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Simple forum project


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So I have an idea for the community of SF. It's something that literally anyone can do, though I planned to do it myself. The thing is, I'm going to Job Corps in a month or two and I just won't have any free time to do it, so you guys could at least help me to help you.

We need all the GBA FE default mugs converted to FEXP format, complete with the numbers needed for insertion. It's not a difficult task, it's just kinda tedious and my net is slow and other things of that sort, as well as being pretty busy with my own project, modding a forum, running three others, shitlikethat. The reason I suggest this is because having default FEGBA mugs available would give FEXP a little more usage availability, and would also give new people something to work with and things to use as examples. In addition, it could also be used for:

Elibian Nights type games, where you see the cast of X game in a new canon light.

Sacred Contention remake/redo/revision.

Remake of any FEGBA game.


So I'll make it even easier. If you guys can take mugs ripped from FEGBA, put them into the FEXP template, and give them to me, I'll do the tedious number part. That is to say, this.


It takes me about 15 seconds to do this for each mug. Anyway, then if you combine this with the FEXP Update kit I've been working on for a while now, I'll be able to release a kit with all the FEGBA characters inside it, possibly FEGBA maps as well, example events, better elaborated scripts, and overall a more full engine. (Also, a working save system is already made, I'm just beautifying it.) So lemme tell you how you can help.


This is what FEXP uses for the format. There are actually like 5 other formats, but this is definitely the best one. GBA FE, mainly FE7 and FE8, have two emotions by default, so there will be an extra. FE6 only has, I think one emotion, so it only needs one slot.


These are examples of what a sheet would consist of. The mugs always face left, the chibis face right. I mean, you don't have to make chibis face right. But since the face goes right on the status screen, it only makes sense for the chibi to face right as well.

So let's use this guy as our example.


You'll notice the mouth sprites start from open, and progress to closed. FEXP however, goes from closed to open, so you need to reverse those.

Mini tutorial of what to do

Take the mug with your two windows open, and basically copypaste the appropriate segments where they belong.



The only things that matter when you put a face in this window, is that the face touches the bottom line, and that if you have 2 or more emotions, the slignment is exactly the same for each emotion, like so.


So you wouldn't want one face to be over on the right and the other on the left a bit, that throws off the numbers.


After adding in the frames, the eyes and mouth both go closed to open, left to right. Obviously this generic has no extra open eye frames but you get the point.


This is what the final might look like. BUT, you can do me a small favor as I'd do it myself anyway! Add the four battle face frames.


And as a final help, if you want to, customize those battle faces a bit. PwnageKirby originally had this as one of her mugs for a little side project her and I were working on.


1. Starting face

2. Hurt face (If enemy strikes you)

3. End of battle IF DEFEATED face

4. End of battle IF WON face

If you want to add those emotions for the battle faces, totally awesome! Otherwise, it's no big deal.

As I said, I planned to do this already but I'm just so busy right now, and after Job Corps comes college, I don't honestly know if I'll have time for my hobbies. If you wanna help, great! If not, it doesn't bug me much.

Edited by Klokinator
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I don't see how the bandwidth could run out this quick so Gyazo must be blocked in your country or something. Can you see any of them? I used gyazo for some and puush for others.

[spoiler=Gyazo is Shit]yKxjI.png

EDIT: As always, it's only the embedded bandwidth that is the problem, you can always right-click->View Image. I use this fact to reupload to a host that isn't shit, so you can edit the following into the tutorial if you desire.

[spoiler=not positive correct order]HfiOC.png






Edited by Balcerzak
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Two questions:

Is there a colour limit?

Is there a height limit?

Depending on the answers, I might just do every playable mug for FE7 for you, with expanded bodies and height differences. I've been meaning to get around to making the mugs more like the OA, would be good to have a reason to do so. Lol.

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No color limit. Not really a height limit, persay, but if you make it too big it won't fit in conversations. Also, regular FEGBA size is all that fits in the status window.

So if you wanted to redo all the FEGBA mugs in halfbody, if that's what you're suggesting, use Yeti's sheets as the example height.

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Taking a bit to mess with FEditor to see if I can just dump all the images and then automate the entire process, let's see...


so yeah dumping all the face sprites from FEditor and naming them properly will be the slowest part of this process, has anyone already done that to save me the time? I'll start working on the automation in the meantime


Preferably named something like this so I can pull frame placement information directly out of the rom, etc :M

Edited by BwdYeti
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I don't know how to dump, but if all you need is ripped and arranged like that, Icandothat. It'd take me time to find a place with fast enough internet to upload from though.

Gimme more examples of how you want them named though. For example, I could do like this...





as examples, with the second number being the emotion frame number. Would that work?

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Weeeell fuckaduck, I'll leave it to you then xD

Edit: While we're on the subject, do you know of a way to rip the animation frames from the roms, and then dump them into RMXP format? I'll animate them myself (though if THAT can be automated too, awesome lol) and fill in all the relevant data, I just want to properly implement all the needed stuff into FEXP from GBA FE. Map sprites are another project of mine, I ripped all the remaining classes some time back but I haven't had the time to align them properly yet.

Edited by Klokinator
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See, he needs to be aligned to the edge of the far right eye frame. I'm not positive, but I think he'd be cut off if you don't.

Edit: Actually, yeti's Mazda mug sticks out so I'm prolly wrong.

Edited by Klokinator
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Alright cool

The files just have numbers for names so if anyone wants to rename the GBA formatted files (all 630 of them :D ) then I can reprocess them and reupload. The name scheme should be number_character-extrastuff, like '2_Eliwood' or '4_Eliwood-sad'

If I messed something up just mention it and I'll fix it


1. Starting face

2. Hurt face (If enemy strikes you)

3. End of battle IF DEFEATED face

4. End of battle IF WON face


It's default, attacking, hit, victory. Hit is used for taking damage and killed, since the killed face only shows up for a second anyway before fading out. Also there's a chance the victory face is used when avoiding attacks but I can't remember if I did that or not

While we're on the subject, do you know of a way to rip the animation frames from the roms, and then dump them into RMXP format?
no :3c

I really don't know anything about the format of the animations. Maybe if someone wanted to help, but I've had enough success ripping them manually, and I'm most of the way done with that so whatever

See, he needs to be aligned to the edge of the far right eye frame. I'm not positive, but I think he'd be cut off if you don't.

Edit: Actually, yeti's Mazda mug sticks out so I'm prolly wrong.

The faces are supposed to be centered in whatever way makes flipping them horizontally (the reverse command) not look silly. I just added 5 to either side for the automation since the minimum with is 106 due to battle faces, and the GBA faces are 96 wide
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Thanks yeti, I'll rename those for you.

I really don't know anything about the format of the animations. Maybe if someone wanted to help, but I've had enough success ripping them manually, and I'm most of the way done with that so whatever

Well, my main issue is aligning them so they aren't jumpy. My last attempt came out... bad. Do you have a specific process/template/program that at least aligns the frames so they don't "hop around"? I'll upload a video if you want a description.

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That's why I just rip them manually. I get each frame as an individual image, then throw them all together and set up the timings to make a gif, then crop/enlarge the canvas of the gif to be the size of an RMXP cell and dump all the frames as separate images/combine them into a sheet

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