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FE8 Low Level Rotation

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-Lowest levelled units must be deployed on each map.

-Eirika is free the entire game

-Forced units are allowed to participate. Those that have to be fielded to recruit another character, unless they are allowed to normally be fielded, are allowed to enter combat.

-Every unit must be recruited

-Death is for the weak!

-Difficult mode, duh

-Prepromotes are treated as being 10+their level

-Trainees count as a negative level until they hit level 1

-No arenas!

-No grinding!


Eirika goes all the way east to attack a fighter, and..



Seth kills the other guy in one hit, and Eirika kils the boss


At least she got strength..

Chapter 1

I'd like to say FE8's difficult mode is not difficult at all.



So those two move up, and Gilliam and Franz arrive on turn 2. Giliam chips the soldier and Franz kills him. Eirika creeps up to the boss, and he hits her! She decides to get some fancy revenge.


Franz goes down to tackle the reinforcements and almost violates the no death rule, surviving with 2HP.




Chapter 2

So, in this chapter we get our first two problems. A trainee, and a healer.

I want Moulder to promote as soon as possible, and I'm going to have to get there by healing every turn.


Then, a trainee. Ross isn't too bad, but I he's very low levelled when he starts, and also has to promote ASAP.

I grab both Northern villages on turn 1, and rescue Ross.

Or turn 2 I recruit and heal him.

Soon, bandits are coming at me, and I decide to form a square with my units.


Now difficult mode decides to be somewhat legit.


However, Gilliam says "lol weapon traingle", and that's that.

I killed off most of the bandits, Ross even managed to get a level in!



Really Ross, really? <_<

I wanted to grab the Pure Water, so I had Seth go south and kil lthe boss and his buddy before I killed all the enemies.


Chapter 3

Problem #3 arrives here, that female archer! Who is locked to 2 range and chip forever! She does hav a unique promotion item though, and that's nice.

So, I first chip the wall and get Eirika to weaken the bandit on the other side. Ross finishes him off. Colm gets recruited, and then I plough through the level killing things and getting Ross kills and such. Vanessa has a ball with this.


On enemy phase he atacked her again, and missed, again. Haha, weapon traingle is silly.

Moulder heals almost every turn to get his first level.



Edited by Darros
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By your "Eirika is free the whole game", one can gleam that you're picking Eirika route, which is the route for those who are weak of mind! Pick Ephraim route, it's not a real challenge without it!

Yeehaw, never heard this one before. You stick it to the man.

lol, I'd say FE8's difficult mode is as difficult as FE7's difficult mode. It's no Thracia 776 masochistic difficulty, that's for sure.

I do really like how Fire Emblem Sacred Stones has a dynamic difficulty option between Eirika's and Ephraim's mode, and it makes sense! Ephraim's charging into the heart of the enemy territory, of course it's going to be harder than whatever prancing about Eirika was doing before she got to Jehanna.

Edited by Refa
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FE8 difficult mode really isn't that difficult. Even I got through it without THAT much issue. blink.gif

Your Eirika's strength looks great, but I'm a little concerned about her HP. Four levels and it's still at base? I had a similar Eirika on my draft. Her strength was pretty good, but she was so HP-screwed (and I couldn't give her a robe) that the last three bosses would've killed her in one hit!

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I'm making no comment on the difficulty or non-difficulty of FE8 Difficult - I'm only saying that Jesus it's the first update and he's already using tired-ass jokes.

EDIT: And after the PROLOGUE, of all chapters.

Edited by Integrity
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I'm making no comment on the difficulty or non-difficulty of FE8 Difficult - I'm only saying that Jesus it's the first update and he's already using tired-ass jokes.

EDIT: And after the PROLOGUE, of all chapters.

What are you talking about, Integrity?

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What are you talking about, Integrity?

"I'd like to say Difficult Mode is not difficult at all."

It's not like that isn't something that hasn't been said by everybody before this, and Darros is throwing it out there after the Prologue which isn't renowned for being a difficult chapter in any game but maybe FE10.

It just bothers me, man, for being so trite.

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Oh, all right. I just didn't get what you were referring to.

But in all seriousness, I played through and finished FE8's difficult mode for my first draft, and I was surprised that it wasn't as hard as I had expected it to be. O_o In fact, I can't even tell the difference from normal mode.

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I died at the prologue of FE12 when I picked the "wrong" MU on the harder difficulties. sweatdrop.gif

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I think there're more enemies vice NM, primarily.

And nah, FE8 isn't a hard game. The only one that could readily be argued as easier is FE9, and I've been in that fight.

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By your "Eirika is free the whole game", one can gleam that you're picking Eirika route, which is the route for those who are weak of mind! Pick Ephraim route, it's not a real challenge without it!

Chances are I'm going Eirika route because Berserk staves are the worst things in FE ever, and Eirika's route has some nice chapters.

Your Eirika's strength looks great, but I'm a little concerned about her HP. Four levels and it's still at base? I had a similar Eirika on my draft. Her strength was pretty good, but she was so HP-screwed (and I couldn't give her a robe) that the last three bosses would've killed her in one hit!

Yeah, I hope she proc's soon. 16 HP is terrible, IIRC it's worse than Tethys at base.

Chapter 4

Deployment: deploy.png

So, a rout map. Rout maps are my favorite type of maps in FE, because I like killing shit for fun. :D

Neimi and Garcia went south, while Artur, Ross, and Eirika moved East and killed the enemies up there.


I suddenly like you slightly more, Artur.

Vanessa flew around and decided to fail at a levelup, gaining unimportant stats


I recruited Lute, and she sat in a forest and killed enemies. Ross and Neimi took those reinforcements from the northwest corner.


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Chapter 5

Deployment: deploy-1.png

So, Ross and Artur took the second entrance, from the left, in an attempt to get Ross levels. IT worked, he's level 10. Natasha is going to be as much work as Moulder, if not more because of her starting level. She did get a level though, where she proc'd only defense. Seriously, what? Vanessa flew around, and saved villages, survivng an archer attack with 1 HP, lucky chick. Eirika managed to get to the boss and finish him off. Oh, and she finally proc'd HP!

One other thingL I don't hve stats because of 5X. <_<

Edited by Darros
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Chapter 5x

Here, my plan was to have Orson destroy as much as possible, simply so Kyle and Forde would not gain too many levels. They're both solid units and I'd like to use them more often than not.


Orson, Eiphraim, and Kyle got down to the part with the mages of various specialties, and then THIS happened.



Kyle retreated too, which is sad, but no big deal, he comes back. Ephraim killed Zontam and seized, dodging two flux attacks in the process.

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He gradually took 2 or 3 damage from mooks until around the midpoint of the map, where he got in the way of some stupid mages and they killed him (particularly the Flux Shaman). Also he doesn't know what a dodge is.

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