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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 2


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Placing his helmet back on his head Oscar stepped forward towards the door and sighed "Why do I have the feeling I'm going to regret this?" He asked as he pushed the to the room open

'I have a bad feeling about this...... DAMMIT I really need to stop thinking that today, every time I do something bad DOES happen'

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The sight of row and rows of shelves and scrolls greeted the wary eyes of the explorers. A thick smell of old parchment and saltiness pervaded the area. There were various chairs too, with ancient cracking cadavers of scholars past seating upright and bound by cloth on some, inert and lifeless, as they should be. But the room seemed to go on further, into the darkness beyond.

"That's odd, the magic here seems...nonexistent," Omair said.

"Phooo...smells really stuffy in here. and all the dust. You all reckon they keep a well in here for these er...people to drink when they're thirsty?" Qaahir asked.

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"Only one way to find out isn't there? Let's start moving towards the back to see if there is one." Said Oscar as he observed the vast library stretched out before them.

'Wow, look at how many books there are, If those Spirits wouldn't be angered I would be stuffing my pack full of them'

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An underground library. GREAT. I can't read. Alena shoved her thoughts and shortcomings elsewhere. Maybe she'd have time to pick up this reading thing later.

"Why are there dead people in the chairs? This doesn't seem right, but my instincts aren't going haywire yet." She turned to Oscar. "I hope you're really good with that spear of yours, because I'm not that strong."

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Hearing Alena's question Oscar stopped and chuckled "Hehehe, that's why I was hoping either you or Miss Alyssia would be coming along with me. Any enemies we come across I hit hard like Thunder and you strike quick like Lightning. It's the perfect combination." Growing serious he continued "If we do run into trouble I can handle anything they throw at us aside from a Magic user, people like me don't fair well against Magic."

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Qaahir surveyed the floor. Hmm...seems nothing ever comes here...wait! Those initials, thought the Emocnian as he walked to one of the desk where no cadaver sat nearby. The parchment looked fresher and newer than the the rest with handwriting vaguely familiar to the fighter.

It can't be...these belong to Chin Pin! The sage made it all the way here?! Taking the parchment with him, Qaahir rushed to Alena and Oscar, "Guys, look at what I found! These are Chin Pin's notes! He actually came here!"

Feeling excited, and also wary for he suddenly wondered if this was the final place that the sage sneaked into from beyond the protective gaze of his hired arms before jumping off the structure to his untimely death...

"Wait where's Omair?"


Omair glanced at the scrolls, and was disappointed to notice unidentifiable scribbles on them, and some of the parchments had scribbles somewhat similar to Tsaen. Based on the age of the place, Omair was surprised these corpses have not already turned to dust. Perhaps it was mummification, they sure look like that plus that smell of salt.

Lost in his own thought, the mage summoned a small ball of flame and walked further ahead with quicker pace than the rest for he was curious about what hid in the darkness.

Only, he realised that darkness was not receding when he got closer...

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Erm...no. I haven't actually thought of one! Give me a name pleasepleasepleaseplease...chanted the spear.


Omair took a step back quickly from the darkness as it expanded."Wha...? Guys, we better go now!"

At that point the darkness surged forward. and enveloped the group. And darkness reigned in their minds briefly, encasing their thoughts in a plane of existence that showed them a defining moment of lives thus far...

OOC: Entire group takes 2000 dark damage Entire group now has an opportunity to reveal to me something extra about their character's past 8D

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What? No, I'm. . .dammit, what's going on? Gone was the dark library, and the ruins. Searching for water was no longer a concern. All her senses were locked in her memories, and struggle as she might, she couldn't break out of it. . .

The walls flared to life. My eyes stung, as the light found its way past my hands and eyelids. I heard footsteps, and voices. I quickly turned my back to them, and tried to look at the place where I thought I'd seen a window. If I could climb through it, I would be free! I dropped the jewels I had stuffed in my pouch; they would only weigh me down. I had risked everything to get them, but they would be worthless to me if I died here. My vision slowly came back to me. Yes, the window was where I remembered it, and it wasn't as high as I thought it was. I jumped up, and grabbed the sill. The walls flared again. Ignoring the pain in my eyes, I hoisted myself up and over, then dropped down and rolled. If my memory served me right, there was a thicket off to the right. I dove in, and heard voices from around the corner.

"Guess the runes evaporated whoever it was, because all we found were the jewels," one voice said.

"I'm surprised they flared twice. The first time is usually enough to fry the intruder," another voice added.

Yelling interrupted the conversation.

"We're pretty sure he escaped!" someone cried out.

"Really? But those runes were supposed to stop all intruders!" the first voice said with shock.

"One of the mages kept saying something about a giant lizard interfering with everything. Either way, start searching, and don't rest until you find him!" I heard grunts of acknowledgment. The majority of my vision returned, so I cautiously peered around. My instincts told me that I had to find my way off of this property, and fast. I carefully retraced my steps, all the way back to the hole in the wall I had entered through. To my dismay, I saw more runes near the hole. I survived one of them, right? I dove through, and cried out as. . .something lanced my body. I heard shouts from behind me. I had to hurry! I did my best to get to my feet and stumble. My momentum was stopped by. . .something hard. I felt something take hold of me, and the world went dark.

I wanted to move, but I couldn't. Something was in my mouth. . .a gag? I tried to rise, but was pushed back down. A figure stood above me. Despite my gag, I screamed.

"It's the first day of my new job, and what do I get? More trouble than anything," the figure spat. "But even if you are a no-good thief, I. . .I can't just kill you. I'd never be able to face Mom and Dad again. I can remove the gag, but you must promise not to yell, or we will both die. Understood?" I nodded. I had a million questions for my fool of a brother, starting with. . .

"Talyan, what were you thinking?" I hissed. "These are the very men that are beggaring our family, and now you work for them?"

"It was either starve, or go down your path, Alena," he growled. "You know what happens when a thief is caught." I swallowed hard. The thief was executed, followed by the rest of their family.

"Showing off your dead body will doom myself, Mom, and Dad," Talyan grumbled. "But letting you escape will be equally bad."

"So tell everyone that you stopped to recover the loot that was dropped by the thief," I said coldly, as I took out the last few jewels from my pouch. "I'm sure you won't be faulted for recovering that swine's treasure."

"I hope for my family's sake that you're right," he said, equally coldly, as he took the jewels from me. "But you are no longer welcome here."

"If I disappear right after this heist, and no body is found, they will know that it was me, and everyone will be in danger anyway," I mumbled. "So I need to be seen one last time by someone that's not you, Talyan. I'm going back to Mom and Dad. . .to apologize."

"You're. . .ugh. Why did you have to be the one gifted with intelligence?" I smirked. When it came to making excuses, he could never beat me.

"But you must not tell them that you are leaving," he added hastily. I stuck my tongue out at him. It was almost like old times. . .almost.

"Don't forget that you stopped to get the jewels before another thief could swoop in and pick them up," I reminded him. "And. . .thank you."

"Goodbye, Alena," Talyan said gently. I ran before he could see the tears that were forming in my eyes.


"If anyone asks, I went swimming and never came back!" I insisted.

"You know that will never work, Alena. Everyone that knows you knows that the sea is far too weak to take your life." I sighed, by my father was right. I was a strong swimmer.

"But can she swim if she's been knocked over the head?" my mom cut in.

"So we lost Matalos and Alena to the ocean? I. . ." my dad trailed off.

"We'll need some proof that the ocean took you, sweetie," my mother said calmly.

"I don't get it. . .you may never see me again, and yet. . ." I started.

"Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. But even if you end up alone in some strange land, know that your family loves you dearly. . .even Talyan, stubborn as he is." With tears in my eyes, I took my favorite shell necklace out of my pouch and gave it to my mother. She took it without a word.

"Now. . .go. I've lost two children to the bloody sea," my father said roughly. I ran to the harbor without looking back.


The ship loomed in front of me, blocking the light of the first rays of dawn. This is when the cargo would be loaded. As the workers turned away from the barrels nearest me, I quickly opened one. It was roughly half-full of fish. I silently thanked my parents for all the years spent cleaning fish, as I slipped my bag of provisions and myself in and replaced the lid. Once again, I was somewhere that I didn't belong, and I had no idea where I was going. I felt the barrel jolt. It was time to start my new life. . .whereever I was headed to.

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I don't know about naming conventions! Spirits never needed a name...but I just...I just want one! I don't really know what names are supposed to sound like! complained the spear, so give me a name pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!


What is...oh no...please no don't, Omair cried out in his mind


A frail looking Emocnian boy breath heavily. The moment had arrived, for the strength to do what must be done had finally come to him. The boy gripped the dagger in hand as tightly as he could. The blade was curvy like the wave, a trait meant to allow it to strike a lot of organs when it pierced flesh...and also slash some more when withdrawn. It was a cruel thing designed to hurt, to make its victim suffer considerable pain before death.

The boy walked casually before a crowd of people fussing over a crib adorned with various sigils in gold and gemstones that shone with unnatural light. Keeping the dagger safely hidden in the folds of his expensive silk robes from Tsae, the boy commanded the various servants in the room to leave. Seeing the dried tears on his face, the servants gave him an understanding nod...despite not comprehending his intentions.

"Poor children. Loosing their mother like that..." muttered one of the servants on her way out.

"I heard she was set on fire as soon as she started labouring...and that old lady Izuli gave her life to help deliver the child."

"I tell you...this is an evil omen"

"Shush you fool. if the master hears that...I dare not imagine what he'd do to you."

The master does not frighten me. I do not fear you 'father', the boy sneered at the thought. All that mattered was his mother had died. And this monster held in the crib had been responsible. She and that cruel man were the cause of his current pain. The former for acting, and the latter for not. They should both be punished.

As soon as the doors closed shut behind him, the boy paused to take a look at his surroundings.

No one was around. All was silent. Except for the sound of breathing of two people.

Slowly, the boy drew back the veil of the crib and saw the thing hidden beneath its cover. Smooth chest nut brown skin the seemed to shine in the light, hands so small, they could barely wrap around his thumb. And tiny eyes shut, for a newborn needed days, even weeks before they could see.

The boy held his breath as he raised the dagger up high. But as he gazed at that serene face of a sleeping baby in front of him, he felt something heavy upon his vengeful heart. She's my sister...she's my blood too.

But she also bears the blood of that man...she'll be like him, and I will hate her.

Steeling his thoughts the boy raised the dagger again, his purpose clear. Or so he thought. The sound a a moan caught his attention. Panicking, the boy looked around him. No one was around...so where did the sound come from?

Looking back down into the crib, the boy saw the baby waking up. Dagger still in hand, the boy started raising it slowly, until the baby girl in the cribe could see it...if she would only open her eyes.

She'll cry and call the servants! I must act fast, thought the boy. But his hand still would not hasten.

The baby turned her head to face the boy...then she opened her eyes. For a moment, both of them stared at each other in silence, both shocked at what wonder lay before their very eyes. Seconds felt like centuries as both refused to look away from each other as silence reigned supreme.

It was the baby who first broke the silence, with laughter. Smilling widely and kicking with her weak little legs, the baby reached out with her small little hands and chuckled at her brother.

The boy stood there, stunned. Never before had he heard such calming laughter...a sound that filled him with shame and peace. He gently brought forward his other hand, the one free of the vicious tool and placed it into the tiny palms of the baby girl. Those tiny palms quickly snared the index finger with its fragile soft grip. The baby girl stopped laughing and smiled brightly as her eyes widened as if recognising the boy in front of her. As if she knew, withou being told that the boy was her kin.

Those eyes...mother...why? Why do you have to have mother's eyes, thought the boy weeping as he was reminded of someone precious now forever lost to him. As his tears fell, he wondered, why was he doing this? Could he really do this? Where was that sense of purpose that filled him not too long ago, that roaring flame of justice in his heart demanding retribution to the one who had robbed him of his true family? Was it merely simple vengeance he mistook for justice?

"I...I can't do this...I'm sorry..." the boy pulled his hand away from the baby girl and clutched his head with his free hand as he pointed the dagger at the baby, "YOU WITCH! DON'T THINK YOUR PALTRY CHARMS CAN WORK ON ME!"

He the moved forward, anger filling him as he prepared to bring down the dagger on the baby girl. Seeing his face contorted in such terrifying way, the baby cried out loudly. It held so much fear and fraility that it pierced the boy's heart. Again shame filled him...but also guilt. Inner peace was wholly absent.

The boy hesitated again as he looked at the baby girl's eyes. Those eyes...

A gust of wind blew into the room, sweeping the boy away from the crib. A man in plain grey robes and oil slick black hair entered the room. He stroked his trimmed black beard with a shaking hand as his mustache hid his quivering mouth. There was a dangerous look in his eyes as his face hardened.

"Get away from her Omair! I shelter you, I feed you, yet you would raise your hand against your kin?" demanded the man

"She's not my sister! And you're not my FATHER!" screamed the boy. He ran forward to pick up his dagger. But another gust of wind blew him back, this time more harshly.

"Stupid boy! She bears your mothers blood...the same precious blood that flows in you!" the man scolded. He kept the magical winds on the boy, pressing him against the floor.

"You could've saved her! Now she's dead...after serving you like my father! You just keep taking from me!" screamed the boy as he cried from the pain mind, body and spirit. "You have so much power...yet you just let her die, like a tool meant to be discarded!"

The man hesitated, his expression turned sorrowful, "No Omair...I...I really loved your mother. She had so much potential...if only someone had provided her the proper training, she'd have been my equal right now, and she would've survived."

"Is that all she meant to you? Is that all you loved her for? Magic in her blood?"

"Yes. It is also that love that has kept you alive so far. Without it, you would be but a smoking pile of ashes now," the man said coldly. "But love was not enough to save her, boy! If only I or her had more power, this tragedy could have been avoided don't you understand Omair? No, you don't you're just like your father a simple brute with no intelect. But at least your father was a strong man. He had power of his own."

Prodding the boy with a sandaled feet, the man continued, "You're weak... a disgrace to me, to your mother and your father. I refuse to belive they bore a son like you, pathetic, petty and cowardly. I should not have let you learn spellcraft. People like you do not deserve the power magic gave. Yes, I deserve more power, your sister deserves more power. So did your mother. You can stay here and rot...or you can grow up."

The man gave the boy one final kick, but he did so with a sigh, as if his thoughts were, why can't I hate you?

The boy lay where he was as the man walked out of the room with the now silent baby. Sobbing, the boy pulled himself to the dagger. Should he put himself out of his misery? As he brought the dagger closer, he shivered and cast it away as he hugged himself. He was too afraid to die, too afraid to not live long enough to see his what his sister would grow up to be like.

Yes...my sister Oadira...


Somewhere in the same room, an invisible figure hugged himself and weeped. Pathetic...am I still like that? Am I still that boy? Perhaps I should just stay here...and so Omair remained silent and continued drifting, lost in his memory.

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Sumomo slid down to the ground, resting as she waited for the others to return. This wasn't right at all. She should have been the one sent to explore, alone, so that the rest would not be in danger. Yet, when the moment had come, she had suffered too grievous a magical blow to even consider moving on. No... Not grievous... terrifying. To feel the life being sucked out of you was terrifying. She was surprised that such little lasting harm had come to others, both physically and mentally, but it had come to her.

She had seen death before, felt it's touch upon her heart, and to be so close once again was... horrifying. She clutched her hand to her breast, holding it over her heart as her other hand came down to touch the hilt of her sword. "I was scared. Too scared to move on... Up-playing my wounds... I should have gone. I should have gone. I failed."

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(OOC: You guys have NO idea how much of a bitch this was to write)

'What in the hell is happening?' Looking around and seeing only darkness 'Where in the world am I?'


A young boy of no more than 13 was in a training area holding a sword so big he could barely wield it. Charging towards a practice dummy the boy repeatedly attacked the dummy for more than two hours before finally collapsing of exhaustion.

Two men came out of a building a few minutes later and noticed the boy collapsed against the dummy, sword still in hand. Looking towards the collapsed boy the first man sighed and said "The boy did it again didn't he Biggs?" and the other responded with his own sigh "Looks like he did Wedge, come on let's take him back home to his mother."


Hearing a knock at her door a woman of around the age of 30 stepped forward to open it, already knowing what was awaiting on the other side.

Opening the door and seeing her son flung over the shoulders of one of the town's guardsmen she stepped aside to let them into her home. The man known as Wedge set down the boy on his bed and turned back to face the boys mother.

"He overdid it again Mam, this time he went for two hours before collapsing. I know you hear this enough from us but I think you should try to talk some sense into the lad before he hurts himself permanently with this training. Now if you'll excuse us we need to be getting back to the guardhouse." Thanking the men for bringing her son home she closed the door behind them then went into the kitchen to get a wet wash cloth to drape over her son's head.


Waking up a few hours later the boy looked straight ahead of him into the familiar sight of the roof of his house 'Guess I overdid it again, that's the third time this week I've had to be carried home.'

Noticing that her son was now awake the woman walked over to the boy and and spoke "Oscar sweety, why do you do this to yourself every day? Why do you push yourself so hard?"

Gazing up at his mother the boy responded weakly "I have to become stronger Mom, I have to be strong enough to protect you and to make sure nothing bad ever happens to us again."

Oscar's mother listened to her son and sighed once he had finished, it was the same answer he gave her every time she asked. 'Ever since his father died the boy has wanted nothing more than to become stronger, thanks to those fool guardsmen giving him that sword a year ago he's almost killed himself due to exhaustion.'


A young man is standing in a full set of armor with his sword strapped to his waist and another one held tightly in his hands. Before him lay a gravestone with the inscription ' Sarah DeWinters Taken before her time by the combination of a broken heart and a deadly illness.

'Mother...... I'm going to miss you, I may not be as strong as Father was but I promise upon your grave I will one day surpass him and protect the innocent. Who knows? One day I might even have a family of my own. But for now I guess I had better get going, Mercenary life isn't going to be easy but I can't stay here in the village anymore. I have to many bad memories here. I'll try to come back one day'

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Qaahir blinked away tears and saw his companions suspended in the air as the entire room seemed to be veiled by some dark presence. What's going on? The Emocnian saw the scrolls in the place turning to dust rapidly. Even the parchment in his hand was dissolving.

So you are the one...muttered a voice that came from everywhere. It sounded odd, as if it was both male and female, as if there were two voices that spoke at once.

"What do you want? Please...if I offended you by picking up this parchment," now only dust remained in his hands, "please forgive my friends, they did nothing wrong! We just came for water!"

Ahahahahaha...cackled the voice, It's not that worthless thing I want human. I want a name from you. I want to take it the way you humans take things from others and never return it.

"What n..." the Emocnian barely had anytime to react when a dark figure loomed behind him and grasp his head. He felt something trust into his brain, sifting through his memories until it mentally netted one particular series of events and pulled hard. Then it moved to Omair and repeated the process, then Alena.

Finally it pulled itself away from them all and whispered into Qaahir's ear, This entire conversation was a lie...it never happened.

The fighter's eyes glazed over briefly and then he collapsed.


Omair rubbed his temples...then his eyes. Why did I have to see that again. Standing up, he surveyed his surroundings. When they opened the door, all the group saw were a bunch of empty shelves. They also sprung a subtle magical trap that caused some ancient magic to snare all of their thoughts for a while.

Then now they were waking up. Or at least that was all he remembered of what happened.

"Hey, guys, it seems like there's a crack up their in the ceiling," Omair called out as he pointed to the further reaches of the room where some sand was pouring in and sunlight shone. Odd, if there was a crack there, why does the air feel like it had been stagnant for a long while?

Group does not remember there being scrolls in the room at all

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Slowly picking himself off the ground Oscar looked at his surroundings only to see that they were still in the large room they had entered. Calling out to his companions he asked "What in the hell just happened to us, is everyone all right?"

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Noticing the hole in the roof Omair was talking about Oscar commented "Was that there when we came into this room? This place might actually be starting to fall apart, so we should probably hurry, yeah?"

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"There's no way I could fit through that hole, but I think I might be able to give you a boost up there if you want to take a look?" Oscar suggested

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"Yeah, you have the best build to poke your head through it at least," said Omair, then he turned to Qaahir who was still shaking his head, "Qaahir, we might need your help to give Alena a lift."

"Right, right, coming..." grumbled the Emocnian fighter as he steadied himself to Alena and offered his hand, "Best not to weigh down the knight, his armour's already heavy enough."

The hole is wide enough for Alena's head to fit through...but too deep for her to go all the way. It is slanted so she does see some things at the very end. Like moving figures and the sound of horse braying if she's perceptive enough. If she doesn't climb then she observes nothing


She did not kill them...

She's holding back.

Perhaps she's afraid of exposing herself...yes, that's why she's hiding from those raiders outside too.

Yes, she cannot leave until her path is clear of those observant raiders...oh no.

What's wrong?

She might work against us then.

Unless we ally with her.

Shhhh...she's trying to contact us.


<"Hmm..."> Chaen Lang stood up and looked at the sand blocking their way out, he could hear it moving, <"Eh?! It's receding!">

"To arms! The sand is shifting away! The enemy may have replenished their strength to fight us!" Chaen Lang shouted out to everyone nearby.

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Qaahir braced himself to give Alena a boost and realised he overcompensated with his strength. "Whoa..." muttered the fighter as he hurriedly adjusted his strength, hoping fervently he did not make her lose her balance. She's light! I must make sure she eats well under my watch...when we both make it to central Emocni.

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Alena cursed silently as her head hit the wall. She heard footsteps, and then. . .her nose wrinkled.

I'd recognize that stench anywhere. There's horses nearby. UGH.

She quickly shimmied down and took a deep breath. Even the musty air down here was better than the smell of horses!

"I couldn't see much, because the crack takes a couple more turns. I heard footsteps, and smelled horses. Not sure how much that helps."

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"Foot steps and horses?" repeated Qaahir. The fighter wondered who could they be.

"Could it be the rest of the convoy? You know how Chaen Lang came in with only his men. Rather just a few of them. I did not see the other Rekamites, Lord Tzang's son and others with him," Omair stated, trying to make use of the scrap of information. "Maybe we should call out to them to help dig us out?"

"That might be true...but they're awfully quite. You'd think the others would have been shouting for us or already gathered on the other side of the barrier by now," said Qaahir.

"But those Alena noticed might be the rest of them waiting outside to not waste their energy."

"What? Wait under the hot sun?I doubt they'd be that stupid. First response of any outsiders would be to hide in the shade."

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