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[FE7] LHM + HNM: the second welcoming draft!


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That leaves me with Renault! My team's horrible!

Lyn - Lyn mode only!

Dorcas - Bleh!

Rath - A horse is a horse!

Hector - I could do worse!

Eliwood - Like him!

Dorcas - Or him!

Bartre - Or even Bartre and Karla!

Serra - Healing?

Rath - Welcome back

Pent - My best unit!

Renault - Enjoy your chapter

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Hector - The Awesomest Axe User

Ninian/Nils - A Big Necessity throughout the game

Athos - I hope you like using Luna

Marcus - You will be quite helpful until you are benched

Kent - Not as awesome as sain but he is okay

Lucius - I always liked using him, He hits hard with Light Magic

Farina - The only decent flyer left. I hope i can pull off something good with her.

Canas - More Luna. Also a decent Shaman

Harken - Glad i got this guy. High Strength, High Speed and Comes with a Brave Sword

Louise - Meh. Maybe she will be okay

Jaffar! - The Killing Edge awaits you!

Lyn - Quite Vital For Lyn mode. Mani Katti is a great weapon!

No earlygame healers...dry.gif. Oh well!

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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I'm pretty satisfied with how my team turned out, despite the lack of mounted units. Still, I guess their reliability will compensate for it. Or not. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Lyn: I definetly wanted her. One of my favourite characters. Also, I like to bring her to C Bows and crit everything.

Erk: He's not a Pent, but I guess he'll do. I wonder if I should promote him early for some competent healing.

Hector: <3

Marcus: Mounted unit. Will be abusing your move till Ch16!

Rebecca: Perhaps I should've picked Louise. Still, I tend to get good Rebeccas overall.

Raven: Heavy hitter. Wohoo!

Lowen: Not the best cavalier, but he tanks enough. Perhaps he'll be used to bring Raven upfront. Only Lance user.

Hawkeye: Him + Hector = instant defeat of anything that flies.

Legault: Pretty good last pick.

Nils: You'll be refreshing Lowen/Marcus a lot!

Athos: Luna-freak!

Edited by Blues003
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My team blows ._.

Hector- Badass

Lyn- Lyn's mode only! D:


Sain- Wanted to pick Lowen, but I want the support in Lyn's mode

Oswin- Awesome unit! Always my best in this game.

Fiora- A flyer is always nice

Guy- meh, he ok. Wish he was Lyn though

Matthew- Thief stuff. Also LM support

Karel- My only pre-promote... Who joins late! D:

Wil- LM support ect.

Ninian/Nils- Dancers+Rings= gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Athos: SAVE ME! colon-e.gif

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Okay, so i managed to complete up to Chapter 5. I am not the best with Low Turn Counts so don't laugh too hard!

Prologue - 5 Turns

Just your run of the mill Prologue, Nothing Special Here, Folks!

Chapter 1 - 8 Turns

I might have shaven off a Turn. It was because i thought you only had to Defeat the Boss (You had to kill all enemies). Kent Levels up here and Lyn levels up.

Chapter 2 - 7 Turns

I sent Sain to the Bottom-Left Corner of the Map. In the end, One Brigand tried to attack him but Sain managed to avoid him. Lyn and Kent deal with the enemies then Kent deals with the brigands outside the shrine while Lyn Breaks the Wall. Kent Missed at the first attack but when the Next Player Phase came on, Kent Killed Glass, meaning that Lyn Seized the Throne on the Same Turn

Chapter 3 - 8(+4) Turns

I miss you Florina (You always do the best in Lyn Modesob.gif). Anyways, I had Kent Attack all the Enemies Coming in at the Chokepoint near the Armory. Lyn was helping Kent Switch Weapons by trading once the Mercenarys were en route to Attack Kent. After they were all dead, i set up so Lyn would kill the Archer While Kent Rushes to Migal. I think Kent Killed Migal, When the Brigand was about to Destroy the Village that has the 2000 Gold, I had Florina Visit (Don't know if that is a penalty) and get the Gold then i had her go on a space where the brigand can't reach her. Afterwards, I had Florina Go back to the Starting Point. The Brigand Chased Sain, Wil (He came out of the village) and Florina while they ran away. Lyn was in time to Kill the Brigand too!

Chapter 4 - 7 Turns

This was simpler than i thought. I had Lyn Rush to the Boss (She could deal with the brigands just fine because of her avoid) while i had Kent Guard the Chokepoint that leads to Natalie. I put the rest inside Natalie's Room. I also made sure Dorcas wouldn't Attack the Undrafted Units (They were to the left of the room). Once the Group broke the wall, I had Wil Move Right since Dorcas moved to the Left area of the Castle to heal and so the Archer wouldn't attack Will. Once Lyn was Done with Carjiga, She assisted with the Reinforcement Brigands (Didn't Kill Much at the End since i need to conserve Mani Katti Uses Right Now). Eventually, Time passed and this Chapter was Done.

Chapter 5 - 7 Turns

Easy peasy. I recruited Erk and Serra. I then send all except Lyn and Kent to the Bottom-Left of the map. Nothing Interesting, Really. Killed Some Enemies. Lyn Bought Two Javelins for Kent, Kent started off by Throwing the Javelin at Bug then i finished them off with Kent, once again.


Not Bad, Not Bad.

Weapon Ranks: C Swords, E Lances (I think 1 more attack with the Lance will give him a D)


...Seriously, i am going to be mad if i have to fight Lundgren with that Lousy Strength!

Weapon Rank: B Swords

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Did 3 of the draftees complain about how their team blows? Jeez guys, my and my buddy Peppy ("Do a barrel roll!") didn't take ALL of the good units.

Also, I recommend saving the Lancereaver for Lundgren. Kent while do just fine with it, if not waste a turn or two.

Edited by Refa
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Did 3 of the draftees complain about how their team blows? Jeez guys, my and my buddy Peppy ("Do a barrel roll!") didn't take ALL of the good units.

Agreed. Louise and Jaffar aren't the best out there!

Farina is going to be a pain to train too!

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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Florina is going to be a pain to train too!

Fixed to apply for me, lol. She may be godly after Lyn mode, but...I predict a lot of resets due to archers, lol. laugh.gif

Farina actually has REALLY good bases, she's the easiest flyer to train, just send her towards the monks with a Javelin and watch her soak up the levels! I got her promoted on that chapter with Jaffar.

Edited by Refa
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At least you have almost the entire game to train her!laugh.gif

Well, Maybe those Monks (Maybe Bishops) in Chapter 25 will satisfy Farina's Bloodlust and get her to a decent level!

*Checks Average Stats for Farina* 50% Strength Growth...happy.gif I LIKE!

Also, you have a bit of a better team in the original version of this draft!

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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At least you have almost the entire game to train her!laugh.gif

Well, Maybe those Monks (Maybe Bishops) in Chapter 25 will satisfy Farina's Bloodlust and get her to a decent level!

*Checks Average Stats for Farina* 50% Strength Growth...happy.gif I LIKE!

Also, you have a bit of a better team in the original version of this draft!

lol, I think both of my teams are great, which is good, because the last time I did 2 drafts for the same game in a row (FE8), one team was really good (had Saleh), and another team wasn't (Ephraim and Gilliam solo until Ch. 9 Ephraim/Ch. 11 Eirika).

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UDATE: Finally, finished Lyn's mode! :D

Prologue - 5 turns

Just your standard, boring, prologue. >_>

Chapter 1 - 6 turns

Kent traded is sword to Sain, so he can help finish the bandits. Sain killed the boss and got a nice level up.

Chapter 2 - 7 turns

Sain breaks the wall and kills the boss, and gets TWO VERY BAD level ups

Chapter 3 - 7 turns

Nothing special, Recruited Wil. Didn't want to visit the village with Florina because I'm not sure if that's a penalty

Chapter 4 - 7 turns

Sain and Wil did most of the fighting while Lyn recruited Dorcas

Chapter 5 - 7 turns

Recruited Serra and Erk. Wil and Sain ganged up on the boss and then Wil finish him with a crit.

Chapter 6 - 7 turns

Recruited Matthew. Wil gets the key, and had Matthew and Sain finished off the mercenaries attacking Wil. Had Rath on the first tile ( don't know if that's a penalty) then Wil open the door and had Sain stand on the second tile, Had Lyn kill the boss and stand on the last tile. Also missed out on the Armourslayer but oh well.

Chapter 7 - 2(4+) turns Florina Helps Lyn to reach the boss. Matthew and Sain kill some things

Chapter 7x - 6 turns

Simple chapter. Lyn killed a Cavalier, Sain killed the Soldier in the right wall. Killed the thief who took the hammer and Wil, Sain, and Lyn ganged up on the boss.

Chapter 8 - 6 turns

NO MATTHEW, COME BACK! D: Wil heads towards the Lancereaver village while Sain and Lyn finish off the rest of the enemies

Chapter 9 - 5 turns

Yay, Matthew’s back! :D Also Wallace joins. woo Had Sain and Lyn rush to the boss while Matt and Wil Kills some bandits

Chapter 10 - 12 turns

Chapter was easy, but Lundgren was tough. Lyn wasn’t strong enough, So I had to promote Sain to finish him.

Total Turns: 81

As for my team...

Name LV XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks

Lyn 10/-- 55 22 8 14 14 11 5 3 SA -- -- --
Sain 11/2 13 31 13 10 10 8 10 3 SB LC AE --
Wil 7/-- 49 22 8 9 8 7 7 3 -- -- -- BC
Matthew 6/-- 0 29 7 8 12 4 3 0 SC -- -- --
Nils lol

Goodbye Lyn. I wish you got more Str.

Edited by Iron Champion
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EDIT: Redoing LHM! PKL reminded me I can eat penalites!

Prologue: A Girl with Pains - 5 turns

4 turns would probably be possible with a 1% crit, but RNG abuse is for squares! My tactician is known as Jeigan! Born in the month of thunder!

Name   LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn    02/-- 33 16 05 08 10 06 02 00 SD -- -- --


Chapter 1: Ninja Lyn - 5 turns

This time was better, she proc'd so much strength!

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	04/-- 64 18 07 10 11 07 03 00 SD -- -- --


Chapter 2: I still hate this! - 6 turns

Even more strength!

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	06/-- 13 20 09 12 12 08 03 01 SC -- -- --


Chapter 3: No fair! - 7 turns

Lyn storms in alone, and somehow proc's strength again!

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	08/-- 13 20 10 13 12 08 03 01 SC -- -- --


Chapter 4: Another Unit - 7 turns

Lyn kills lots off stuff, even the boss. Dorcas doesn't get speed this time, which makes me sad.

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	09/-- 63 20 10 14 12 08 04 01 SB -- -- --
Dorcas  04/-- 34 30 08 08 06 04 03 00 -- -- AC --


Chapter 5: Lightning Dorcas! - 6 turns

Dorcas isn't as good this time, he gets no speed!

Name   LV     XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	10/-- 59 23 11 14 13 09 04 01 SB -- -- --
Dorcas  05/-- 45 31 09 08 06 05 03 00 -- -- AC --
Serra   01/-- 17 13 02 05 08 06 02 05 -- -- -- SD


Chapter 6: Rath the Mad! - 5 turns

Rath recruits Matthew who uses his free thief utility to open stuff. Dorcas gets the other key whilst Rath and Lyn do their stuff. I'm liking this Lyn a lot!

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	11/-- 26 24 11 15 14 09 04 01 SB -- -- --
Dorcas  05/-- 77 31 09 08 06 05 03 00 -- -- AC --
Serra   01/-- 35 17 02 05 08 06 02 05 -- -- -- SD
Rath    07/-- 32 25 08 09 10 05 07 02 -- -- -- BC


Chapter 7: Florina Skip - 2+4 turns

Thanks, Blues!

Name    LV    XP HP ST SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks
Lyn	11/-- 83 24 11 15 14 09 04 01 SA -- -- --
Dorcas  06/-- 03 32 10 08 06 06 03 00 -- -- AC --
Serra   01/-- 35 24 02 05 08 06 02 05 -- -- -- SD
Rath    07/-- 55 25 08 09 10 05 07 03 -- -- -- BC
Nils    01/-- 20 14 00 00 12 10 05 04 -- -- -- --


Edited by Dokutayuu
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