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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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"Grrr...out of my way!" Chaen Lang shrieked out loud as he let loose three blasts of lightning spears in quick succession...from a safe not so courageous distance.

Chaen Lang Blasts RSoA from range with Lance Lightning Tome: No rolls needed...he can't miss nor crit and he triples.

Chaen Lang Hit = (30 - (-2)) > 20 = Hit!

Chaen Lang Crit = (9-0) < 12 = Immune to Crit!

Chaen Lang Deals (12 - 3) = 9 Damage

Hits 3 times for 27 damage, Skelly fries.

Cora coated some of the light blessed water she had from those visiting Laynians that had inspired her to follow the path she now thread on Qaahir's axe. Recalling their teachings, she knew these mortal remains no longer belong to their original owners...instead infused with malevolent Spirits of the Dark, thus only magic can hurt them and sever their ties to the body.

"So, these should work?" Qaahir asked lifting the light cresent bladed one he purchased from the Tsaen soldiers who had picked them up from the dead raiders. Cora nodded. Well, only thing left to do is to test it out.

Cora used Pure Water!

Qaahir(Slim Axe) vs RSoB: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398365/ 13,19,8,7,4,17,11,17(Forgive the label...I wrote i for Chaen Lang first...then realised it wasn't neccessary and used it for Qaahir)

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-2) +3WTA) > 13 = Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8-0) < 19 = Immune to Crit!

Qaahir Deals (12 - 7 +2WTA) = 7 Damage

RSoB Hit = (24 - 8 -3WTD) > 8 = Hit!

RSoB Crit = (4-4) < 7 = No Crit!

RSoB Deals (15 - 5 -2WTD) = 8 Damage

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-2) +3WTA) > 4 = Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8-0) < 17 = Immune to Crit!

Qaahir Deals (12 - 7 +2WTA) = 7 Damage

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-2) +3WTA) > 11 = Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8-0) < 17 = Immune to Crit!

Qaahir Deals (12 - 7 +2WTA) = 7 Damage

Felling his foe was not of little cost to the fighter. Not too used to the ease of swing of his new weapon, Qaahir left part of his body open for the revenant to slash at him before being crushed to pieces.

Omair stood back, beside Chaen lang as let loose three volleys of fireballs at the remaining revenant.

Omair uses Basic Fire ranged vs RSoC: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398366/ 18,7,5,20,2,17

Omair Hit = (27 - (-2)) > 18 = Hit!

Omair Crit = (4-0) < 17 = Immune to Crit!

Omair Deals (8 - 3) = 5 Damage

Omair Hit = (27 - (-2)) > 5 = Hit!

Omair Crit = (4-0) < 20 = Immune to Crit!

Omair Deals (8 - 3) = 5 Damage

Omair Hit = (27 - (-2)) > 2 = Hit!

Omair Crit = (4-0) < 17 = Immune to Crit!

Omair Deals (8 - 3) = 5 Damage

Omair watched, disappointed as his small flames fail to fully bring down his foe.


Dammit...I should run, but what if I get caught alone? The Tsaen lord debated with himself. Why should he help these fools who sprung the trap. And the girl in red should be LUCKY! Red's a LUCKY colour!

Then he thought about how young they were...and then thought about how would he feel if his son was out in a place like this for some reason and some jerk abandoned him. Lord Tzang decided he did not want to be that jerk.

Readying his bow, Lord Tzang shifted his position so that he can perhaps try to distract his foes with his arrows...if the undead were even familiar with the concept of annoyance. Pulling his natural reserves of magic to enhance his mortal reflexes, pushing them beyond his normal limitation, Lord Tzang gave a slight prayer to his ancestors to smile favourably upon him for his choice of action. Sometimes, the natural magic that ran in the Tzang family blood proved helpful even if one was not a mage.

The Tsaen nobleman gave a shout, "WE...survive!"

Lord Tzang defends Sumomo and Alyssia!

Lord Tzang uses Arcaneshift, -5Mag +5Eva

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Rather surprised to see that Tzang hadn't abandoned the rest of the group Oscar finished applying the bandage to where Zoey was punctured by the tendril and said "I suggest we stay back for the moment Sir, and give the girls a moment to recover before we attack these monsters head on."

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Alyssia glanced around at the others, surprised to see them working together to defend one other, before quickly applying a Vulnerary to her own wound. It galled her to waste time doing so, but she was well aware that she wouldn't be able to do her part reliably otherwise.

Vulnerary used, 2/3 remaining

Alyssia's HP: 19/20

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Enemy Phase~

The surviving spear using revenant looked around...unsure of where to inflict more pain. Sensing a foe who could not defend herself, it charged with spear ready...

RSoC vs Cora: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398446/ 15,18

RSoC Hit = (24 - 7) > 15 = Hit!

RSoC Crit = (4-2) < 18 = No Crit!

RSoC Deals (15 - 4) = 11 Damage

...and struck true!


The Revenants watched Lord Tzang's group form their defensive positions...and decided to send fort their tendrils of darkness at each foe, two of which were distracted by Lord Tzang's warning shots...

RShA(Range) vs Oscar: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398450/ 12,7

RShA Hit = (25 - (-2)) > 12 = Hit!

RShA Crit = (3-0) < 7 = No Crit!

RShA Deals = (13 - 0) = 13 Damage!

RShB(Range vs Zoey(Range Fire counter double): http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398463/ 1,12,20,14,4,6

RShB Hit = (25 - (-1) +3 WTA) > 1 = AutoHit!

RShB Crit = (3-0) < 12 = No Crit!

RShB Deals = (13 - 4 -5 +2WTA) = 6 Damage!

Zoey Hit = (23 - (-4) -3WTD) > 20 = Hit!

Zoey Crit = (2-0) < 14 = Immune to Crit!

Zoey Deals = (12 - 7 -2WTD) = 3 Damage!

Zoey Hit = (23 - (-4) -3WTD -3Counter beyond first counter attack) > 4 = Hit!

Zoey Crit = (2-0) < 6 = Immune to Crit!

Zoey Deals = (12 - 7 -2WTD) = 3 Damage!

RShC/D/E(range) vs Lord Tzang(Tripl...oh wait! Doesn't matter because he can't kill the undead): http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398468/ 6,20,6,1,1,17

RShC Hit = (25 - 19) > 6 = Hit!

RShC Crit = (3-4) < 20 = No Crit!

RShC Deals = (13 - 2) = 11 Damage!

RShD Hit = (25 - 19) > 6 = Hit!

RShD Crit = (3-4) < 1 = AutoCrit!

RShD Deals = (13 - 2)x2 = 22 Damage!

RShE Hit = (25 - 19) > 1 = AutoHit!

RShE Crit = (3-4) < 17 = No Crit!

RShE Deals = (13 - 2) = 11 Damage!KO!

...and the Tsaen noble bit off more than he could chew. Tendrils coming from three directions were too much for even a person with natural agility to avoid...


Player Phase~

One slipped by...that mage needs to start pulling his weight, thought Chaen Lang as he finished the last spear wielding revenant with a blast of lightning. "The rest of you go down to check on the lord!" hearing his men shouting out for help in their native language, Chaen Lang sighed. "I'll be backing my soldiers up so that we have an escape path this way."

With that, the battle mage went up to help his soldiers.

"Alright, lets go!" Qaahir said going down. There were lives to be saved, if they were even still alive. For now, all the Emocnian could think about was getting those trapped below out, to at least cleanse himself of the creeping guilt he felt at ever having mentioned about this place.

Omair followed the fighter as Cora went down, the former just following orders of a senior while the later believing that destroying these abominations was something a Laynian devout would do.

Reaching Lord Tzang's lot, Cora gasped as she say Lord Tzang's barely breathing bleeding form. Holding onto her her staff, she unleashed her healing powers upon the group, hoping to relieve everyone of as much pain as she can muster...as well as stop the Tsaen noble from bleeding any further.

Cora heals the team by 8

Getting used to his new axe, Qaahir charged the nearest revenant, the axe dark for there was little light to reflect.

Qaahir (triples slim axe) vs RShA: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3398489/ 9,18,17,11,4,3,17,19

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-4)) > 9 =Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8 - 0) < 18 = Immune to Crit

Qaahir deals = (12 - 0) = 12 Damage

RShA Hit = (25 - 8) > 17 = Hit!

RShA Crit = (3-4) < 11 = No Crit!

RShA Deals = (13 - 0) = 13 Damage!

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-4)) > 4 =Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8 - 0) < 3 = Immune to Crit

Qaahir deals = (12 - 0) = 12 Damage

Qaahir Hit = (30 - (-4)) > 17 =Hit!

Qaahir Crit = (8 - 0) < 19 = Immune to Crit

Qaahir deals = (12 - 0) = 12 Damage

The tendrils struck Qaahir in self defense, nourishing its owner when it did not need it...to which Qaahir angrily responded with two successive hacking that dispersed the form it was wearing...and rending the very essence of magic. The being let out a loud shriek as it returned to the greater form of its true being...wherever that is. When the shreiking ended, only then did Qaahir realise how painful the creature's counter attack was. Oh...owww.

Omair held onto the light blessed waters Dave gave him...unsure of who to use it on, for he could sense his magical might being ineffective against foes such as these.

List of Hp and Teams

Team: Lord Tzang's group

Lord Tzang 0/36 Koed!

Oscar 17/22

Sumomo 11/16

Alyssia 20/20 (4 rounds of Blessed weapon left)

Zoey 20/20 (Currently +4Res)

Qaahir 9/22 (4 rounds of Blessed weapon left)

Omair 20/20

Cora 17/20

RSh A 0/19

RSh B 13/19

RSh C 19/19

RSh D 19/19

RSh E 19/19

Team: Chaen Lang's group

Chaen Lang 39/39

Alena 20/20(will switch to lord Tzang group if she wants to...)

RSo A 0/19

RSo B 0/19

RSo C 0/19

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Zoey cursed under her breath as a second tendril lashed her, raising a now enhanced barrier to ward off the worse of it... The shot sent her wheeling though, and she stabbed her spear out to help her regain her balance, and out fired a bolt of fire, striking the mage harshly, She gasped and looked at her new spear, unable to believe what she just did... once more she thrust her spear forward towards the ghost, trying to draw on something to make it happen again, and it did... though the ghost was easily deflecting the shots, making the attack inneffective. "Can someone get me some water so I can deal with these things proper?!" She called out to the group, getting in a semi defencive stance in the meantime.

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Trying to catch his breath after taking a Tendril of Darkness through his arm then suddenly being healed Oscar looked at the entrance out of the room to see that reinforcements from the caravan had arrived. Seeing that Zoey was asking for pure water on her weapon Oscar did the same "We need to attack while we can, if anyone still has some pour it on my spear!"

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"You IDIOT!" Alena yelled at Qaahir, as she joined his group. "At this rate, I'll need to carry your oversized hide out of here. I don't believe this." She turned to Omair "And you, make the Pure Water useful, somehow".

(I'll edit this in when Roth gets back here)

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Alyssia stepped forward to guard the fallen noble, throwing her knife at a skeleton creeping toward Oscar.

Alyssia (Throwing Knife, range, triple) vs RSh E:

Alyssia Hit: Autohit - 7 damage (7 - 0)

Alyssia Crit (4 - 0 < 10): Immune to Crit

RShE Hit (25 - 9 > 8): Hit - 11 damage (13 - 2)

RShE Crit (3 - 4 < 3): No Crit

Alyssia Hit (23 - -4 > 20): Hit - 7 damage (7 - 0)

Alyssia Crit (4 - 0 < 16): Immune to Crit

Alyssia Hit (23 - -4 > 3): Hit - 7 damage (7 - 0)

Alyssia Crit (4 - 0 < 10): Immune to Crit

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(those Revenants have the equivalent of Nosferatu, so that enemy's at 5 HP)

"Thanks, sir," Alena mumbled. "That girl is always leaving behind a mess. Looks like I'll have to help clean it up," she grumbled.

(OC note: -5 Hit and Evade 'cause she's the one with the torch)


Alena Hit = (25 - 5) > 7 = Hit!

Alena Crit = who cares < 11 = Stupid undead

Alena deals (7 - 0) = 7 Damage

RShE has finally died (-2/19 HP)

She allowed herself a small smile as the. . .thing stopped moving. "That takes care of that. What's next?"

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Seeing that Alyssia had attacked an enemy that was sneaking up on him right before Alena finished it off Oscar turned towards her and said "Thanks for taking that one out for me, let's see if I can't repay that favor."

Getting into position Oscar made sure he would be able to take any blow that was coming towards Alyssia or Sumomo, as he was certain neither one of them could take another blow.

Oscar activates Guardian to defend Alyssia and Sumomo

(OOC: Sumomo can still use her Items to benefit the Party)

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"Cover your eyes!"

A second later a blinding flash filled the air as Sumomo unleashed one of her hidden flash pellets hoping that, somehow, it would blind them despite lacking eyes. As the blinding light faded away, though, a wetness trickled down over Zoey's weapon as Sumomo tossed the now-empty bottle of pure water at the undead monsters.

Sumomo uses Flash! Pellets on the Undead RShC.

Sumomo uses Pure Water on Zoey's weapon!

Sumomo throws the bottle at the undead shaman for comedic damage!

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Zoey nodded to Sumomo in thanks, rushing forward with a malicious smile and running one of the specters through, smiling as she thought it to be slain for sure... but she did not expect it's own glare back, opening it's mouth and released a torrent of black magic, Sending Zoey flying back into a wall with a 'FUS RO DAH!'. She crumpling the second she hit the ground, knocked completely out cold... the Revenant in question though, seemed to have regained it's full compsure.

Though it seemed she wasn't knocked out cold enough, as she stands up, eyes positively firy as she runs him through yet again, yanking her spear free from the bones with a wince, falling back and clutching her side.

Zoey hits RshB, but it crits back and heals to full, she then uses her double hit to follow up for 12 damage, taking it to 7/19.

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Two down...and one was almost banished. These foes were better prepared than the last many greedy humans. But they also sensed that these people were not here for treasure. Or at least that was not their primary objective it seems. Until the red human drew the spear.

What was that spear thinking? Thanks to that selfish Fire Spirit, we have lost two of us. And these humans can harm us.

Then we must bid our time. The effects of their waters will not last forever. We must let the mindless ones whittle down at their resources. Wrath Spirits are always replaceable. Those of Envy are more precious. They should be.

Very well then. But why waste the bodies when we can just bury them?

Right, humans are so fragile and weak. It is unfair to us that our kind would act as slaves to the world...and mages.

Shall we?




As Qaahir braced himself for the worse, the three remaining revenants did something surprising. Their shadows seeped into the walls and all the inanimate bones fell to the ground. The Emocnian could only blink.

Then Chaen Lang came running...or rather flowed down. Whatever magic kept the sands piled up outside no longer functioned, rather it started shoving the sand into the small entry to the 'hidden' area of then ruin, and thus the sand followed gravity and started drifting down the stairs with Chaen Lang and his remaining soldiers in tow. Then it stopped, and held itself in place, just enough to block off the exit.

OOC: Battle ends


High atop a tower in Emocni Central, a cowled figure heard its name mentioned. It gazed towards the far southeastern reaches of Emocni...and faded into the shadows.

Someone knows about my existence...

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Zoey blinked as the specters vanished, gasping. "Wait... did we... did we win?" She couldn't but ask.... before the sand caved in on their entrance. "Well... that sucks... but... hey... atleast we're all alive right? Um.... how do we get out?" She asked, getting a little concerned.... "Oh I don't feelt good..." she mutterred, falling to her knees and clutching her stomach in pain... she wasn't out cold, but she was faaar from feeling good. "The hurt... so much... ow..."

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"If what I think is right, those Dark Spirits are controlling the sand to keep us in" muttered Oscar. Noticing the condition of the rest of their group he called out "Is everyone all right?"

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"We got lucky. Those things could have mauled us had they desired to do so."

Sumomo sighed before twirling her new sword about and sliding it down, through the fabric of her clothes, forming a makeshift sheathe. She then went over to Zoey and bent down, trying to see what her wound was exactly and if her basic knowledge of first aid could help.

"If I had not had that water on me... I dread to think what would have happened. If any of you have staves or medicines, please attend to Lord Tzang."

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"Right. Our employer." Alena took the all-purpose salve she carried around and applied a little bit to Lord Tzang's wounds. The salve itself was meant to patch up small wounds, not serious injuries. She hoped the smell would be enough to revive him.

This stuff was supposed to bail ME out of trouble.

"If anyone cares, there was no water in the direction we searched. Where should we look next?"

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Leaning against the wall, Qaahir took a deep breath as he recalled mention of a well in this section. Although he had no idea where it was for he was not part of the expedition that discovered it. "Well, this part of the place should have a well. But we'll have to go in deeper if we were to look for it."

"Wait, didn't your men find water? I saw them carrying some from the south wing...before we had to rush to the lord's rescue," Omair asked Chaen Lang. The Tsaen raised his hand as a gesture demanding a moment of silence while he shook his long hair to get rid of the sand trapped in it.

"Those water eh? They put them down to concentrate on the fight until the sand pushed us in. Inconveniently, those stash of water did not follow us inside. Those things were clever enough to deny it to us," turning to Qaahir, Chaen Lang spoke up due to their distance, "Hoy, Emocnian. I don't think there would be water down here. If those things could manipulate the sand, why not the water?" And this would be a very terrible time to mention that all the caravans have been crushed along with most of our rations and water...

Omair sat back and frowned. Then he immediately shifted away from the walls. He felt their presence there. But why did they not strike at him while he was vulnerable? Were they perhaps not powerful enough to maintain the blockade and attack them at the same time? If that was so, then maybe they are not very powerful Spirits.

But they were still around and listening to what they were saying.

"Guys, I believe we'll need to be cautious about what we speak off. Those things are still around us. They just don't seem to have enough power to spare to attack us while trapping us here," at this point Qaahir immediately put as much distance between himself and the wall.

"Shit! Do you think splashing those blessed waters onto the wall would repel them?" Qaahir asked.

"I'm not sure. Wasn't schooled in the intricacies of spellcraft. All I learned was how to kill living things with magic, this would be something I have no knowledge about. Perhaps the real mage would know?" Chaen Lang added unhelpfully.

Omair shook his head, "No, nothing in the academies I studied taught anything detailed about the Dark Spirits. Only sources of information we get lay within stories."

Cora continued using her staff to heal Lord Tzang while the conversation continued.

Maybe it was the stuffiness of the place, maybe it was the bits of shadow that danced across the walls on occasion...or perhaps the feeling of cold dead things breathing down his neck prompted the fighter to speak aloud, "So now what? We search deeper and risking our lives to look for water and perhaps a way out, or we try to fight these things while they hide in the wall?"

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Speaking up from where he was resting Oscar said "We really don't have a choice in the matter do we? They reason we came to this hell hole is for water and I doubt there's any on the path to the Capital. I'm not the one making decisions here but I say a few of us go looking for water while the rest of the group stays here, because it looks like neither Lord Tzang nor Miss Zoey are going to be going anywhere for a while."

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The new guy's loud, obnoxious, far more trouble than he's worth. . .and absolutely right.

"I have no objections to searching for more water." The girl looked at the others sharply. "But first, what were the rest of you doing? I know my group didn't do anything, yet these things attacked us all the same. Are we dealing with something that pounces on whoever happens to be nearby, or are we dealing with something that was disturbed?"

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"I'm going for the water as well." Oscar responded "As for the creatures they appeared when Miss Zoey grabbed that Spear that was sticking out of the ground, now it looks like they want all of us dead"

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"Thanks," Alena said softly. "I guess it means we leave everything that's not water alone. Those things were far more effort than they were worth."

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Zoey was taking deep breaths on her knees, and though she hugged her stomach, she couldn't help but look up at everyone as if it was pride that was hurt, and not her body. "I'm... Fiine..." She spat out... even though it was quite clear she was in pretty hefty pain.

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Noticing Zoey's rather pitiful attempt to rise off the ground Oscar couldn't help but grimace. "You should just take it easy for a while Miss Zoey." he said "Let the rest of us take care of things for now all right?"

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