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ITT James Plays HHM 100% Crit

Smiley Jim

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Alright guys. It's me, James. This is a special playthrough. You know how Mekkah created an FE8 edit that upped the crit rates of every weapon to 200? Well, I took the liberty of doing the same to FE7, and I'm both psyched and scared at the thought of the monstrosity that stands in front of me. While this is just simply something to prove how sadomasochistic I am, this should in a way, promote a lot ofdiscussion on how units perform in such a setting. Ah yes, the usual disclaimers.


-Every weapon has, obviously, been given a critical hit ratio of 200. This means that every listed damage is tripled until I get the iron rune.

-Every character is to be recruited and alive, if at all possible.

-I am to play on LHM+HHM, with all gaidens visited, again, if possible.

-I am to get a low turn count to the best of my ability.

Team Planning:

I'm planning on using a team of units with good 1-2 range and high movement, with the exception of Oswin, who has enough defense to take lol damage from most crits. I have also taken the liberty of buffing Wallace's bases and level, which gives me a second tank option(the buff was originally so that he could actually survive his HHM pursuers.)

Who I'm Probably Going To Use:

Hector - Pretty obvious why.

Marcus - Extremely clutch for the first 10 or so maps.

Oswin - All-purpose tank

Lowen - His start is a little rough, but he has better durability than Kent/Sain, so...

Canas - He can't take a hit, but Luna auto-critting means that I can pulverize douchebag bosses easy.

Wallace - If I can reach his map, and actually recruit him, then I have another tank to make use of.

Pent - Still as awesome as ever.

Harken - More usable than Raven in this patch.

Without further stall, let's play some FE7 100% Crit!

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Prologue: The Girl from The Plains

Units Deployed:


New Units:

Lyn: Doubling isn't as important here as one-shotting is, but Lyn is still fairly good at what she does best.

Chapter Summary: The boss of this map can hit Lyn for an easy OHKO and she can't OHKO back, but otherwise this is simple enough.

This is still easy. Lyn kills the first guy in one measly round, moves northwest and kills Batta the Beast in two hits . She does face 40% displayed hit chances so there is some risk of dying. I actually had to RNG abuse to force a miss against Batta.

5 turns.

Lyndis    	02  00  16  05  08  10  06  02  01  05  

Chapter 1: Footsteps of Fate

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain

New Units:

Kent: Again, doubling isn't as important here as at least 3HKOing, so Kent is pretty awesome as he also has WTA here and can survive a hit here.

Sain: He is still epic with his manly str, minus the fact that he's stuck with a bad weapon type for defense, though he's durable enough to take 1 hit with WTD.

Chapter Summary: Rout map. Still easy stuff.

Lyn takes out two of the bandits here easily, as does Kent. Kent does end up getting hit here, but survives with 2HP to spare. Sain kills the boss.

5 turns.

Lyndis    	02  00  16  05  08  10  06  02  01  05  
Kent      	01  00  20  06  06  07  02  05  01  09  
Sain      	01  00  19  08  04  06  04  06  00  09  


Sain is a pretty cool guy. Eh takes hits and doesn't afraid of axes.

Chapter 2: Sword of Spirits

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain

Chapter Summary:

This is still easy. Just make sure to have your cav of choice have a sword so he doesn't become fish food.


Glass is still a joke. He only deals 9 damage to base level Sain with a lance.

I have Sain take out the first bandit while K+L wait. Sain then breaks down the wall on turn 3 and Kent kills Glass on turn 4.

4 turns.

Lyndis    	02  00  16  05  08  10  06  02  01  05  
Kent      	02  00  21  07  07  08  02  05  01  09  
Sain      	02  00  20  09  04  06  05  06  00  09  

Swag: Mani Katti

Chapter 3: Band of Mercenaries

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Florina: She absolutely cannot take an axe hit here, and her damge sucks ass. However, she can pick off mercs and has flying utility.

Wil: He's actually useful here due to having enough atk to OHKO and not taking counters helps.

Chapter Summary: This is another route map. Take care not to get overwhelmed here.


Florina is amazing.

Anyway, Sain acts as a tank here, killing whatever he strikes like a boss. I have Flo recruit Wil due to her being a scrub, while Wil takes out the merc and an archer. Lyn takes out the boss after I do some shopping for Kent and Flo.

5 turns.

Lyndis    	03  00  17  05  08  11  07  03  01  05  
Kent      	03  00  22  07  08  09  02  05  02  09  
Sain      	03  00  21  09  04  06  05  07  01  09  
Florina   	01  00  17  05  07  09  07  04  04  04  
Wil   		02  00  20  06  06  05  06  05  00  06  

Swag: 2000G

Chapter 4: Natalie Fortress Defense

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil

Units Acquired:


New Units

Dorcas: In this patch, he OHKO's like forever, so his horrible speed growth doesn't hurt him so badly. And he can take a fighter crit if he wanted to, assuming they don't have 13 atk or more.

Chapter Summary: Defend map. Things can get dangerous unless you send one of the cavs outside and take care of most of the douches outside.

I send Lyn east while Kent marches out and kills some brigands on EP and Sain blocks the pathway and F+W go into Natalie's foxhole for safety. I recruit Dorcas on turn 2, and using him I take out the eastern iron axe brigand. I head down on turns 3 and 4 and take out the southern bandits while K+S handle the brigands, Flo helps kill the mercenaries, and Wil kills the mofos breaking into the northwestern wall. Lyn kills the boss on turn 5, just as I deal with more reinforcements.

8 turns.

Lyndis    	04  00  18  05  09  12  08  04  01  05  
Kent      	04  00  23  08  08  09  03  06  02  09  
Sain      	04  00  22  10  05  06  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	02  00  18  06  08  09  08  04  05  04
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	03  00  30  07  07  06  03  03  00  14  

Swag: Iron axe

Chapter 5: Beyond the Borders

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas

Units Acquired:

Erk, Serra

New Units:

Erk: Like Wil, Erk is useful for killing or chipping something safely without your main squad taking massive damage. Actually, he's better than Wil due to lolmagic.

Serra: Healers are in even bigger demand in this hack, and unfortunately, Serra's base magic is awful. Still, do not pass up a healer in this hack.

Chapter Summary: Another easy rout map. Just remember that Erk has 0 HP to start and you should probably heal him.



I first had Lyn talk to Serra, who healed Erk. Erk then took out the archer he attacked in the cutscene. Sain removes the first axe dude from existence and Kent prepares to do battle with a merc. I then do some rescue shenanigans to drop Lyn down next to the boss while the others hold back. I have Lyn take out the boss after I have Sain buy some javelins and Flo takes out the archer.

4 turns.

Lyndis    	05  00  19  06  10  12  09  05  01  05  
Kent      	05  00  24  09  09  10  03  06  03  09  
Sain      	05  00  23  11  05  07  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	03  00  19  06  09  10  09  04  05  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	03  00  30  07  07  06  03  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		01  00  17  02  05  08  06  02  01  04  

This playthrough is fairly uninteresting now since Lyn Mode is lol.

Edited by Mercenary James
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Chapter 6: Blood of Pride

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas, Erk, Serra, Rath

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Rath: He's essentially Wil on a horse, which allows him to snipe things from a distance. He is also quite durable for this point in the hack, so don't be too afraid to expose him.

Matthew: A thief. Unfortunately, he's really not all that useful due to crap durability and pitiful offense next to your other dudes.

Chapter Summary: You need to place three units on the switches that activate the sprinkler system to beat this map. Also, your first non-bandit boss.

In any case, I have Lyn enterthe village to recruit Matt, who then unlocks the doorway, which allows Rath to step on the switch. I then kill the mercenaries after which, I take out the two loldiers blocking each of the doors and press the second switch on turn 4. Turn 5, I killed the boss with the MK, had Matt grab a purty armorslayer, and seized.

5 turns.

Lyndis    	06  00  20  07  11  13  09  05  01  05  
Kent      	05  00  24  09  09  10  03  06  03  09  
Sain      	05  00  23  11  05  07  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	03  00  19  06  09  10  09  04  05  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	03  00  30  07  07  06  03  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		01  00  17  02  05  08  06  02  01  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	02  00  18  04  04  11  02  03  00  07  

Swag: Seraph robe, Armorslayer

Chapter 7: Siblings Abroad

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas, Serra, Rath, Matthew

Units Acquired:

Lucius, Nils

New Units:

Lucius: There's really not much to say about Lucius, other than the fact that he's functionally identical to Erk. He is, however, very magically durable.

Nils: Bard. Nuff said.

Chapter Summary: Beat the boss to beat the level. That's really all there is to it. Also, this your first encounter with mages. They are very dangerous in this hack due to hitting the soft res of your characters

I have Lyn and Dorcas kill the two enemies near my start location while Nils uses his pan flute to revitalize Rath after he picks up Lyn. The first group of enemies was fairly simple as Flo and Lucius easily OHKO'd them while Matt grabbed the pure water from the village. I also deliberately turn abused for 2 turns before actually killing Heintz, since I also need to access 19xx.

8 turns(6).

Lyndis    	07  00  20  08  12  14  10  05  01  05  
Kent      	05  00  24  09  09  10  03  06  03  09  
Sain      	05  00  23  11  05  07  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	04  00  19  06  09  11  10  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	03  00  30  07  07  06  03  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		01  00  17  02  05  08  06  02  05  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	02  00  18  04  04  11  02  03  00  07  
Lucius    	03  00  18  07  06  10  02  01  06  06
Nils      	01  00  14  00  00  12  10  05  04  03

Chapter 7x: The Black Shadow

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Dorcas, Serra, Lucius, Rath, Matthew, Nils

Chapter Summary: Another rout map, and this time you are in a closed off corridor with little room to maneuver your units. Also remember that you will want ranged attackers to deal with the loldier and mage barricaded inside the eastern room.

I have Kent and Matthew remove the enemies closest to the treasure room, while Dorcas takes out the loldier and an EP later, the mage. Lucius eats up a cav while Matt grabs the hammer from inside the chest. Afterthat little stint, the reinforcements arrived, ready to tear me apart, except not really as I had also taken the liberty of using Matt and Flo to take out the mages. After abusing for about 8 turns to get Nils to Lv7 faster, I killed Beyard on turn 13.

13 turns(5).

Lyndis    	07  00  20  08  12  14  10  05  01  05  
Kent      	05  00  24  09  09  10  03  06  03  09  
Sain      	05  00  23  11  05  07  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	05  00  19  07  09  12  11  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	04  00  31  08  08  06  04  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		01  00  17  02  05  08  06  02  05  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	04  00  19  05  05  13  03  04  01  07  
Lucius    	04  00  19  08  06  10  03  01  07  06
Nils      	03  00  15  00  00  14  10  06  06  03

Swag: Hammer

Chapter 8: Vortex of Strategy

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas, Serra, Rath, Nils

Chapter Summary: There is a ballista on this map. Normally it wouldn't be much of a threat, but in 100% crit he is actually fairly dangerous. Basically, this guy has the power to 1/2-shot everybody you have except Rath, Kent, and Sain.

I pull off the usual shenanigans of rescue chaining while Flo ruses for the village(the ballista obviously OHKO's her). I manage to dismantle the ballista by turn 3, allowing Flo to maneuver around the map, grab the lancereaver, and kill both mages. Dorcas also proves his worth on a group of soldiers. Afterwards, I kill the reaver weapon guys, turn abuse until T13, and kill the boss.

13 turns(6).

Lyndis    	07  00  20  08  12  14  10  05  01  05  
Kent      	06  00  25  09  10  11  03  07  03  09  
Sain      	05  00  23  11  05  07  06  07  01  09  
Florina   	06  00  20  08  10  13  12  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	05  00  32  09  09  07  04  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		02  00  18  03  05  08  06  02  06  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	04  00  19  05  05  13  03  04  01  07  
Lucius    	04  00  19  08  06  10  03  01  07  06
Nils      	04  00  16  00  00  15  11  07  07  03

Swag: Lancereaver

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 9: A VERY Grim Reunion

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Dorcas, Lucius, Rath, Serra, Matthew, Nils

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Wallace: Thanks to the buffs I gave him so he could survive 24A, he's actually useful now in HHM, if he lives. Since 41HP/20def at promotion can take a lot of abuse from midgame enemies other than the shit that is harrassing him in 24A.

First fog of war map. Do not expose defensively inept units, just in case an enemy comes out of the fog and blicks them.

Neo-Wallace before.

Neo-Wallace after.

I send Dorcas into the village to grab a torch, then send Wallace forward and use my KC on him, turning him into the monstrosity you see. I then send my units to deal with the reinforcements that show in the first and second EP. After the fog same in, I slowly advanced due to there being ambush reinforcements, since the cavs still pose a threat to anyone not Wallace, the cavs, or Dorcas. I used this time to gain a few levels for Matthew, on the brigands as they pose less of a threat to him than cavs do. I kill the boss on turn 7, dick around a little more, then seize on turn 13.

13 turns(7)

Lyndis    	08  00  21  09  13  15  10  05  01  05  
Kent      	06  00  25  09  10  11  03  07  03  09  
Sain      	06  00  24  12  05  07  07  08  01  09  
Florina   	06  00  20  08  10  13  12  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	05  00  32  09  09  07  04  03  00  14  
Erk   		01  00  17  05  06  07  03  02  04  05  
Serra 		02  00  18  03  05  08  06  02  06  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	06  00  19  06  06  15  03  04  01  07  
Lucius    	04  00  19  08  06  10  03  01  07  06
Nils      	05  00  17  00  00  15  12  07  08  03
Wallace   	15  01  41  19  14  11  10  20  11  07

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 10: The Distant Plains

Units Deployed:

Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Florina, Wil, Dorcas, Erk, Serra, Rath, Matthew, Lucius, Nils, Wallace

No New Units

The final stretch. Let's make this a good one. The name of the game is to cap the throne in which Lundgren is sitting on. He is more than capable of 1HKOing anybody you use except Wallace(even against undoctored 12/1 Wallace, Lundgren does a nonfatal 27 damage with WTN, while Wallace does 24 back with an iron axe.)

Before I started the map, I had Lyn use the seraph robe. This is to make her a little more resilient, and hopefully turn some OHKOes into 2HKOes.

I did the usual business of having Flo ferry Lyn over the mountains while my other units took on the auxillary forces for exp. On turn 2 EP, Lyn takes 24/28 damage from an armor, or would have if she didn't know how to dodge, but easily kills with the MK. I then dick around a bit longer and get some more exp for my units while I get the energy ring to Lyn as well, so she can ORKO Lundgren with the lancereaver(MK was not applicable due to me not 3HKOing, and Lundgren obviously OHKO's Lyn in this patch). I finally do the deed on turn 10 EP, and dick around for 3 more turns before seizing.

14 turns(11)

Lyndis    	10  00  30  11  14  17  12  05  02  05  
Kent      	06  00  25  09  10  11  03  07  03  09  
Sain      	06  00  24  12  05  07  07  08  01  09  
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14  
Erk   		02  00  17  06  07  08  03  02  05  05  
Serra 		02  00  18  03  05  08  06  02  06  04  
Rath      	07  00  25  08  09  10  05  07  02  07  
Matthew   	06  00  19  06  06  15  03  04  01  07  
Lucius    	04  00  19  08  06  10  03  01  07  06
Nils      	07  00  19  00  00  16  12  07  09  03
Wallace   	15  01  41  19  14  11  10  20  11  07

Swag: Energy ring

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Chapter 11: The Rise of... HECTOR

Ok now that I have Lyn mode done, without further stall, let's party.

Units Deployed:

Hector, Matt

New Units:

Hector: He's still our lord and savior, but he now must escape very humble beginnings, since he's 2HKO'd by loldiers now, and almost so by archers. Thanks to his manly def growth, he should be able to grow out of this.

Matt: He's actually really bad here due to swordlock and the fact that his durability super sucks. He has decentish offense and can steal things, but that's about it. All he did on this map was kill an archer and a thief.

This chapter is still straightforward. All you have to do is kill the asshole named Wire to end the map. However, you need to be a trife careful as Hector is 2HKO'd by most enemy types, and Matt just goes SPLAT.

Turn 1 played roughly the same as Hector and Matt worked in tandem to break down the wall. I killed the first two enemies that strayed into my range, then had Matt open the door to allow Hec to go through. I took my time here, as I didn't want Hector to go splat just like Matt would. After Hector gets left on 1HP by a stray archer, I then grab the red gem by killing the thief, and had Hec kill Wire with the WB on turn 8.

8 turns

1 below par, but let's face it, I don't have a whole lot of fuck up room.

Hector    	03  00  21  09  05  05  04  10  02  13  
Matthew   	06  00  19  06  06  15  03  04  01  07  

Hector is a baws.

Swag: Red gem

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Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather... Crit Together

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Matt, Oswin, Serra, Marcus, Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Rebecca

New Units:

Eliwood: The complete epitome of bad. His 18HP/5def base gets OHKO'd by basically everything that breathes, and 10 atk with iron sword isn't impressing anybody. Rapier helps vs C14 cavs, but I seriously doubt he has much long term(or even short term)usage.

Oswin: He's amazing earlygame, as he OHKO's basically every enemy except for bosses, and gets 3-4HKO'd by brigands on top of getting tinked by mercs/archers/most pegs, and he's pretty good outside of earlygame as well due to said durability.

Serra: She is still very frail, but thank god her job doesn't rely on attacking enemies, else she'd be useless. Oh yeah, staffbot. Nuff said.

Marcus: He is absolute clutch in the earlygame. Like Oswin, he OHKO's everything at base for a LONG time, and he is highly durable with complete WTC. However, he's not so hot lategame as his durability growth is worse than Lyn's and he doesn't have the evasion to make up for it.

Lowen: His bases are barely better than Eli's since he DOES get 2HKO'd by most things and has WTA on brigands. In this hack, his good durability growths are more noticable, and his str/spd growths are high enough that he can OHKO for the most part.

Dorcas: He's decent. Durability is kind of ass, but being able to OHKO stuff at 1-2 range is a godsend. His low spd growth doesn't hurt him as much here offensively, as he OHKO's stuff anyway.

Bartre: Like Dorcas, he can easily OHKO at 1-2 range and has the durability to take a strike from a non brigand enemy. And he is still required to recruit Karla, who sucks even harder in this hack.

Rebecca: In this hack, archers are a mixed curse. On one hand, Becky still sucks ass. On the other, archers can get a hit off without eating a counter most of the time.

This map can get kind of ugly if you are not mindful of the pegs that are swarming the entire east side of the map, as they are a threat to anyone not named Hector/Marcus/Oswin. Also, Zagan is extremely dangerous. He is capable of OHKOing everybody I have up to this point.

I have Oswin kill a brigand, while Hector kills a peg knight using his hand axe. Lowen sits on the fort with a sword equipped, and Rebecca heads for the village. On the enemy turn, Hec takes out all the enemies in his attack radius except the brigand and the archer(who goes after Oswin), while Lowen tanks the brigands and Bartre kills a peg. On turn 2, I have Hector kill the brigand for extreme justice while Eliwood kills an archer and Lowen does some more tanking. Even though Lowen doesn't KO the peg, Bartre easily takes the bounty and I send all my units north to face Zagan. I draw him in by turn 5 and kill him on turn 6, after Matt buys some supplies.

6 turns.

Hector    	05  00  23  11  07  06  06  11  02  13 	
Eliwood   	01  00  18  05  05  07  07  05  00  07   
Oswin 		10  00  29  13  09  06  03  14  04  14   
Matthew   	06  00  19  06  06  15  03  04  01  07
Serra 		02  00  18  03  05  08  06  02  06  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		02  00  23  07  05  07  03  07  00  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	02  00  29  09  05  03  04  04  00  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05

Swag: Secret book

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Chapter 13: The Phantom Menace

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Matt, Oswin, Serra, Marcus, Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Rebecca

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Guy: Doubling doesn't matter as much here as being able to OHKO is, and Guy doesn't exactly do this against all enemy types, not to mention that he is somewhat frail and sword(read: WTD)locked. Not good. Decent during earlygame, then another benchwarmer.

Gaiden Alert: Visit the NW village.

More pegs. 'Oh joy'. Well, I can safely say that the west path is a LOT safer since there are far less enemies on that side, but you lose out on a mine.

I send my forces to the east again, as I usually do. Bartre and Dorcas go west to visit Merlinus while Oswin tanks the two archers and a couple of pegs for great justice. I visit the NW village by turn 4, while the mine village is secured at around the same time. Oswin then proves once again why he has win in his name by massacring all the enemies sitting next to Guy with nary a scratch, and I make the recruitment on turn 5. I had Bartre take out one of the two cavs, only for me to have to take him out again due to there being a sword cav that could DA him. Hector and Oswin, of course, take out the rest of the cavs. I then take on the boss on turn 9, and seize on turn 10 after I sell the secret book and buy some additional supplies.

10 turns.

Hector    	06  00  24  11  07  06  07  12  02  13 	
Eliwood   	02  00  19  06  06  07  08  06  01  07   
Oswin 		11  00  30  14  09  06  03  15  04  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		03  00  19  04  06  08  07  02  07  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		03  00  24  08  05  08  03  08  00  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	04  00  31  10  06  04  05  06  00  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05
Guy   		03  00  25  08  13  13  05  06  01  05

Hector's certainly luckier than usual. Not that it matters in this hack, since lol crits exceed absolute maximum crit evasion by at least 130.

I'm trying to nab Eliwood a few kills to attempt to salvage him, but it is so hard for him to do so since his durability is awful and he can't OHKO reliably. That and I'm channeling most of the exp into Oswin and Bartre.

BTW, Chapter 13x is going to suck. Lots of enemies, for one. And even Osw1n can take only so much abuse.

Swag: Mine, Torch, Killing edge

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Chapter 13x: I Bet You Can Squeal Like a Pig

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Matt, Oswin, Serra, Marcus, Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Rebecca, Guy

This is one of the hardest earlygame maps in this hack, due to the fact that enemy density is very high and you have VERY few durable units. I do not recommend camping on the central island unless you are very experienced(and know the secret arte of RNG abuse). In fact, I do not recommend coming here AT ALL. However, if you can weather the storm without losing units, then I applaud you for getting this far.

Turn 1: Hector and Lowen take out the two enemies, while Oswin and Dorcas move Merlinus out of the way. Marcus rushes ahead to take down a brigand. Bartre then blocks the western chokepoint on the island.

EP: Lowen kills the merc and levels up, while Bartre gets dropped to 1HP thanks to the mage.

Turn 2: Marcus breaks a snag while Oswin neuters the mage. I then heal up Bartre and have Lowen rescue Matt and Eli blocked the HA guy's path.

EP: Oswin get brought down to 12HP by the two axemen while Eli dodges the hand axe guy like a pro.

Turn 3: Oswin and Lowen block the northern chokeholds on the island while Marcus grabs the village and Hector kills a nomad.

EP: One of the nomads attacks Lowen while the other attacks Marcus. Hector gets attacked by a myrm and whiffs. Of course.

Turn 4: Oswin and Hector start assualting the northern reinforcements. Lowen goes back down to stop a set of nomad and brigand reinforcements. Bartre finishes the nomad that attacked Lowen.

EP: Several mooks die on Oswin. More pogeys miss Marcus.

Turn 5: Guy and Hector kill some more mooks while Oswin prepares to deal a fatal strike to Puzon(on a brigand, no less)

EP: Oswin kills Puzon, while Lowen stops some other douchebags dead in their tracks. Marcus takes yet another beating.

Turn 6: I retreat Marcus, and have Eliwood nab another kill.

EP: A nomad narrowly misses Bartre. If it actually hit Bartre, it would've OHKO'd him at the HP range he was at.

Turn 7: Eliwood and Lowen nab a few last minute kills.

EP: lol

8 turns.

Hector    	07  00  25  12  08  06  08  13  02  13 	
Eliwood   	03  00  20  06  06  08  08  07  02  07   
Oswin 		12  00  31  14  10  06  04  16  04  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		03  00  19  04  06  08  07  02  07  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		05  00  26  10  05  08  04  10  00  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	04  00  31  10  06  04  05  06  00  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05
Guy   		03  00  25  08  13  13  05  06  01  05

Finally. The 'nightmare' is over. Now back to the main game. And any comments would be nice as well.

Swag: 5000G

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Chapter 14: A Blast From The Future

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Matt, Oswin, Serra, Marcus, Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Rebecca, Guy

Units Acquired:

Erk, Priscilla

New Units:

Erk: He's relatively useful in the chapters to come since his magic literally OHKO's anything that isn't a boss. However, he dies if any physical enemy so much as sneezes on him.

Priscilla: She's a mounted staffbot, which is very useful. Also comes with the ability to carry promoted Oswin around in the unpromoted state, and the ability to carry promoted Wallace after promotion.

This would've been another difficult map if it weren't for one simple problem: Marcus, with the right weapon and some vulneraries, completely trivalizes it. Same thing with Oswin, but to a lesser degree due to his poor movement. Also, watch out for those guys in the back that are trying to demolish your tent. And Eric isn't all that dangerous thanks to the fact that Horseslayer is weak.

Sent Eli to kill the lone soldier while Oswin went up and killed the two mercenaries on EP. Bartre and Dorcas then took out two of the loldiers on EP, with Dorcas taking it really hard. On turn 2, I recruited Erk and wiped out all four loldiers and both archers in the general vicinity as well has having Bartre take out a peg. EP was less than happy due to Bartre just smoking another peg. Turn 3 was just as boring, until EP, where Oswin simply annihilated Eric, and killed off a few cavs on top of that. I then rip open a few more cavs on turn 5, then the rains started pouring and I had to wait until turn 8 to complete my objective.

8 turns.

Hector    	07  00  25  12  08  06  08  13  02  13 	
Eliwood   	03  00  20  06  06  08  08  07  02  07   
Oswin 		14  00  33  16  10  06  05  18  04  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		04  00  20  04  06  08  08  02  08  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		05  00  26  10  05  08  04  10  00  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	05  00  32  10  06  05  05  07  01  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05
Guy   		04  00  26  09  13  14  05  06  01  05
Erk   		02  00  17  06  07  08  03  02  05  05
Priscilla 	03  00  16  06  06  08  07  03  06  04

Oh yes, I'll give you the patch soon.

Swag: Iron blade, Ridersbane

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Chapter 15: Laus Castle Defense

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Marcus, Oswin, Lowen, Bartre, Serra, Priscilla

Defense map. If you are using the patch I will be giving out, I recommend bringing just Marcus/Oswin+healers.

Turn 1: I had Matthew open the door to let Marcus in while Oswin takes out a knight(as well as several other pests on EP). Bartre sits his ass on a pillar while Matt gets moved back.

EP: Sealen attacks Oswin for no damage while Lowen kills the jav soldier.

Turn 2: Hector blocks the path to the eastern bottleneck by killing the mage, while Bartre, Lowen, and Eliwood kill some more mooks and Oswin killing the thief.

EP: Oswin tears apart a few archers and a mage, whilst the fighters almost break through the wall.

Turn 3: Oswin kills a generic nomad and poises to kill a few mercs. Lowen then steps in and breaks the wall down.

EP: Several fighters attack Lowen, with only the HA guy hitting. You know what Osw1n did.

Turn 4: Oswin kills Sealen, Eliwood and Lowen kill some more fighters and Hector kills the knight. Matt grabs the silver axe.

EP: Lowen kills the last fighter, and Oswin kills what's left of the reinforcements.

Turn 5: Oswin kills the last myrmidon. Matt grabs the mend.

EP: lol

Turns 6 and 7 are not shown due to me killing everything. It's just staffspam. Who cares.

8 turns.

Hector    	08  00  26  13  08  07  08  14  02  13 	
Eliwood   	04  00  21  07  07  08  08  07  03  07   
Oswin 		15  00  34  17  11  06  06  18  05  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		04  00  20  04  06  08  08  02  08  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		07  00  28  11  06  08  04  11  01  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	06  00  33  11  07  06  05  08  01  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05
Guy   		04  00  26  09  13  14  05  06  01  05
Erk   		02  00  17  06  07  08  03  02  05  05
Priscilla 	03  00  16  06  06  08  07  03  06  04

Well, I'm getting somewhere, right?

I kind of like how Bartre has a lot more def than Dorcas. Seriously, 5 def makes a HUGE difference in this hack. Also lovin' Lowen's stats.

Nice to see Eli trying to stay afloat.

Swag: Silver axe, Mend, Dracoshield

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Chapter 16: Noble Goat Demon of Caelin

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Marcus, Oswin, Lowen, Bartre, Serra, Priscilla

Units (re)Acquired:

Lyn, Kent, Sain, Wil, Florina

New Units:

Lyn: She's not so hot here due to middling durability and WTD lock. However, she's good at killing armors and calvary with her MK, so she has some usefulness.

Kent: His durability is not so great here, but like before, you can expect him to OHKO things and survive a hit. He's decent.

Sain: see Kent's article, since they are very similar in this patch. Sain's extra str is generally superfluous except on things like knights.

Flo: Flying utility is still useful where it's due, but like Lyn, Flo has severe durability issues here.

Wil: Shit still leaks from his face, but he is good at killing those two pegs. That's about as useful as he's going to get.

Alright. The goal of this map is to conquer the gate that Bauker is guarding. Also, your first encounter with ballistae in HHM. Those fuckers still hurt. A lot.

Using Marcus and Florina, I was able to get Oswin across the mountains on turn 1. Lowen and Bartroll go down to intercept the cavalier reinforcements while Lyn's group takes care of the pegs and heavy spear village. After Oswin kills most of the enemies just west of the boss, I use my rescue chains to get Hector over the mountains as well. I also use this time to visit the red gem village. I then use turn 3 EP to dissect the huge cavalier infestation, and waste a few turns removing the reinforcements while Kent stops some more brigands. I then kill the boss and seize on turn 8.

8 turns.

Hector    	08  00  26  13  08  07  08  14  02  13 	
Lyndis    	10  00  30  11  14  17  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	05  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		17  00  36  18  12  06  08  19  07  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		04  00  20  04  06  08  08  02  08  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		07  00  28  11  06  08  04  11  01  08	
Dorcas    	06  00  33  10  10  07  05  03  00  14   
Bartre    	07  00  34  12  07  07  05  08  01  13   
Rebecca  	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  01  05
Guy   		04  00  26  09  13  14  05  06  01  05
Erk   		02  00  17  06  07  08  03  02  05  05
Priscilla 	03  00  16  06  06  08  07  03  06  04
Kent      	06  00  25  09  10  11  03  07  03  09  
Sain      	07  00  25  13  06  08  07  08  01  09  
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Wil   		03  00  21  07  07  06  06  06  00  06  

I'll remove the surplus units once I have a permanent team set up.

Swag: Red gem x2, Heavy spear

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Chapter 17: Everybody Loves Raven

Units Deployed:

Hector, Lyn, Oswin, Marcus, Lowen, Bartre, Sain, Matt, Serra, Priscilla

Units Acquired:

Raven, Lucius

New Units:

Raven: To be honest, he's not that great here. Yeah, he still has monster offense, but his durability is very suspect. I guess if he gets to 10/1, he might be decent.

Lucius: Like Erk, he's mostly there to cause massive damage to enemies. His durability is atrocious, though. C staves is a blessing in lategame, however.

Like last map, this is a seize map. The biggest danger in this map is the huge cluster of enemies that charges you right before recruiting Raven.

I started by killing all the enemies within firing distance of my start point, then sent Sain and Matt to deal with the SW chest room and Oz/Lowen/Marcus blocked the north exit. After killing the fools blocking the hallway on turn 4, I sent Oswin back to the entrance while Priscilla recruited Raven(after dodging an obvious kill strike). Using Raven, I took out the archer next to Lucius's cell and recruited Lucius. While this was happening, Matthew went to grab chests, and the enemy thief also pilfered the silver sword and the KC. I had Lowen kill the thief to nab the KC, while Oswin halted the reinforcements. I recahed the throne room by turn 11, at which point I carefully killed all the enemy units, including a mage who would've killed Hector had he actually hit, and had Lyn take the rat bastard out.

13 turns

Hector    	10  00  28  14  08  09  10  15  03  13 	
Lyndis    	12  00  30  11  14  17  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	05  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		17  00  36  18  12  06  08  19  07  14   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04   	
Marcus    	00  01  31  15  15  11  08  10  08  11   
Lowen 		09  00  30  12  06  08  04  13  01  08	
Bartre    	09  00  36  14  07  09  05  08  01  13   
Priscilla 	04  00  16  07  06  08  08  03  07  04
Sain      	07  00  25  13  06  08  07  08  01  09  
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		05  00  30  10  13  15  02  06  02  08
Lucius    	04  00  19  08  06  10  03  01  07  06

My thoughts about Raven? Eh, I'll use him.

Swag: Unlock, Knight crest, Hero crest

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Chapter 17x: Enter Fargus

Units Deployed:

Hector, Lyn, Oswin, Priscilla, Raven, Bartre

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Canas: He's identical to Erk and Lucius in how he performs, for the most part. Luna is pretty nice against bosses, though.

As usual, you need to speak to Fargus to end the map. And a word of caution: Those Lv17 pirates have enough atk to basically kill anyone who is not a properly trained Oswin on one hit, and the magic users/devil axe guy are especially deadly. Oh yes, monocle is here as well.

I started by having Bartre visit Canas's village. Oswin headed west while Raven headed north to deal with the Lv4 pirates just outside. Damian arrived on turn 3, who was promptly killed by Oswin the next turn. I then decided to activate the pirate trap on turn 4 because I am pretty EXP greedy, so I got Raven back to the main group so he could help kill the mega pirates. On turn 5, I manage to destroy all the pirates with a clever combination of all my available units, and I promoted Oswin on turn 6. After collecting all the items and getting Canas a level in the arena, I talked to Fargus.

8 turns.

Hector    	10  00  28  14  08  09  08  15  03  13 	
Lyndis    	12  00  30  11  14  17  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	05  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		20  01  43  22  14  09  08  22  13  16   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04          
Lowen 		09  00  30  12  06  08  04  13  01  08	
Bartre   	10  00  37  15  07  09  06  08  03  13   
Priscilla 	04  00  16  07  06  08  08  03  07  04
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		07  00  32  12  15  16  03  06  02  08
Canas 		09  00  22  11  10  08  08  05  09  07

Kind of wish Oswin had more speed, but considering that he OHKO's anyway, he'll live.

Swag: Devil axe, Short bow, Sleep, Lancereaver, Secret book

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Chapter 18: You Can Do Whatever You Want Because A Pirate Is Free... YOU ARE A PIRATE!

Units Deployed:

Hector, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Priscilla, Matt, Lowen

This chapter is a little tough to do correctly in 100% crit due to the fact that there are a HUGE amount of enemies in a really tight space. Most of the physical enemies aren't too bad, but the shamans are easily capable of taking out most units in one shot due to most people's res sucking.

On turn 1, Raven and Canas took out the two steel sword mercenaries, allowing Oswin and Lowen to take out two of the shamans. On turn 2, I pull Lowen back, allowing Hector to move in and block the mercenaries while the pegs started to suicide on Hector. Turns 3 and 4 wasn't too bad as all I had to do was kill the long line of mercs, as well as kill a few pegs on turn 4 EP. I started to send Bartre, Oswin, and Priscilla down with Matt to grab the guiding ring while Canas did some shopping and Raven/Lowen did... stuff. After stomping on some more reinforcements, I stole Zoldam's celestial ring and killed him with Bartre.

7 turns

Hector    	11  00  29  15  09  09  11  15  03  13 	
Lyndis    	12  00  30  11  14  17  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	05  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		20  01  43  22  14  09  08  22  13  16   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04          
Lowen 		10  00  31  13  06  08  04  14  01  08	
Bartre   	12  00  39  16  08  11  06  09  04  13   
Priscilla 	04  00  16  07  06  08  08  03  07  04
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		08  00  33  13  15  17  03  07  02  08
Canas 		10  00  23  12  11  08  08  06  10  07

I'm getting lonely here.

Swag: Elysian whip, Celestial ring, Flux

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Chapter 19: Landing on the Dread Isle

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Lowen, Canas, Florina, Priscilla, Serra, Matt

Units Acquired:

Dart, Fiora

New Units:

Dart: While his offensive power would normally be a highly valued trait in vanilla FE7, it is superfluous here as even guys like Lowen OHKO stuff on average. Also, he has very shaky durability, and you know how far THAT will get you.

Fiora: Another flier. Her combat's decent enough; she just needs to stay away from anything physical, but I guess 50% res growth will go a long way towards standing up to mages. Treat her as you would Florina.

This isn't that difficult a map. The biggest danger are the pegasus knights that like to roam in the fog, since they can easily ambush and kill a unit since they like to ignore terrain. Oh, and Uhai is pretty easy, since he doesn't have 1-2 range and doesn't move. Forest terrain is a bitch, though.

Had Matt use the torch, allowing me to nab a cavalier on turn 1, and positioned Oswin to take care of the center stage guys. I then plopped Raven on the forest next to where he started, and I rushed the remainder of my posse over to where Raven is. On turn 2, I used my units to strategically(by that, I mean simply kill)take out all the enemies within firing range of my tent(and Eliwood.). On turn 3, Fiora spawns from the fog and helps kill a pirate. She is then recruited to my cause, at which point I send all my units south to deal with Uhai, except for Bartre, who is left behind to deal with reinforcements. I rush over to Uhai and kill him on turn 8.

8 turns

Hector    	12  00  30  15  10  09  11  16  03  13 	
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	06  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		20  01  43  22  14  09  08  22  13  16   
Matthew   	07  00  21  07  06  16  04  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04          
Lowen 		11  00  32  14  06  08  04  15  01  08	
Bartre   	13  00  40  17  09  12  06  09  04  13   
Priscilla 	05  00  16  08  06  08  09  03  08  04
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		10  00  35  15  16  18  03  09  02  08
Canas 		10  00  23  12  11  08  08  06  10  07
Fiora 		07  00  21  08  11  13  06  06  07  05
Dart  		08  00  34  12  08  08  03  06  01  10

Swag: Lightning, Torch, Orion bolt

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Chapter 19x: Imprisoner of Magic

Units Deployed:

Hector, Lyn, Matt, Raven, Bartre, Canas, Florina, Priscilla

Ok, this is your first encounter with Bolting. In 100% crit, learn to dread Bolting, as it's usually on sages that have a shitton of magic. For your own sake, PLAY SLOWLY! Mainly because rushing is actually a very, very good way to get killed. Unless you have Marcus and a crapton of Pure Water.

I moved Canas onto a forest while Raven headed for the mountains north of my start point. Everyone else stayed as fucking far away from those mages since they were positioned in such a way that two mages could attack a unit, except on the space where I put Bartre. All the mages in range died on the first enemy phase, as well as two pegs that Raven killed. Anyway, on turns 2 and 3, I did much of the same, kill mages using Canas since he has the highest res out of the party I'm using. On turn 3, Kishuna spawned from the fort, creating an anti-magic field which disabled Aion. I then sent Canas back while B+L+H dealt with the armors and the now neutered mages. I raced towards Aion, stole his silver card, and killed him on turn 8.

As for Kishuna, I had Raven kill his goons, and on turn 11, killed the bastard with Raven, after which I seized.

11 turns

Hector    	12  00  30  15  10  09  11  16  03  13 	
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	06  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		20  01  43  22  14  09  08  22  13  16   
Matthew   	08  00  22  07  07  17  04  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04          
Lowen 		11  00  32  14  06  08  04  15  01  08	
Bartre   	14  00  41  18  10  13  07  09  05  13   
Priscilla 	05  00  16  08  06  08  09  03  08  04
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		14  00  39  18  18  19  03  12  02  08
Canas 		12  00  24  14  11  09  08  07  11  07

I'm lovin' Raven's defense. I'll give him one or two more levels and it will be promo time.

The patch will be coming soon, I promise you. Oh, and some comments would be nice... Not that it's gonna happen.

Swag: Fire, Goddess icon, Swordreaver, Silver card

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Chapter 19xx: A Gaiden Within a Gaiden

Units Deployed:

Hector, Oswin, Serra, Bartre, Raven, Lowen, Canas, Matt

The biggest danger from this map is the ballista in the center of the map, so obviously, keep squishy units out of range. As well, there's a douchebag with a sleep staff that you may want to keep a lookout for.

Once again, had Matt use a torch, allowing Raven to smite the thief. Bartre opens the door, and I perform a rescue chain preventing Raven from getting too exposed. Anyway, on EP, several knights get killed and Merlinus gets attacked. I take out the troubadour and position my dudes in such a way that only Oswin and Bartre could be attacked by the mage, because everyone else is OHKO'd. I then took care of the two remaining knights and wiped out more thieves on turns 3 and 4. One of the thieves swiped the dracoshield and eclipse from the chest, so what I did was block the escape path of the thief, which allowed Matt to grab the DS on turn 6 and then I killed him the next turn. As for the boss, I killed his wyvern rider cohort using Canas and killed Teodor himself with Raven on turn 7. I then grabbed Matt and headed for the talisman chest, which I successfully nabbed with Lowen's help. I seized on turn 10.

10 turns.

Hector    	12  00  30  15  10  09  11  16  03  13 	
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	06  00  22  08  07  09  08  08  03  07   
Oswin 		20  01  43  22  14  09  08  22  13  16   
Matthew   	09  00  22  07  07  18  05  05  01  07
Serra 		05  00  20  05  06  09  08  02  08  04          
Lowen 		11  00  32  14  06  08  04  15  01  08	
Bartre   	16  00  43  20  10  14  07  10  06  13   
Priscilla 	05  00  16  08  06  08  09  03  08  04
Florina   	07  00  20  08  11  14  12  04  06  04  
Raven 		16  00  41  20  19  20  03  13  02  08
Canas 		13  00  25  14  11  10  10  08  12  07

Liking my playthrough so far? If yes, please leave a comment below. Or you can PM me about it.

Swag: Dracoshield, Talisman, Eclipse

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One of the thieves swiped the dracoshield and eclipse from the chest, so what I did was block the escape path of the thief, which allowed Matt to grab the DS on turn 6 and then I killed him the next turn.

That's always how I get the loot from the SE chests. I don't think it's possible to beat the thief to them.

Also, can Eclipse critical now? That'd make it very deadly if so (instant death!).

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That's always how I get the loot from the SE chests. I don't think it's possible to beat the thief to them.

Also, can Eclipse critical now? That'd make it very deadly if so (instant death!).

Unfortunately no. Eclipse cannot crit under any circumstances. I think it's due to the properties of the spell in question.

Then again, neither can runeswords or ranged attacks using a light brand. I honestly don't know the exact reasons.

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Chapter 20: Darin's Last Stand

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwod, Lin, Osin, Leyvan, Bartr, Lowen, Serra, Priscilla, Flolina, Canas, Matt

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Legault: Like Matt, he's a thief. Like Matt, he can't take a hit to save himself. Use with caution.

This map is the largest clusterfuck you've seen so far. There's chests strewn in three different rooms on the map, and there's a lot of somewhat weak enemy units. The biggest danger this map has to offer, other than Darin, is the rather large amount of enemy cavalry. While they are fairly weak, there are a lot of them, so you should use a high def unit like Oswin to cockblock them.

First off, let it be known that I promoted Raven at base.

I started off by having Bartre kill the first knight, then having Serra use unlock on the door and splitting my party off into two groups, with Matt grabbing the hero bow. My first group lures Cameron in on turn 2, who is then promptly killed by Hector. Raven also does a good job at erasing nomads and cavs, with a little help from Canas and Lowen. As for the reinforcements pouring out of the stairs, I had Canas gain a few free levels off them while Bartre did more or less the same. Once my two groups merged, I had Oswin draw in the shamans, then recruited Legault the following two turns, also killing Darin. I then used up a few turns grabbing the Luna book and blue gem, also going to the secret shoppe and buying 2 iron blades and 2 steel blades. I seized on turn 11.

11 turns.

Hector    	15  00  30  18  12  10  12  18  03  13 	
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05 
Eliwood   	07  00  24  09  08  11  08  08  05  07   
Oswin 		20  02  44  23  14  10  08  23  14  16   
Matthew   	09  00  22  07  07  18  05  05  01  07
Serra 		06  00  21  05  06  09  09  02  09  04          
Lowen 		12  00  33  14  07  09  04  16  01  08	
Bartre   	16  00  43  20  10  14  07  10  06  13   
Priscilla 	06  00  16  08  07  09  10  03  09  04
Florina   	07  00  20  09  12  14  13  04  07  04  
Raven 		16  01  45  20  21  22  03  15  04  09
Canas 		14  00  26  15  11  10  10  08  13  07

Swag: Luna, Hero bow, Blue gem, Member card, Barrier, Celestial ring, Killer bow

Edited by Mercenary James
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