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FE9 Draft


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I guess I'll go with Brom and Ranulf, completing my team.

And now, for some analysis.

Ike: Will be my bread and butter lategame, and provides some much-needed early force.

Titania: MVP.

Tibarn: Eh, makes Final a bit easier and doesn't afraid of anything.

Boyd: Provides muscle throughout the game; a good, reliable man.

Rhys: Gives me a LOT more flexibility early on, and may provide chip later (as if he won't be spamming staves...?)

Lethe: Acts as a second Titania for awhile. Helps a ton in the maps that start sticky in midgame.

Brom: He's going to be carrying around the Knight Ward forever, because he'll be crap otherwise.

Stefan: More Beorc footie muscle. To be honest, I probably could've waited longer to pick him, since I'm obligated to get piss for turns on Muarim's map anyhow.

Reyson: He's a god on wheels, and the primary reason why my lategame will kick all the ass.

Ulki: Beats face, rescues. Amazing dodgebot.

Ranulf: Beats face for a little while.

In other news, I'm running almost as many laguz as beorc. This is... going to be interesting, to say the least (Having only one mounted beorc may be some sort of record for an FE9 draft).

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I am picking Largo then.


Ike- He shall be my main unit for the first 9 chapters, and shall probably be my main unit for the lategame also.

Titania- Mountie 'till Kieran, with some use here and there after he promotes

Tibarn/Giffca- haven't decided on which, but both are great for the job

Kieran- Shall carry the knight ward once it is received, really awesome

Mordy- Smites things and is really powerful, is going to love the demi band

Volke- Thief duties with side of chipping 'till promotion where he becomes thief and part-time killer

Zihark- Swordmaster man which good str and great spd, shall abuse many things

Janaff- Flyer + Laguz + good stats = great unit

Rolf- Long range attacker that shall steal kills to become decent

Taubroneo- Good enough stats and good weapon ranks

Largo- apparently good stats and crit bonus seems good

Edited by Konnor97
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Bastian and his superior shoving skills.


Ike - Bulky sword lord who will run around killing everything eventually.

Titania - 1st of 3 Paladins, amazing bases, and Axes. She'll be clutch.

Oscar - 2nd Paladin. Supports Ike and Tanith, and will shave turns earlygame.

Ilyana - My prefered Mage. Will be a boon in the desert, and the Knight Ward will fix her speed.

Makalov - My 3rd Paladin, shame he's locked to swords before promotion.

Muraim - I dunno, he'll be using Smite mostly.

Tanith - My flier of choice. She'll be ferrying Ike a lot.

Haar - Another rescue bot, who isn't as OP as he is in RD.

Bastian - Master of the shove command. He's too good to see combat.

Elincia - Flying staff user, makes some rescue shenanigans possible.

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Ilyana - My prefered Mage. Will be a boon in the desert, and the Knight Ward will fix her speed.

I don't think Ilyana can use the Knight Ward, unless just having it in her inventory equals +30% spd growth.

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Lucia then.

Ike- bad start. Will kill a lot of stuff once he gets his OP sword.

Titania- God.

Jill- eventually a God on wings. Will be my MVP and will shave turns like crazy.

Tormod- siege tome user. I prefer him over Soren due to his crazy ability.

Mia- Earlygame help. Mainly for Chapter 7.

Shinon- Turnshaver in earlygame. Bench later.

Mist- Rescue staffbot.

Sothe- shaves a turn in Chapter 13 xD and it cant hurt to have a thief around.

Geoffrey- mount but comes too late. Probably wont help much if at all.

Lucia- lol.

Edited by General Haarace
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Draft Update: up to ch. 6 (at prep.)

Prologue: 4/4 Can this map be done faster?

Ike: 2.57, 20, 5, 1, 7, 8, 7, 6, 0

Ch1: 4/8 No steel sword

Ike: 3.54, 20, 6, 1, 7, 8, 7, 6, 1

Titania: -/1.32, 33, 12, 4, 13, 14, 11, 11, 7

Ch2: 10/18 Penalty: 1 Really long because of stragglers and me being frightened.

Ike: 6.33, 23, 7, 2, 9, 10, 8, 7, 2

Titania: -/1.65, 33, 12, 4, 13, 14, 11, 11, 7

Ch3: 8/26 Longer than expected, no elixir or Marcia talk.

Ike: 8.05, 25, 8, 2, 10, 11, 8, 8, 2

Titania: -/1.90, 33, 12, 4, 13, 14, 11, 11, 7

Ch4: 3/29 Penalty: 2 Ike hates dodging, even in thickets.

Ike: 9.02, 25, 9, 3, 11, 12, 9, 8, 3

Titania: -/2.50, 34, 12, 4, 13, 14, 12, 11, 7

Ch5: 6/35 I hate this map, and Ike hates dodging because that makes him seem manlier, or so he thinks.

Ike: 9.81, 25, 9, 3, 11, 12, 9, 8, 3

Titania: -/2.69, 34, 12, 4, 13, 14, 12, 11, 7

This is probably pretty slow, though I don't care for now.

Edited by Konnor97
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Just some friendly advice. You are definitely not using Titania enough. Im not trying be be a dick when i say this but your turncounts are really bad. If you dont care about winning i guess it doesnt matter, but at the rate you are going you have no chance to win.

There is a LTC/Efficiency guide in the PoR Forums by "Aku Chi" which could be extremely useful for you.

Titania should be getting most/all of your boss kills. Ike doesnt need as much exp as youre getting him because he cant promote until Chapter 18 anyway.

I hope this helps, good luck.

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@Hawk King-

I don't really care about winning too much considering this is my first playthrough on hard mode, though I do agree with what you said. I've got to try a lot harder.

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Yeah, i noticed you were new here so I figured i would help you out.

Also 4 turns in the prologue is impossible. The fastest possible clear is 5 turns...

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^ Not really.

Turn 1: Attack Boyd. EP1: He dies.

Turn 2: Stand next to Greil and use Vulnerary.

Turn 3: Attack Greil. EP3: He attacks.

Turn 4: Finish him off.

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Everyone gets 4 turns in drafts. I dont recall right now, but im pretty sure ike reaches boyd in turn 1 in HM. Maybe its different in NM idk since i havent played NM since like, 2009 when i did my almost perfect transfer run.

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Oh shit, you must be right... I'm in the middle of a "perfect" transfer run right now so that must be what im thinking of. Go figure, its my favorite FE but I play it the least...

My bad, sorry guys.

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  • 2 months later...


Completely and utterly standard.


Chapter 1:

As expected for a Boyd/Ike/Titania trio. Got the Steel Sword, the Robe, and the Iron Axe, but lost the fifth Iron Sword due to Titania being overloaded.


Chapter 2:

Took several tries, but I got the 4-turn. Had to burn an Iron Axe doing so, but c'est la vie.


Chapter 3:

Took awhile for me to figure out how to avoid a Gatrie and/or Shinon penalty, but I did it. Also, a lucky crit by Titania shaved a turn. I could barely believe it when I saw it, myself.


Chapter 4:

Luckily, Maijin decided not to move when I got Titania all up in his beeswax. If it weren't for the Cumbersome Brigade sticking around, I might have two-turned it. That said, it went decently. Ike didn't exactly get much EXP, but he finally got to eat that Robe.


Chapter 5:

Six turns of Boyd and Titties mowing people down. Nothing of note, really. Oh, Boyd ate some Wings. Yeah. Nothing much happened.


Chapter 6:

I decided to go the other way for once. It worked out rather nicely, though I did have to burn an Elixir charge.


Chapter 7:

At least I didn't eat a penalty.


Chapter 8:

Nothing but an EXP pool.


Chapter 9:

Took forever, but I shaved the sixth turn.


Chapter 10:

Lethe is a goddess.


Chapter 11:

Bull rush. Brom got a surprisingly large amount of kills, and I managed to off Mackoya.


Chapter 12:

Saved a turn by burning a Laguz Stone charge.


Chapter 13:

I don't think this could possibly be any faster. P.S.: It can't.


Chapter 14:



Chapter 15:

Having Mordecai would definitely shave a turn on this chapter.


Chapter 16:

Okay, this is just freaky. Lethe Shoved a Knight... while unshifted. Man, this game handles laguz in the most nonsensical ways.


Chapter 17:

Okay, here we go.

Stage 1:

Bull rush, mopping up everything in my path.


Stage 2:

See Stage 1.


Stage 3:



Stage 4:

Lethe and Boyd nap the Adept scroll and open the boss up, respectively, and Janaff goes in for the kill.


Edited by Shota Sigurd
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  • 2 weeks later...

New post, because Ike is a new man and this could use a bump.

Chapter 18:

Titania leads the road through the pack. Boyd stays behind; Stefan murders ravens. Can't get Resolve (iirc) here, so I'm forced to give Ike Aether. MAN, I'm going to lose turns so hard in Endgame.


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Chapter 19:

This took awhile. A misclick late on forced me to improvise, and I just so happened to get critted by Homasa on the EP before finishing him off. Eh, got the Knight Ring (which, I'd like to add, forces a penalty if you haven't drafted a hawk. Good times.)


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^ Thats why there is a special rule in all drafts that allows Reyson and 1 of the hawks to be free just for that special task.

Yes, but the hawk has to meatshield things besides the Crow King Himself to do so, which would invoke a penalty.

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