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[FE12] Marth Emblem


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I don't see anything requiring me to count Prologue turns, so. . .


MU created in the most glass-cannony way possible (with an allowance for HP).

'twas a good thing, too, because MU was 2HKO'd for most of the way. Merric managed Defense, and even Est sneaked in a level. Sadly, I don't have their stats. Maturity Drop to Gordin, so he doesn't lag behind.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.64  27   9    0   11   10   10    8    0
MU        Mage       7.64  25   2    6    9   11    8    2    5
Ryan      Archer     5.22  21   8    0    8    8    4    7    0
Gordin    Archer     5.27  21   9    0    7    6    5    8    0

Chapter 1 - 6/6

Ryan and Gordin to Cavalier. Marth got Malliesia; everyone else got lots of experience. MU and Aran beat up Lorenz.

Chapter 2 - 7/13

I CBA to get it lower, because Gordin cooperated. Took the slightly longer path through the woods, and somehow recruited Warren. Malliesia had her hands full keeping everyone that wasn't Gordin alive. Routed this map.

Chapter 3 - 6/19

Reclassed Malliesia to Mage and Ryan to Hunter.

Arran absorbed several hits, much to the enemy's chagrin. Rather than letting Malliesia get the boss kill, he critted instead. She had to settle for a random Dracoknight. MU's job was playing catch-up.

Do push-ups, Marth. ;/

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       8.54  27   9    0   12   11   10    9    0
MU        Mage      10.17  28   2    7   10   13   10    2    5
Arran     Drakky     6.95  26  11    1   13   12    4   13    3
Ryan      Hunter     6.93  23  10    0   10   10    4    4    0
Gordin    Cavalier   7.83  25  10    0    6    9    7   10    1
Mally     Mage       3.47  18   0    5    2    6   12    2    1

Chapter 3x - 6/25

MU to Curate Cleric and Ryan to Cavalier.

Those knights make for great weapon rank practice.

Chapter 4 - 7/32

MU to Mage. I need the extra firepower.

This is as fast as I can go without Rescue. Malliesia kept herself alive via Resire. Boss kill went to Ryan because Arran whiffed with his axe. The Devil Sword thief killed himself, and I got his sword anyway. Everyone else kinda followed along. Yumina died for a good cause.

Chapter 5 - 5/37

Malliesia to Staff Thingy and Arran to Paladin. One arena round went to Gordin and Marth so they'd level and not suck.

After further thought, wasting 10+ turns to get Hammerne wasn't worth it (especially without Rescue). Instead, Arran chewed through knights, and Gordin got rid of some random horse enemy thingy who thought it was funny to park his ass on the throne. Ryan increased his lance rank on the Stonehoist. Didn't bother going shopping. The next chapter's gonna suck something fierce (wonder if Rickard's worth 12 turns?).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.48  28  10    0   13   12   10    9    0
MU        Mage      11.45  29   2    7   11   14   11    2    6
Arran     Paladin    8.33  28  10    1   14   12    4   11    3
Ryan      Cavalier   8.96  25  10    0   10   10    5   10    0
Gordin    Cavalier   9.39  27  12    0    8   10    7   11    1
Mally     Cleric     5.98  19   0    3    2    7   13    1    7

Chapter 6 - 11/48

Ryan and Gordin got an arena round each to increase their lance ranks to D. Arran got Taurus and Gemini, to ensure that he 2HKO the Bishops outside of the right door.

No Rescue and no thief made this chapter suck hard. What didn't suck was Gordin's Defense - thanks to his arena level, he was packing 12 Defense, which is enough to laugh at most of the map. Gordin was left in hallways to tank things. MU ran here and there to make sure that various people didn't die. Grabbed Barrier as well as Libra; the former's gonna help MU raise her staff rank. Arran downed a Pure Water before heading for the boss room; Ryan was right behind him to make sure he had both attack shards. With the bonus they provided, he was ORKOing the armor knights that were stupid enough to attack him, and the Bishops were doing something like 5 damage to him. Once I cleared out all of Lang's underlings, had Ogma run just outside of Samto's range, while Marth marched up to Lang and started poking him. Marth didn't do a lot of damage (8 x 2), but neither did Lang (10 damage with Marth at 25 HP). Arran got irritated and lanced Lang's face in. Ogma recruited Samto on the last turn.

Chapter 6x - 2/50

Arran reclassed to Hero.

Turn 1 - MU Resires the armor, Wendell runs next to a fighter and chips him, and somehow between Wendell, Gordin, Ryan, and Marth, both fighters went down. Arran stood at the intersection of one bridge. Malliesia did her staff thing.

Turn 1E - Staff Thing absorbed an arrow hit, while MU with Fire killed something else. Arran weakened one of the southern Fighters, and the archer moved out of my way.

Turn 2 - Arran runs across the river to deal 11 damage to Roro. Gordin does 11 with an Iron Sword, and Wendell finished with 18. In the safer version, Arran doubles, and Wendell doesn't have to rely on Elfire to do the job.

Caesar and Radd get. Time to train the former (somehow).

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 7 - 6/56

Caesar bounced through reclasses in the arena, but was eventually deployed as a Cavalier.

I suppose it could've been done faster, if I wanted Marth to wait a turn for the boss to die. Got Physic and both Master Seals (along with the usual suspects).

Chapter 8 - 3/59

Arran to General. Gave Gordin Cancer, so he wouldn't automatically die to Ridersbane (that sounds so strange). MU got Scorpio so she could ORKO enemies.

Arran and Gordin tanked the stuff on the bridge. Caesar and Ryan got Leo. I managed to recruit Jeorge. . .but that's what happens when Gordin is a horse-riding tank.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.45  29  11    0   14   13   11   10    0
MU        Mage      13.91  31   2    8   13   15   12    2    6
Arran     General   10.93  35  11    1   12    9    4   19    3
Ryan      Cavalier  12.53  29  13    0   13   10    8   11    0
Gordin    Cavalier  14.01  32  14    0   11   11   10   13    1
Mally     Cleric     7.61  20   0    4    2    8   13    1    9
Wendell   Sage       8.11  27   3    8    5   13    5    5    6
Caesar    Cavalier  11.77  28  11    0    7   11    6   12    0
Feena     Dancer     2.48  17   3    0    3   14    8    5    0

Chapter 9 - 8/67

Reclassed Gordin and Ryan to Hunter, Arran to Dracoknight, and Caesar to Myrmidon. Gave Caesar an arena level for great justice.

No Rescue meant that I had to Thiefboots turn 1, and have Marth slog all the way back. Luckily, one of the thieves was nice enough to lift Capricorn for me, so Gordin thanked him by killing him. Arran flew around and wreaked mayhem, and the lovely combo of Malliesia and Wendell kept Barriers up. Ryan killed what little he could, and Caesar was nice enough to miss both 72% Killing Edge shots while being hit by a ~56% Bolganone. Etzel died to two Auras.

Chapter 10 - 2/69

Fed Ryan a couple of arena levels and promoted him, then reclassed him to Sniper. Reclassed Caesar to Pirate.

For this to work, I had to sacrifice Jeorge, Cecille, and Norne, so Arran could kill that sword guy in Marth's way. Ellerean got his ass handed to him by Merric. Second Thief staff charge burned on Bullion.

Chapter 10x - 1/70

Fed Caesar some arena levels promoted him, then reclassed him to Paladin, then gave him Scorpio. This allowed him to double Roro clones. I think the end result is obvious.

Edited by eclipse
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Finally have some time to update.

My unit info

Name: Ilyana

Gender: Female

Class: Mage

Past: Orphan

Present: Strong

Future: Honorable

Prologue was a pain

Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord          7.76   27  9    0    11   11    9    8   0   Sword-D
Ilyana  Mage          8.64   27  5    8    7    7     7    2   4   Tome-C
Cecil   Cavalier      5.86   21  7    1    9    11    8    6   0   Srowd-D Lance-E   
Wrys    Curate        6.22   17  0    3    7    8     4    3   10  Staff-D
Ogma    Mercenary     9.46   29  10   0    15   13    7    8   1   Sword-C
Athena  Myrmidon     12.47   25  11   0    14   14    7    8   0   Sword-B

Chapter 1-5/5

Cecil gets the Maturity Drops and forged a fire tome for Ilyana (+2 Mt and +6 Crit)

Marth, Ilyana, and Ceicl go up while Arran enters a cave. Marth talk to Lorenz for a mend staff. Ilyana wasn't strong enough to kill him.

Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord          7.93   27  9    0    11   11    9    8   0   Sword-D
Ilyana  Mage          8.95   27  5    8    7    7     7    2   4   Tome-C
Cecil   Cavalier      7.09   23  7    1    11   13    9    8   1   Srowd-D Lance-E
Arran   Dracoknight   3.36   24  11   1    12   11    4    12  3   Lance-B Axe-E

Chapter 2-6/11

Skipped out on the Lady Sword. Mainly the fact this chapter was a pain. >_>

Chapter 3-15/26


Didn't recruit Matthis because he decided to go kamikaze. Palla killed the boss with help from Arran and Ilyana is not looking to good.

Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord         10.40   30  11   0    13   13   11   10   1   Sword-D
Ilyana  Mage          9.96   28  5    8    8    7     7    2   4   Tome-C
Cecil   Cavalier     10.36   26  9    3    13   16   10    9   4   Srowd-C Lance-E
Arran   Dracoknight   4.05   25  11   1    12   11    4    13  3   Lance-B Axe-E
Palla   Pegasus      13.79   27  12   2    13   18    9    10  9   Lance-B
Julian  Bases

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Wow, the RNG really hates your MU. Mine was made with the same parameters, I think. Might wanna reclass her to Cleric so that she'll gain some Speed.

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This draft's rules:

3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited.

No mention whatsoever of free prologue.

Edited by PKL
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Well, its ultimately up to passive knight. I would change the rule for this specific draft so you all dont have to redo everything (although come on, prologue takes like 30 minutes to complete). And ban grinding or something.

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I'm on Chapter 12 of this run, that's why.

EDIT: Do my Prologue stats look like there was massive grinding involved? The reason why I had to go slower was because MU was prone to dying.

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Oh. Ouch, then yeah...i recommend editing the rule to make it free. EDIT: no, of course not eclipse. You definetely didnt grind. Just wanted to prevent future nonsense from the other drafters like C staves wryyyyys :p

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Gotcha. I guess that should be a note to everyone to check their rules before posting! Now then, CHAPTER 12, WHY DO YOU SUCK SO MUCH?

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