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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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"I may not like where this is going, but I gave my word I would protect you and a real man never goes back on his word." Oscar responded to the nobleman, glancing at his companion he could tell that it was likely none of them would retreat either no matter how much he wished for them to do so.

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Zoey gulped down some of the dusty stagnant air... only to cough it back up in a small fit. "I've got trainings in magics... so stupidity on my part shouldn't be a concern..." She said with a reinforcing nod as she followed the noble down the passage.

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"So, what do you know of these ruins? Did the scholars you worked with tell you anything fascinating?" Omair asked Qaahir. His two companions were showing signs of discomfort, which in turn were affecting him. Deciding that a little talking would keep their minds off what ever troubled them, Omair asked his question.

"Ah, scholarly stuff, eh?" said Qaahir stroking his beard, "Well, I don't remember much since they were lengthy and of no use to me. But there was this one time, this Tsaen sage came running up to me, shouting out about seeing the symbol of Sasnias' dream..."

"Sasnias?" Omair asked. The name sounded familiar...but also very unfamiliar at the same time.

"I think that was how the name was pronounced. Anyway, he said it was a symbol belonging to a Forerunner so powerful, her Spirit Self is said to have retained independent thought for a time."

"For a time? And wait, you believe in the Forerunner legend?"

"Yes. Well, when you travel around often, you start believing stuff because of what you see. So the Tsaen said something about following some scrolls he found in the jungles of Tsae detailing on the efforts of all the Spirits under the command of the world to seal her and that he found some more information in a dig site here that told what would be a fantastic aftermath of the struggle. And why the world wanted her sealed in the first place."

"And so? What happened?" Omair asked.

"Well, beats me. He ran back to resume doing what scholars do when looking at symbols on the walls," Qaahir replied.

"And he did not speak of it again?"

"Nope," Qaahir shook his head, "the fool up and jumped off the structure, only to fall to his death. Nothing we could do about it other than send his body and possesions back to the Tsaen borders."

"So what actually made this memorable?" said Omair in frustration.

"Well, it's not everyday your employer just wanders off and kills himself," said Qaahir, "Chin Pin, yeah that was the name of that poor fellow. Oh and look, it's the well!"

Sure enough, the well came into view. The place was dark with a few cracks of light shining through. Around the well were vague figures lying around. Lighting a torch in order to see the place clearly, Qaahir nearly dropped at the sight of various dried corpses of past treasure seekers lying strewn all over the well. But worse of all...was the well being filled with sand and a little dry lizard popping out of it before burying back in hurriedly.


Lord Tzang tapped various parts of the ground and wall with a spear he borrowed from the solider's caravan. So far no traps were sprung, for there were occasional corpses littering the floor, arrows buried in some of them, spikes protruding out of others. There was even a heap of charred remains.

But the Tsaen noble ignored them and cautiously walked towards the place indicated in his notes, directions to navigate the labyrinth based on some of the writings of the now dead sage Chin Pin. He did not have all the scholar's notes, but had some interesting ones. The kind that his clan would be fascinated by.

Pushing into the room he was seeking, Lord Tzang walked carefully, making sure not to disturb anything. Reaching a sarcophagus that was unopened, Lord Tzang knelt down beside it. He was no mage, but the Tzang clan was a clan of mages, although the last one that was able to actually cast spells before Roune had died five generations before.

Taking out a small piece of jade, the lord touched tapped it on the side of the sarcophagus before opening it. A skeletal hand reached out with a tome in it. As it did so, the room suddenly turned dark making all in it unable to see more than a foot beyond them. Quickly, the Tsaen noble switched the jade with the tome. The skeletal hand then returned to its resting place as Lord Tzang covered the sarcophagus. "Alright, I've seen enough we can go look for wells now or go back."

Just beside Zoey, a spear stabbed into the ground cackled as fire coursed through it briefly...then a strange sensation struck her. It batted away her Spirit Self and flowed into her very being. Calling her to be with it with all the passion of an obsessed lover.

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"I say we go back Sir, I'm no coward but I feel that we need to leave these ruins as soon as the water group returns as well. If we are attacked I fear that only Miss Alyssia and I are going to be able to defend us. It looks to me like Miss Zoey might still be too weak to fight, and I have no knowledge of Miss Sumomo's skills or your's Sir." Said Oscar looking at the members of their group. "Something very dark lies in this place and it worries me" Said Oscar once again voicing his concerns.

'And I bet you know exactly what it is don't you?' He added silently in his mind.

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"I agree with him Lord Tzang." said Sumomo with a quick nod of the head. "Please, we are expendable, you are not as expendable. I would suggest not being the one to fiddle with ancient statues. For all you know it could be rigged on a trap that drops a giant stone ball to flatten us if it is ever removed in a improper manner. If that happens who will lead the caravan?"

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I've had enough of this. It's obvious that there's no water in this direction.

"We are here to get water. It's obvious this room doesn't contain any. Can we resume our search elsewhere?" Alena asked crossly.

Why is there so much sand in here?

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Lord Tzang let out a hearty laugh, "Hah...haha! The uneducated sure are afraid of what they do not know about. Fine, let us head back now."

<"And you,"> Lord Tzang said looking at Sumomo, <"Tell your parents I approve of their upbringing of you.">

As he was about to exit the room, he turned to Zoey and called, "Girl? Are you coming or not?"


Omair looked at all the corpses. And saw the presence of magic beyond his comprehension woven around them. "Right...I agree with Alena. There's no water here so we should go."

Turning back, he and Qaahir walked to the exit as fast as they can.

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Alyssia glanced around uneasily. I had thought this kind of thing to be only a fable for the Heirophants to scare people into obedience with...

"Hey, you in the red, what are you doing?" Alyssia called to Zoey, seeing the knight gazing at some old spear. "It's just ancient junk, and you probably shouldn't move anything."

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By the time that Alyssia had said that though, Zoey had already yoinked out the spear in curiosity, she looked it over, wondering how something could be so... bewitching... how it overwhelmed her sense, drawing upon powers in her she didn't even know she had... Is this... is this... is this what magic feels like?

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For a moment, all in the ruins felt a cold chill run up all their spine...then nothing. Whatever called to Zoey stopped...and control was fully back in her. Only, the thought of releasing the spear would never cross her mind.

"Hey! Put that spear down now!" Lord Tzang shouted. He turned around and glance at the various dead forms nearby and noted that they were stirring, slightly. That fool! I had the jade prepared as a worthy exchange to disturb the dead! None of this should be happening if everyone listened to me!

"Whatever, move, now!" Lord Tzang commanded as he bolted for the exit. Already dark murky shapes were beginning to form around the walls. These have been dead long ago, hence they would take a while to rise up...


"Hey, do you hear that?" Omair asked. There was sound of scraping from behind. And the magic in the air was suddenly buzzing with activity.

"That's the tell tale sign that we should not look back," said Qaahir giving Omair a quick shove as he started to run forward, tossing the torch behind them as he did so, for there was plenty enough light coming into the ruins to provide vision for the trio. There was a loud shriek then the scraping sound hastened. Those who looked back would slowdown in shock to catch a glimpse of decaying flesh gripping onto spears tightly chasing them.


Chaen Lang had just finished sharing some tea he brewed to all those with him guarding the caravan when suddenly the opening started to close down on them and the caravans. He had a moment to react and pulled some Cora with him deep to the ruins, for that was the shortest path from crushing doom. His soldiers were alert enough to rush either to his side if they were nearer...or rush out carrying the two boys with them on their way out of the ruins.

Taek decided his life was worth more than his wares...thus acted accordingly as he leaped out into the burning sand.

<"I should've trusted my instincts,"> grumbled the Tsaen battle mage.

To Zword:

It's a Fire Magic Spear in Zoey's hand. Stats can be looked up in the Chat Thread.

Zoey's Spear's appearance:

A simple looking spear made of fine steel with the sharp point above being two pronged. But in the hands of those who's magical might is almost as high as their physical strength, the two prongs mystically spiral around each other to create a drill like shape that glows with a fiery light within the empty space in the hollow points of the sharp end. A ruby is embedded at the back end tip of the spear and the Spirit within whispers to its chosen master's mind the words, "Rebirth", its words of activation to release it to do its master's bidding.

to RPers whos characters are with Lord Tzang

Those with Lord Tzang would notice E~C ranked weapons in dead treasure seeker hands and may attempt to make a grab for them. But only 1 weapon. It is a weapon of the RPers choosing but they will have to leave something behind if they attempt. The character also needs to roll a d20 under their Spdx2 to succeed in grabbing the item. Whether there was success or failure they need to post their attempt if they tried

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Alyssia turned to run, then noticed a finely crafted sword in the hands of a nearby skeleton. She tried to wrench it away, but the skeleton's grip was too tight... and it was starting to shake more quickly. Finally Alyssia gave up, throwing her own sword toward it to placate it.

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Zoey paniced as all the forms started to move, reaching to draw her steel spear in reaction even thouh she all ready had a spear in hand, and failing, fumbling and dropping it, though thankfully her instincts kicked in proper, and she pulled out her shield to go with her new glowy spear.

(Zoey drops her steel spear in a fail roll to get another item in it's place... but I feel this description feels a little more... proper.)

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Due to their head start and the fire tossed behind, Omair's group managed to make it back to the centre of the structure unscathed. Far behind, they no longer hear the shambling crowd lurching for them...not because the crowd disappeared but because they had managed to put much distance between them.

"This is bad..." Qaahir muttered. He stared at his fingers as he did so.

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"A wide-open area's better than nothing," Alena grumbled. "And if need be, I've got more torches."

I guess fighting off things that your employer may or may not have disturbed is part of an adventurer's job, too.

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"We...might...have to...fight those thing..." Qaahir panted. Slowing down his breathing to calm himself, Qaahir continued, "The wind seems to have died down. It's like the northern exit got blocked off."

"Oh..." Omair did not know what to make of that news. Then the sound of metal knocking into rock broke into the hall coming from the south.

As Omair prepared to toss a spell at that direction, he heard familiar shouts in Tsaen and saw two of the three soldiers who went down the south wing rushing forward...with a barrel of something each.

Omair stopped them as they came by, both crying and shouting in Emocnian in thick Tsaen accents, "Water! Water!"

"Yes I know, but...where's the third guy?" Qaahir asked looking towards the pathway. The too soldiers looked at each other briefly, then shook their heads sadly.

Then form the north came Chaen Lang and a few soldiers. "What did you do?!" shouted the Tsaen battlemage, "the entrance suddenly collapsed! What did you do?"

"We did nothing other than running for our lives!" Qaahir shot back.

<"Then Lord Tzang must have done something! Damn him, I thought he was better than this!"> Chaen Lang complained in his native tongue. "Since we're all gathered and the entrance bared, I suggest we head to the lord. Make sure he's in one piece unless any of you want to look for a way out on your own?"

Qaahir shook his head saying, "If we want to search, we better hurry. There were things chasing us from behind."

One of the soldiers who went to the south wing whispered something to Chaen Lang's ear. As soon as he finished speaking, Chaen Lang swung his arm at the nearest pillar. there was a faint crack sound and the battle mage quickly withdrew his hand. "We go to the lord now!"

Later on his way, he would command Cora to heal his injured hand.

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"COME ON WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Oscar yelled as he drew his sword. The girls were still on their way back to the path they had entered from and Oscar wouldn't be leaving himself until they were ahead of him.

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As she turned to run, Sumomo's eyes fell upon one of the ancient blades. No thoughts of greed flashed through her mind as her hand reached out to grab it, only thoughts of how it was slightly raised up and could potentially impale Tzang or others as they ran. Never the less, her fingers seized upon the hilt of the blade and ripped it away with practiced speed.

"Hurry! We need to get out of here! We have angered the spirits of this place!" she called out as she swiftly made for the door, trying to let others by as she fell back into a rear guard position instinctively.

Sumomo nabs weapon!: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3395562/

Killing Edge acquired!

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"Oh for crying out loud. . ." Alena mumbled. I KNEW that group would do something stupid. Couldn't they have kept their stupid consequences confined to their own group?

"All right, we bail them out of whatever mess they got us into." And Lord Tzang had best pay us extra, because we're cleaning up after him.

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Seeing that Sumomo was staying behind in the room waiting on the others Oscar said "Just go on ahead and protect Tzang Miss Sumomo! I'll make sure the others get out alright!"

'That bastard, he KNEW these things were in here yet he still insisted on coming and risking our lives!'

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Not many of them have manifested...but surely enough to deal with this interlopers. Their master had been generous in letting the man take the tome at the right price, but his poor control over his fellow subordinates shall cost him more than he had anticipated to pay.

The first three beings reached out, red tendrils lash out striking those that had paused, even briefly, striking Alyssia, Zoey and Sumomo. The tendrils of red then withdrew, nourishing the beings of shadow filling them with the life blood of their victims. The warm presence of life set fire to a hunger satiated not too long ago by unruly thieves who had sought to take what they can without payment. Those curs would serve the guardians of their master well as foot soldiers. Or at least their remains would.

OOC: Alyssia took 11 damage, Sumomo took 13 damage, Zoey took 9 damage


"What are those?!" Chaen Lang called out as he saw a small cluster of decaying remains brandishing spears so old and rusty they looked like they could break at anytime. Not wasting time, he summoned his spear of lightning and trust it down the stairs, clearing a path. From the back, his men shouted about more pressing in behind them.

Chaen Lang cursed then commanded his soldiers to hold the entrance.

"Alright, the rest of you follow me down there and Nialpian, light that torch." With that, the battle mage rushed down, tome at hand to engage more reanimated corpses of past adventurers that barred his path.


Drawing his bow, Lord Tzang readied and fired at a revenant blocking his way in three quick shots. The arrows shattered the flimsy bones of the horrors. As the Tsaen was about to walk forward, the skeletal frame reformed in front of him immediately. The Tsaen noble barely dodged a deadly thrust that came his way while recovering from shock. Damn, these things contain Dark Spirits in them...only magic or weapons blessed by magic can banish the Spirits trapped within...


Name: Chaen Lang

Status Ailment:

Class: Battle Mage

Traits: Foot, Mage

Level: 8

Stats: Vit:7|Str:6|Mag:6|Ski:8|Spd:7|Luk:6|Def:6|Res:6|

Health: 39/39

Abilities: Improved Sword rank x 1, Force of Will, Battlemage(Imbued Strike)


1)Horseslayer Sword(Zhanmadao) (Atk:16/30(effective)|Hit:32/37(effective)|AS:7|Eva:13|Crit:7/8(effective)|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

2)Lance Lightning Tome (Atk:15/12(range)|Hit:30|AS:6|Eva:12|Crit:9|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

Name: Tsaen Soldier

Status Ailment:

Class: Soldier

Traits: Foot, Mob

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:6|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:4|Spd:2|Luk:3|Def:6|Res:0|

Health: 22/22



1)Steel Spear (Atk:12|Hit:21|AS:-2|Eva:1|Crit:5|CEva:3|Def:6|Res:0|)

Name: Qaahir

Status Ailment:

Class: Fighter

Traits: Foot

Level: 3

Weapon Rank: Axe C

Stats: Vit:6|Str:6|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:5|Luk:4|Def:5|Res:0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Truestrike


1)Steel Axe (Atk:17|Hit:23|AS:0|Eva:4|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

2)Heavy Axe (Atk:20|Hit:20|AS:-2|Eva:2|Crit:6|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

3)Slim Axe (Atk:12|Hit:30|AS:4|Eva:8|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:0|)

4)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Lord Tzang

Status Ailment:

Class: Sniper

Traits: Foot

Level: 7

Weapon Rank: Bow A

Stats: Vit:6|Str:6|Mag:6|Ski:10|Spd:12|Luk:4|Def:2|Res:3|

Health: 36/36

Abilities: ArcaneShift, Guardian, Sniper(Distracting Shot)


1)Wind bow (Atk:13(13Magical)|Hit:36|AS:10|Eva:14|Crit:8|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:3)


Name: Revenant Shaman(RSh)

Status Ailment:

Class: Shaman

Traits: Undead, Mob, Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Dark C

Stats: Vit:0|Str:0|Mag:7|Ski:8|Spd:1|Luk:0|Def:0|Res:7|

Health: 19/19



1)Gluttony Dark Tome (Atk:17(13Ranged)|Hit:25|As:-4|Eva:-4|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:0|Res:7) Life Drain

Name: Revenant Soldier(RSo)

Status Ailment:

Class: Soldier

Traits: Undead, Mob, Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Spear C

Stats: Vit:0|Str:7|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:1|Luk:0|Def:7|Res:3|

Health: 19/19



1)Steel Spear (Atk:15|Hit:24|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:4|CEva:0|Def:7|Res:3)

Stats of PCs involved

Name: Omair

Status Ailment: None

Class: Mage

Traits: Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Anima C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:5|Ski:6|Spd:4|Luk:2|Def:4|Res:5|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: none


1)Blade Fire Tome (Atk:11(8 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

2)Basic Fire Tome (Atk:9(6 ranged)|Hit:27|As:4|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:5)

3)Vulnerary 3/3

4)Pure Water 3/3

5)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Alena

Status Ailment:

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:6|Luk:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Health: Current 20/20

Abilities: Survival Instinct


1) Slim Sword (Atk:7|Hit:32|As:6|Eva:10|Crit:6|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2, melee)

2) Vulnerary 3/3

3) Torch 2/3

4) Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:25|As:3|Eva:7|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2,melee & range)

5) Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Cora

Status Ailment:(Dismounted)

Class: Troubadour

Traits: Horse, Mage

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Staff C

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:6|Ski:3|Spd:5|Luk:2|Def:5|Res:3|(2 unspent)

Health: 20/20



1) Mend Staff (Atk:0|Hit:0|As:5|Eva:7|Crit:0|CEva:2|Def:4|Res:3, Heals entire team for 8Hp)

2) Stimulant 3/3

3) Antidote 3/3

4) Torch 3/3

5) Pure Water 3/3

Name: Zoey

Status Ailment:

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Spear C, Sword E

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:4|Ski:4|Spd:3|Luk:0|Def:7|Res:4|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Weapon Rank Up(Spear)


1) Fire Magic Spear(Atk:12(12Magic, Ranged)|Hit:23|As:-1|Eva:-1|Crit:2|CEva:0|Def:7|Res:4, melee&ranged)

2) Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:25|As:1|Eva:1|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:7|Res:4, melee)

Name: Alyssia

Status Ailment:

Class: Mercenary

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Axe E

Stats: Vit: 5|Str: 5|Mag: 0|Ski: 4|Spd: 8|Luk: 4|Def: 2|Res: 2|

Health: 20/20

Abilities: Wrath


1)Throwing Knife (Atk:10(7 ranged)|Hit:23|AS:5|Eva:9|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|)

2)Vulnerary 3/3

3)Heavy Sword (Atk:15(12 extra attack)|Hit:20(17 extra attack)|AS:2|Eva:6|Crit:4|CEva:4|Def:2|Res:2|), may also make an extra uncounterable attack against another enemy who attacked them the last phase in melee. This extra attack can only be done once per round and receive -3 to hit and uses half the character's Str for damage calculation.

4)Lesser Emocnian sandbreaker

Name: Oscar

Status Ailment: None

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword D, Spear D

Stats: Vit:6|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:2|Luk:0|Def:12|Res:0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Guardian, Weapon Rank up(Sword)


1)Steel Sword (Atk:12|Hit:21|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:12|Res:0)

2)Steel Spear (Atk:13|Hit:19|As:-2|Eva:-2|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:12|Res:0)

3)Vulnerary 3/3

4)Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

Name: Sumomo

Status Ailment: None

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Weapon Rank: Sword C

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:3|Spd:8|Luk:6|Def:2|Res:0|(2 Unspent)

Health: 16/16

Abilities: Evasive Maneuver, Item master


1) Killer Sword (Atk:8|Hit:22|As:6|Eva:12|Crit:10|CEva:6|Def:2|Res:0)

2) Tsaen Flashpellet 3/3

3) Lesser Emocnian Sandbreaker

4) Pure Water 3/3

List of Hp and Teams

Team: Lord Tzang's group

Lord Tzang 36/36

Oscar 22/22

Sumomo 3/16

Alyssia 9/20

Zoey 11/20

RSh A 19/19

RSh B 19/19

RSh C 19/19

RSh D 19/19

RSh E 19/19

Team: Chaen Lang's group

Chaen Lang 39/39

Alena 20/20

Qaahir 22/22

Omair 20/20

Cora 20/20

RSo A 19/19

RSo B 19/19

RSo C 19/19

Notes: Team Chaen Lang needs to fight past their foes who block their way to merge with Team Lord Tzang. For this instance, team switching is a free action that can only be performed once and everyone is dismounted. But undead soldiers currently block the way.

Team Lord Tzang may choose to flee instead of attack, but their escape would end up with them succeeding only after EP, meaning surviving RSh's will get free attacks against the team. Also, people might want to look at what pure water does...

Darkness penalty: It's not very bright, hence team without torches used suffer some penalties. Melee attacks are handled normally, but ranged attacks suffer -3 Hit unless the team has a torch bearer. Undead are unaffected. Torch bearer suffers -5Hit and -5 Eva.

Player Phase~ Posts need not be combat based, they can be 'flavour' posts about ordering someone to do something and that will not count as a battle post(meaning you can still atatck later)

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"Why couldn't these guys use axes," Alena grumbled to herself. "Is this all I'm good for?" She fumbled a Torch and lit it, then stood next to Omair.

"You look like you don't take well to lances, either. I don't think I can take much of a beating, but I'd rather they aim for me than you."

Torch used! (1/3 remaining)

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(OOC: I'm not 100% sure this move is legal. If it isn't please let me know)

IC: Sumomo cried out in pain as a magical force suddenly ripped into her body, draining her life. The quick question of 'Why' shot through her head. She hadn't tried to steal the sword, only remove it from impaling others... Not that it mattered. Even if she had stolen it, it would not be her issue. She had a job to do and she would do it!

"Y-ou th*cough*ere! You two!" she called out, trying to get enough attention from them before she used her item on them and potentially surprised them. She hurried over, the Pure Water out, as she used some of it on Zoey before pouring some more on Alyssa's weapon before retreating a bit. The blow had hurt her badly and she needed some time to recover. She was greatful it wasn't a melee blow though... that might have... done something more than she wanted. Namely forced her to fight back.

Sumomo uses Item Master Skill to use Pure Water on Zoey and Alyssa's weapon
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Seeing his comrades struck down by some form of dark tendrils Oscar immediately rushed forward to try to help them. Seeing that Sumomo had pulled herself out of harms way for the moment Oscar pulled out one of his Vulneraries and began to heal Zoey while the Undead Monstrosities halted their attacks for a moment.

Oscar heals Zoey back to 20 HP

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