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Not expecting a flood of posts, but does anybody play or plan to play this? I've started a few characters on a standard low-population PvE server, Crevasse City, generally don't have anybody to regularly play with. The story and general setting is so far considerably better than I'd feared, not as close to The Sith Lords as I'd hoped. It's my first MMO in a while, though, so I'm not really used to handling the time it takes up very well.

The whole lightside-darkside moral stuff's a little buggery, and more predictable than I'd hoped. Aside from defining one's character and the standard "be evil and become ugly as hell" stuff, the only thing I know it does is open up or close off the availability of some gear, and there's no neutral-only gear like there was in KOTOR 2. Boo.

Sith Inquisitor and the Imperial Agent are my favorite stories so far.

Edited by Rehab
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I haven't really played it much yet, as I'm waiting for my girlfriend so that we can play it together, but from what I've seen so far, I really like it.

The only thing that bugs me are other people playing it. ._.

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People with more experience in MMO's than me seem to say that the game doesn't reward or encourage getting a group very much, relatively speaking, and people are a bit asocial in some servers. It's certainly helpful to form a party in the case of some quests, and I made my most-played dude a healer half-anticipating that, but it's a bit awkward because I've decided to play him more light-sided, after a lot of waffling. Losing conversation rolls makes me feel kinda guilty, like my dude didn't stand up for his principles. :<

And most quests are soloable enough, and at least one can stomp them easily enough coming back 5 to 10 levels higher.

I'm in the middle of making a Corruption-specced Sith Inquisitor, because that seemed like the most scholarly choice for a dark-sider somehow, but I'm kind of starting to wonder about trying the Madness tree. People trapped in whirlwinds everywhere.

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It's my first MMO so I can't say I have anything to compare it to, but it's pretty entertaining. The MMO structure forces you to do a lot more work than KOTOR and the story progresses frustratingly slowly, and I'm especially not a fan of how slowly you get companions. But once you get there, it's pretty good. I play on a frustratingly underpopulated PvP server and have so many characters that I hardly get anywhere (four), but I've played Consular and Sith Warrior the most. Consular is the most fun to play (healer spec, it's the only thing I'm good at and I love doing it, though solo questing can be obnoxious).

With a lot of the characters I play something short of full Light Side or Dark Side, which forces me to actually try to think about how my character would react to a moral dilemma rather than blindly clicking the blue one or whatever, that's boring. My way is obviously suboptimal, but I don't really care. I tried to do the same thing for the Sith Warrior, but I ended up playing him straight Dark Side because it was just too much fun. I mean, given the choice to let someone go free or Force Choke them... I don't think that even qualifies as a choice. His storyline is far and away the best of those I've played, but Smuggler is decent as well.

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The game is dull. The servers are devoid of life, the gameplay is as monotonous as any other MMO, and the roleplaying segments are gimped compared to what would be possible with a single-player experience. Bioware went out of their way to make what was apparently the most in-depth story-centric MMO ever, and it is still boring as fuck.

I wish I could finish the game and be done with it. This travesty is the reason there isn't a KotOR III. Though with Bioware's track record lately it probably wouldn't have turned out well anyways...

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Don't play the game because I can't afford it. But this caught my eye.

I wish I could finish the game and be done with it. This travesty is the reason there isn't a KotOR III. Though with Bioware's track record lately it probably wouldn't have turned out well anyways...

I think we can all probably agree that a Kickass KOTOR 3 would be better than an MMO. Right?

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Don't play the game because I can't afford it. But this caught my eye.

I think we can all probably agree that a Kickass KOTOR 3 would be better than an MMO. Right?

But if Bioware made it, they'd probably do the same stupid shit they did with Dragon Age 2, ToR and (maybe) Mass Effect 3.

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But if Bioware made it, they'd probably do the same stupid shit they did with Dragon Age 2, ToR and (maybe) Mass Effect 3.

Well, yes you're right. But in a hypothetical were they don't majorly fuck anything up(Not a PERFECT game) would you rather have the RPG or MMO?

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It's true that even at it's best, things don't happen quickly. It's a shame, because I really do enjoy some things about it, and would probably be as hooked as ever if they had been part of a KOTOR game. The 8 story arcs (or the 6 I've at least played past the first world) aren't all created equal, but a couple have me so interested I might find myself putting in a lot of time just for their sake. I've heard some glowing opinions of them, too, but not many from a source I'd trust unconditionally.

When its low points show, though, it's just a hard game to like. Huge and empty areas separating objectives kinda suck, quick travel restrictions simply don't make sense to me, and just spending so much time walking around can be draining in a way I don't yet understand. Coming from Dragon Age, I don't exactly loathe the gameplay on principle and might be a little conditioned to like it, but I still find myself trying to avoid it when it's unnecessary.

I also don't understand why they didn't rip off Human Revolutions sentiment => dialogue conversation setup and just ended up stuck with DA friggin 2's, but that's more or less just griping.

I don't think I'm exactly going to cancel my subscription immediately, but I'm not sure how much I'll want to see before I'm ok with quitting.


[spoiler=Racism sucks, but apparently this guy is actually that bad a Bioware mod (and while I am not proud, I laugh at the first half more each viewing)]

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Even though I like the game as a whole, if I could skip 70% of the gameplay, I would. So maybe not a glowing review.

'I hate more than half the game, but still like it as a whole. My math needs no questioning'

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To be fair, the other 30% can be neato, and the gameplay isn't exactly the same thing as the game as a whole.

In other news, Alderaan is pretty and in ways neat, yet has more than one area where level 50 cannons, which are difficult to see, have blown my dudes up on more than one occasion.


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