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Obligatory Yu-Gi-Oh! thread


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Alright, so i've managed to get my deck dwon to some essentials, but i'm having trouble making some final cuts. I was hoping I could get some suggestions as to what cards I don't need/don't need multiples of.

1-4 star monsters


3 marauding captain

3 mataza the zapper

2 blade knight

breaker the magical warrior

3 command knight

3 dd assailant

3 dd warrior lady

3 exiled force

3 don zaloog

2 twin-sword marauder

2 warrior lady of the wasteland

5-8 star monsters

airknight parshath

freed the matchless general

3 cyber dragon

maximum six

gearfried the legend


dark hole

2 double summon

3 fusion sword murasame blade

heavy storm

lightning vortex

2 mage power

magical mallet

monster reborn

monster reincarnation


pot of avarice

pot of benevolence

reinforcement of the army

3 the a. forces

2 united we stand

burden of the mighty

magical stone excavation

pot of duality

3 the warrior returning alive


trap hole

2 bottomless trap hole

3 dimensional prison

mirror force

torrential tribute

And please note that it doesn't have to be perfect. It'll be fine if there's 45-50 cards in the deck and only 5-10 in the side deck, all i'm worried about is getting under 60 at the very least.

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I'd honestly pull a mage power or 2. your deck probably won't have M/T cards on the field for long, based on what you have.

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Uh... You have an idea in mind but there's a lot of clutter getting in the way.

I say try to trim it down to 40 cards but that's just me.

You don't need most of those high level monsters other than Cyber Dragon because Cyber Dragon is pretty good. It serves as bait and muscle whenever appropriate so you can safely bring out your lower level monsters without fear of them being removed from the field in some way not to mention use it to Synchro/Xyz SUmmon bigger guys.

Since you want to run Warriors you can go with a Solidarity build but you'll be forced to use only Warriors to take advantage of Solidarity. The upside to this build is that most if not all of the Warriors you run will become a big threat the moment a Warrior hits the Graveyard.

Here's what I whipped up.

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Absolute Acid decks are be annoying.

And just how often will HERO decks even summon Diane? The most common way I see it being summoned is from Gaia after he goes into a phone booth for a quick costume and sex change. ;/

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I know I won't go into Dian often, but whenever I have Mask Change and Gaia at the same time, why not? It helps that I run 2 Barbaros with my skill drains, so I have more chances to Gaia.

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Right right. I haven't faced HEROes in a while.

In other words, I laugh me ass off since Drain does nothing to me aside from stopping Stratos, whereas Inzektors cry, DinoRabbit cries, Wind-Up cries, Ninja Lock cries, Dragons cry, Infernities cry... everything at my locals cries aside from the 1 HERO mirrormatch.

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Uh... You have an idea in mind but there's a lot of clutter getting in the way.

I say try to trim it down to 40 cards but that's just me.

You don't need most of those high level monsters other than Cyber Dragon because Cyber Dragon is pretty good. It serves as bait and muscle whenever appropriate so you can safely bring out your lower level monsters without fear of them being removed from the field in some way not to mention use it to Synchro/Xyz SUmmon bigger guys.

Since you want to run Warriors you can go with a Solidarity build but you'll be forced to use only Warriors to take advantage of Solidarity. The upside to this build is that most if not all of the Warriors you run will become a big threat the moment a Warrior hits the Graveyard.

Here's what I whipped up.

Yay! A fellow duelnetworker!tongue.gif

I like what you posted, but I would like to keep Command Knight and The A. Forces in there somehow. I will give that build a shot though and see what happens.

Now, let's talk about the Six samurai. This Ra Yellow booster box was recommended to buy, so I got 2 and would up with 3 copies of each samurai, and some support cards. I also got things like Thunder King, Card Trooper, Dimensional Prison, Grandmaster, Etc., basically a bunch of cards that were highly recommended by the guys who suggested I get the box. If I were to make a warrior-based deck around the samurai, with some of these cards and some of my other warriors and cards, would that be a good idea, and what kind of build would you reccommend? (And you can name any card from the Ra yellow pack to add, because I pulled at least one copy of every card in the set.)

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Why did you put in Starlight Road but no Stardust?

It's a Solidarity deck so once Stardust hits the Graveyard his Warriors will lose out on 800 ATK. >_>

And yes, Starlight Road can stop Mirror Force provided you have two or more monsters.

As for Six Sams... You're in luck. Six Sams are getting their very own structure deck there's that. It won't be out for a while but it will contain most of the Six Sam monsters and support I guess.

If you want Six Sams don't buy the Ra Yellow packs unless you want the original six Ultra Rare or looking for some commons like Thunder King Rai-Oh. You can make a relatively inexpensive deck with said original six by buying them separately. I would assume. >_>

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This will be easier if I have an actual build to work from. So I moved some things around, and here's what I got: (50 total)

Monsters: 24

3 each of: Marauding Captain.

2 each of: Yariza, Yaichi, Zanji, Nisashi, Irou, Kamon, Grandmaster, Shien, and Exiled Force (wanted 3, but no room.)

1 each of: sangan, DD Warrior Lady, and DD Assailant.

Spells: 16


1 each of these continuos/equips: Gateway of the six, burden of the mighty, card trader, fusion sword, and united we stand.

1 each of these normals: dark hole, avarice, duality, magical mallet, reborn, reincarnation, reinforcement, warrior returning alive, and double summon.

Traps: 10

3 Dimensional Prison.

1 each of: Bottomless, Solemn Warning, Mirror Force, torrential, widespread Ruin, Swiftstrike Armor, and Double Edged Sword Technique.

I'm assuming you guys know the ones that I didn't type out the full names of. I got a little lazy because of all the typing i've been doing today, so if you need the full name of something, or the effect, just let me know.

It's a Solidarity deck so once Stardust hits the Graveyard his Warriors will lose out on 800 ATK. >_>

Still, SD's negation effect could be necessary in some situations, plus it comes back from the grave when used, so you're never out of the 800 for long.

Of course, i don't have solidarity IRL anyway, but still.

Edited by FalconVegeta1986
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If Stardust Dragon is summoned by the effect of Starlight Road you can't use its effect to summon it from the Graveyard. You HAVE to Synchro Summon it in order to so. (⌐■_■)

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If Stardust Dragon is summoned by the effect of Starlight Road you can't use its effect to summon it from the Graveyard. You HAVE to Synchro Summon it in order to so. (⌐■_■)

I'm confused. I'm not seeing anywhere on either card where it says that. Unless it's part of some rule I missed in the handbook.

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It's part of the rules somewhere in YGOland since it makes no sense 90% of the time anyway.

It's probably due to the technicality of him not actually being synchro summoned, but usually the card(s) say something about that. For instance, I have some fusions that say "can only be fusion summoned, and cannot be summoned by other ways" which implies that something like Metamorphosis can't be used to summon it (although I don't recall the original print of Flame Wingman having this text, but the ones I have do.) But my point is that Stardust/Light don't have any text regarding SD's effect, which makes it hard to just say "well it's part of some rule somewhere emo13.gif "

Anyway, i'd rather talk about how awful well my six sam deck did at my local tournament. I noticed some things that i'd like to ask you guys about. The tournament is swiss-styled, with each player getting to play 4 match-ups before the best move on to the top 8.

First off, I got a bye my first round. Lucky me!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Second round, i went up against a drak world deck. Beforehand, I heard everyone talking about this deck, and how you should really try not to let the player activate Dark World Dealings. unfortunately, this si rather hard to do when they go first. Needless to say, i was swept.

Third round was against wind-ups. The guy actually pulled off the loop that forces your opponent to discard their entire hand one by one, including getting Pot of Avarice. I lost the first duel, won the second, then lost the third simply for not being able to draw a monster. And he only had 800LP left.sob.gif But there's something I noticed about wind-up decks both IRL and on DN, and that's either they have no real attacking power when it comes to monsters, or people get so obsessed with making you discard that they don't think about having anything to attack with. A number of times was I open for attacking, only to have my IRL opponent actually summon a monster in defense mode when I had nothing to play. I only lost when he brought out brionac, if not for it's ability to return cards to the hand, his only other monster was DD warrior lady bait.emo13.gif

Fourth and final round I could have hurt myself. I drew a whole hand of trap cards, and nothing but for like 3 turns after. they held me up for as long as they could, but the guy was playing reborn tengu and some other card that goes from 1200 to 2000 when he has more copies on the field. Still, second round was quite easy, the aforementioned monsters were really the only threats I saw. Third round, I would have won if not for skill drain preventing me from using Marauding Captains effect, it gave hm enough time to get a monster, and then I was victim of drawing a bunch of spells I couldn't use. But the guy was really nice and let me check out his samurai deck to get some ideas.

Yeah, i know no one wants t hear me ramble on, but I had so much fun, and I just had to talk to someone about it. And well, SF is like my home, so...wub.gif

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That's the thing about YGO. There are too many unwritten rulings in a lot of cards and instances and confusion is unavoidable. Although for the whole Starlight Road bit it is more or less implied that Stardust can't be Special Summoned by its own effect or another because it was not properly Synchro Summoned in the place which becomes kind of a thing because other types of cards sometimes specify that certain monsters must first have their summoning requirements met.

So yeah. YGO is stupidly complicated thanks to poor writing at times.

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That's the thing about YGO. There are too many unwritten rulings in a lot of cards and instances and confusion is unavoidable. Although for the whole Starlight Road bit it is more or less implied that Stardust can't be Special Summoned by its own effect or another because it was not properly Synchro Summoned in the place which becomes kind of a thing because other types of cards sometimes specify that certain monsters must first have their summoning requirements met.

So yeah. YGO is stupidly complicated thanks to poor writing at times.

Yeah, I noticed that they've started to get more clear with their wording on some cards. They even use piercing as the term for damaging DEF-position monsters (AKA trample, though I would have called it crush.) I suppose it's one of those things that your opponent will call out if they feel it's unfair, or if a judge were to rule it. Actually, i'll make sure to ask next time for myself, and i'll get back to you.

Another thing that was kind of a myth in my own mind was put to rest as well. I expected to face a bunch of first or second turn losses, and constantly be up against monsters with 2000 or more ATK, but surprisingly, there were alot of people playing, as i'll put it, more sensibly. As I mentioned with the wind-up guy, he actually set-up a defense instead of going for easy damage when I was open, something that surprised me quite a bit. Heavy hitting monsters were also held until actually needed, instead of thrown out for quick high damage attacks.

So basically, i'm pretty happy to be back in the game, and i'm looking forward to competing every wednesday and sunday (funds permitting). And of course, imma shamelessly plug DN as a site I frequent now if you want to battle.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the effects are starting to look/sound like M:TG.

Edited by FalconVegeta1986
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