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So cool...


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I'm road-tripping to this place. I went there once a long time ago when it first opened, but all they had was a bit of generic merchandise. Now it looks like they have all these cool displays and plush toys and sfksnkrfkf. Paradise. XD

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It's pretty cool. But I'd only spend an hour or so in it (Still more then I was able to). It's pretty small unfortunately. But it does cram a lot in that space and it blew my mind. The top right of the 2nd floor is all franchise and console history and I was awed by it all.

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I'm guessing they remodeled.

At least it doesn't suck, but I'm guessing redeisgns are constant. Regardless it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen from Nintendo.

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My schools nearby, I could take the train to 47th. Omg I have to see this


Why are you not there like, every day?! JEALOUS.

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I want this so much!

The Thracia collector's edition is interesting, but pity it is like $400+ to get one now (Tharcia in general is just too expensive $120 when I got Seisen and Monshou for $10 each...)

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I want this so much!

The Thracia collector's edition is interesting, but pity it is like $400+ to get one now (Tharcia in general is just too expensive $120 when I got Seisen and Monshou for $10 each...)

That's odd. I got FE3 and FE4 for $10 each as well, but just the cartridge for FE5 (the boring cartridge) was just $70.

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That's odd. I got FE3 and FE4 for $10 each as well, but just the cartridge for FE5 (the boring cartridge) was just $70.

Well the plain white SF rewrite cartridge for Thracia is around $70 last time I checked. But the non-SF one with the pretty box and everything is upped to $120. Ergo why it is the one game I haven't bought yet.

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I went there during the Wii release party. Only thing I can remember is the "Gameboy that survived the Gulf War" and the ridiculously long line of people waiting to try the Twilight Princess demo that went from the second floor to outside the store.

Oh and a couple of game consoles hooked up for people to play while there.

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That gameboy is still there actually. As well as a Famicon and a Super Famicon.

If anyone actually goes, can you take more pictures? I didn't have the ability to take a lot of pictures of some of the other displays (I wasn't able to stay long) and there are some pretty cool things there.

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