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Grey haired archer character


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So it looks like the archer shown on the box art turned out to be male after all. What do you guys think of him? He looks like a Shinon-esque character judging from his appearance, but he could definitely have a completely different personality. He seems to have good growths, too (at least from what was shown in his level up)!

And I lurve how he promotes into a horseman! Does anyone know what his name is or have any other information on him?

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He seems cooler than many of the other archers in the series (at least better than the little boys/girl that we have had). I do agree that he seems like a sophisticated Shinon who isn't so much of a jerk.

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He has a cravat. He seems like the kind of badass that comes early and has the kind of growths that would make a general keel over just by looking into his eyes.

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He's definitely one of the characters I like more, planning on using him when I play the game. He and GreenCav will be an awesome cavalry team.

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If his bases are decent and he's good/usable, then I'm definitely using him. Dat cravat <3

He looks like a skinnier, more bishounen Miles Edgeworth with longer hair. I like.

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I would just die!

I hope he's not the only prepromote archer like Neimi or Rolf (FE9) were, though. There should be at least three more and maybe add a prepromoted nomad-ish character, too! Either that or a secret bow lord/lady...

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he reminds me of Innes ^^'

now thats a thought................. imagine innes and him fighting side by side!

EDIT. speaking of which . how come innes showed up in the trailer?after all he was quite minor charectter... i hope seth makes it...

Edited by marth.25
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EDIT. speaking of which . how come innes showed up in the trailer?after all he was quite minor charectter... i hope seth makes it...

Minor? Eirika, Ephraim, Seth, L'arachel, and Innes are the five most important playable characters in FE8, by far. Makes sense that he'd show up.

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Minor? Eirika, Ephraim, Seth, L'arachel, and Innes are the five most important playable characters in FE8, by far. Makes sense that he'd show up.

Innes can't even die, and consistently appears in cutscenes after he is recruited in both routes. Not to mention his importance before he joins, too.

Originally he was even meant to be a lord. Ayra is a far less important character.

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Innes can't even die, and consistently appears in cutscenes after he is recruited in both routes. Not to mention his importance before he joins, too.

In other words, precisely the defining criteria for those five.

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Innes can't even die, and consistently appears in cutscenes after he is recruited in both routes. Not to mention his importance before he joins, too.

Originally he was even meant to be a lord. Ayra is a far less important character.

I did not know that Innes couldn't die. Wow. That certainly makes his inclusion a lot more sensible (even though I was happy to see him anyway)

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Yeah he can, I remember killing him for the lulz.

Unless you mean in his joining chapter?

False. You incapacitated him. If defeated, Seth, Innes, and L'arachel withdraw from battle and become unavailable for the rest of the game but continue to appear in dialogue throughout the rest of the game as usual. Same thing with important characters in other games, like Titania and Soren in FE9/10.

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Because Innes is DLC look around some, you should update yourself on info.

...Viole is getting promoted to ranger~

i knew he was dlc. i was just saying that i was surprised that they showed him....ok guys i i jnow hes quite a major charecter now.. its just in my runthrough of ss he did not appear that plot important..

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