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Lets play Warhammer 40k

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Lets see how far I get before I get bored and stop :P


So basically Warhammer 40k is punch of plastic figures and rolling dices. That is of course way too complicated for video game so instead we have turn based strategy game where red and blue dudes kill each other. So basically an Advance Wars rip-off. I have played this before up to mission 4 so after that this is blind playtrough btw.


So in to the game. But first things first...


This game has the most annoying tutorial screens since shadow dragon. Expect these do not leave unless they feel like it.


And as we can see provide no info what so ever


Anyway to the game itself!


If you wish to play this game, get used to this sight


Tl; dr: cause of this war is Chaos cult people vs. I liek licking Emperor's butt people having semi-religious dispute


As I said.


Considering the wast amount of overkill the weaponry our side has, I'm starting to think slaughter is more accurate term.


A) Those are sniper riffles, not bolters

B) They are scouts and thus unable to wield Chainsword


Sounds simple enough


Meet the scouts. Here you can eguip them with secondary weaponry and adjust the amount of bullets you take for them (more bullets means less action point). Basic bolters have infinite bullets as stantard to every game not named Fire Emblem

However we don't have such luxuries at the moment. Not absolutely a bad thing considering not having secondary weapon increases your action points. Still, the fact that we have no such things as the combat shot gun makes this one of the harder maps in the part of the game I have played.


I stop screenshotting these.


To the game itself shall we


System is very simple. Each unit has action points that they may use to move and/or shoot Moving uses simple ~1 meter (from the units perspective) per one point system for all units. Each gun has minium cost for shooting (basic bolter takes 4) and paying more increases your accuracy, it will not increase the damage. One should note that you may do both of these actions multiple times given you have the needed action points left. In case you end the turn with points left, your unit will enter Overwatch state. In this state unit will shoot any enemies in their range (the green area) during the enemy phase.


Opponents can and will do the same so no crazy rushing in with chainswords once you get them~ Stab the fucker to the back instead!

Anyway to the beating some asses!


I personally use this kind of simple move in and shoot tactic while leaving the units to good position for overwatch shehanigans...


Just to remember that these morons can't aim for shit unless you carefully manipulate them to do it, greatly limiting the use of overwatch.


Totally not religious war.


Once the enemies inside the building are goners reinforcements appear from the other side of the freaking screen because this game was not made for those who care of efficiency!


I suppose we are meant to hide in this builing and wait them to walk in to our overwatch barrage but I prefer using the the fact that Scout without secondary weapons = ridiculous amount of action points so we can just walk behind them and...


Use our bolter potshots shots of manliness to shoot some holes to the wall, rushing in and shooting them before they get to act. If this is what normal weaponry does to walls, just wait for plasma cannons and other goodies that are meant to make terrain rumble.


Bolters in every direction kill poor cultists quickly resulting 4 turn clear (someone go do it in 3, I know I could do it if I knew/remember the reinforcement were coming before they appeared


I feel shamed for getting brother in arms killed but it was for the greater good actually I just forgot check his health bar and for greater good is last thing marine would use to justify getting comrade killed if I know anything about 40k lore


tl, dr; My scouts just went from pansies to one shotting engines of destrucktion.

Doing Mission 2 once I care

Edited by Sho.M.the.English.Major
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It would be cool if they made a 40k game where the main characters were like Imperial Fists or something. I mean goddamn. Everyone is always Ultramarines. There's a thousand of these bastards, how the hell do they keep being included in everything?

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Which reminds me. I wish there was more Tau material. They're the army I play after all. I mean it would be badass to rank up slowly through the story, starting as a meager Shas'saal, going through boot camp to graduate as a Shas'la where you move through squad missions, then rank up and become a Crisis Suit pilot or something.

It would be impossible to implement, but it would be cool as fuck.

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Not every game uses Ultramarines. I'm 99% sure that Titus from the Third Person Shooter is an Angry Marine in disguise.

Can everyone actually see the images? I'm just getting 'Posted Image'.

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Not every game uses Ultramarines. I'm 99% sure that Titus from the Third Person Shooter is an Angry Marine in disguise.

Can everyone actually see the images? I'm just getting 'Posted Image'.

I'm not a big 40K dude so if that's a joke it sailed way over my head, but Titus is indeed an Ultramarine, though [spoiler=near endgame]other chapters show up to bail everybody out when shit goes down.

And I'm only seeing Tenbo advertising pages instead of pics meself >:

Edited by Rehab
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The Angry Marines are more of a 40k community in-joke. Blame 4Chan.

99.9% of Ultramarines are starch-arsed rule-following idiots with far too much puplicity. Angry Marines are the personification of the rage the fanbase produces about 40k, and Ultramarines are the best way to get them annoyed.

Titus, however, breaks the rules, and uses unbelievably violent Close Quater moves, another signature of the Angry Marines.

And he screams a lot. That's mentioned too.

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