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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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There weren't any restrictions on what tileset to use. If you're going to restrict a map on that basis, you must include it in the rules you set forth. And you should especially make it clear, as "custom tilesets" easily extend into any territory beyond the tilesets given. If you want us to only abide by specific limitations, state them clearly and powerfully. After all, it's hard to disqualify something without an established precedent first, nor would it make sense to do so.

Further, two peeps like the map, so while you're welcome to your interpretations, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hear what the voters want to see. It is, after all, a competition found in the basis of a member's vote, and if they vote for all Fire Emblem tilesets to be allowed, then, why not.

The competition wasn't supposed to be about comparing tilesets, as you've said for some reason above. It's about the quality of the map, n'est-ce pas?

Edited by Celice
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@deranger - How is that any different than using a tileset directly from SNES? The tile sizes are the same, so the point would be utterly moot. :E

I'd have to agree with KoT. It's a nice map and all, but it's not GBAFE and thus holds an unfair advantage/disadvantage against the other entries. Although it's not specifically stated that GBAFE tilesets must be used, the only tilesets provided in the OP are for GBAFE. IMO, Celice should have first checked the validity of SNESFE tiles with the contest runner before simply posting it, instead of intentionally causing a ruckus with a loophole.

Edited by uJELLY
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I'd have to agree with KoT. It's a nice map and all, but it's not GBAFE and thus holds an unfair advantage/disadvantage against the other entries. Although it's not specifically stated that GBAFE tilesets must be used, the only tilesets provided in the OP are for GBAFE.

The tilesets weren't readily available to others. I made them available just a few days ago. It's not so much that the GBA tilesets were the only things intended, as much as they were most likely the only resource known to be available, and thus linked to.

Edited by Celice
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@deranger - How is that any different than using a tileset directly from SNES? The tile sizes are the same, so the point would be utterly moot. :E

That was my (and most likely Celice's) point.

Tileset: Any (Customs are allowed)

Allowing Custom Tile Sets implies that different is good, as much as previous contests imply the norm is GBA.

Edited by deranger
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I don't see the issue. I reeeeeally don't see the issue here. It is stated that custom tilesets are allowed, with nothing stating they have to look like a GBA tileset. (Obviously without a restriction set on it, then what makes other heavily customed tilesets legit but not a SNES tileset?)

I think it should be allowed. And then, be sure and add them into the next competition.

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I think it should be allowed. And then, be sure and add them into the next competition.


Face it, you didn't be specific in the ruleset. Thus, you knew this would've happened eventually. If you didn't, well, shame on you.

Honestly just because it uses the FE5 tileset doesn't mean it will win.

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I'm gonna have to agree with Celice. I stated that any tileset could be used and FE5 tilesets fall under the 'any' category if you ask me. (Besides, FE5 tilesets are the predecessors of the GBAFE ones). I don't see how using an older/newer tileset than the GBA ones would give you any sort of advantage. If the design itself is shoddy then it wouldn't really stand a chance against the GBA ones. If the design is good then it's just a well designed map using an older/newer tileset The mapper makes the map, not the tileset.

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Face it, you didn't be specific in the ruleset. Thus, you knew this would've happened eventually. If you didn't, well, shame on you.

Honestly just because it uses the FE5 tileset doesn't mean it will win.


note: you can all keep complaining if you want(preferably else where because this is just spam at this point), I'm not even considering changing my mind soooooooooooooorry

Edited by Kitty of Time
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It's not complaining, nor whining, though your can color the words however you please. They are valid responses to a somewhat brazen, unsupported ban, of which neither precedent nor reason exists other than what you conjured on the spot. Really, the best attitude to wield would be to allow the entry to establish a precedence, after which, you can fully instate a bar.

Then again, if enough peeps don't agree with your ruling, it's not as if we can't set our own competitions going with our own guidelines and interests--you're not a necessary piece :)

Edited by Celice
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Then... go ahead and be an ass about it, I guess.

I didn't know that having your own viewpoint and sticking to it made me an ass, by that definition, we're all asses ;/

It's not complaining, nor whining, though your can color the words however you please. They are valid responses to a somewhat brazen, unsupported ban, of which neither precedent nor reason exists other than what you conjured on the spot. Really, the best attitude to wield would be to allow the entry to establish a precedence, after which, you can fully instate a bar.

Then again, if enough peeps don't agree with your ruling, it's not as if we can't set our own competitions going with our own guidelines and interests--you're not a necessary piece :)

In all this time you've been "responding" you could have easily started a new map. Honestly. They are valid responses. That doesn't mean that I automatically must bend and adhere to them. The world doesn't work that way. If someone says no, you can only do so much. If they stick to their initial decision try to respect that Craig, because Celice here has.

KoT, I like you, so please don't go through life with that mindset.

With a mindset that I should think for myself and stick to my feelings about my own things(example being, gee, I don't know, this contest!)?

So, with that, no more of this. And I'm serious. If you have more complaints, shoot someone a PM. Enough time has been wasted trying to get through to the people who are so adamant in refuting what I say day in and day out.

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Enough time has been wasted trying to get through to the people who are so adamant in refuting what I say day in and day out.

I don't think anyone really cares about you that much to follow you around "day in and day out, refuting what you say."


In all this time you've been "responding" you could have easily started a new map

Yah, I could've, if I wanted, but I gots more fun things to do and studies to study. And I'm not interested in the competition--I was interest in making a map, and this round gave me the interest to do so :newyears:

That doesn't mean that I automatically must bend and adhere to them. The world doesn't work that way. If someone says no, you can only do so much.

well duh

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I think it should be allowed. And then, be sure and add them into the next competition.


Stop being such of douchebag and take responsibility for not telling "GBA tilesets only" before.

"Punishing" Celice is just wrong because this "rule" only existed in your head.

Maybe next winner of Splice Competition should pick mugs from FE 1-5, rules don't say anything about GBA mugs :awesome:

Edited by "Chibi"Felix
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Stop being such of douchebag and take responsibility for not telling "GBA tilesets only" before.

Maybe next winner of Splice Competition should pick mugs from FE 1-5, rules don't say anything about GBA mugs :awesome:

And you've earned yourself a ban, congrats. Reason: Posting a stupid reply that was literally just trying to take a shot at me :/

I'm not repeating what I said, so just re-read it if you don't know how to.

Now if anyone has any maps to enter, that'd be nice, since there are only two and the due date is tomorrow.

Edited by Kitty of Time
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