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He does cap Skill Def and Str pretty quickly. (At least in my case.) Then I just BEXP abuse him if I got some extra.

If he has his speed up there, he's a monster. I mean Nephenne's amazing, but Aran is just more fun for me. It's like, it'd be so easy to ignore him and use Nephenne instead, But it's like Aran's more of a challenge. Plus he's in Micaiah's team no matter what so I just give him all the battle exp in her chapters. With Nephenne I have to split her time (Granted Ike's team has more battle time and more EXP) between several other units. But I usually recruit Jill and Zihark onto Ike's team early on so that they'll get more EXP and give the rest of Micaiah's team a chance to shine.

Finally someone who agrees with me.

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I liked Ashnard as a final boss, I just hated the scenery of the final battle. The obvious battle in the castle?

Yeah. But sometimes Generic isn't bad. I'd rather it be in a castle then something completely ridiculous. Like a zoo or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Paladin Playthrough Review.

I’m not sure where to start in this, so I’ll just start with the first person on my list:


Skills: Daunt and Vantage.

Stats: Capped all.

Weapon: Florette

My first few playthroughs I never used Mist. If you read the beginning of this topic at all, you’ll pretty much discover that I made a stupid mistake in not doing so. So I used her this time around. I had some problems with her STR and DEF, but eventually with the combination of BEXP and some lovin, she turned out to be a good unit. As good as she is though, her STR is sorta lackluster. So I never really had her to be used as a front soldier, but that’s not really her purpose. She can do some damage to an enemy, but she’s much better suited for staves. Elincia is a little better of a choice if you want to have a unit who can kill. The most prominent thing is: Amiti>Florette.

Mist of course is not a bad unit by any means. She’s a tag fragile if she does get hit, but she isn’t the sort of unit that’s meant to be on the front lines. I give her a 9/10. She’s definitely good. But I think Elincia accomplishes her purpose and more. The only substantial advantage is that Mist is not instant deathed by Bows.


Skills: Imbune and Miracle.

Stats: Capped all.

Weapon: Brave Axe.

Titania and Oscar are really the ones that inspired me to do this runthrough in the first place. I always used them, but never really took them to the endgame. Eventually I even stopped using them. However, Titania is a good unit. On a whole, the paladin class isn’t very exceptional in anything. But she’s not a bad unit at all. She’s certainly endgame worthy, but she doesn’t excel in any area. She gave me the least trouble/worry about her capping all her stats. She capped everything by level 19.

I give Titania 8/10. She’s not bad, but she isn’t really epic either. Boyd and Aran are much more entertaining to use IMO.


Skills: Cancel & Vantage

Stats: Capped all but Skill. Skill is at 32

Weapon: Forged Lance. (Pike2. It’s called that cause at the beginning of the game I made an iron lance named Pike. So I made a Silver lance remix.)

Fiona made me worry the most. She was the last one to reach 20/20/20. She starts out under leveled and seems to almost refuse to gain stats in anything other than speed and resistance. And while speed is the most important stat IMO, if you can’t harm anything, it doesn’t matter how fast you are. Eventually, around part 4 sometime, I didn’t have to baby Fiona anymore. Although, that was after giving her paragon, a few stat boosting items, and BEXP abuse. She isn’t a bad unit, but she takes a lot of work to raise for a unit that turns out to be no better then someone like Astrid. But like all the other paladins, she doesn’t turn out bad in the end, just mediocre. She might’ve turned out better as a Bow Knight or whatever it’s called.

I give her a 6/10. She’s not bad. But she takes a lot of work for someone who doesn’t turn out to be so great.


Skills: Nullify

Stats: Capped all.

Weapon: Double Bow.

I already did a review on Astrid and Makalov. So I won’t make this too extensive. After playing through with her again, she managed to cap all her stats this time. She even managed to do so by level 15. The blossom & Paragon combo is VERY useful. This gives her a sort of unfair advantage.

Again, since I already did a review on her, I’ll keep this brief. I give her a 9/10. The double bow feels to me like it was made for a Sniper class, (With the fact that you can shoot from 1-3. Which is pretty cool IMO.) But Astrid does a very good job with it.


Skills: Miracle & adept

Stats: Capped all

Weapon: Vague Katti

My opinion of him hasn’t really changed. He’s just mediocrity in an ugly form. He’s good enough to use but not good enough to idol. IMO


Skills: Nihil

Stats: Capped all

Weapon: Urvan

On a personal note, Kieran is the kind of character you can’t help but hate, but can’t help but love at the same time. As annoying and stupid as he seems, he’s quite entertaining and noble. Enough of the personal crap though, as a unit I found him to be a saving grace at points. He has good STR, DEF and good enough speed to take out a decent number of enemies. He was probably my candidate for my MVP for most levels. I enjoyed using him. Which is something to be respected IMO.

There’s not much more I can say about him. Like with any unit, he isn’t perfect, but he’s one of the few paladins that I think can stand out. He’s not epic, but he’s the paladin that comes closest to epicness IMO. With Astrid close behind. 9/10


Skills: Nullify

Stats: Capped all

Weapon: Wishblade

I’m starting to run out of things to say. Like with the other paladins, he’s mediocre but good enough to use. As far as getting stats, I’d say he’s just a step below Titania. On a personal level, Oscar’s support of: “Where did these guys go to school? The academy of bloodthirsty manslaughter?” just sorta ruined the relationship between me and Oscar. As a unit, I’d say he’s about as good as Titiania, except she outclasses him, simple because of the weapon triangle.

I give him a 7/10. Certainly worth using if you like him. But There are others to be used.


Skills: Pravise

Stats: Capped all but Magic(14) and Luck (27)

Weapon: Brave Lance

I hate Geoffrey’s personality. But as a unit he’s okay. I feel like he’s the standard paladin. Like he’s the one they had for base capped stats, but then they altered around with them to come up with capped stats for everyone else. Anyway, Paragon certainly is useful. And once you get him back, if you kept Paragon on him, you can do the paragon blossom tactic. I don’t recommend it though if you intend to use Astrid as well, Geoffrey does fine without the combo. I did give him back Paragon for the Izuka level. And he wound up going from level 4 to level 20. All in that one chapter.

Again, he’s the standard. If you look at it. Oscar and Geoffrey end up exactly the same. So I give him a 7/10 as well. Maybe 6.5/10 for low availability.


Skills: Cancel&Vantage

Stats: Capped all

Weapon: Alondite.

I had to use a lot of stat boosters and BEXP to get him to cap everything. But that’s cause he showed up at such a high level. I’ve always wanted to use Renning, and after once, I think it’s enough. When it comes down to it, I like him better than Makalov. Renning seems to be able to handle himself better. There isn’t much more I can say about him. As far as paladin’s go, I say he’s pretty good. But he has a crappy availability.

I give him a 7/10. I like his armor and horse. (Better then pink and orange. <_<)

All in all, here’s my rankings of the paladins. (Mist included.)










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Kieran was really that good? Hm. I just find his low speed cap to be too much of a hindrance. But that's just me. I approve of your list, except for Fiona's placement.

Hm. Perhaps I was a little harsh on Fiona. But still, someone's got to be the bad egg. If Fiona wasn't so bad to start with, by the endgame I would have given her a better placement. At the very least better then Makalov.

As for Kieran, I might be hyping him up too much as well. He's certainly worth using even if his speed isn't the best. Thinking it over I'd say that Astrid and him are about equal but in different ways. Astrid has speed and res/magic. Kieran has STR and DEF.

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Hm. Perhaps I was a little harsh on Fiona. But still, someone's got to be the bad egg. If Fiona wasn't so bad to start with, by the endgame I would have given her a better placement. At the very least better then Makalov.

As for Kieran, I might be hyping him up too much as well. He's certainly worth using even if his speed isn't the best. Thinking it over I'd say that Astrid and him are about equal but in different ways. Astrid has speed and res/magic. Kieran has STR and DEF.

Yeah, Fiona sucks hard to start. I just thought you were basing them off of endgame performance, so I didn't see how Geoffrey could be better than Fiona. But, except for Astrid and Mist, I'm not a huge fan of the horses at all, and you gave them good ratings, so I'm cool.

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Yeah, Fiona sucks hard to start. I just thought you were basing them off of endgame performance, so I didn't see how Geoffrey could be better than Fiona. But, except for Astrid and Mist, I'm not a huge fan of the horses at all, and you gave them good ratings, so I'm cool.

As we've said in other topics, in RD there really is no such thing as a bad unit. Cept Gareth.

And as for the way I review stuff, just like how we'd say a Jiegan is good because they kick ass in the beginning but they blow chuncks in the end, I try not to do the opposite and say that a unit is kickass even though they suck at the beginning but are kickass at the end.

And I think I'm gonna go straight into my swordmaster/theif playthrough. I'm sorta excited to take Lucia, Heather, Zihark and even .....*says with loathesome voice.* Edward, to the endgame.

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As we've said in other topics, in RD there really is no such thing as a bad unit. Cept Gareth.

And as for the way I review stuff, just like how we'd say a Jiegan is good because they kick ass in the beginning but they blow chuncks in the end, I try not to do the opposite and say that a unit is kickass even though they suck at the beginning but are kickass at the end.

And I think I'm gonna go straight into my swordmaster/theif playthrough. I'm sorta excited to take Lucia, Heather, Zihark and even .....*says with loathesome voice.* Edward, to the endgame.

And Lyre.

I completely agree. It's just that that's what I thought you were doing. It was my mistake.

For some strange reason, it seemed like Heather did better than Sothe in endgame for me.....

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And Lyre.

I completely agree. It's just that that's what I thought you were doing. It was my mistake.

For some strange reason, it seemed like Heather did better than Sothe in endgame for me.....

I don't find Lyre too bad. But at least you don't have to bring her to the endgame. I mean, you don't have to use Gareth either, but you get a daunt scroll from Lyre. She may not be great or even useable, but at least she's bearable on a character level.

And I think I'm gonna come to that conclusion about Heather as well.

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I don't find Lyre too bad. But at least you don't have to bring her to the endgame. I mean, you don't have to use Gareth either, but you get a daunt scroll from Lyre. She may not be great or even useable, but at least she's bearable on a character level.

And I think I'm gonna come to that conclusion about Heather as well.

I suppose Daunt would be her one redeeming quality.

I don't get it either. Their caps are too similar to really make a difference on a statistical level.

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I suppose Daunt would be her one redeeming quality.

I don't get it either. Their caps are too similar to really make a difference on a statistical level.

Well she's not forced, so I guess there's something to being able to choose to use her. And I haven't used her too much, but she seems to activate bane more often then Sothe does.

I'll find out next playthrough.

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So, on my current runthrough. I decided to keep Zihark on the dawn bregade(sp fail) and if I didn't love Zihark before, I do now.

He managed to kill Ike.

Which is awesome.

He was a level 7 Trueblade, and Ike was maxed out in all his stats cept Luck, Res, and Magic. But none of that really matters when facing a trueblade. Zihark activated Astra, cancel, adept and got a critical. Killed Ike. Which can't be described in words how awesome that is IMO.

On a side note, Edward killed Soren and Ranulf. There was something extremley satisfying about seeing Soren get hacked in two by a sword. Even if it was that loser Edward.

As of right now, all the units are good so far. Edward is lagging a bit behind, but that just might be my personal hatred for him talking.

More details to come. Inquire if you wish.

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So, on my current runthrough. I decided to keep He was a level 7 Trueblade, and Ike was maxed out in all his stats cept Luck, Res, and Magic. But none of that really matters when facing a trueblade. Zihark activated Astra, cancel, adept and got a critical. Killed Ike. Which can't be described in words how awesome that is IMO.

Zihark indeed is a great unit, but I would never expect him to take out Ike like that. Sounds amazing!

Edited by xanatha
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Zihark indeed is a great unit, but I would never expect him to take out Ike like that. Sounds amazing!

It was. I almost restarted just so I could see it happen again. But I battle saved after I killed Soren. So I didn't.


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