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Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen draft.


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It means, all mons that were new in the 2nd gen are free, except for the ones that are evolutions of 1st gen mons.

So, Crobat/Steelix/Scizor/Slowking/Politoad require you to have drafted the first form.

Any baby mons will need the 1st form, like Magby->Magmar requires one to have drafted Magmar.

also, Fallenite gets an RNG'd pick and gets...............


SOrry bro.

CR wants Gastly

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Dude. Relax. he probably had something to do called life. If your gonna give him a pick at least make it something useful rather than RNG for him.

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Oh, lordy lordy, corrupt save files. They make me so grumpy.

First, an update. The reason Chapter 3 was delayed was because I found that, in my save file post-Chapter 2, I could not save in-game - all I had was states. This poses two problems for me. First, trade evolutions become impossible, and I rely on two of those for my endgame momentum to keep up; Golem will be preferable to Graveler. Second, lacking the ability to save means I can't get past the Elite Four IIRC. Since this draft goes through to the Sevii Islands, that miiiiiiiiiight pose a slight issue.

And so, in light of this, I had to restart. The playthrough to this point was identical to the last one (including the burning of Viridian Forest) with two slight changes.

ODAHVIING! now has a Lonely nature (Atk+, Def-), and RAMMUS?! now has a Brave nature (Atk+, Spd-).

Now then, let us continue...

Chapter 3: A Wasted Opportunity

When last we met, my dear turkeys, our good friend Dumpy had made his way out of the most nightmarishly romantic experience of his little life. Also, we made a new friend. And then the universe shit itself so the events of Chapters 1 and 2 repeated themselves off-screen. What joy, and what fun. Next stop, Cerulean-oh, who are these dudes?


A sales pitch of unyielding originality ferocity!

Yes, I met these clowns this episode, my broskies. And I take pride in the fact that I picked up both Shoryuken Mega Punch for RAMMUS?! and Resonating Strike Mega Kick for ODAHVIING!. It was too convenient to pass up two fancy countermeasures to early Water-type menaces, and pass them up I did not. My reasoning was thus: Geodude will inevitably have mooks to beat up that aren't susceptible to his STAB moves, and I can't really blow him up at every corner. (Well, I could, but that would be far too enjoyable for you. Only a bit of chaos at a time.)

So, with my new toys in tow, I marched on to Cerulean City.

[spoiler=Las cosas que deje en Cerulean]


Huh. Romantic name. I'll be sure to kick her tsundere can later, but for now let's explore a bit, shall we?


Ah, yes, good old selective Pokeverse capitalism. Your healthcare is free, but bikes are worth more than your house. No, you sleazy fuck businessman, you have not got just the BIKE for me.

...Not yet, anyway. >:3


I really hate to be sexist here, but what is it with Kanto and really fucking stupid female trainers? WHY WOULD SLOWBRO EVEN KNOW THAT MOVE? WHY WOULD THAT MOVE EVEN CUT DOWN A TREE? GAAAAAARGH MY MIND IS FULL OF


Fuck. Last person I wanted to see.

Alright, well apparently this spiky-haired putz thinks he's dumpier than Dumpy. Allow me to condense the subsequent fight into one word and one image for you:



And then he gave me a TV. How was he even carrying it around all this time?

[spoiler=[/size]Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid someone say mooks?!]

So once I got Not-Dumpier-Than-Dumpy out of the way, it was time for the Waste-My-Fucking-Time-With-Weak-Encounters Bridge!

Pokemon-FireRed_112.pngAh huh. Excuse me while I oneshot you and your friends here.

Pokemon-FireRed_122.png"Tired?" That's a funny way to pronounce bored.

1, 3, and 5 didn't even deserve their own screenshots. That's how much I dislike this stupid place. It's an overland bridge (if you look closely, it doesn't touch the water) built specifically to funnel trainers through this hall of grinding, and if you've defeated even two-thirds of the trainers to this point they pose no challenge at all. MOVING ON.


Just one? What, did you eat the other nine while you waited for me to play through the first gym again? Dick move, bro. Dick move. /snatchjunkfood

[spoiler=Another sales pitch appeared!]



You have my attention, sir.


Well, since you explained what Team Rocket does so eloquently and at such length, I see no reason to turn you down. Sign my ass up!


Sir, I have never been more sure about anything in my life since I stole a lethal bioweapon from an old man in Pallet Town. When do I start?




I DID. Pay attention!



If you wish to experience the following beatdown of the Rocketard, refer to the above picture of Dumpy making his rival his bitch. The experience was quite the same.


Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but...yeah, I would. cool.gif Still, I'm bored with you now. See ya.

So that happened. Really didn't care for that bridge or the people on it.


Well, hello there. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif YOINK!

And with that, Dumpy obtains his third minion: a rat ULTRALORD!


Oh boy oh boy. This has been the team member I've been most excited about. He came with a TwistedSpoon, which means a little bit more kick - always a good thing. His nature is Quirky, so no stat gains or losses. Timid or Modest would have been preferable, but I'm just glad to have someone who can deal with Water-types now. And getting him at level 10 means the amount of babysitting I have to do isn't staggering; actually, he had evolved by the time I made it to Bill. Perfectly timed, too.


This was my team's condition just prior to his evolution. Good work, ULTRALORD!

So then I met...uh, what the fuck?


Oh god no you're a furry don't touch me ehhhhhhhhhhh I am sufficiently creeped out.

...is what I WOULD say if I had any control over what Dumpy is ALLOWED to say. First the deaf Rocket Grunt, and now Bill revives "But thou must!" So against my better judgment, I help him out of his Clefairy suit and he gives me a ticket to go board a ship somewhere. Fuck you, Bill. You and your Clefairy suit.

One more thing to take care of before we visit Ash's stalker. Kadabra, as you all know, is a Pokemon who evolves by trading. He can do this as early as level 16. Moreover, software exists that allows trading between ROMs (one of which I am using for this draft, if the screenshots didn't tip you off). Guess what that means?


So I've got an Alakazam now. :D

Anyway, remember when I said I'd be kicking Misty's romantic tsundere loud bitch can? Yeah, let's go do that now.

[spoiler=Cue Guile's Theme]


Oh hai bitch. Gimme your badge kthx.


After oneshotting Staryu with Confusion, ULTRALORD had the epic task of dealing with Starmie.

Now, neither of my other two Pokemon can survive a Water Pulse from Starmie - their typing just makes it impossible. So it's up to ULTRALORD to make this win happen. He tanks one Water Pulse decently well, and then uses Disable. It connects. So now I have something like three turns to take Starmie down before it gets Water Pulse back. Confusion will do half damage, and ODAHVIING would have to rely on the very inaccurate Mega Kick to kill Starmie.

So instead, I just use Final Flash.


You had better believe it dropped Starmie in one hit. GIMME THAT CASCADEBADGE.

And with that, brohammers, we come to the conclusion of a very lengthy chapter. I'd say something full of expletives here to toot my own horn, but...



My team at this point: Lv. 22 Charmeleon (ODAHVIING!), Lv. 23 Geodude (RAMMUS?!), Lv. 20 Alakazam (ULTRALORD!). The triumvirate has been completed. These are all the Pokemon I will have up until I get to the Safari Zone (pending other picks, of course), and I am totally okay with that. I suspect that ULTRALORD will be shouldering almost all the work from this point on, but hey, I've got the next three gyms covered. Feelsgoodman. Stay bloody well tuned.

Edited by Anti-Social Knight 2.0
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Well, I decided to start, and I've gotten pretty far pretty fast (I <3 you space bar). But this isn't my journey...


Meet Luke fon Fabre, son of Duke Fabre of Kimlasca Pallet. Duke Fabre's location is currently unknown, so Luke is finally allowed to leave Pallet in search of him.


His rival, Asch the Bloody, and one of the six God-Generals. There's a startling similarity between these two...


Of the three possible starting allies, Luke picks Bulbasaur, the best out of them.


Naturally, Jade Curtiss is the best choice Luke could have made. As for how a colonel of Malkuth is working for Kimlasca right now, don't ask. It didn't take many resets for this, and I wasn't even specifically trying for Modest, so...


Asch attempts to defeat Luke on the spot. It turns out that fire lizards are weak to plant dinosaurs. Who knew?


In Engeve Viridian, Luke spots a Cheagle stealing food, but Luke himself is the one blamed for the theft. Luke caught the Cheagle to prove his innocence.


Mieu (Luke prefers to call it Thing) joins the party, even without the cheagle standard fire breath (well, OK, it was the Sorcerer's Ring, but still)


Luke beats Asch a second time. Silly Asch, fire lizards are still weak to plant dinosaurs!


Eventually, Luke is forced to battle Brock to proceed.


Jade promptly stomps him to the curb.


In Mt. Moon, Jade has an odd reaction to some floor candy.



It makes him even stronger!

Luke rests at Cerulean after his trek through Mt. Moon, his team is shown below:




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Oh man, I feel so bad that I completely forgot about this. This week had things start picking up, so I sincerely apologize! I'll take Venonat, it's not that bad of a Pokemon I guess. And we're starting?

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Don't make me RNG another pick..........because if its a bad one, Sakus gonna eat me if I run the rng generator until its a decent pick...

Ok, if 2 folks say so, it'll be an RNG'd pick

Edited by The Insane One
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Don't make me RNG another pick..........because if its a bad one, Sakus gonna eat me if I run the rng generator until its a decent pick...

Ok, if 2 folks say so, it'll be an RNG'd pick

Why don't you just give him the chansey that he had as his old pick? he could have assumed that you kept that pick from before and the venonat pick was for this round, not last round

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I decided to use Charmander. Also, I mixed up games, and thouht that I was getting Lapras before the E4. No, I'm getting him after. So Charmander, Spearow, Snorlax, and Magnemite shall carry me to victory!!!!!!!

Boss Battle #1: ???- In which Faust fights ???

I name my character Faust, and name my Charmander !!!!!!!!!!. My Rival is named ???, because, Faust, like Professor Oak, is going senile, and can't remember names. I actually have to use my Potion, because Squirtle gets a critical hit... but I win in the end.

Dungeon #1: Viridian Forest- In which !!!!!!!!!! OHKOs every single pokemon in the dungeon except that one Pikachu he leaves with 2 health.

Easy. Charmander learns Metal Claw midway through.

Boss Battle #2: Brock- In which Faust learns a lesson n humility.

I lose the first time around because Onix gets a critical hit with Rock Tomb. And since I hadn't saved before, I take the loss and give up the 120$ like a man. The second time around, I win, but need the use of another Potion. And !!!!!!!!!! evolves afterwards.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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But you do get Lapras before the E4. o3o It's available in Silph Co. after you beat your rival.

See, that's what I thought earlier... Damnit Serebii. Alright, gogogo Lapras! Also, it says "Save error. Please exchsnge the backup memory. Is this what happened to you, Anti-Social Knight?"

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He had to start over because of it. What you need to do is go to Emulator -> Save Type -> Flash 128k and delete your .sav and .smg files. You can't save properly without deleting those. I was forced to do it, too, but luckily I was only up to Brock, so it wasn't a big deal.

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See, that's what I thought earlier... Damnit Serebii. Alright, gogogo Lapras! Also, it says "Save error. Please exchsnge the backup memory. Is this what happened to you, Anti-Social Knight?"

That is precisely what happened to me.

I hate to be the one to tell you, but your save file might be corrupt. You need to switch the save type to 128k in VBA BEFORE making any save states, or saving in game will become a problem from that point on with any savestates created while the setting was 64k. You might be able to work around it if you have no need for trading - you may even get past the E4 without having to save - but if you want proper saves, you're going to have to restart and switch the save type before firing up the game. :(

EDIT: Read the post below mine. You need everything squared away in advance or the issue will come up again.

Edited by Anti-Social Knight 2.0
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Actually, you're going to have to switch it before you even start up the game. The startup will give you some sort of error message with your battery, so change it to Flash 128k while the intro plays.

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Guess who didn't draft Mankey! No, CRS, you can't have it

Aww, that sucks. I'd catch it anyways, lol, and not use it. One time, I saw a shiny Abra, and it fucking Teleported away.

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