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Plot Holes

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As most of us are aware, the plots of most Fire Emblem games are not exactly worthy of the status of "literature." And I know that this fact bothers some of us more than others, but the presence of threads complaining about it isn't exactly healthy to the other forums. (By the way, I hope this is the right forum for such a thread.)

Without further ado, let the complaints begin... with one of mine.

For some reason, the plot hole that sticks out most to me is Ena's baby at the end of FE10. No matter how I try to rationalize it, it seems incredibly implausible that Rajaion could have gotten Ena pregnant. If the conception happened long before FE9, then why didn't Ena show any signs of pregnancy some twenty years later, and how did the unborn child survive what the Black Knight did to her near the end of PoR? (For the record, he struck her with Alondite hard enough to knock her out cold.) If it happened right before or during Rajaion's final moments, why didn't anybody say anything about it? I'm partial to the idea that the Galdr of Rebirth could have done it, especially in light of what it could do to the trees of Serenes Forest and how close Ena was to Rajaion when the Herons sang to him, but the Herons didn't say anything about pregnancy being a possible side effect of being within the Galdr of Rebirth's area of effect. (And it wasn't a side effect when they sang it in Serenes Forest.)

P.S. I'd like to avoid long, drawn-out bickering as to whether something is or isn't a plot hole. Maybe Ena's baby isn't a plot hole at all, but I don't want a big debate about it to overshadow everything else that people find worthy of complaint in Fire Emblem's stories. For the record, I intend to say nothing more about this particular plot hole, and you may hold me to that intention.

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I'm pretty sure that they said that complaints about plot holes would be considered off-topic; I know that there was a big debate about the story of FE7 that got out of hand due to back-and-forth bickering, but I think that some of the complaints had merit. Since it was too much vitriol for the FE7 forum, I'd venture a guess that a similar thread would have too much vitriol for the General FE forum as well.

As for dragons' gestation periods... Comment noted, and it's plausible, but I'll say no more about it.

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If I remember correctly, Rajaion still lived for a while after the end of PoR. Short as a time frame it may be, it most likely happened there.

No, Rajaion died during FE9's ending. This is more clear in the Japanese version.

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I have a complaint, where are Ike and Micaiah's children.

To busy looking for Carth/Bastilla!

If I remember correctly, Rajaion still lived for a while after the end of PoR. Short as a time frame it may be, it most likely happened there.


Most likely, the dragons carry children 20 years. Nothing else seems plausible. But again, no FE is to great of a plot.

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