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Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen draft.


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I've caught all the shinies I've encountered :newyears:

Just you wait, you'll encounter one that explodes or flees soon enough. Or one that's the tutorial Pokemon.

I did get a shiny Sudowoodo in COLOSSEUM though. Wasn't shiny in battle, but when I went to the PC afterwards it was! :awesome:

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Don't worry, I caught it. I'll probably use it in another file via emulator trading or whatever.

My worst shiny story? A Shiny Weedle. You know, the one the OLD MAN catches?

Lol I think that's even worse than the Abra.

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I encountered a shiny Nidoran in the safari zone and I caught it :awesome: And that was the only thing I caught in the zone, lol.

Have you ever considered buying a lottery ticket? What's next, a shiny Graveler that DOESN'T explode on you?

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Talk about breaking mid-game.

Now slap rock slide/AA on it and call it GG. :P:


GG :smug:

There was a shiny Geodude that I found in Diamond. I don't know if it had explosion/selfdestruct though.

Was it above Lv. 17? If so, then it did have Selfdestruct/Explosion, and you're insanely lucky. If not, then it's just normal.

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You mean Falleniite hasn't picked yet. Also I have the same Abra Shiny story. Except I found another one. Lucky amirite?

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Racer wants Ponyta, I'll take me Cubone.

Someone remind w/e's next, because I'm on road.

BigBangMeteor, Snivy, Me, Sona x2, Me, Snivy, BigBangMeteor, You

...I could have used Ponyta...

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BigBangMeteor, Snivy, Me, Sona x2, Me, Snivy, BigBangMeteor, You

...I could have used Ponyta...

You have an ADAMANT Dugtrio which will destroy everything ever, Rattata that wrecks earlygame, Horsea which is kay, and Articuno that makes Lance a joke. I think you're pretty much set. XD

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It may make it!!!!

But again, its a mon that is decent that suffers from pre-4th gen movepool problems...:P:

Also, Dratinis still left, and lvl 31 dragonairs exist in safari zone..........

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I could take Magmar, but double fire seems redundant when it's not a great type ingame to begin with... Exxegcute is supposed to be good, right?

Lol, the only people on my team that I've used before are Spearow and Charmander...

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Magmar gets psychic and BB, and fire punch...wish thunderpunch was a tm here...:P:

Not like fire types are needed for stab against the millions of bugs and grasses raised by the evil team rocket-oh wait, I meant to say psychic vs poisons.....

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He'll love Lorelei....since aside from Venusaurs razor leaf, what's killing her shit fast?

Well, Dugtrio does have Rock Slide, but it dies fast. I'm sure she will be a gigantic pain.

As for Exeggcute, it's pretty decent at taking physical moves, like EQ. 7 weaknesses, though.

I'm just out of Rock Tunnel, and, well...


Party's 26/32/32, who's who should be pretty easy to figure out. I didn't even use Dugtrio against Surge, Mieu 2HKOd Raichu while one-shotting everything else.

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He'll love Lorelei....since aside from Venasaurs razor leaf, what's killing her shit fast?

If all else failed, he could pick up a fossil poke - their typing is built to piss Lorelei off. (Of course, if you want STAB rocks you have to either grind to level 55, save the Rock Tunnel tutor for endgame, or depend on Rock Tomb, which is kind of lame.)

Edited by Anti-Social Knight 2.0
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