust Triggers!

...then feeling her desire for more blood to acknowledge the success of her recent bloodletting, her body moved with great speed to draw another arrow to fire at another unfortunate foe...this time a spear wielding cavalier...

Salicia(Range) vs RC B: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3380947/ 18,18

Salicia Hit = (26 - 8 +3Wind) = 18 = Matching Rolls = AutoHit!

Salicia Crit = (3-4) < 18 = No Crit

Salicia Deals (12 - 3 + 2Wind) = 11 Damage!

...but in her haste for more blood, the arrow was fired with insufficient power to fell this new victim immediately.

The two Tsaen soldiers at the east end readied their steel spears and braced for their enemies' charge.

Soldier B and C Defends Team East!


On the North end...

Seeing the well struck blow Oscar scored bring the enemy to his knees, Sui wasted no time to run his spear through the weakened mercenary while calling to Dave, "Behind me!"

Soldier A vs RM A: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3380948/ 19,14,17,4,17,12,3,3

Soldier A Hit = (21 - 8 +3WTA) < 19 = Miss!

RM A Hit = (21 - 1 -3WTA) = 17 = Hit!

RM A Crit = (3-3) < 4 = No Crit

RM A Deals (8 - 6 - 2WTA)= Tinks three times...

...alas his focus was not wholly in the battle but instead divided between seeking a kill and trying to protect his charge poorly. The spear missed it's mark which made the soldier snap into attention in time to raise his shield in time to block three consecutive sword blows from the flagging strength of the dying mercenary. None of the blows got past the shield.

Knowing that his healing powers would serve no one dead, Dave clutched his staff tightly as he made his way to the centre of his fellow combatants. A position he hoped would make him less likely to be in the way of arrow shots.

Dave activates Evasive Maneuver! -6Hit, + 3Eva

Further down, Chaen Lang and his men fought their way past raiders in their way. The Zhanmadao cleaving horseman left and right while the soldiers stabbed scimitar wielding mercenaries in perfect unison as Ken beheaded those trying to avoid Chaen Lang's wrath. They were inching rapidly towards Oscar and his lot.


"Damn archers...hiding behind those cutthroats like cowards!" shouted Qaahir shaking his fist at the raiders behind the safe wall the Tsaen soldiers formed with their shields on the west end, a comical sight of hypocrisy at its most typical. "We can't hold here for long, we need to make a mad dash to the enemy...who's with me?"

Special: RM F and RM G are defending the West Enemy Team

List of Hp and Teams

Teams: North

Oscar 22/22

Zoey 20/20

Dave 14/14

Soldier A 22/22

RN A 18/18

RN B 18/18

RC A 16/16

RM A 8/20

RM B 20/20

Teams: East

Alena 20/20

Salicia 14/14

Sumomo 16/16

Cora 20/20

Soldier B 22/22

Soldier C 22/22

RM C 0/20

RM D 20/20

RM E 20/20

RC B 5/16

RC C 16/16

RC D 16/16

Teams: West

Alyssia 20/20

Qaahir 24/24

Omair 20/20

Soldier D 22/22

Soldier E 22/22

Soldier F 22/22

RN C 18/18

RN D 18/18

RN E 18/18

RN F 18/18

RN G 18/18

RM F 20/20

RM G 20/20

Team: Undecided


It's still Player Phase...

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"This had better work", Alena mumbled. These guys weren't slow and clumsy like her earlier fights. She charged.


Alena Hit = (25 - 8 -3WTA) < 19 = Miss

Alena Crit = (4-4) < 16 = No Crit

RC B Hit = (23 - 7 + 3WTA) > 6 = Hit!

RC B Crit = (4-3) < 9 = No Crit

RC B Deals (8 - 4 + 2WTA) = 6 damage

Alena cursed as her target evaded, then cried out when his lance found her back. The wound was hardly fatal, but she would've been happier if she'd been able to kill her opponent outright!

Alena's HP: 14/20

RC B's HP: 5/16

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As Sumomo approached the front lines, one of the raiders spotted what seemed to be a soft target. A young, frail girl who seemed to have wandered out onto the front lines stupidly. Grinning wickedly, he approached Sumomo, sword raised overhead for a easy and swift kill. Sumomo looked up at him, seemingly unready and unprepared, a look of terror on her face!

Only for it to vanish in a instant as her hand gripped the hilt of her sword. The sand swirled as the mans sword came down on naught but the empty air where Sumomo had been a second before as Sumomo rolled to the side, drawing her hidden blade with naught but the faint glint of steel to signify that she had done so... besides the sudden burning pain in the ribs of the man as Sumomo's blade cut through his side with ease. Not even waiting to see if he had been felled, she stepped around him, twisting so as to slide her sword out of the wound and bring it around upon his backside as she brought the cutting edge down upon his back, lacerating into his flesh before pulling it out. Then, in a grim fashion, she brought her sword down low, its tip skimming the desert sands, as she swung upwards between his legs. The man was done for, if not in life, certainly in spirit, in less than a instant.

"<I am not a soft target.>" she said coldly as the man cried out in pain at her triple strike.

OOC: I apologize for sloppy formatting. I'll clean it up soon, when I feel better.

Sumomo Hit: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381417/ HIT!

Sumomo Crit: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381420/

Enemy counter: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381422/ Miss!

Enemy counter (crit): http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381424/ Miss!

Sumomo Double Hit/Crit: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381427/ Hit/No crit

Sumomo Triple hit/crit: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3381429/ Hit/Critical

10 damage (2 + 2 + 2X3) dealt to RM E

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Alyssia froze for a moment, considering her options. Charging in there looked like suicide, and there was no real reason she should die to help anyone here. It's the path I chose, she reminded herself grimly. Besides, staying here isn't exactly safer. He's right, it is the best plan.

"Whatever you say, sir," Alyssia stated, then grabbed her throwing knife and darted toward the enemy, attacking the first person to get in her way.

Alyssia (Range) vs RM G: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3383105/

Alyssia Hit = (23 - 8) > 4 = Hit

Alena Crit = (4-4) < 12 = No Crit

Alyssia Deals (7 -3) = 4 damage

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"Awesome! Now weee....wait girl!" shouted Qaahir, but it was too late. Alyssia had made the bold steps of charging first, something the veteran fighter wanted to caution her about. "Well, can't be helped..."

Inspired by Alyssia's brave attack, the rest of the Tsaen soldiers launched themselves forward, spears trusting towards the nomads as the two mercenaries tried to block their way...

Soldier D(Steel Spear) vs RM F(Iron Sword, Defending Group West) and Soldier E(steel Spear) vs RM G(Iron Sword, Defending Group West): http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383378/ 15,4,14,16

Soldier D Hit = (21 - 8 +3WTA) > 15 = Hit!

Soldier D Crit = (5-4) < 4 = No Crit

Soldier D Deals (12 - 3 +2WTA)= 11 Damage!

RM F tinks trice anyway...

Soldier E Hit = (21 - 8 +3WTA) > 14 = Hit!

Soldier E Crit = (5-4) < 16 = No Crit

Soldier E Deals (12 - 3 +2WTA)= 11 Damage!

Soldier F(Steel Spear, Melee) vs RN C: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383384/ 4,8

Soldier F Hit = (21 - 11) > 4 = Hit!

Soldier F Crit = (5-4) < 8 = No Crit

Soldier F Deals (12 - 1)= 11Damage!

...all three struck true, spears failed to be parried and horses too clumsy to evade. Qaahir hefted his new heavy axe. Feeling the weight in his hand, the Emocnian shook his head as he switched to his trusty steel axe. Nomads were too nimble to risk using such a cumbersome weapon...

Qaahir(Steel Axe) vs RN C: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383395/ 13,17

Qaahir Hit = (25 - 11) > 13 = Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8-4) < 17 = No Crit

Qaahir Deals (17 - 1)= 16Damage!KO!

...the axe barely missed its mark as the wounded horse tried to move away. Unfortunately the previous blow inflicted upon it had already weakened it far too much. The steel axe cleaved through part of its rider's torso before cutting deep into its spine.

Trying his best to ignore the death throes of the freshly slain horse, it reminding Omair of his own Hakkibe, the mage focused on unleashing blades of fire to finish off the remaining mercenary...

Omair(Blade Fire Tome, Ranged(Full damage due to desert)) vs RM F: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383399/ 14,19

Omair Hit = (25 - 8) > 14 = Hit!

Omair Crit = (4-4) < 17 = No Crit

Omair Deals (11 - 0)= 11Damage!KO!


On the eastern front...

Calling upon her spirit self, Cora let the ghostly horse prance around the group to seek for those in need of healing...

Cora Heals entire team by 8Hp



Following commands of their leader, the wounded men hitched a ride onto cavaliers who might or might not be hurt to make a temporary retreat while the rest of the reinforcements would rotate in fresh and ready to wear down the prey.

RC A Rescues RM A and retreats to heal

RC B Rescues RM E and retreats to heal

RN D Rescues RM G and retreats to heal

North side...

RM B(Slim Axe) Triples Zoey: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383415/ 6,16,3,13,19,7,3,4

RM B Hit = (22 - (-1) +3WTA) > 6 = Hit!

RM B Crit = (5-0) < 16 = No Crit

RM B Deals (10 - 7 +2WTA)= 5damage!

Zoey Hit = (21 - 8 -3WTD) > 3 = Hit!

Zoey Crit = (4-4) < 13 = No Crit

Zoey Deals (12 - 3 -2WTD)= 7Damage!

RM B Hit = (22 - (-1) +3WTA) > 19 = Hit!

RM B Crit = (5-0) < 7 = No Crit

RM B Deals (10 - 7 +2WTA)= 5damage!

RM B Hit = (22 - (-1) +3WTA) > 3 = Hit!

RM B Crit = (5-0) < 4 = Crit!

RM B Deals (10 - 7 +2WTA)x2= 10damage!KO!(Precise value...)

RN A(Iron Bow) vs Dave: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383420/ 16,17

RN A Hit = (21 - 11) < 16 = Miss!

RN B(Iron Bow) Triples Soldier A: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383422/ 18,5,11,13,14,5

RN B Hit = (21 - 1) > 18 = Hit!

RN B Crit = (3-3) < 5 = No Crit

RN B Deals (7 - 6)= 1damage!

RN B Hit = (21 - 1) > 11 = Hit!

RN B Crit = (3-3) < 13 = No Crit

RN B Deals (7 - 6)= 1damage!

RN B Hit = (21 - 1) > 114 = Hit!

RN B Crit = (3-3) < 5 = No Crit

RN B Deals (7 - 6)= 1damage!


East Side...the remaining cavaliers and mercenary paused for a moment to watch their comrade get carried to safety before renewing their assault. One charged for Alena, the other was gunning for the evasive Sumomo...and the lone mercenary decided that Salicia unchecked was the most threatening of all...

and...with the two defenders locked with other opponents, the mercenary managed to sneak in with his scimitar in hand to take a slice of Salicia.

RC C(Iron Spear) Triples Soldier B(Defending Team East) and RC D(Iron Spear) triples Soldier C(Defending Team East): http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383441/ 17,18,12,20,8,12,17,11,14,5,8,17,20,15,7,18

RC C Hit = (23 - 1) > 17 = Hit!

RC C Crit = (4-3) < 18 = No Crit

RC C Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

Soldier B Hit = (21 - 8) > 12 = Hit!

Soldier B Crit = (5-4) < 20 = No Crit

Soldier B Deals (12 - 3)= 9Damage!

RC C Hit = (23 - 1) > 8 = Hit!

RC C Crit = (4-3) < 12 = No Crit

RC C Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

RC C Hit = (23 - 1) > 17 = Hit!

RC C Crit = (4-3) < 11 = No Crit

RC C Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

RC D Hit = (23 - 1) > 14 = Hit!

RC D Crit = (4-3) < 5 = No Crit

RC D Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

Soldier C Hit = (21 - 8) > 8 = Hit!

Soldier C Crit = (5-4) < 17 = No Crit

Soldier C Deals (12 - 3)= 9Damage!

RC D Hit = (23 - 1) > 20 = Hit!

RC D Crit = (4-3) < 15 = No Crit

RC D Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

RC D Hit = (23 - 1) > 7 = Hit!

RC D Crit = (4-3) < 18 = No Crit

RC D Deals (8 - 6)= 2damage!

RM D(Iron sword) vs Salicia: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383456/ 10,19

RM D Hit = (21 - 5) > 10 = Hit!

RM D Crit = (3-0) < 19 = No Crit

RM D Deals (8 - 1)= 7damage!


On the West end...The nomads decided to fire at will, hoping that all would hit their marks.

RN D triple Soldier DDerped, RN E triple Soldier E, RN F vs Alyssia, RN G triple Qaahir: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383466/ 8,4,9,11,4,5,3,1,12,19,9,7,6,10,1,4,3,20,16,5

Alyssia Counter roll(Forgot to roll it): http://invisiblecast...r/view/3383483/ 2,14

RN E Hit = (21 - 1+3Wind) > 3 = Hit!

RN E Crit = (3-3) < 1 = AutoCrit!

RN E Deals (7 - 6+2Wind)x2= 6damage!

RN E Hit = (21 - 1+3Wind) > 12 = Hit!

RN E Crit = (3-3) < 19 = No Crit

RN E Deals (7 - 6+2Wind)= 3damage!

RN E Hit = (21 - 1+3Wind) > 9 = Hit!

RN E Crit = (3-3) < 7 = No Crit

RN E Deals (7 - 6+2Wind)= 3damage!

RN F Hit = (21 - 9+3Wind) > 6 = Hit!

RN F Crit = (3-4) < 10 = No Crit

RN F Deals (7 - 2 +2Wind)= 7damage!

Alyssia Counters

Alyssia Hit = (23 - 11-3Wind) > 2 = Hit!

Alyssia Crit = (4-4) < 14 = No Crit

Alyssia Deals (7 - 1 -2Wind)= 4damage!

RN G Hit = (21 - 4+3Wind) > 1 = AutoHit!

RN G Crit = (3-4) < 4 = No Crit

RN G Deals (7 - 5+2Wind)= 4damage!

RN G Hit = (21 - 4+3Wind) > 3 = Hit!

RN G Crit = (3-4) < 20 = No Crit

RN G Deals (7 - 5+2Wind)= 4damage!

RN G Hit = (21 - 4+3Wind) > 16 = Hit!

RN G Crit = (3-4) < 5 = No Crit

RN G Deals (7 - 5+2Wind)= 4damage!

Note: Desert penalty kicks in...Hp losses incured.

List of Hp and Teams

Teams: North

Oscar(Steel Spear) 18/22

Zoey(Steel Spear) 0/20 KO!

Dave 13/14

Soldier A(Steel Spear) A 16/22

RN A(Iron Bow) 17/18

RN B(Iron Bow) 17/18

RC A(Iron Spear) 16/16 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

RM A(Iron Sword) 8/20 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

RM B(Iron Sword) 12/20

Teams: East

Alena(Throwing Sword) 17/20

Salicia(Longbow) 4/14

Sumomo(Slim Sword) 13/16

Cora 20/20

Soldier B(Steel Spear) 13/22

Soldier C(Steel Spear) 13/22

RM C 0/20

RM D(Iron Sword) 19/20

RM E(Iron Sword) 12/20 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

RC B(Iron Spear) 5/16 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

RC C(Iron Spear) 6/16

RC D(Iron Spear) 6/16

Teams: West

Alyssia(Throwing Sword) 10/20

Qaahir(Steel Axe) 8/24

Omair(Blade Fire Tome) 19/20

Soldier D(Steel Spear) 19/22

Soldier E(Steel Spear) 7/22

Soldier F(Steel Spear) 19/22

RN C(Iron Bow) 0/18

RN D(Iron Bow) 17/18 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

RN E(Iron Bow) 13/18

RN F(Iron Bow) 17/18

RN G(Iron Bow) 17/18

RM F(Iron Sword) 0/20

RM G(Iron Sword) 7/20 Temporary Retreat can't be attacked

Team: Undecided


Player Phase again~

Edited by Rothene
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Upon seeing the axe wielder attack the girl Zoey and then retreat to catch up with his allies Oscar rushed towards the downed girl with Dave right behind him. Upon seeing that she was still alive, Oscar gathered the girl up in his arms to attempt to take her back a ways out of the battle. Once Oscar set Zoey down Dave began to attempt to heal her, though it was unlikely he would be able to do any more than stabilize her until the battle was over. Before he stepped away from Zoey, Oscar grabbed her Iron Sword, just in case the Axe user returned, He'd give it back once this battle was over. Not wanting the enemy attempt to finish off the girl or attack the boy, Oscar kept as close as possible to defend them.

Oscar activates Guardian to protect Dave and Zoey

(OOC I'm counting Zoey in this as well just in case an archer decides to attack her while she's down)

Edited by Eail
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Zoey was suprised by the speed that an AXE user assaulted her, he landed a heavy blow on her shield arm, her vision flashed as she realised that probably broke the limb, a second blow knocked the now limp shield arm ot the way, before she took a heavy blow right to the chest, while her Mythril Chestplate stopped the blow from killing her instantly, it couldn't stop the crushing of ribs and lungs, her vision flashed white as shre crumpled to the ground, then slowly faded to black, just in time to see the man they were supposed to rescue scoop her up... she coughed once, shooting a little blood over her armor, before blacking out completely.

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"Nice shot, you with the arrow. Hit one of the weakened guys; I'll see if I can't force the other one to retreat," she yelled. She turned her attention to the lone enemy on foot. She quickly switched to a lighter sword, and faced him.


Alena Hit = (25 - 8) > 9 = Hit

Alena Crit = (4 - 4) < 12 = No Crit

Alena deals (7 - 3) = 4 damage

RM D Hit = (21 - 10) < 20 = Miss

RM D Crit = (4-3) < 9 = No Crit

Alena's HP: 17/20

RC B's HP: 15/20

Alena smiled as she felt her blade hit home. Her opponent, thrown off-balance by the attack, clumsily swung and hit air.

I think I'll stick to targeting people on foot, unless I see a reason to do otherwise.

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North side...

Seeing an opening, Ken quickly rush forward to aid the stranded group. With a swift slash...

Ken vs RM B: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384375/ 20,7,16,14

Ken Hit ( 30- 8+3WTA) > 20 = Hit!

Ken Crit (13 - 4) > 7 = Crit!

Ken Deals ( 8 - 3 +2WTA)x2 = 14Damage!Ko!

...that split the unwary mercenary's back. Wasting no time, Ken shouted, "Hey, come now! We've got to regroup back among the caravans!" Sheating his sword, Ken turned back to ran to the safety of the makeshift barricades in the form of Tsaen caravans while the rest of the soldiers with Chaen Lang came to drag back the fallen forms of Zoey and the soldier Han. As Chaen Lang walked forward to lend his soldiers a hand, his accidentally kicked over a sack from the dead mercenary, which made a lot of clanking sound as if it were filled with pots and pans. The sack loosened to reveal a gauntlet poking out of it.

Group North will now spend the round retreating back to the caravans while Oscar may now pick up his gear


Salicia tried to smile but could only grimace at Alena's words due to the pain she felt from the raider that got past their defenses, "Well, it's only natural I shoot well. You have no idea how long have I been in the business of disposing people," notching another arrow with her normal bow this time, for her arms was getting tired from the strain from pulling the longbow too hard previously. As she took aim she asked Alena, "Tell, me, have you ever heard of the name Black Arrow, girl?"

Salicia(Range Iron Bow, doubles) vs RC C: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384396/ 9,10,2,6

Salicia Hit = (28 - 8 +3Wind) > 9 = Hit!

Salicia Crit = (3-4) < 10 = No Crit

Salicia Deals (10 - 3 + 2Wind) = 9 Damage!KO!

Bloodlust triggers!

Salicia(Range Iron Bow, doubles) vs RC D: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384397/ 12,18,2,18

Salicia Hit = (28 - 8 +3Wind) > 12 = Hit!

Salicia Crit = (3-4) < 18 = No Crit

Salicia Deals (10 - 3 + 2Wind) = 9Damage!KO!

"That should teach them a thing or two about daring to charge at me..." smirked Salicia

Seeing the group at the west not faring too well, Cora got onto George and rode off to aid them.

Cora uses horse ability to switch to the West Team

The two soldiers leveled their spear at the remaining mercenary now surrounded by foes. The mercenary dropped his sword and said, "I surrender!"


On the West side...

Seeing the weakened state of one of the nomads, Qaahir rushed forward to take a swing at his prey...

Qaahir(Steel Axe) vs RN E: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384411/ 2,9

Qaahir Hit = (25 - 11) > 2 = Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8-4) < 9 = No Crit

Qaahir Deals (17 - 1)= 16Damage!KO!

...and was rewarded with the sound of bones crunching. Omair followed suit and summoned a fiery spinning blade into his hands as he charged forward to slash with it at the closest nomad.

Omair(Melee Blade Fire Tome) vs RN F: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384416/ 17,3

Omair Hit = (25 - 11) < 17 = Miss!

Only to trip on his feet. Next time, stick to blasting the enemy instead of trying to be a warrior, Omair mentally chastised himself.

The two Tsaen soldiers sighed at Omair's performance. One of them muttered, "Mages..."

Soldier D vs RN F: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384420/ 10,14

Soldier D Hit = (21 - 11) = 10 = Hit!

Soldier D Crit = (5-4) < 14 = No Crit

Soldier D Deals (12 - 1)= 11Damage!

Soldier E vs RN F: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384421/ 10,17

Soldier E Hit = (21 - 11) = 10 = Hit!

Soldier E Crit = (5-4) < 17 = No Crit

Soldier E Deals (12 - 1)= 11Damage!KO!

Soldier F vs RN G: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3384424/ 16, 11

Soldier F Hit = (21 - 11) < 16 = Miss!

...two of the soldiers went forward to impale a helpless nomad and his horse with the power of their team work while the third missed his mark due to lack of team effort.

List of Hp and Teams

Teams: North

Oscar(Steel Spear) 18/22

Zoey(Steel Spear) 0/20 KO!

Dave 13/14

Soldier A(Steel Spear) A 16/22

RN A(Iron Bow) 17/18

RN B(Iron Bow) 17/18

RC A(Iron Spear) 16/16 Temporary Retreat

RM A(Iron Sword) 8/20 Temporary Retreat

RM B(Iron Sword) 0/20

Teams: East

Alena(Throwing Sword) 17/20

Salicia(Longbow) 4/14

Sumomo(Slim Sword) 13/16

Cora 20/20

Soldier B(Steel Spear) 13/22

Soldier C(Steel Spear) 13/22

RM C 0/20

RM D(Iron Sword) 15/20 Surrendering

RM E(Iron Sword) 12/20 Temporary Retreat

RC B(Iron Spear) 5/16 Temporary Retreat

RC C(Iron Spear) 0/16

RC D(Iron Spear) 0/16

Teams: West

Alyssia(Throwing Sword) 10/20

Qaahir(Steel Axe) 8/24

Omair(Blade Fire Tome) 19/20

Soldier D(Steel Spear) 19/22

Soldier E(Steel Spear) 7/22

Soldier F(Steel Spear) 19/22

RN C(Iron Bow) 0/18

RN D(Iron Bow) 17/18 Temporary Retreat

RN E(Iron Bow) 0/18

RN F(Iron Bow) 0/18

RN G(Iron Bow) 17/18

RM F(Iron Sword) 0/20

RM G(Iron Sword) 7/20 Temporary Retreat

Team: Undecided


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