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I'm using Stefan this playthrough and I rather like him. He starts out a tad on the weak side, but his strength gains are pretty good. At level 13, he pretty much capped everything but luck and resistance.

For the record, Renning isn't half-bad either. He caps strength, skill, and HP. Not bad for a guy who joins at level 16.

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Stats: Capped all except mag at 7 and res at 22

Skills: Wrath, Resolve, Daunt

Support: Heather

Weapon: Caladbolg

I've always had something against Edward. I think it started out cause when I first played RD I couldn't wait to see some of my old favorites like Stefan or Mia or Zihark. And then this Noob swordmaster comes along and tried to take thier place. So maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, getting to how he's doing, he's got great strength, but like with a lot of people, he has an affinity for getting hit. I've had occasions when the enemy had a 34 hit rate. And three people in a row would have that hit rate and Edward would still get hit. For good points he has great strength. And fairly good defense. As far as swordmasters go he has average speed and skill, but not enough to be a deal breaker. The only thing that's really a problem is his bad luck. Which is probably what allows him to be hit all the time. To counter that, I gave him Resolve. So with a combination of that and wrath, Edward turns out to be pretty deadly. Of course eventually he gets good enough that he won’t get hurt enough for the combo to activate. So it won’t be of much use. His only real drawback stat wise is his resistance, which with a little work, could probably be fixed.

Overall this has been my longest rant on any character. And though I hate him, I’ll have to give Edward a 7/10. He takes a lot of work to level up, but he’s not bad. However, Stefan and Zihark have the advantage of being in Por.


Stats: Capped everything

Skills: Vantage, adept, and parity.

Support: Ike

Weapon: Alondite

There are several skills that work almost naturally on a swordmaster. Adept, vantage, and cancel. Pretty much any swordmaster can use any of those skills extremely well. Mia has the advantage of coming with one at no real cost. Vantage. So that gives her a boost. When you first get her, she lags a little behind due to poor weaponry, but not so much that she would end up being a liability. One Mia gets good, she stays good. A lot of people would argue that she is the best swordmaster in the game. And I’d agree. She is the best swordmaster. Her growths are well placed, and you probably don’t even need BEXP abuse to get her to cap all her stats. If I had to complain about something, it would be that her str and def cap are a little low, but when she has such high speed, def isn’t so much an issue, and str can be fixed with Alondite or Vague Katti. There’s not much more I can say about her. Most people who play the game have used her before. And even if you don’t think she’s the best unit, she’s undisputably endgame worthy.

I give her a 9.5/10. I’d give her a 10, but I’d rather not end up giving that many units a 10.


Stats: Capped all except Luck (29) and magic (18)

Skills: Adept, Cancel

Support: Volke

Weapon: Vague Katti.

Let’s establish something first. Each of the swordmasters come with some sort of unique skill. Except for Stefan. Lucia has parity, Mia has vantage, Zihark has adept, and Edward has wrath. Unfortunately, Stefan has no unique skill for his own. But, to redeem himself, he comes with Vague katti, which is an alternate SS sword to Alondite. Technically the blade has a greater might, but it doesn’t have the ranged effects. But this isn’t about Vague Katti, this is about Stefan. Now, I loved Stefan in RD. Which is a reason why I was bummed when I found out how late he joined. But when I did get him I was thrilled. With the boost I have from RD, he came to me at level 8 very advanced in stats. He had capped his HP and speed already, and his skill was at 39. (Or something like that, I don’t remember for sure, but it was something like that.) So the boost from RD gives him an advantage over Edward. But, since he does join so late, he gets very little screentime and thus while he’s good, he isn’t around to help you too much. And he doesn’t have his own set skill in place like other swordmasters, and you can just give Vague Katti to any sword user. So I came up with the theory that Stefan is your last shot at a swordmaster. If you ignored Zihark, Mia, and Edward, and you just forgot about Lucia, but you would still want to use a swordmaster, Stefan is there to take over. And he does a very good job.

So I give Stefan an 8/10. Low availability kills him, but with Vague Katti, decent stats, and sexy looks, he deserves credit.


Stats: Capped all except Magic (8)

Skills: Stillness, Gamble, Celerity.

Support: Stefan

Weapon: Baselard.

There are two ways for me to start this review. So I’m gonna start it this way first, then go back and redo it. First off, the idea of Stefan and Volke supporting together, is......well it was enough for me to nearly turn into a Yaoi fan-boy. Yes I went there.

Now let me start again, and less gay.

Volke is the only assassin in the game. So it’s hard to compare him to anyone to see how he does in relation to others. I can’t even begin to compare him to Heather and Sothe, because he’s of an entirely different class from them. Literally. First off, let me just say, that Volke is the only one I’ve found that using gamble on is worthwhile. Some swordmasters can pull it off, but Volke has it down. Using gamble, Baselard, and Volke’s natural abilities, I was able to pull of a 100% critical rate and a 100% hit rate, with gamble. Sometimes his hit rate would be lower (depending on the enemy unit and granted in the 60's the lowest.) But he still managed to either pull a critical, or lethality on everyone. (Cept for obvious bosses.) I can almost consider Volke to be another Lord. Like Sanaki, or Elincia. He’s the only one of his class, so it makes sense. Plus, his personality is awesome. (On a personal note, it also makes me feel like I’m playing with Fireman in the game. :lol: )Sometimes Volke can get RNG screwed, but if you get him up in a couple of stats on the Izuka level, then BEXP abuse him, he’ll turn out great.

I give Volke a 9.5/10. He’s pretty much a Swordmaster except way more deadly. He only loses the 10 because of his low availability. Other than that, he’s an amazing unit. He also loses out, because of a certain forced wanna be assassin that will be mentioned later on.


Stats: Capped all

Skills: Fortune, Miracle.

Support: Boyd

Weapon: Tempest Blade.

I already did a review on Mist, and I’ll go into more detail when I get to Elincia (will be explained there.), but I just want to say that Florette isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Tempest blade is a much better choice for her.

Whatever I said about Mist before, I’ll trust my past self to have said what was needed to say.


Stats: Capped all

Skills: Pass, Wrath, Vantage.

Support: Edward

Weapon: Stiletto.

Well I figured she should have the Stiletto, since she’s the only one who would wear the shoes. (Unless Sothe has a side to him we don’t know about :o ) The way I raised Heather was pretty broken. There was one point where I just kept using her and by the time I got to the chapter where Elincia’s team and Ike’s team join, Heather was around level 17 of a whisperer. She was pretty much an artificial Jeigan. It didn’t hurt me too bad. As for stats, she only really lacked in defense, which I managed to fix with a quick defense stat booster thing. (Whatever it’s called.) I’ll get into more detail on the Whisper class itself, when I get to Sothe, but on a personal level I like Heather better. For one, you have control over when she promotes. Which gives her an advantage. BUT, Sothe is forced, and the two of them have the same caps. Sothe also has the Por advantage. But I’ve used Pass way more than guard. In fact, the only time guard has ever activated for me at all, is when I attack Micaiah in the river crossing chapter with Harr. Then Harr bashes Sothe’s head in with whatever type of Axe he’s wielding at the moment. And Pass is really useful for the whole stealing aspect. Heather is more of a thief than Sothe. Sothe is like I said earlier in the Volke review, a wanna be theif.

Anyway, I give Heather a 6/10. She’s really not too bad. But Sothe being forced, and the classes own limitations hurt her severely. Pass is a nice little tool for her though.


Stats: This is the first time I’ve ever managed it in RD, but she capped them all.

Skills: Nihil, renewal, miracle.

Support: Lucia

Weapon: Amiti.

Well, she managed to cap all her stats, but it took a helluva lot of stat boosters. I mean, I had em. I may as well have used them on her. Now, it may not be fair, but I’m going to compare Elincia to Mist. While I was using the both of them, it pretty much occurred to me that Elincia is really a valkyrie in disguise. Sure she tries to hide it with a different class name and a pegasus, but let’s get right down to it: She’s a valkyrie. Now the difference between Elincia and Mist is this: If you want a unit to major in staves, but still be able to hurt something in a pinch, Mist is your girl. But, if you want someone who can kill anything, and can use staves, but you won’t use them too much: Elincia is your choice. Let’s take a moment to examine her sword. Amiti. It can never break, it acts like a brave sword. And you get it in the second chapter Elincia is available. Personally I think Amiti should be useable by Renning as well, (it makes sense.....) But even with it only being used by Elincia, it’s, in my opinion, the best sword in the game. Which gives Elincia another boost. She also comes with Renewal, and even mercy if you want to give another unit (*CoughPelleasCough.*) a chance to kill something. She doesn’t really need too many skills to add to her, she’s awesome enough. So I give her Nihil and Miracle since the latter fits and Nihil gets rid of the aurora effect from the main bitch. Among other things of course. Elincia’s only weakness would be Bowguns. She doesn’t even have too much trouble with bows, but when guys come up to her with bowguns.....it’s just better to leave her away from them.

I give Elincia (And I’ll try not to do this too often.) A 10/10. She’s pretty much a Laguz king except a beorc. Personally, I think she should be forced, not Sanaki, and she should have an ending with Ike. Her only drawback is bows, and the fact that she has a hard time capping many things. But even if she doesn’t cap, she’s still extremely good.


Stats: Capped all.

Skills: Adept, Cancel, Resolve

Support: Illyana

Weapon: Brave Sword.

Like I’ve said in other reviews of the swordmasters, Zihark comes with his own skill. And it’s probably the best skill a swordmaster can have. And since you don’t need to worry about it taking up skill points, you can add more fun and cool stuff to Zihark. Like Resolve, or wrath, or celerity, renewal, Imbune, etc etc etc. Now, a lot of the problems with Zihark that people mention are that he comes in under-stated, and over-leveled. Let me respond to that by saying that that’s a bad reason to not use Zihark. He’s really not that under-stated if you have the boost from Por. The only problem I see Zihark having is with his HP. I managed to fix it this time with a seraph robe, and he managed to cap everything. Of the male swordmasters, I’d have to say he’s probably the best. He has amazing availability, and he trumps Edward when he comes in to play. Overall, I’m gonna put my listings for swordmasters here: Mia=Zihark>>Stefan>>Lucia=Edward.

I give Zihark a 9.5/10. I give him the Lyle Dayek seal of approval. Though I’ll always use Stefan for personal preference, I love Zihark as well, and Zihark is technically the better unit.


Stats: Capped all

Skills: Parity, vantage, Imbune

Support: Elincia

Weapon: Killing edge.

As you can see, I was running out of ideas for swords. I probably should have just given her the tempest blade, but oh well. Next time. The biggest issue with Lucia is her shitty availability. Though, on easy mode, you can probably get her to a decent level by soloing her on the one chapter in part 2 that she’s in. When she does come back in part 4 you probably have to BEXP abuse her to a trueblade status if you want her to be of some use. Her major stat flaw is strength, but her biggest problem is that RNG seems to hate her. In the chapter with the transsexual (Valtome for you people who may take offense to that statement) I leveled her up 5 whole levels with her gaining only 2 stat points at most in each level up. So I restarted the whole level and had to battle save abuse a couple of times. Thanks to battle save abuse, she managed to cap Res and mag very quickly, and by level 10 she capped speed, skill and hp. Which left only Luck, Str, and Def. So.....can we say BEXP abuse? I BEXP abused her until she capped luck, one level later she capped str, and def she only needed 3 more stats in and she was at level 16. So I had no problem with her from then on.

So I give Lucia a 7/10. She’s got crappy availability, and she’s RNG cursed, but Por helps her if you used her there, and her support and Bond with Elincia helps her with criticals. I’d say she’s as useful as Edward. She takes as much work to level up as he does.


Stats: Capped all

Skills: Guard, Counter, Imbune

Support: Micaiah.

Finally.....The whole reason I did this runthrough was so I could call out Sothe as the little bitch that he is. This will also continue on with the rant about the whisperer class. First off, whisperers have a terrible STR cap. And even with the support from Micaiah and Baselard, Sothe still can’t kill anything. The only way I found for him to be useful is with adept, which he doesn’t activate nearly enough, and in a swordmaster playthrough, adept will be going on the swordmasters. Now, I made Sothe artificially good in the dragon chapter by giving him Dragonfoe, but that’s the skill itself that’s getting the kills. Not Sothe. Now, before I forget, let’s talk about the special skill that the whisperers get: Bane. I can’t stand Bane. For one, it doesn’t activate nearly enough, and when it does, it’s usually the second attack, so Sothe STILL can’t kill the damn enemy unit. Another reason to why I hate Sothe is because he’s forced. Meaning you HAVE to put up with his uselessness. I even examined the dialogue that he has in the endgame, and the only point in which he may be essential to the story is when Micaiah and Sothe tear the blood pact. Which he could easily be replaced with Ike. On a good note for him, when the game starts he’s pretty useful, but to make the best of him and not have him a BEXP hog, I’d de-equip him and just have him steal shit. He can still do it, but he’s limited by the fact he doesn’t have pass. And guard is just a load of bull.

So, I give Sothe 5/10. Here’s the way I see it:

Volke: The murdering psycho that will kill anything if you give him a decent amount of money.

Heather: The sneaky thief that will severely wound you if you get in her way, and she’ll still go right past you.

Sothe: Trying desperately to be the psycho murderer, but is limited by the fact that he’s still just a sneaky thief. (And a bad one at that.)


Stats: Capped all but magic (14)

Skills: Nihil, miracle

Support: Mia.

We like Ike. (Cept the hurricane.) I’m probably just going to mention Ike here, since everyone who’s touched the game knows how good Ike can be. One thing that I will add though, would be that Ike is pretty killer with Urvan. (I gave it to him this time since I didn’t have any axe users and I wanted to try it on him. Lol.) Ike starts out a little lagging in the speed department, but with a boost from Por, and a little love and tender care (aka BEXP abuse.) Ike will turn out like Sampson. With his hair of course.

Ike: 10/10 Because you have to use him, and he can never die. XD

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And for my next playthrough:

Well I'm not sure. I'm thinking of doing a flying units which would include:













Which is, of course, too many units. Since I already did a review on Elincia, I can take her out, but she's not someone I would want to. As for the second person, I might just take the easy route out and ditch Nealuchi. And I've already done a review on Ulki, so I'll take him out. As for the Heron, I'm gonna take Leanee again for the support with Naesala.











^So that's the final list I'll do. (I'm gonna have a lot of trouble with bows. Thank God for Harr and Jill.)

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And for my next playthrough:

Well I'm not sure. I'm thinking of doing a flying units which would include:

I'm in the final endgame with my flying playthrough. It was much funnier than I thought! I might even do it again.

Edited by xanatha
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I'm in the final endgame with my flying playthrough. It was much funnier than I thought! I might even do it again.

Which units are you using? Like I'm taking Ulki and Nealuchi out. Which ones did you decide on taking out?

Also, this'll be like the first time I've ever used the triangle attack.

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For another playthrough, I think I'm gonna do a spears and bows runthrough.





Devdan/Danved/Etc Etc Etc




However with that I'm missing two people. Hm. I'll use Nailah as my laguz king. Rafiel as me heron, and I need one more....

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Which units are you using? Like I'm taking Ulki and Nealuchi out. Which ones did you decide on taking out?

Also, this'll be like the first time I've ever used the triangle attack.

I think I have quite the good system:

.......Unit - Supports

...Tibarn - Reyson

..Reyson - Tibarn

....Janaff - Ulki

.......Ulki - Janaff

...Elincia - Marcia

...Marcia - Elincia

...Sigrun - Tanith

....Tanith - Sigrun

......Haar - Jill

.........Jill - Haar

I had started a support relation between Naesala and Leanne, but since I brought Reyson...

I haven't used a triangle attack either, but I'll do it this time.

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Lyle,for your spears and bows PT I noticed something.Why aren't you using the silver knights?All they use are spears and bows too.

Oh yeah. I was thinking about that actually.

Well for one, I used them in my paladin playthrough. So I don't really need to do a review on them.

For 2, It's REALLY hard to raise Fiona and Geoffrey. Not so much Geoffrey, but I don't really like him. lol. And I've already used Astrid twice, so I want review other characters.

But I could use Oscar. And Maybe Boyd if I give him a bowgun to main with. (Thus I can do the three brother's tri-attack.)

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Oh yeah. I was thinking about that actually.

But I could use Oscar. And Maybe Boyd if I give him a bowgun to main with. (Thus I can do the three brother's tri-attack.)

If you are to use Boyd, why don't you count Nolan as well?

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If you are to use Boyd, why don't you count Nolan as well?

Hm. Good point. But that would probably push the limit over for the amount of charatcers. I'll have to see how things turn out.

Anyway, right now I'm doing a fliers runthrough. So I won't have to worry about Bows and spears for a whole other runthrough.

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Hm. Good point. But that would probably push the limit over for the amount of charatcers. I'll have to see how things turn out.

Anyway, right now I'm doing a fliers runthrough. So I won't have to worry about Bows and spears for a whole other runthrough.

Sorry, I didn't notice that.

Well, good luck with your current playthrough!

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So I'm doing my fliers playthrough, and the first level I get Vika, I boss abuse untransformed and manage to get her to level 20 with SS strike.

She's really good. She's almost capped speed, res and skill, has capped magic. And she has great growths. Not one level she's gotten has had less than 4 stats go up.

I gave her paragon for the level after and right now she's at level 22. For a laguz, she's pretty kickass.

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Vika has the best overall growth rate in the entire game. The combined percentages of her stat gains add up to 4 per level. That's tied with Micaiah and is slightly better than Edward, Nolan, and Leonardo's 3.8 apiece. (Nolan might be 3.9, I forget.)

In fact, the entire Dawn Brigade has probably the best overall growth rates compared to other units. The problem some of them have is that they've got ridiculously low gains in some areas (notably speed for Mic, Aran, and Leo) so they still have a pretty big risk of getting screwed over. Still, without bonus experience level ups, they all end up with arguably the best stats in the game at 20/20.

(BTW, how many turns did you take on that map? 6 levels is no joke.)

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Lol. Yeah, it took me about 50 turns. Vika did about 4 damage per hit, and the boss recovered 3 hp per turn because he was on a healing square. Plus he had a vulnerary, which ended up being used up. I did have Jill knock him for some damage to at some points. But I always manage to get Jill to a high level, and I never really tried Vika, so I focused on her for the levels she's available. Especially considering I can't touch her till part 4, at which point I might have to rely on paragon and BEXP to get her to level 40. But considering her growths and how close she is to capping several stats, I'm not worried. Luck and HP seem to be her only problem areas, and luck wouldn't drag her down too much if she's good in every other area, and I might be wrong about her HP cause I don't know her cap off-hand.

And yeah, usually my biggest problem with Leo and Micaiah is speed. Aran too, but his speed problem is really really easy to fix with some BEXP abuse.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Stats: Capped all

Skills: Parity, Resolve

Weapon: Urvan

Support: Harr

When I first played Por, Jill was pretty much my saving grace. She was the one who got me out of all those sticky situations, and she could fly around like crazy and impale people with her spear. I was kinda saddened to see that she mained with axes in RD, even though it probably turned out for the better. But still, I didn’t have anyone to use Wishblade, and it would have been perfect if I gave her it and gave Harr Urvan. But alas, I could not. Anyway, there’s a specific reason to why I give Jill Urvan. We killed her father, so it just seems right to me that we give her our father’s weapon. Anyway, onto statistics. Jill starts out fairly low leveled (when compared to Zihark or Tauroneo), but not so much that she’s a burden at any point (when compared to the other DB members.) Though I’m still not sure what skills would be best for her. I think Adept and Vantage would make the best combo for her, but I stuck her with a parity and resolve. She never has any trouble with stats, and for me, she’s usually the first person to cap everything. Jill is just as valuable to me in RD as she was in Por. And, she’s REALLY hot now. The only areas she has a little trouble in is STR and DEF. But she makes up for it in speed, and will quickly recover in those areas. And she has great availability. One of the best in the game.

So I give Jill 9.5/10. An all around great unit, and she never seems to turn out crappy, if she even doesn’t cap anything. I’d give her a 10, but I don’t want to make a 10 lose it’s value.


Stats: Capped All.

Skills: Nullify, cancel

Weapon: Brave Axe

Support: Jill

Harr is another character that I had a close attachment to in Por. However, I think he’s much better in RD. He still has a slight speed deficiency, even when capped, but it’s not so bad that it’s a deal breaker. He still has good enough speed throughout the entire game. In Part 2 Endgame, I find Harr to be essential. If you don’t use Harr there, you may as well stab yourself. Nothing in that level can harm him save thunder mages, and most of the time he dodges them, or you can spare a turn with Elincia to heal him. Harr also has great availability, and he starts out at a high level, with great stats. Harr is always on my endgame team (as is Jill) when I’m not doing a themed run. There’s not much more I can say about him other than: He’s Awesome.

I give Harr 9.5/10 He’s a Tank. What more could you want?


Stats: Capped All

Skills: Malestrom, Nihil

Weapon: SS level Beak

Support: Leanee

As far as Laguz kings go, Naesala is my favorite, with Caineghis not far behind. Naesala’s personality is too cool to not like. It’s hard to get a laguz king to cap every stat, but I managed to do it after paragon, BEXP, and a few stat boosters. But Naesala’s psycho speed gives him an edge over the other Kings. And Formshift gives him another boost over the other Laguz. Which sorta makes him broken.

So I give Naesala 10/10. He’s unstoppable really. The only thing that can harm him is bows, and he dodges them more than enough.


Stats: Capped All cept magic: 3

Skills: Nihil, Fortune

Weapon: SS Level Beak

Support: Marcia

Again, Tibarn is a laguz king. So it’s not like he’s bad. He’s got better STR than Naesala, and better skill, but Naesala isn’t missing anything anyway. He comes with his beak at SS level, which gives him a slight boost over Naesala, but I’d say the two are on equal ground when it comes down to it. Who really cares about magic on these two anyway? Unless you give them Imbune. Which I wouldn’t recommend.

So once again I give Tibarn a 10/10. He’s a King for a reason.


Stats: Capped All

Skills: Parity, Imbune

Weapon: Brave Sword

Support: Sigrun

I did a review on Tanith before, but it was kinda sloppy and I sorta have a new format, so I’ll just redo it. Again, Tanith is one of my favorite units. And my opinion on her hasn’t changed. In Por, she did suck. But now she’s (IMO) the best pegasus rider. (I count Elincia as a valkyrie) There seems to be a running theme in RD that when there are three units of a class, they have one unit that does well in Magic, Res, another that does well in STR and DEF, and another that takes a middle ground, which is usually the best one. Tanith is the STR and DEF one of the pegasus riders, and I feel she’s the best. She has good enough growths in the other areas to make up for the fact that she excels in STR and Def. This actually helps with bows and bowguns. And she has good enough speed to avoid what she can’t endure. She always caps everything for me, and I have no problems with her at all.

I give her a 9/10. Like I did before. She comes at a decent level (with better stats than Sigrun as well...) And she will kill anything, and survive as well.


Stats: Capped all except STR(30) and Luck (30)

Skills: Imbune, Vantage

Weapon: Brave Lance

Support: Tibarn

Like I said before, Marcia is the one who takes the middle ground. I can’t speak for others, but my experience didn’t go so well with her. It’s not like she was a terrible unit, but she seemed to have the same problem Edward did, in that: She got hit too often by people with less than 40% hit rates. And being that most of these people were bow users, we had a problem her and I. Even if she survived the onslaught of arrows, (which she usually didn’t.) There would of course be one general who actually had a decent hit rate, and would do about 7 damage, and would finish her off. She’s probably one of the better units (or at least more likeable) in Geoffrey’s team, and she’s worth using. But I’m not sure if she’s endgame worthy. She’s not a terrible unit. But the fact that she didn’t cap STR sorta worried me.

So I give her an 7/10. She’s good to use, but she’s RNG cursed when staring down bows and bowguns.


Stats: Capped All

Skills: Daunt, adept

Weapon: Wishblade

Support: Tanith

Sigrun starts out really undernourished for the level she’s at. I had to use a bunch of stat boosters (particularly speedwings.) To get her to cap everything. Like I said before, she’s the unit that specializes in magic and res. So mages are really no problem. However, like with the other units, bowguns and bows are their worst friend. All in all, I liked Sigrun a little better than Marcia towards the end, because she dodged the bows, but she did start out very low. And she doesn’t get the boost from Por.

All in all, I’d say that pegasus riders are okay, but they really can’t compare to wyvern riders. Especially the two wyvern riders that are playable.

But back to Sigrun: I give her a 6/10 Bows hurt her, Stats hurt her, and she doesn’t get the boost from Por. She’s not the worst unit ever though.


Stats: Capped all except HP (59)

Skills: Adept, Shriek, Vantage, Tear

Weapon: SS level Beak

Support: Sanaki

Thanks to Vika, I learned the best way to train a laguz. First, you find a sturdy enemy(usually a boss) that you will most likely have your laguz dodge, or survive(then have a healer on standby) then place that laguz in human-like mode. Have that unit attack you repetitively. Even if the laguz does no damage to that unit, keep at it. Because as their weapon level get’s stronger, they do more damage. And then once they can do like 2 or 3 damage per attack, they start gaining more exp. That’s pretty much what I did with Vika. She’s a laguz, so it’s near impossible for her to turn out amazing, but she did manage to cap all but HP, and with some laguz gems, stones, and olivi juice or whatever, you can keep them transformed and they will do plenty of damage. I don’t recommend using wildheart, and you should remove it from Volug as soon as possible. Anyway, Vika turns out great. The combination of Vantage, adept, and Tear turned out to be more useful then I could imagine. And Shreik was a nice touch and it didn’t cost anything. On a bad note however, she has low availability. Which is pretty obvious. Though with enough care during part 1, and some patience in Part 4, she still turns out fine.

I didn’t talk too much about Vika here, but I give her 8/10 losing a point just for being a dreaded SUB-HUMAN! Lol. She’s worth using at least once. If you use her the right way.


Stats: Capped All

Skills: Shreik, Tear

Weapon: SS level Beak

Support: Ulki

Janaff starts out at a high level, and with the boost from Por, he’s pretty good. One level later he can use a satori sign and get Tear. He caps stats pretty quickly and I used the same method to level him up as I did Vika. Though it was a little harder to find a boss who would just stay put and attack him. Septimus did a pretty good job with that. I recommend him. I’ll get into more details about comparing and contrasting him with Ulki in Ulki’s review, but for a laguz, he’s a good unit. Though it was harder to get him to SS level beak then it was for Vika.

I give him a 7/10. Not terrible. But not bad either. For a laguz he’s pretty good.


Stats: Capped All

Skills: Cancel, Tear, Adept

Weapon: SS level Beak

Support: Janaff.

Personally, I like Ulki better than Janaff. Ulki starts out one level lower, but for me, he’s already capped in mag and HP. Also, Vigilance is a lot more useful than Insight. By the time you get Janaff, the only fog of war level left is the one in Part 4. And if you give Janaff to Ike’s team, you lose out on a satori sign. And Ulki has a good enough skill that he isn’t missing anything anyway. So Vigilance>Insight.

So I give Ulki 8/10. Even if their caps are identical. I like Ulki better than Janaff.

For my next runthrough. I'm gonna do the 4 generals, the 3 archers, and the 3 Halberders. Instead of just bows and spears. The last two playthroughs I had one SS level weapon extra. First Urvan (I let Ike use as a secondary weapon) then Alondite (Again as a secondary weapon)and Vague Katti (which I sold.)

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Skills: Parity, Resolve


As far as Laguz kings go, Naesala is my favorite, with Caineghis not far behind. Naesala’s personality is too cool to not like. It’s hard to get a laguz king to cap every stat, but I managed to do it after paragon, BEXP, and a few stat boosters. But Naesala’s psycho speed gives him an edge over the other Kings. And Formshift gives him another boost over the other Laguz. Which sorta makes him broken.

So I give Naesala 10/10. He’s unstoppable really. The only thing that can harm him is bows, and he dodges them more than enough.


Again, Tibarn is a laguz king. So it’s not like he’s bad. He’s got better STR than Naesala, and better skill, but Naesala isn’t missing anything anyway. He comes with his beak at SS level, which gives him a slight boost over Naesala, but I’d say the two are on equal ground when it comes down to it. Who really cares about magic on these two anyway? Unless you give them Imbune. Which I wouldn’t recommend.

So once again I give Tibarn a 10/10. He’s a King for a reason.

What does parity do? I've always wondered that.

Bows isn't a real problem for Naesala, is it? They hardly hit him, and if they do, he's got HP enough to recover on the next turn. Bowguns are worse. HA! New I wasn't the only one who love his personality!

How much more strenght than Naesala does Tibarn have?

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What does parity do? I've always wondered that.

Bows isn't a real problem for Naesala, is it? They hardly hit him, and if they do, he's got HP enough to recover on the next turn. Bowguns are worse. HA! New I wasn't the only one who love his personality!

How much more strenght than Naesala does Tibarn have?

Parity cancels your and your enemy's skills, terrain bonuses, and support bonuses.

kinda like Nihil, only it also affects you

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Parity cancels your and your enemy's skills, terrain bonuses, and support bonuses.

kinda like Nihil, only it also affects you

Really? So, when facing Ashera, her aura won't hurt me if I use Parity?

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What does parity do? I've always wondered that.

How much more strenght than Naesala does Tibarn have?

Parity is like a Nihil that you choose to activate that also cancels out excess bonuses (terrain, supports, etc.)

Tibarn's untransformed strength cap is 22, 2 higher than Naesala's 20. His Great Talon is also at a power of 20, 2 higher than Naesala's 18 power Great Beak. So Tibarn has a pretty good damage power advantage over Naesala.

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