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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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Thanking the heavens he had the foresight to grab the sandbreaker after the battle Oscar pulled this hood over his head to protect from the sun bearing down on him. Moving forwards to where he saw Alyssia near the front of the convoy Oscar thought 'She's quite an easy person to talk to if last night was anything to go by and since I'm staying with this group I might as well try to make a friend. Considering I don't know anyone aside from her I wonder if she'd mind if I asked a few questions?'

Picking up his pace a little to catch up with her; Oscar greeted her with "Good morning Miss Alyssia, do you mind if I ask you a few questions about this group we're travelling with?"

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Zoey was atleast walking that morning, for what it was worth, though it was hot, she kept her armor on to protect her skin from the whipping sand winds... trudging along easily. She glanced around the area with a pained grimace, holding one of her sides that still ached frmo the fight... she kept an eye out for the man they rescued yesterday, but for whatever reason she couldn't see him... even though in all actuality she was walking within a couple feet of him and Alyssia, Zoey had just never scene him in his armor.

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Another day, bathed in sand. I hope we get to the ruins soon. All this sand can't be good for me.

Alena took note of the conversations happening elsewhere.

Why talk in these conditions? Save your energy for walking.

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Now focusing less of her attention on convincing herself to keep moving, Alyssia glanced over at Oscar as he walked toward her. "Good morning, Sir Oscar. No, I don't mind, although I've only joined the group recently; I may not be much help," she answered evenly, watching him closely now that the sun was up.

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The burial of the solider was a odd thing for Sumomo. She had seen people die before, seen their funerals, but never been sad. It wasn't apathy as she watched the burial that flooded her mind but rather... a want to feel sad that could not be realized. She had killed before, she had seen others die before, it was to be expected. She knew she should be sad though, but the best she could manage was crocodile tears.

"<I do not know you, your name is unknown to me, yet you have died fighting alongside me against a common foe. I give you my respect and I wish I could give you my tears. Rest in peace soldier.>" she said under her breath before returning to Taek before the march was resumed.

The following morning she woke up to see that other people were already talking happily again, as if nothing had happened the prior night. With a yawn and a stretch she rose up. "<Morning master. I'm sorry for running off yesterday but I... I'm sorry. That's all. I should be studying merchandising and such, not watching the soldiers fight.>"

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"I'll keep the less important question for later, but the one I would really like an answer to is; what exactly is the purpose of this caravan? I do see a merchant here and there but there isn't enough for a convoy this large, and the wagon near the rear is FAR too fancy to belong to a merchant. Are we actually escorting a Tsaen nobleman?" Oscar questioned his fellow Rekamite.

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"Yes, someone by the name Lord Tzang. I'm not entirely sure of what he's planning to do, if you were going to ask," Alyssia shrugged as she explained, not sure it was that important. Work was work, after all.

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"Bah his plans aren't that important to me, I just like to know who I'm working for. Anyways I'll keep the rest of my questions till we're out of this blasted sun." Said Oscar in response to her answer.

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Not the trek through the desert was relatively peaceful. Another soldier collapsed due to the heat and was forced to spend most of the journey in the caravan that housed their weapons, and some loot from the earlier battle. As the sun reached the highest point in the sky, the heat made those without shelter find each step an agonizing exercise through an oven. Even those with the sandbreakers worn were starting to move sluggishly. Soldiers were eyeing their unconscious brethren with vile envy.

Another soldier fell and soon the horses were looking on the verge of collapsing. Despite the large intakes of water they consumed and a short shower Chaen Lang ordered performed on the horses, to which Qaahir voiced disapproval, the beast seemed like they could no longer pull the caravans.

It was at that point when the ruins came into view. Large single structure the shape of triangle walls enclosing around a square base, the design was long obsolete for the modern day Emocnians built flat roofed towers that were short so as to not be so close to the sun while these ancient ones seem to tower above any other modern day structure of the continent of Aven. Sages claim that those structures were not even build by ancient Emocnians but rather, the Forerunner race that were the ancestors of all humans, an idea that was newly born as the concept of the Forerunner race was not widely accepted by both the educated and the uneducated.

"Alright, push onwards people! First we secure the well, then we'll have the water we need!" shouted Chaen Lang, hoping the mention of well and water would galvanise everyone to pick up their speed.


Among the ruins, a lone lizard crawled up a large cylindrical shaped object, hoping to hide from from the hungry shifting crowd chasing it slowly. On top, it noticed a large hole at its centre...and a deep never ending darkness. It hesitated, fearing it being a maw of some horrifying predator. But as it did not move and the crowd was drawing closer, it decided to take a risk and plunged into the depths of the strange thing in search of refuge. By scaling down its walls of course.

After quite some distance it, it hit a solid pile of sand. Realising that it was no longer on solid rocky surface that covered almost the entire place outside this strange object, the lizard burrowed deep into the sand with glee. And all it met was more layers of sand before hitting yet another rocky surface.

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Thanking the heavens above that they were going to get more water soon Oscar took the top off of his canteen and took a deep drag of what he had left before yanking off his hood and pouring what he had left over his head to provide a little relief of the heat.

'We have to hurry and find that well, somebody is going to die of heat stroke soon if we don't. I can already feel myself getting delirious from the heat.' Oscar thought after he finished off his water.

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Reaching the ruins, Chaen Lang had everyone gather inside it, to shy away from the heat.

"Alright, you said there was a well here, so where is it?" Chaen Lang asked Qaahir.

"There are a few. One on the other side of the building outside, then three more were discovered in here. Last I checked the one outside was buried in sand," pausing to clear his throat of sand, "Nothing stopping us from checking the one outside though. But I doubt we would find water in a well like that anymore."

"So you suggest we search inside for water..." Chaen Lang muttered to himself. Then speaking softly, "Inside...are there traps? I heard of ancient structures such as these hold hidden dangers."

Qaahir laughed lightly, "Yep, it used to. But now it's been somewhat thoroughly explored. Scholars don't really visit this one anymore and treasure hunters have taken their fill. Or at least last I noticed two years back, they were trying to. By the time I brought my first batch of scholars, the place was considered safe and I never sprung any traps."

"I see. Well, you still remember precisely where those wells are right?"

"I do remember two of them. The third was based on hear say. In the western wing there was supposed to be a hidden passage way..."

"And that would be where I volunteer to search," came Lord Tzang as he approached the duo, "I intend to investigate that place while we're here. Perhaps you can spare me someone to accompany me?"

"Are you serious? There might be traps there and I want Qaahir to guide us to the two wells he knows about. It's too dangerous, I forbid it," said Chaen Lang.

"You forbid nothing soldier. Know your place in relation to mine. I will go there and I will bring someone with me," said Lord Tzang coldly.

"You will not take my soldiers. They keep the convoy safe...not you," threatened Chaen Lang.

"Is that so? Perhaps I shall take those newcomers with me...some of them ought to be enough."

"Be my guest," said Chaen Lang waving his hands in frustration.


"Alright, I need volunteers. Five to follow Qaahir to search for the wells in here as well as bring some water back. Then Lord Tzang wants to have some people to accompany him to investigate the western wing of this building. He says he would pay extra for those who offer him their service. Those of you who do not want to go anywhere mention so. You shall stay here to watch over the caravans," Chaen Lang addressed the crowd.

Now volunteer to go with who, or volunteer to stay and protect caravans

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Standing up from against the wall he was sitting against; Oscar grabbed his weapons and walked forward "I'll go with Lord Tzang, if we run across trouble I'm sure I can protect him."

'Something about this doesn't seem right, I'd better stay focused while we're in these ruins. Never know what might pop up in a place like this.' Oscar mused over in his mind

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Noticing the girl Zoey had said she was going with Tzang as well Oscar couldn't help but notice her condition, she seemed to be absolutely exhausted and still being affected by the heat they had gone through.

'I'm going to have to try to look out for her as well, she doesn't seem fully healed to me yet. I still need to thank her for rescuing me as well, I can probably do that on the way.'

Looking over at Zoey Oscar gave her a quick nod and a grin.

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Alyssia looked around, considering what to do. Lagging around with the caravans would be dull, and while finding water would lead to having access to it faster, secret passages sounded too interesting to ignore. The extra pay would be nice to have, too.

"I'll join Lord Tzang's group," she said quietly, before glancing at the sharp-tongued Aesian girl. I hope I'm not stuck with her...

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The yapping group? They'll probably bring the place down around my ears. No thanks.

"All the treasure in the world is meaningless if we die out here. I'll join the search for water."

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"If you do not mind, I would gladly accompany the Lord Tzang in his search." came Sumomo's voice. There was little of value to her within the building itself, she was certain, but she did want to accompany him to do her best to ensure his survival. If he should fall, the group could become waylayed and unmovable. "If you will have me. I may be a merchants apprentice, but I am not incapable in fighting."

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Lord Tzang clapped his hands and said to Chaen Lang, "Wonderful. It seems my venture seems more attractive than your tasks."

"Right, just don't bring this whole place down on us. I know that it's design is great enough to weather the ages, but better be cautious," walking towards the group, Chaen Lang began, "Alright..."

"I'll go with Qaahir!" Omair shouted out, finally making a decision.

Chaen Lang sighed, "Right, you could've said that without shouting. Don't get all worked up boy. As I was about ti say, all of you grab your gears. You have one minute before you go."

Turning to his soldiers, "You three, go with the Emocnian. I'll stay here to protect the caravans."


As people were preparing for their respective search, Dave recalled some things he learned in his studies of the land...as well as rumours he gathered during his meals in Agrah. He handed his three light blessed waters to a soldier who was following Qaahir, one to Omair and the last to Sumomo, who all happened to be closest to him then.

To each he gave the same warning, "I heard these ruins have been troubled by rampant dark magic lately...these waters blessed by the Spirits of Light should help you repel the dark magic."

Soldier Receives Pure Water, Omair receives Pure Water, Sumomo receives Pure Water


With everyone gathered and ready, each group walked together to the centre of the structure. For there, the path became a crossroad. It was simple matter to find out the exit...for only through the north came the movement of wind, although those who are very sharp would notice very faint ones coming from the west too.

Wishing each other good luck or just remaining silent, they all split to their respective paths. Lord Tzang leading Zoey, Oscar, Alyssia and Sumomo to the west. Qaahir ordered the three soldiers to go south while he brought Omair and Alena with him to the east wing. One thing that bothered the fighter was the stink of the place. He remembered it being terribly stuffy long ago...but never with such strange putrefying stench.

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'Something is really off about this place, this smell isn't right.' Oscars thoughts raced through his mind.

Facing towards the other members of his group he said with a deathly serious voice "I'm having a very bad feeling about all this right now, if anything happens I want you all to stay behind me all right? Lord Tzang I apologize for my impudence but I would like you to do this as well for your own safety."

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Alena stayed silent. Qaahir looked troubled. If that was the case, it would be best not to make any extra noise.

Is the water any good? The air sure doesn't smell it!

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"Oh? Very well then. I appreciate your concern for my safety and shall comply...when the situation arises," said Lord Tzang smoothly. The west wing was covered with sand almost a foot deep for the roof of that section was missing a few stones. Various pieces of stone lay half buried in the sand, making the walk all the more treacherous. Anyone in there would feel compelled to look to the ceiling every now and then in fear of more stones falling down. But the odd thing was the lack of air flowing out of the area.

It did not take long for them to find out the reason...or the 'hidden' passage way Lord Tzang was seeking. For all the air seemed to be flowing into the hole in the wall where the sand seem to be kept clear with this unnatural wind movement.

The sight made Lord Tzang clear his throat, "Alright...any of you having second thoughts may choose to go back now. If not, follow me."

Taking a torch out of his sack, Lord Tzang lighted it before entering.


Qaahir spit on the sand as the smell grew stronger. His mouth tasted bad with every breath he inhaled. "Ok, I think we should turn back. I doubt any water would be drinkable exposed to this smell for too long," the fighter said gripping his axe tightly. He felt prickles all over his body...a tell tale sign of his gut telling him to run.

Omair on the other hand was able to command the wind to keep the smell away from him. Extending it to help others would not be difficult, "Hey, if you two want my help, I can keep the stench away from us. Just stand closer."

The Emocnian fighter immediately stepped next to the mage. Omair looked ahead of them. There was old magic around here, his Spirit Self told him. Old magic that had been asleep for a long time, and still is, though not as soundly. His father would be disappointed in him if he turned away from discovering what lay beyond, thus he intended to push on.

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'.....He just said WHEN the situation arises, not IF it does........This is bad.....This is VERY VERY bad. He knows something that he's not telling us. We should be going back the caravan .....But at the same time I can't leave the girls to stay with him if they stay.'

Oscar stopped moving to look back at the group. "I say we turn back Lord Tzang, something is not right in these ruins. I'm no mage by any means but I fear there may be Dark Magic at work here."

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"Oh? Haha, well that's why I'm offering you all the chance to withdraw from this exciting adventure," smirked Lord Tzang pausing in his footsteps, "But no matter what, I will continue. Alone if I must. No surprise there being magic working around us, for this is Emocni after all. But those magic should only come into play if we dare desecrate the tombs. And that means try moving the dead bodies. I'm not here to rob from the dead and neither are any of you. Hence the would do us no harm."

"This," said Lord Tzang withdrawing an ancient looking scroll from his side carefully, "is all told in here. Written in the words of the Forerunners, people who came before us and build wonders such as these. People who's language now lives on in a mangled butchered form as Tsaen." The nobleman spoke the last part with a hint of sadness in his expression.

Keeping the scroll, "And adventurers and treasure hunters have came down here before us, so they would have sprang any traps that were left over in their greed. We have nothing to fear. Unless some of you do something stupid."

With that the Tsaen resumed his descent.

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Alena frowned at Omair. They were here to find water! However, she decided not to say anything, as Qaahir looked even jumpier.

Something's wrong, and he knows it. If we're being tracked by sight, scent, or footprints. . .bah, best not to think too much about it. If we're being tracked by voice, I'm better off hiding this way.

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