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Some questions

Flying Shogi

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Can you edit the promotional bonuses in FE6? If so, how?

Is there a way(without ASM) to make it so that supports are infinte, meaning that everyone will be able to support each other?

I guess if there aren't nightmare modules for the first thing, it should be somewhere in the ROM.

Second thing? No. There's only 10 bytes in RAM to keep track of the support points for each character. In other words, ASM.

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I don't actually think you could have "infinite support" as you say even with ASM without doing a major rewrite of the support system. I'm not experienced with FE6, but from my experiences there is a lot less memory than you'd think; there are what, 30-something characters? That makes for like 0x384 (900 decimal) bytes, and while I'm sure there's room for it somewhere, it's gonna be difficult to figure out where without fucking up something.

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Promotion bonuses in FE6 are easy to edit. The difference between the Tier 1 and Tier 2 classes base stats changes the bonuses.

So if a Fighter has base 3 speed and a Warrior has base 5, the bonus is +2

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Thank you guys for the answers. Now I have another question. Do enemy promoted units get promotional bonuses or do they just start with their given bases?

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Thank you guys for the answers. Now I have another question. Do enemy promoted units get promotional bonuses or do they just start with their given bases?

Unless you promote them via controlling them (dunno how you'd pull that off besides memory hacking and the Mine Glitch in FE7) or an Event (which also requires ASM hacking like Cam has been doing for FE7), then they start with their given bases for that class.

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You could also alter the AI to use promotion items. There's already a set of routines which check for HP levels and whether one has a vulnerary/elixer or not, isn't there? There's also contextual Door Keys, but that's probably a bit more... contextual to deal with, whereas the vulnerary AI could probably more easily be adapted to using promotion items at an if-level check.

Just another unlisted alternative to the above.

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